RecklessAllegory said:
For clarification, I never wanted to start anything, only wanted to share my thoughts as people do in a forum; you said this was a dead issue until I resurrected it, however others will come, who want more info and eventually read the thread. I disagreed on an issue and I did son as carefully as I could. Just because I'm new to the forum doesn't mean I'm new to the website. I've been reading it since the event with my mother led me to it almost a year ago.I have no reason to lie, or make stuff up. My mother gets messages all the time, her whole life and now with the Internet I've helped her research things that are relayed to her this way.
RA, let me be very direct here. One of the "signs" of the individual attempting to practice STO traits is that they are able to "give ALL to those who ASK". That's pretty much the deal. So, when I asked you a very simple question - and so did others - and you were unable to respond except with maneuvers and mercurial slipperiness, it suggests the predator's mind which is "baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.” Your writing style is exactly that and that is a dead giveaway that there is something more afoot than you just being interested and wanting to discuss a simple matter.
Now, let me state my question again (and I am REALLY asking): What kind of change was that you believe you have identified and in which year did it occur?
Now, just to help you out a bit I'll suggest possible responses.
Vincent Bridges is the first one who made the claim that when Ark entered the picture, I "changed" and everything went downhill from there. In point of fact, it was "Frank" who initially made that claim TO Bridges because once Ark came along, Frank was no longer able to manipulate and drain me. However, in response to this, I would suggest that anyone read all the sessions of those early years to see the numerous times the Cs predicted the appearance of Ark and the global nature of the mission. And yes, they also predicted that everything would change at that nexus point for the purpose of fulfilling that mission. So, if the early Cs are pure enough for you (and Bridges, RIP and Montalk), then you have to factor in that part of it and accept that the experiment evolved - and continues to evolve - exactly as it was designed to do.
Now, coming back to Montalk; he had a ready rant for the fact that he was totally unable to "give all to those who ASK", in even the simplest way. Montalk gives all the evidence of an individual who is engaged in "abuse of sex" in the Gurdjieffian sense (search forum for clear explication of this idea - has nothing to do with sex, per se, but with the energy of that center). The bottom line is: we ASKED Montalk to do a rather small thing to help us in a very significant way and all we got from him was a load of crap. At THAT point he decided to employ the ready-made rant of how things "changed" which had been pre-packaged by Bridges.
Now, you have apparently read a lot of Montalk's writings but claim that you do not read anything by me that is "later than" some indefinite point in time. Since I did not do any real writing about anything until AFTER Ark entered the picture, that means you really haven't read anything I've written such as The Wave, Amazing Grace, etc. In short, you have no real basis on which to make any evaluation or judgment whatsoever. You've only read Montalk's highly biased opinion that he formed when we took measures to protect ourselves when he would not do what we asked him to do in all sincerity and it was no skin off his nose - just a pinch to his ego.
Nevertheless, based on Montalk's opinion you also claim a similar opinion, and it all goes back to Frank via Bridges to Montalk - three individuals who very much wanted to OWN me but who lost out to Ark.
Think about it.