The Vegetarian Myth

zim said:
Laura said:
The only thing I can figure out for those of you with constipation problems is that you must not be getting enough fat. I suffered from the now well-known effects of too much fiber backing me up for nearly my entire life. In the past three months or so, since I've got mostly meat and high fat, I haven't had a single problem. If I don't go, I sit down and eat a few very thin slices of serrano ham (prosciutto) spread with butter. That fixes me right up.

We have two kind of butter what is the right one: the butter that is made with milk or the another that is made with vegetable oil? :huh: :huh:

Vegetable oils are among the most evil things on the planet. That is NOT butter. Butter is made from cream that floats on top of milk.
Gonzo said:
This provokes me to want to interview elders from the various 1st nations in my area to see what their oral traditions carry vis a vis a "gift" of agriculture through the lens that the gift was actually given for nefarious purposes. I'd be quite interested in what their shamans think as well. Although I'm familiar with many of their creation stories and some of the characters in their oral traditions, I've never thought that their oral history might contain clues as to when 4D STS and/or psychopathy came into play (aside from the stories of European contact, that is)

The movement to agriculture would have affected nomadic tribes greatly, forcing them to find areas rich in hunting and fishing while also being able to sustain varying degrees of farming.

Edit: for clarity, punctuation, spelling

If We are their animal farm of 4D STS by choice ( short wave cycle) for 309,000 years, 4D STS is always there. There must be one form or other there must have been 4D STS influence on us ( i.e form of psychopaths always in control). like Atlantis times. This time they have to dupe Large soul group and stakes are too high to the point of their starvation. It is always a HOPE LESS situation whenever they have a time travel ability and free reign over the entrance and exist and what they can do or not.

It simply amazes me the role of India in this mixture. I always fascinated with Hindu myths, saints behind the stories and end less sacrifice stories etc. All these saints are staunch Vegetarians, though some seems to have achieved right FRV with decades of meditation and discipline, at the end game is always deceit. In my student years , I read endless articles how indian scientific community was suppressed by west and India culture is thousands of years of spiritual culture and ayurveda knowledge etc. At that end, what it served is creating a breeding and training ground for new age , vegetarianism, Breeding ground for children to experiment with. Latest is pharma drug companies experiment their drug over common people openly. I started to realize, how the entire Indian Cast system is like a Cult. You can't come out so easily, if you are able to and it is not tolerated at all. More sophisticated layer of Hooks to any body who is questioning the materialism of the west.
Nienna Eluch said:
Gonzo said:
Having said that, I do wonder that if they were already gathering from the forest, would it not have been a natural process to eventually domesticate certain plants for medicinal and nutritional purposes. Are we to believe that we would never have done such a thing were it not for someone or some thing planting the seed (pun intended) of agriculture into our ancestors' minds?

Of course, we will never know, will we? But why would someone who lives so close and in tune with nature and being in step with her, want to all of a sudden start controlling her? And why would a people who, it has been said in several books and articles, quit a life where they are only working getting food for approximately 17 hours a week, want to start doing such back breaking work of planting, watering weeding and then harvesting these things that can be found in the areas they live in growing naturally?

Maybe you are correct and this evolved naturally, but I just can't understand why they would even want to do this. But that's just me.

No, I don't think I was clear. I was hypothesizing that we might have practiced some limited forms of agriculture as a natural progression. But full blown farming would have required us to abandon following animal herds, necessitating the protection of farm land and food stores. Although I can accept the possibility we might have transplanted some plants, I don't think it would have been natural to abandon our low-carb diet and adopt farming. The concept of farming would have needed a sales job. However, the sales job would have been a lot easier if we were already practicing a form of plant domestication, transplanting forest plants for medicinal, flavoring and supplemental purposes to ensure they were easily accessible whenever they were needed.

I do think we might be susceptible to romancing what humans were like when we were hunter gatherers. We were already STS at the time, so we might not have been as harmonious with creation as we would like to think. The concept of controlling things, including nature, might not have been a foreign concept. We would have move away from altruism toward a form of practicality in our relationship with nature.

seek10 said:
...I started to realize, how the entire Indian Cast system is like a Cult. You can't come out so easily, if you are able to and it is not tolerated at all. More sophisticated layer of Hooks to any body who is questioning the materialism of the west.

Have you read 911: The Ultimate Truth? It touches on the origins of that system.
Laura said:
zim said:
Laura said:
The only thing I can figure out for those of you with constipation problems is that you must not be getting enough fat. I suffered from the now well-known effects of too much fiber backing me up for nearly my entire life. In the past three months or so, since I've got mostly meat and high fat, I haven't had a single problem. If I don't go, I sit down and eat a few very thin slices of serrano ham (prosciutto) spread with butter. That fixes me right up.

We have two kind of butter what is the right one: the butter that is made with milk or the another that is made with vegetable oil? :huh: :huh:

Vegetable oils are among the most evil things on the planet. That is NOT butter. Butter is made from cream that floats on top of milk.

Thanks Laura, now its clear to me which one is the right to eat. :P
A few thoughts inspired by The Vegetarian Myth:

There seems, to me, little doubt that the “civilized” agricultural path is destined for destruction/disaster for the soil, environment, animals, and humans, much like heading down a path of a debt-based monetary system is destined for eventual economic destruction (hastened by the psychopathic element in the mix). The Ag result is confined animal farming ops (CAFO) and mono-cropping (millions of acres of grains, soybeans, etc, replacing once fertile grasslands and forests). Maybe mono-cropping can be thought of as confined plant farming ops (CPFO). Today’s Ag giants are in control of both CAFO and CPFO and the economic engine that consolidates their power and strongly discriminates against any competition. Keith suggests that the only way out is major population reduction before “peak oil” forces a collapse in the human food supply. Big Ag (Monsanto) suggests that they can continue to “feed the world” (their poisons resulting in human zombies and a kind of forced population reduction through chronic disease and sterilization).

Joel Salatin ( maintains that we can feed a large population through a network of smaller local farms which service local areas (saving 50% of the food from spoilage/loss). Using his methods, you build up the soil and improve its health - his farm is a good example. Joel has been criticized for stocking his animals from CAFO sources, and refusing to engage line breeding to preserve those lineages which cannot survive CAFO environments. (see ). The criticisms are good because line breeding heritage breeds results in animals that cannot survive CAFOs, so Big Ag cannot compete. An example is Red Devon cattle that must have good grass (Big Ag cannot provide the grass). For plants, the same is true of perennial forest veggies and fruit. Most of us have never heard (or seen) of these foods because they have never been available in the stores. That’s because they cannot be monocropped. They will not survive a CPFO environment. Again, Big Ag cannot compete. These perennial forest plants were likely food supplements (and medicines) for our hunter/gatherer ancestors. Being perennial, they could always be found in the same location at the same times of the year. Eric Toensmeier in his Holyoke, Massachusetts home garden, shows what you can do with these in a very small space. A good video of his garden is here: I’m not saying this is an ultimate answer to foods in general, but maybe another piece in the puzzle of the Paleo diet.

Edit: added a sentence.
LQB said:
A few thoughts inspired by The Vegetarian Myth:...
...I’m not saying this is an ultimate answer to foods in general, but maybe another piece in the puzzle of the Paleo diet.

From a strictly 3rd density perspective, there doesn't seem to be an answer. With regard to paleo diet, the more I come to understand the problem, the less I see a solution. But that may just be a phase. I am doing what I can do, aware that there is more that I am not addressing.

Life in general in the Matrix doesn't seem to acknowledge that there is even a question ("why worry about things you can't control?"). Lots of people think Jesus (or you-name-it) is coming to fix things up, while otherwise behaving as if things were OK, more or less. "Life goes on." "All things in moderation."

From an esoteric perspective the answer seems to be to individuate and evolve (which happens to be linked with the external "Jesus story"). Refining diet seems to be part of that process.

Personally, my plan for a very long time was to not live long enough to be around at the end. I thought that certain congenital issues would catch up with me by now and they did a few years ago, but I survived. In the mean time my new plan had become to address health and other issues and carry on. My life has been more about surviving than evolving. So I am hoping that the two are related.

Maybe the answer, then, is to do what you can and see what happens.
3D Student said:
FWIW, I found some typos in your great review Alana:

Alana said:
But meat and fat are the stables in my diet now

This should be staples.

Alana said:
playng out in the fields

Playing is missing the i.

Alana said:
And I can recommend a stuck of books on nutrition

Don't know if you meant stock?

I meant stack, as Laura said. Thank you Gonzo and Hespen for your encouragement, and 3D student and Laura for the corrections. I can't yet edit my review because it hasn't showed up yet, but it is corrected on and
Hello :() I am a vegan for the most part and the whole Vegan/Vegetarian information here has me for a loop and allow me to explain why with my question.

Since the age of 7, have not been able to digest meat and various other foods that well. Would get massive stomach aches 20 mins after I eat, cold/hot sweats combined, blown up hard stomach and dizziness to name a few instant "combined" symptoms. Medical professionals have never been able to find the source of why.

Point is, never really put much focus on it until a few years ago when decided adapting to this way of living is not a worthy cause for excuse to a suffering body. So began to really put focus upon my diet and began to create a relationship to food. What has worked is taking the more vegan route. I eat various types of fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy etc. and bread, but will not have any meat at all or certain foods offered on the market today because of the reaction my body echoes at me:) Because of these choices my physical body has never been more healthy, rather calmer.

Have and am a conscious living force of life and will admit I do have a close infinity with animals, as all species on many levels. I agree with most of what is written here, although it carries a question for me, as this is not a choice I made due to a desire to be more spiritual, as always have been, nor is it because of the over-exposure to animals and how they are treated as less then in the food-chain, nor is it because I feel my way is healthier and most importantly accept all for their choices in their eating habits.

There is a responsibility all must take for their diet and when we are more conscious of what goes in it allows us to align with our body the best we can. No health issues, makes it easier to focus on the prime objective, our evolving self and how to play an active role in co-creating harmony, right? Malnourishment or lack of health is a lack of responsibility to the self, is it not? My eating is a co-creative experience and has become its own artistic talent in my perception.

Also, for a very long time, food has not been the most important objective in my life. It may sound strange, but food is not something where I seem to gain all my source of energy from. NO... I do not drain energy from others. I am very conscious of this, in fact am more of a constant energy source which I often transfer to others. Just in case anyone was going to jump to any conclusions :)

Not sure where or how I fit into this diet or the suggested discussions with the C's ,as the who I am in this stream of identification, lack of awareness or conscious self. Do not feel one is a psychopath or organic portal , however truthfully have engaged with many of them, prefer to call certain beings in their own right to be their own form of narcissistic. Have been witnessing the soul-less or rather splinters for a long time now. Just am almost a full on introspective and feel awareness is knowledge and knowledge is what allows one to determine through the deception.

Point is questioning my own diet now, although it all feels very right and definitely "do not" want to have any blocks during these transitional phases/shifts. Any comments or thoughts to share ?
maiaxo said:
Point is questioning my own diet now, although it all feels very right and definitely "do not" want to have any blocks during these transitional phases/shifts. Any comments or thoughts to share ?

Read "The Vegetarian Myth" first of all. Then, when you are done, you'll have some basis on which to discuss/ask questions.

The likelihood is that either your genes were messed up by your mother's diet and/or your environment, or you ate meat in combination with veggies or grains and the "tests" are then invalid. Quite a number of pure meat eaters have had that problem, myself included. I blamed it on the meat for years when all the time it was the veggies/grains. Once I cut them out, my system was fine.
maiaxo said:
Point is questioning my own diet now, although it all feels very right and definitely "do not" want to have any blocks during these transitional phases/shifts. Any comments or thoughts to share?

Have you had a chance to read this entire thread yet? If not, it would be a good idea to read it through. There is a ton of information in it that may help answer your questions.

As well, there are many good articles in the Health sections on that may help you understand a bit more.
Have read some of the transcripts last night on this topic and have read through a little of this thread. Will go back and do a whole read.

Interesting Laura what you had mentioned, triggers a few things for me. Perhaps if I read the whole thread would know that I guess:) Oh ignorance in its bliss hahaha!!!!

Thank-you 1984 and Laura for encouraging me to read more. Answers to questions were more then found. Have no doubts at all with regard to my diet because it works for me and my body is in a state of calm and so it is.

In the grand scheme of things feel the body is secondary to both connecting with spirit, transcending spirit and translating spirit when it comes to our evolving self taking its position. It is more those in my immediate world (family/friends) who have the confusion with regards to how I choose to eat or lack of desire to eat for the most part. However, this year been really gravitating towards re-connecting with the physical body and physical connections. Have always held a greater connection to the mental, astral and metaphysical planes then to the physical creations of body etc. This has been a profound project have experienced with myself because there has been lots of realeasing each day on many levels and also as mentioned, has given me an opportunity to establish a relationship to food which have "never" had.

Was reading this article .... and all was summed up at the beginning with why am I asking such dodo questions when have so many really imporant ones want to post and ask when I find the spaces to do so on the forum.

Q: (L) Can you clarify that?
A: Why are you searching for guidance where it is not needed?
Q: (L) In other words, if we just do each day what naturally comes to us as the best choice in each moment, we are on the right track?
A: Precisely.

So much information in this article to absorb and bring question to, however going to just ask 2?

1- Have been writing about the "fallen lovers of angel lords" and how we are here of the 6th day into the 7th day retrieval. Is this the same as the fallen spoken about in reference of this article?

2- This aspect of physicality and not wanting to be here within it no longer. Without making an epic of details to keep it simple, have been in this space my own self since the beginning of the year. It is not about dying, going home or anything like that. It is almost a pull of ready for something else to experience. This is the reason why have taken on a responsibility to reconnect more to the physical ironically I think too. Feel this all the time. This feeling of done, ready to move on forward. I Feel as if have graduated from high-school and now ready to go to university.

Have had a few moments where the illusion of this world is more defined then ever experienced before. Makes me feel like a cracker-jack to be honest , yet only if I stop and ask myself what others would think for experiencing this! So here I am speaking publically about it to release any negative association to this experience too. A feeling of this "choice" always surfaces, yet no clue what this choice is yet, but it carries a letting go I cannot define in human thought to express.

Do feel it is moving from a 3d space to a 4d space and maybe this is the "exact" thing which is blocking me mostly. Often think of my daughter and how does our shifting selves effect our children?

Since these transcripts have been broadcasted, has anyone known anybody who has experienced this? And if so what was the result and what did they communicate and have any of you experienced this also?
Wow and wow again. Scratch ones/my questions, as have come to know the answer to my questions. Will not ask anymore questions until have "really" gone through everything as was stated at the beginning by some of the moderators. I apologize for wasting your eyes and energy to read me before.

Will say "very briefly!

This forum is like walking into a bakery with freshly smelt bread filing up the senses. Have been reading through numerous transcripts and posts on "many" absorbing throughout the day and all the riddles are becoming solved that have been chasing my cotton tail with for years. Knowing ones true self intimately and all the various selves is one part of the journey and have mastered brilliantly, in truth. However, the knowledge one gets is always a riddle, the research has been endless and have had the most difficulty translating any of it into any type of language for months now. The beautiful part is have been so centered, balanced and calm, yet all the other stuff been a ring-around-the-rosie metaphor. Yet coming here, its as if all the riddles and research are all coming together, finally!

Its amazing. Even my own space currently now makes complete sense, holds a clarity, see where one is on the evolutionary scale and really can identify with what ones choices are. Its not even 4th one is attuning to. It is no wonder been skating around for months, while ascending and descending in motion for the past 5 years.

Have spoken about all of this so often, yet my translation was based and has been based on the awakening and illumination of so many souls and have been trying to figure how to reformat the knowings coming through and lost track of really what was going on within the self beyond this linear perception because I play so often in other spaces. In fact, have taken a sabbatical over the summer to reconvene with my inner-self because do not feel have anything to offer no longer to ones network the way one used to.

Gosh,wish had found you 12 years ago upon my awakening or even 5 years ago in the ahhhh moments of some really difficult transformations and expansions. Yet, guess was just not ready at the time, till now. If I could, I would hug all the moderators who have brought this forum alive.

I AM very appreciative when something comes into my space to be appreciative for, so please take my excitement as just that ... you have co-created something beautiful and hold a gratitude for the universe to guide me here.

Thank you, hope my english was okay and I will hush up now till have thoroughly gone through everything :)
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