I came upon this today, and I was excited to see
Political Ponerology being spread, until I read their posts
So I'd like to offer this exhibit as evidence to the results of Lierre Keith's experience and research regarding the effects of vegan/vegetarian diets on the brains of people. From the 30 Bananas A Day - The High Carb Raw Vegan Lifestyle (not kidding)! forum:
Political Ponerology (relevant to modern life, important)
Posted by StyleStacker on February 9, 2012 at 11:41pm in Off topic Chat
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Political Ponerology is a book. "Ponerology" is a term that means "the study of evil" and the book applies this to politics. It discusses "ponerogenesis" which is basically how evil is born. The information in this book is VERY relevant to our lives today and if you read it then you will see it in action all over the place. I've been noticing it in the raw food movement lately and so this is why I bring it up. A lot of you seem confused as to what is happening, why are so many people going 'back' to eating meat and cooked (I guess a lot were never raw/vegan anyway) and what the deal with all this change is. You can make excuses and say "oh not enough fruit!" but thats only a part of the picture. The real deal is that the ideology of eating raw plant foods for health (of the individual and the world outside themselves) has been infected by pathological persons who hijacked the raw food movement for their own purposes (money/fame/etc.). This has allowed for the ponerogenesis process to begin and has opened the door to even more pathological individuals who would not have been able to get involved in the "raw food" movement (which is no longer accurately named) during its earlier stages. Its called "raw foodism" but didn't vegan used to be an important part? Seems like raw animal products are gaining popularity and have slithered their way into the movement. Anyway, I implore you all to read this book if you honestly want to understand what is going on (instead of just saying "I don't get it! it makes no sense!") and what you can do about it. If you choose narrow mindedness and project your personal world view onto everyone, you won't get it. If you accept and respect the fact that others have a different world view than you and a different experience, you can begin to understand why some people do things that don't make sense to you. The book is very relevant to our lives at this point in history and I think it is incredibly important to read and the information is practical, especially for those of you who say "lets use society to change society," well you need to understand society first.
There's some interesting discussion below it too.
It is incredible how these people are "seeing" ponerology in the world only in their little vegan/raw food/starve-to-death movement, and how when people going back to eating meat (cooked nonetheless!) is a sign of ponerogenesis! People who work at slaughterhouses, says a person in reply below, must be psychopaths then...