The Vegetarian Myth

Laura said:
We cure and smoke our own bacon here because it is much cheaper than buying it in bulk and we can be sure there are no sugars or chemicals in it.

Very good idea. I think that I might just give it a try.

How do you do it ?
Vic said:
Yes!!! I'll run with that, Laura. Thanks.

It's not that I'm not 'interested' in the science and research side of it, SeekinTruth, it's more that I have spent many years studying it, and I know that it's impossible to trust findings. Mainstream research is the last place I would go for the truth - the mainstream belongs to the control system. Scientists in its employ 'find' what they are told to 'find'

Exactly. Which is why we've been engaged in experimental testing of diets and related therapies here since 2008. Actually, many of us have been experimenting longer than that privately, but here, we pool things, search for any uncorrupted data/research and the TRY IT. So far, the most remarkable results have come from the ketogenic diet.
Gandalf said:
How do you do it ?

First you need a smoker. They aren't very cheap, but you can get a good one for around $500, like the Big Green Egg:

You can easily cure your own bacon in the fridge using just water and salt, but it's a process that can take up to 5 or 6 days depending on how much you plan on smoking. The actual smoking time is rather short, 2 or 3 hours I believe. The smoker uses wood chips to smoke the meat and add flavor.

Then, once it's done and cooled, you just cut your bacon and freeze/refrigerate.

You can watch a bunch of How-To videos on YouTube to see how the curing process works. Here's one:
Heimdallr said:
Gandalf said:
How do you do it ?

First you need a smoker. They aren't very cheap, but you can get a good one for around $500, like the Big Green Egg:

You can easily cure your own bacon in the fridge using just water and salt, but it's a process that can take up to 5 or 6 days depending on how much you plan on smoking. The actual smoking time is rather short, 2 or 3 hours I believe. The smoker uses wood chips to smoke the meat and add flavor.

Then, once it's done and cooled, you just cut your bacon and freeze/refrigerate.

You can watch a bunch of How-To videos on YouTube to see how the curing process works. Here's one:

Thanks Heimdallr for the info.

They are indeed a bit pricey. :scared:
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Vic said:
When you say "If you see claims that animal fat makes you fat, or clogs your arteries with fat, a little research will soon prove that not only is this programming, it is also disinfo." I think: but the opposite can also be true - such a search can also produce a counter conclusion. 'Proof' doesn't come into it, because such research and findings rest on perception and subjectivity - especially that of the searcher.

In that case, what room is there for

[quote author=Vic]"my own take on it is that the 'your truth' 'my truth' concept is a matter of perception or subjectivity, so, whilst valid in its own way, doesn't have the validity of truth that is objective, or cosmic." [/quote]

Laura said:
Vic said:
Yes!!! I'll run with that, Laura. Thanks.

It's not that I'm not 'interested' in the science and research side of it, SeekinTruth, it's more that I have spent many years studying it, and I know that it's impossible to trust findings. Mainstream research is the last place I would go for the truth - the mainstream belongs to the control system. Scientists in its employ 'find' what they are told to 'find'

Exactly. Which is why we've been engaged in experimental testing of diets and related therapies here since 2008. Actually, many of us have been experimenting longer than that privately, but here, we pool things, search for any uncorrupted data/research and the TRY IT. So far, the most remarkable results have come from the ketogenic diet.

Point taken, Laura. I have read up on the Ketogenic diet. I think, now I have added fish to my diet, I'm actually not far off the ketogenic diet. Very low carb intake. Fish every day now - salmon, pilchards, mackerel and mussels.
Re: Consuming consciousness - I am stuck

Perceval said:
Vic said:
When you say "If you see claims that animal fat makes you fat, or clogs your arteries with fat, a little research will soon prove that not only is this programming, it is also disinfo." I think: but the opposite can also be true - such a search can also produce a counter conclusion. 'Proof' doesn't come into it, because such research and findings rest on perception and subjectivity - especially that of the searcher.

In that case, what room is there for

[quote author=Vic]"my own take on it is that the 'your truth' 'my truth' concept is a matter of perception or subjectivity, so, whilst valid in its own way, doesn't have the validity of truth that is objective, or cosmic."


I don't know, Perceval. Except to say that if a piece of research strikes one, or resonates with one, in such a way as to make awareness shout "THIS IS TRUTH" then there's limited room. This might suggest I am out of balance in a certain area. But I see it as being vigilant in terms of what information is allowed in.

I hope I interpreted your question correctly.
Edit: Except to say that [unless] a piece of research strikes one, or resonates with one, in such a way as to make awareness shout "THIS IS TRUTH" then there's limited room
Vic said:
Edit: Except to say that [unless] a piece of research strikes one, or resonates with one, in such a way as to make awareness shout "THIS IS TRUTH" then there's limited room

Unfortunately, some things "resonate" because we WANT them to. It is pretty hard work searching for the crumbs of truth in vast libraries of research material. When we study a paper, we look at the methodology and relate it to our own experiences. Most of the research that produces result for vegetables/carbs is highly flawed and we have enough experts onboard to catch those flaws. The same for research that is lukewarm about eating meat/fat etc. What we usually find is that you get the clues you need in research that is unrelated to the specific topic, that sneaks in as almost an aside. It's not that it's necessary to be a trained scientist to get this stuff, either, though our scientists onboard often keep us out of serious error.

Probably the most influential paper I've read in terms of being broadly accurate and unbiased, is one that is simply about energy metabolism in the body. The authors weren't pushing any agenda, they were just trying to collect together all that was known about how the body uses fuel. It's a masterful study and read carefully, gives most of the answers needed. I had to read it with a medical glossary to hand and write notes as I went along. But by the time I was done, I felt like I'd found pure gold.

Bottom line is: don't expect Truth to always "resonate"... especially when our strings are tuned by lies.
Belibaste said:
Vic said:
I am not asking about the health of the physical body, but purely in terms of optimal STO growth. I'm not dismissing the physical health side of it, it's just that the one comes before the other for me. It's the only way I can do it at the moment.

My own vegetarian programming is actually a massive part of my 'identity' and part of it's influence has me feeling like vomiting whenever I imagine eating meat other than fish. I feel sick as I write this.

Well I've been a vegetarian too. It lasted 11 years and nearly killed me. It made me feel special and compassionate though. But was it really justified?

Is a vegetarian really more STO than a meat eater? Keith shows that agriculture is what kills the planet and the wild fauna. Consuming vegetarian food produced by the agriculture leads to the destruction of animals. Before the development of annual monocrops, the US territories was covered with natural prairies where millions of buffalo were grazing. Actually extensive grazing is the only sustainable way of producing food. Even organic extensive farming destroys the planet (top soil, water reserves, biotopes...). So I don't think following a vegetarian diet is more STO than eating a meat-based diet.

You've already received a lot of good advice here, Vic. I only want to second everyone's suggestion about reading The Vegetarian Myth. You sound like someone who cares about the Earth and all the plants and animals that live on it, and this book will help you see another reality of the meat-eating vs grain-eating practices, one that the PTB do not want us to acknowledge, so they can continue destroying the entire earth for profit. That book for me was a painful awakening to plain truths that were in front of my eyes all along but never paid attention to really see them (and I've been carnivorous all my life, minus a three year break into vegetarianism, which messed up with my health too). I can't thank Lierre Keith enough for that. I'd be interested to hear your feedback if you ever decide to read it.
Laura said:
Vic said:
Edit: Except to say that [unless] a piece of research strikes one, or resonates with one, in such a way as to make awareness shout "THIS IS TRUTH" then there's limited room

Unfortunately, some things "resonate" because we WANT them to. It is pretty hard work searching for the crumbs of truth in vast libraries of research material. When we study a paper, we look at the methodology and relate it to our own experiences. Most of the research that produces result for vegetables/carbs is highly flawed and we have enough experts onboard to catch those flaws. The same for research that is lukewarm about eating meat/fat etc. What we usually find is that you get the clues you need in research that is unrelated to the specific topic, that sneaks in as almost an aside. It's not that it's necessary to be a trained scientist to get this stuff, either, though our scientists onboard often keep us out of serious error.

Probably the most influential paper I've read in terms of being broadly accurate and unbiased, is one that is simply about energy metabolism in the body. The authors weren't pushing any agenda, they were just trying to collect together all that was known about how the body uses fuel. It's a masterful study and read carefully, gives most of the answers needed. I had to read it with a medical glossary to hand and write notes as I went along. But by the time I was done, I felt like I'd found pure gold.

Bottom line is: don't expect Truth to always "resonate"... especially when our strings are tuned by lies.

This is the sort of input I need for my own programming to be shattered. I know I have it and that's why I am here. Thank you, Laura.

The only problem I see with fish is not the fish itself - it's heavy metal contamination. Fish are probably amongst the most heavy metal contaminated foods available, though it is possible to minimize that by carefully choosing what fish to eat:

- No farmed fish (of any type - same problems as "grain-fed beef" - they basically get fed unnaturally and thus have a displaced omega3 : omega6 ratio)
- No top-of-the-food-chain predators (salmon, spanish mackrel, tuna etc.) - as a rule, the fish you are eating should not be bigger than your plate (as a species)
- Preferable are the oily, wild caught cold water species (sardines, anchovies etc.)

You will invariably incur some heavy metal ingestion - as we all do - which will have to be taken care of in its own way (oral EDTA, iv EDTA, oral DMSA etc) depending on you situation. This has been discussed extensively in different threads (amongst others in "Hemochromatosis and Autoimmune Disease" - you'll be able to find these threads by using the "Search" function).

You also mentioned that you didn't care too much about your body, but more about your spiritual growth:

I am not asking about the health of the physical body, but purely in terms of optimal STO growth.

I am not sure that you can separate the two - I think that in order to be functioning optimally towards STO growth, your mind - and consequently your body - need to work in an optimal manner. I think that it is no coincidence that the masses have been "dumbed down" to such an extent as we are seeing today, due to the fact that - for various reasons, not just diet - their brain is not working optimally.

Anyway, that's my take.
Vic said:
Alana, I am going to read The Vegetarian Myth immediately. Thank you.

No book we recommend here is absolutely perfect, but that one somehow reaches very deeply, to the heart of the matter. Something should resonate, even if you have issues with some of the details.

The stripping and destruction of the land to produce food crops (and now housing and commercial space) to feed unbounded population growth -- human history -- is something we have been conditioned to accept as normal and natural. We are living in the aftermath of the collapse of previous systems, although we don't seem to realize it. The prevailing system collapses only to be replaced with something else unsustainable, and the great-grandchildren remember almost nothing. We feel the pain but we don't see where it comes from, or where it is leading.

Eating plants isn't the answer. You could say it's a huge part of the problem.
I inadvertently lent The Vegetarian Myth to a vegetarian friend who I thought was a meateater after mistaking their soy bacon substitute at a BBQ for actual bacon. "The Vegetarian Myth???" they exclaimed with upraised inflection at the end and a tone of great incredulity.

One month later they posted on my Facebook wall:

"Thank you Malcolm for putting meat back on the menu with the book _ Looking forward to eating organic meats."
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