Tom Cox AKA "Montalk"

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highmystica said:
I feel that it is unfortunate that you don't post as much stuff regarding the c's anymore. I found this site through your cass site and really enjoyed the material presented there. Without a doubt this is one of the better alternative news sites I've come accross, and I suppose there is a serious time constraint to consider when it comes to posting stuff here - I know I'm not the only cat waiting impatiently for the next podcast ... Still, it would be nice if you could on occasion post a bit more about the c's, since it literally provides a dimension beyond the stuff here.
I agree with you. Reading the Transcripts made me estatic, it is almost like you can feel yourself bonding with the Cassiopaeans, like you are finally beginning to piece it together. I think I'm beginning to understand what these channeled sources are talking about when they talk about cosmic orgasms. The flood of knowledge felt exhillarating. I'm also concerned that the Cassiopaean material is kept somewhat secretive, it is like there is an inner club that is the keeper of the information and it slowly filters down to us. Sometimes I fear that Laura has been hurt one too many times, that one day she will become a total recluse. However, I also understand where she is coming from. Despite all that has happened to her, she still takes time to share her knowledge and converse with people that could potentially attack her. It is a small miracle that she shares anything at all. She has the right to protect herself, and I think this is what she's doing. Perhaps it may be better that she is somewhat over-protective. The MCS must want her to burn badly, and maybe by being a bit protective, she is actually preserving the knowledge for all to use, instead of making it easily accessible and easy pickings for the MCS. I don't like it either, but we must consider reality from other viewpoints than our own, in order to be objective, and while I may not particularly agree with this, perhaps it is better in the greater context.

I totally respect the decision not to post any new material. I still yearn for new transcripts tho! But truly, I know I have yet to come to a complete understanding of what I've already read. And I don't need any more crutches - doing the research and seeing where is takes me is half the fun.

But, I must ask, to Laura and anyone else over there: Have the C's told any good jokes lately? You know, made some quirky play on words or the like that just made you spontaneously laugh out loud? This happened to me so often when reading the transcripts years ago, I just had to ask. The C's have one of the best senses of humor I've ever come across!


Neil said:
I'm also concerned that the Cassiopaean material is kept somewhat secretive, it is like there is an inner club that is the keeper of the information and it slowly filters down to us.
Please don't feel that way about it. It has nothing to do with an "inner club." We have just simply learned a LOT from the attacks.

Neil said:
Sometimes I fear that Laura has been hurt one too many times, that one day she will become a total recluse.
I admit that, now and then, that does appeal very strongly to me! As you may know, I was in an auto accident in 1994 and have several old injuries that are really "touchy." I have to be very careful not to hurt myself. Changes in weather and EM energies affect me profoundly and often quite painfully. And, since one of the most severe injuries was to my neck, that means that I have to TRY to not be tense because it all goes to my neck. When my neck gets tense, it compresses the vertebrae. When that happens, the damaged discs bulge impinging my spinal cord, and I am plunged into pain from which there is no escape, and generally also partial paralysis of some part of my body (depending on where the impingement lands).

As you might guess, being attacked by lies and liars, having my life and the lives of those I love, even just knowing that George Bush is leading the U.S. to destruction, produces a certain amount of tension. Sometimes a lot.

You can probably figure out where it ends up.

And since a lot of the C's material is stuff that just drives the New Age loonies over the edge, not to mention exposing the lies and liars of our Matrix reality, you can imagine the attacks that would ensue...

Then, there are the lunatics who, while they love to defame me, also want to "own" me so that they can have access to this communication and what it reveals ... or MIGHT reveal. That's actually kind of bizarre. I guess they defame me so that their "competitors" won't get the information before they do. It amounts to putting up a "Warning! toxic materials" sign at the entrance to a gold mine. That's the only thing I can figure out. Because, while they are out there in public defaming me, they repeatedly try to smuggle themselves "inside" so as to get close to me.

Naturally, THAT sort of activity is also stressful.

Neil said:
However, I also understand where she is coming from. Despite all that has happened to her, she still takes time to share her knowledge and converse with people that could potentially attack her. It is a small miracle that she shares anything at all.
I never forget that the very quality that makes the C's communication possible is my openness to the universe and people. Finding the balance, being able to tell everything I CAN, but not TOO much, is tricky. Being open means being open to maybe the wrong people, but it also means being open to the right people.

Neil said:
She has the right to protect herself, and I think this is what she's doing. Perhaps it may be better that she is somewhat over-protective. The MCS must want her to burn badly, and maybe by being a bit protective, she is actually preserving the knowledge for all to use, instead of making it easily accessible and easy pickings for the MCS. I don't like it either, but we must consider reality from other viewpoints than our own, in order to be objective, and while I may not particularly agree with this, perhaps it is better in the greater context.
Thanks for understanding this. And yes, if I can manage to continue working on various projects, the full body of information will be available even if, sometimes, I have to disguise it in certain ways.

For example, I just finished working on the second edition of the 9/11 book. There is information in there that I was LED to by the C's, but I have removed all C's material from the book. I have replaced it with quotes from the many sources that the research the C's put me onto led me to discover. I have arranged it so that the message is accurately conveyed, but it is done so in a way that a much wider audience can "get it". There will be no more problem with people being turned off by "channeled" stuff.

Ocean said:
But, I must ask, to Laura and anyone else over there: Have the C's told any good jokes lately? You know, made some quirky play on words or the like that just made you spontaneously laugh out loud? This happened to me so often when reading the transcripts years ago, I just had to ask. The C's have one of the best senses of humor I've ever come across!
Oh, yes indeed! They are too funny! And for sure, we need it now and again.

Laura said:
Neil said:
I'm also concerned that the Cassiopaean material is kept somewhat secretive, it is like there is an inner club that is the keeper of the information and it slowly filters down to us.
Please don't feel that way about it. It has nothing to do with an "inner club." We have just simply learned a LOT from the attacks.
This strategy of regulating such information as the C's provide is a proven one. It is the best way for people who can benefit from knowledge to benefit, and the best way to avoid throwing pearls before the swine that would trample them under foot.

The receiver of knowledge is like the gardner who is given seeds to plant. The gardner just doesn't throw the seeds to the four winds to hope for the best. They seek the best conditions to cultivate the growth of the seeds, and this includes the right time, place and audience in the case of knowledge.

No matter how objective any knowledge is, the subjectivity of those receiving it never ceases to be a factor, simply due to the variations of human individuality. A receiver of knowledge must, therefore, also be a proficient transmitter of knowledge, and this transmission is a conscious deliberate process, not a reflexive one.

True knowledge can embody multiple forms. As human beings and individuals we are for the most part receptive to certain forms, and less receptive to others. So real knowledge must be given in such a way that it can "cook" within each receiver and trigger greater receptive capacity, understanding and transmission capability in those benefiting from the understandings.

Such knowledge is not simply information. It is not the evening news. It has purpose, and often that purpose is quite complex. It is designed to activate something in people, to bring them to a state of greater vibratory complexity and aliveness. It is often designed to do this by applying itself in specific ways.

One of the greatest blocks to knowledge transmitted from a sincere source, IMO, is the emergence of dogmatism. Dogmatism emerges when the seeds of knowledge do not take root in individuals receiving it. To continue the metaphore, although seeds can be eaten, they do not supply the necessary nutrients of growth to people. For that, the seeds must sprout and the plants must bear fruit.

The tree of knowledge must grow in each and every person open to the planting of the seeds of knowledge within them. We are the soil of those seeds, and the fruit that results from them is adapted to the soil in which the trees of knowledge grow. When they bear fruit the knowledge is one with us, and then it transcends dogmatism because it is vibrant and alive, and from the fruits more healthy seeds can come.

Only in this way can humanity become the garden of knowledge, where all trees are sacred, instead of just that one which the bible tells us was forbidden.

So the transmitter of knowledge, the gardner, is not just a frivolous tosser of seeds into hungry mouths, but a diligent planter whose purpose is the growth of the garden in and of humanity. As such, and because we are dealing with living human soil, response-ability lies in the receivers to cultivate their soil so the trees are not only healthy, but reflective of the souls in which the seeds are planted.

Receiving knowledge, understanding knowledge and applying it are difficult tasks that require much cooking in the crucible of life. Transmitting and creatively seeding knowledge in others makes the former look quite effortless.

If people beginning or even quite far along their paths of development have some difficulty in understanding how someone can recieve unending streams of knowledge, and how they can understand and apply it, how much more difficult is it to understand the more complex and involved process of seeding knowledge in the way in must be seeded?

And there IS that very important issue of the swine that rut around. These are fools with no concept of the nature of true knowledge. They cannot comprehend that it is its fruits we seek. Yet the swine grovel in the soil of human nature, and profane it in doing so. They can never reach to grasp the sacred fruits, for they must stand tall with integrity to do so.

Their greatest fear is their own reflection, which assaults them every time a human standing tall and ensouled is in their midst. So they consume the seeds of knowledge to prevent the growth of those seeds into trees too strong for them to damage. They rut in the soil of human nature to tear out tender sprouts of knowledge, and although they drive themselves with fantasies that knowledge will give them power over others, all they can produce is the excrement of dogma.

It is this they force the masses to eat, to poison them, and insure they will never realize the truth of what it means to be human. The swine do not know this truth. They only know that the very idea of its existence makes them shake with fear.

The seeds are precious, and until the ground is ready, they must be protected from the swine. And even when the ground is ready, the sprouts must be concealed from those rutting about overturning and profaning the soil of human nature.

Eventually, the time will come when the trees have a presence that cannot be hidden. At that point the swine will be powerless to hurt the garden, and the fruits will be out of their reach. At that point we will notice great changes that we could not see before. And even if storms of change will buffet humanity, the deeper changes, the ones that will make the difference, are those that came about in the same quiet and unobtrusive manner as slow but deliberate growth in a lush and fertile garden.

I hope this rather colorful metaphoric presentation added abit of clarity to this issue.

Hello, does anyone know where i could access "casschat"? i've been trying to find it for awile, but to no avail.

I read highmistica's post and i wanted to know where to download the sessions which he/she mentioned.


casschat is a public yahoo group which anyone can join. It works in a similar-ish way to parts of this forum, and has similar rules to help protect participants from manipulation, and to keep the signal/noise ratio high. You can find it here:

Well Laura, all I can say is I'm glad you're still with us. If there was a major issue with what you are doing I'm sure the Cassiopaeans would be letting you hear about it. If in your position, I probably would not've shared nearly this much, and that would've been very detrimental to our probable futures. I just don't want to be decieved into falling into the very same trap I'm trying to get away from, that's all.

By the way, all of the talk of casschat and copyright infringement has me wondering... See, I downloaded my Transcrpits from Tom has/or had, a big archive of files that you can download off his site. I hadn't been there in about a year, and I went there to download the Law of One, and I couldn't find the downloads list again. Now he's done quite a bit of remodeling to his site, so I don't know if it's still there or not. Did you guys take care of the problem? I know you and Tom aren't on very good terms.

Neil said:
Did you guys take care of the problem? I know you and Tom aren't on very good terms.
Regarding the issue of Tom Cox hosting files on his site, I wrote to him as follows (note the date) and never received a response.

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: "Tom Cox"
Subject: Files etc
Date sent: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 21:15:35 +0200

Exchange betweeen casschat moderator and Laura:
> Just noting a rejection of the following post:
> -------
> > Hi Everybody,
> > Just wanted to share this link (in case others
> > like myself hadn't seen it yet) to some excellent
> > material like the three volumes of Boris Mouravieff's
> > Gnosis and the fascinating annotated "Varo" edition of
> > Moris K. Jessup's UFO book (mentioned in C's
> > transcripts), Zelator and much much other material! A
> > treasure trove! "Found" it on the chasschat yahoo
> > groups LINKS page.
> >

Hi Bert,

While your enthusiasm is understandable, the above post has been
rejected as it does not really add anything to the discussion. We (the
moderators) are attempting to keep CassChat as free as possible from
repetition and other forms of "noise", so as to maintain a purer
quality of "signal".

Best Wishes,

(CassChat Moderator Team)

Laura wrote to R:

Wonder if the Varo edition is the one we produced with the able dedication
of M*** R***? Can one of ya'll have a look and see?

R wrote to Laura:

Yep. First page says "Transcribed by the Quantum Future Group" at the


Laura to R:

Tom is doing a service, so next time ordinarily, I don't really have any objection.

HOWEVER, the last time somebody did it, someone else (maybe the same person) went over there [to Montalk Forum] and signed in as "PhD in Poland" and started making a fuss about copyrighted works being "pirated." It looked to me like a set-up to make it look like it was us complaining.

It just seems like a funky little trap to me.

I think I will write to Tom and tell him in writing that I don't have any objection, that we learned from a reader that he is doing this and we think it is a great service and more power to him. You have to be "wise as serpents gentle as doves" to get information out there when so much is being suppressed and scrubbed from the net. That way, if anybody ever asks him about any of our stuff that he shares, he will have written permission and that will be the bottom line.

To Tom:

Consider this exchange as explanation of reason for email, and as permission in writing to publish any of our stuff that is on the web that you see fit to use, or any of the stuff that we worked to get web ready, etc.

Hope you have the Mask of Sanity up there too. It took months to get that one in shape and we have plans for some others at some point in the future.

If anybody ever complains just tell 'em you have it in writing.

If you can handle "Babel," I'll send it to you. I put it up when someone wants it, and take it down when they have got it because we walk such a fine line legally that we have to be very careful.

Also, FYI: read updated file here: much additional info added in last week:

And here:

Updated in the last couple of weeks.

Also, we won the first of our two lawsuits against a certain Dutchman: Defamation. Nice chunka change. Our attorney was amused when he read the [Vinnie Bridges] report on the internet that WE were the ones being sued!


Not only did I not receive a response, shortly thereafter, Monty took down the files or else put them in a password access only location.

Neil said:
By the way, all of the talk of casschat and copyright infringement has me wondering
Laura said:
If you can handle "Babel," I'll send it to you. I put it up when someone wants it, and take it down when they have got it because we walk such a fine line legally that we have to be very careful.
Could someone from admins or mods put a stick topic on the sott about copyright infringement and liability issues? It would be really helpful especially for those with english as second language users. If i found a good book which is copyrighted, and in case if it's in english I can just name title of the book so those interested could order it themselves.
But if book is in language other than english, and majority of forumites can't read it even if they order book, to what extent is liable to reveal its content without being accused of infringement? If i state a content of a chapter in several sentences, would it be qualified as infringement or not? If i cite several sentences directly from book, would it be qualified as infringement? Could you put some guidelines on use of copyrighted materials on forum? I'm reading fascinating book of Pereslegin on gepolitics, how can i get it here without violation of copyright?
and about horse image copyright issue, how to avoid falling in it?

I feel also nostalgy about the old time of Cassiopaea messages free disclosure. What a great source of inspiration.

At the same time I imagine that if you play a chess game it might not be a good idea to disclose totally and immediately your chess master teachings and advices.

Your partners, supporters, friends would probably benefit from it however your opponent would also get very useful material.

Don't give pearls to swine! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you

And idealistic (and easy to say) strategy would be to disclose the right material, to the right people at the right time.

Have the c's taken to calling themselves something else yet? As I understand it they called themselves cassiopeans because that is where they were at ... but by now I would expect that they no longer are in cassiopea.

Laura said:
Not only did I not receive a response, shortly thereafter, Monty took down the files or else put them in a password access only location.
Huh, that's interesting. I thought Tom was a pretty good guy. Yeah, his site had a bit of a dark tone to it, and he cast out Gurdjieff, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I didn't see it as a big major deal. That's funny, I downloaded my transcripts maybe a month before that. I know that people on the site were pretty steamed at you and Ark for some reason. Supposively, you had "stepped on some toes pretty hard." Did he delete it because he thought people might make a big issue out of it? Or perhaps he has more deceptive intententions. The fact that he deleted it, especially after the fact that you said it was Ok and doing a service, has me wondering if he is part of this disinfo campaign too.

I'm not sure what you want me to see in Sun, 2 Oct 2005 21:15:35 +0200. I notice that all of the number are prime, except the month. And you kind of have a 3-5 code trying to develop with the time. Is there some big numerology synchronicity that I'm missing here?

Neil said:
I thought Tom was a pretty good guy.

Can you explain, in some details, what is "good" there? What "good" does he do? And is there something "not so good" that you can see? This can be a GOOD exercise for you in seeing the unseen ....

You may like to check this thread, in particular,

What can you see there?

laura said:
If you can handle "Babel," I'll send it to you. I put it up when someone wants it, and take it down when they have got it because we walk such a fine line legally that we have to be very careful.
Excuse me folks, please enlighten me on this "Babel" issue, and if it pertains to the C's transcripts where can it be found?
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