Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Paul Craig Roberts Trump Brexit Interview
Jan 27, 2017
A talk with Paul Craig Roberts about Donald Trump waging war on the Elites and standing up for the working class, the Inauguration, the Brexit sham, Hilary Clinton, Theresa May, Fake News, the EU, and how people all over the world are last awakening to what is true and what is false.

The Hollywood Masters: Oliver Stone on filming a scene with Donald Trump during "Wall Street"
Jan 4, 2017- / 1:47
Every Donald Trump Cameo Ever

Gotham Awards 2016: Oliver Stone Offers His Advice to Filmmakers in Trump Era
"You can be critical of your government, and we've forgotten that."
“Sometimes there is bad news,” Stone said. “As Mr. Snowden said very clearly, that the mechanism is in place now so that when there is another terror attack, which inevitably there probably will be in this country, the next president, whoever he may be, will have the authority to really close down the system in most oppressive way than it’s ever been.”
“I’d point out to those of you who are struggling to be independent and to stay independent, that’s the hard part, staying independent, I’d like to remind you that you can be critical,” Stone told the crowd. “You can be critical of your government, and we’ve forgotten that.”

DHS Top Leaders ‘In Hiding,’ Staffers Say
The same week the Trump administration began issuing executive orders on immigration and national security, the Department of Homeland Security faces a skeletal leadership structure awash in paranoia.
01.27.17 10:55 PM ET
In an email to agency employees today obtained by the Daily Beast, Secretary Kelly said, “President Trump honored us by signing two Executive Orders directly related to our homeland security and law enforcement missions, announcing them in the presence of your colleagues. These Executive Orders focus on border security, public safety, and enforcing the laws of our Nation.”

Late this week, a senior Customs and Border Patrol official, David J. Glawe, was brought in to run DHS’s main Intelligence and Analysis division. The move further suggests a renewed focus all-around on immigration issues.

On Wednesday, Trump spoke at DHS headquarters and promised agency employees a renewed mission and his commitment to allowing law enforcement to do its job. DHS has been ranked lowest in morale of all federal agencies in recent years, which many employees have said is because they’ve been blocked by senior political appointees from carrying out the mission statement of their agency.

Are sanctuary cities more violent? (per Zero-hedge)
Nearly 2 thousand murders occur annually in these sanctuary cities (>70%), while less than a thousand murders occur in the non-sanctuary cities (<30%).
While each taken life is too many, mortality statistics drive these large death numbers into probability context. So with the much larger population from the sanctuary cities (collectively or on average), the homicide rate (per 100k) there is “just” 5, while it is 9 in non-sanctuary cities!

It is true that the murder rates have come in most cities across the U.S., but again these rates are unacceptably high, particularly as some cities are many times more ferocious versus their peers!
The blended murder rate from the 14 large cities meanwhile is in-between at 8, and this is also just less than twice the national average is 4.


Now we can see a chart of these 14 cities on this map below, where the size of the circular-marker is related to the population of the city, and the text color of the murder rate is blue for sanctuary cities; red for non-sanctuary cities. The blue on the map regions represents areas who mostly voted for Hillary Clinton (as noted above this was mostly limited to mega-cities), while red indicates the rest of the country where Donald Trump completely dominated the popular vote.

The bottom line is there is a minor bias towards more violence in non-sanctuary cities, areas generally aligned to conservative policies and gun-friendly. This is where Americans will typically have a higher probability of being slain (expressly young Black males in the inner-cities who are gunned down by others in the same community, as opposed to the police - many directors of which nationally follow this site). Though the large cities are not easily separable into such mass generalizations, this is also why it happens to be easy for President Donald Trump to censure the worst areas of the country. Since there we have heterogeneously diverse characteristics of violence, from our large sanctuary cities.

By: ynw

The flu shot is the greatest scam in medical history, created by Big Pharma to make money off vulnerable people and make them sick, warns President Donald Trump.

In an interview with Opie and Anthony on Sirius XM, Trump slammed flu shots as “totally ineffective” and declared that he has never had one.

“I’ve never had one. And thus far I’ve never had the flu. I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body. And that’s basically what they do. And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with.

“I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu. You know, that helps my thinking. I’ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.“

Trump is right – flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history. They are full of “bad stuff” including formaldehyde and mercury – two powerful neurotoxins – and the vaccine industry even admits that laboratory tests prove the popular jab does not work.

---President Trump on Friday said he would defer to Defense Secretary James Mattis's opposition to torture despite the president's own support for tactics like waterboarding.

At a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump said Mattis would get the last word on the issue.

"He will override," he said. "I'm going to rely on him. ... I am going with our leaders. We are going to win with or without [torture]."

May told reporters during her visit to Washington that she condemns torture and would make that clear to Trump.

Trump on the campaign trail said he would bring back waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques for suspected terrorists.

But Friday's comments suggest that despite his own opinions, he will follow Mattis's lead. After Trump first met with Mattis in December for the prospective Cabinet position, he said the retired general had told him torture methods were ineffective.

On Thursday, the Pentagon reiterated that Mattis had not changed his mind on opposing the torture techniques used on terrorist suspects during the George W. Bush administration. ---
"“I don’t necessarily agree, but I would tell you that he would override because I am giving him that power,” Trump said Friday during a joint news conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May. “I am going to rely on him.”"
Hello H2O said:
A lot of people, including myself, are wondering what happened to the Left. Historically aligned with workers rights, and the peace movement. I think this article does a good job of explaining what happened.

The Demise of the Left

Paul Craig ROBERTS


The question is: Can Trump stand for the working class when both political parties and the presstitute media, the think tanks, universities, environmental organizations, military/security complex, Wall Street, and courts stand against the working class?

Who is going to help Trump help the working class?

Communist China!

(Sorry, couldn't resist!)

Seriously though, yes, Communist/Maoist/Marxist-Leninist/Turbo-charged capitalist/Confucian/Daoist/Whatever-ist China's mega-infrastructure projects are pretty much the answer to the world's problems, America's too. But I think it'll be a cold day in hell before 'the West' accepts that.
Niall said:
Hello H2O said:
A lot of people, including myself, are wondering what happened to the Left. Historically aligned with workers rights, and the peace movement. I think this article does a good job of explaining what happened.

The Demise of the Left

Paul Craig ROBERTS


The question is: Can Trump stand for the working class when both political parties and the presstitute media, the think tanks, universities, environmental organizations, military/security complex, Wall Street, and courts stand against the working class?

Who is going to help Trump help the working class?

Communist China!

(Sorry, couldn't resist!)

Seriously though, yes, Communist/Maoist/Marxist-Leninist/Turbo-charged capitalist/Confucian/Daoist/Whatever-ist China's mega-infrastructure projects are pretty much the answer to the world's problems, America's too. But I think it'll be a cold day in hell before 'the West' accepts that.
China is moving slowly, and while some in Europe and the US are totally distracted with vilifying Russia, and, and, and .... China moves so close that some will wake up and be surprised:
Wanting to bring up some thoughts based on Trump's current rhetoric (re the wall and torture).
One thing that stuck with me was what he did with Boeing in December.

Cowen warned investors that Donald Trump's tweet criticizing Boeing on the Air Force One program's costs increases the risk on shares of defense companies with big-name contracts.
"Trump's tweet lambasting the Presidential Aircraft likely won't have meaningful direct impact on BA as its current contract is small," analyst Cai von Rumohr wrote in a note to clients Wednesday.

"However, his emerging habit of using Twitter as a bully pulpit could become a threat to controversial high profile programs."

The president-elect on Tuesday tweeted he would like to cancel the government's Air Force One order, saying the "costs are out of control."

Rumohr said Trump's tweet isn't a big threat to Boeing's business because the company's current Air Force One design contract is only $170 million and the project's future was already "uncertain."

"The more important issue, however, is Trump's emerging pattern of using Twitter as a bully pulpit to negotiating leverage over targeted businesses, e.g. Carrier, Boeing on issues of concern," he wrote.

So thinking of this strategy, I noticed the following from the Mexico/wall business:
Trump's wall tax suggestion crushes the Mexican peso

The Mexican currency continued a downward slide against the dollar after US President Donald Trump floated an idea how to make Mexico pay for the border wall.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer suggested a 20 percent tax on imports from the country, which could help to finance the initiative.

This pushed the Mexican currency down one percent to 21.3 pesos against the greenback. Since the beginning of the year, the peso has plunged nearly three percent against the dollar, and the currency is down over 16 percent since Trump’s election on November 8.

If you tax that $50 billion at 20 percent of imports - which is, by the way, a practice that 160 other countries do - right now our country's policy is to tax exports and let imports flow freely in, which is ridiculous. By doing it that we can do $10 billion a year and easily pay for the wall just through that mechanism alone,” said Spicer.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Thursday that his country would not pay for any wall, which “divides” the US and Mexico.

Trump tweeted that if Mexico is reluctant to pay for the wall, he will cancel a meeting with Nieto on January 31.

“The US has a $60 billion trade deficit with Mexico. It has been a one-sided deal from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and companies lost,” the president tweeted. “If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting.”

In response, the Mexican president tweeted in Spanish, that he informed the White House that he would not be attending the meeting.

President Trump is pushing to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the US, Canada and Mexico sealed in 1994 to win better terms for the US.

The Mexican economy is heavily dependent on the US, with 80 percent of its exports shipped to America.

So is the aim of the media attention and talk of the wall to have the peso drop 20% (so far down 16%) so that a 20% import tax has no net impact on the US?

Is this a common strategy from Trump? Is Trump playing the biased media (to spread a message) and markets or is he not that smart? He is using Twitter to general leverage.

Taking the hypothesis of this public manipulation of companies, economies and people in power - can we apply it to anything else he has said?
Was the mention of torture planned as a way to leverage something or someone?
Not sure if my speculation is going to far here.
Niall said:
Seriously though, yes, Communist/Maoist/Marxist-Leninist/Turbo-charged capitalist/Confucian/Daoist/Whatever-ist China's mega-infrastructure projects are pretty much the answer to the world's problems, America's too. But I think it'll be a cold day in hell before 'the West' accepts that.

What do you mean? Are you talking about the activity such projects could generate?
Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are speaking on the phone right now:
Sending my positive thoughts their way. :)
RedFox said:
So is the aim of the media attention and talk of the wall to have the peso drop 20% (so far down 16%) so that a 20% import tax has no net impact on the US?

The net tax amount paid by Mexico would depend on the basis of the U.S. import tax: dollars or pesos. Either way, 20% of 100 dollars or 20% of 100 devalued pesos* is still 20% more than we're getting now. It seems to me that a drop in the value of the peso only slows down the amount of dollars Mexico would pay for the wall each year (via import taxes) --not cancels out the dollars they pay the U.S.

*current amount of pesos equivalent to 100 dollars is 2090 (1 peso = .0480 dollar); amount of 20%-devalued pesos equivalent to 100 dollars would be 2604 (1 peso = .0384 dollars).
Patience said:
Niall said:
Seriously though, yes, Communist/Maoist/Marxist-Leninist/Turbo-charged capitalist/Confucian/Daoist/Whatever-ist China's mega-infrastructure projects are pretty much the answer to the world's problems, America's too. But I think it'll be a cold day in hell before 'the West' accepts that.

What do you mean? Are you talking about the activity such projects could generate?

I think this level of economic cooperation would force major world powers to maintain good relations. In a multipolar world order it would be harder to dominate others, since partnership between nations would be more diverse and mutual, instead of current US/West bullying everyone else into compliance.
goyacobol said:
“I’m against lifting any sanctions on the Russians. These sanctions were imposed because of their behavior in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now we know they’ve been messing around in our elections as well,” McConnell said in an interview with POLITICO on Friday. “If there’s any country in the world that doesn’t deserve sanctions relief, it’s Russia.”

What about "our" behavior.

[sarcasm]"We" are above reproach because "we" are the exceptional and indispensable city on the hill! "We" are the best! "We" can do no wrong![/sarcasm]

Seriously! :lol:
Laura said:
And now Trump is apparently saying that there will be a 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for the way. Ummm... that means the American people will pay for it, not Mexico. Is he really that dumb?

On imports he meant, I think, that if a Mexican company wants to send[export from Mexico] machinery and equipment into the US to their parent or daughter company, then they will have to pay a 20% more import tax at the US border in order to get the machinery to their parent or daughter company in the US. Penalizing foreign countries regards import tax is a very real foreign policy for a government.

So if Chrysler (US HQ in Auburn Hills, Michigan) wants to send cars or parts __en masse__ into the US for sale or final assembly - mind the weight and size and massive numbers of multiple shipments here please - then Chrysler will have to pay 20% more at the US border to the US government for a "simple" transfer that they could do cheap until now.
Mexico plants:

Private individuals importing or buying something - kitchen devices, presents, small packages etc.. - from Mexico and paying 20% more at the border is chump change in a billionaire's eyes, I think, its negligible for him.

From a Presidential viewpoint regards big business decisions, only wholesale and large shipment numbers matter, I think, when they talk about percentages. There are very real gold-mine opportunities for small, medium or big vendors, if they are allowed into large, organized wholesale chains, like Walmart or Chrysler[think about how many parts a car is made of and you have your "Walmart" in a car manufacturer, but only parts-making vendors are allowed there]

They could "win the lottery" with a successful product line [carburetor or a car Engine Control Unit setup computer program"] or lose everything if Quality Control finds lead in their toys made in China, for example or the car engine grease is found to contain too many Dangerous Toxic Substances by QA department and the product is immediately ordered to be off the selves and destroyed.

Lots of smaller vendors produce car parts for Chrysler [or GM, etc..] all with their own product lines - seat belts, motor oils, fluids, greases, etc.. - each little company risking huge amounts of dollars. Imagine the money all these small vendors together have invested into producing car parts for Chrysler and all added up make a huge amount - billions - and then try to imagine, how much money 20% of that is, which Trump talked about. Spicer was probably right they could easily start up the Wall Building Business just from this import tax increase.

That's why Trump met the Big Three and offered them tax relief if they return their factories and jobs to the US:
In this last case the profit from US-based car makers would be probably way more than the 20% penalty if they remain in Mexico.
This should create a lot of waves:

An Open Letter To President Donald J. Trump And The 115th Congress Of The United States Of America

By Catherine J Frompovich

Dear Mr. President and Members of the 115th Congress:

Your immediate attention is needed to correct the untold human suffering in U.S. children due to the vaccine schedule mandated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a federal agency that has been implicated in fraudulent and deceitful research, plus the dissemination of non-factual data and information about vaccine safety and efficacy, which has to stop!

1950s and 1960s

The history of CDC/FDA involvement in regrettable human suffering by children and their families, in particular, goes back decades to the infamous polio vaccine SV40 when between 4 and 100 million children were inoculated with a polio vaccine that contained the cancer-causing SV40 virus. That has been confirmed by the 108th Congress Hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness of the Committee of Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, September 10, 2003. Here is the link to the official government webpage.
There is no dispute that millions of Americans received polio vaccines that were contaminated with the virus called Simian Virus 40, or SV–40. There also is no dispute that SV–40 is capable of causing cancer, but there is a major dispute as to how many Americans may have received the contaminated vaccine, with estimates ranging from 4 million to 100 million people. There is also a major dispute as to when the polio vaccine supply got cleaned up. In addition, nobody knows how many people got sick or died because of the contaminated vaccines.

Source: first page of hearing transcript.

CDC knowingly LIED about mercury in vaccines. Proof of that deliberate fraudulent and deceitful act by federal agencies, the CDC/FDA, surfaced in FOIA documents Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received and about which he and his co-author wrote the following:
FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) was responsible for adding up the cumulative exposure to mercury from infant vaccines, a simple calculation that, astonishingly, had never been performed by either the FDA or the CDC. When the agency finally performed that basic calculation, the regulators realized that a six month-old infant who received thimerosal-preserved vaccines following the recommended CDC vaccine schedule would have received a jaw dropping 187.5 micrograms of mercury.

There was no point in time from birth to approximately 16-18 months of age that infants were below the EPA guidelines for allowable mercury exposure. In fact, according to the models, blood and body burden levels of mercury peaked at six months of age at a shockingly high level of 120ng/liter. To put this in perspective,the CDC classifies mercury poisoning as blood levels of mercury greater than 10 ng/L.

[T]he FDA assigned a pediatrician with little knowledge of toxicology to oversee its public reporting. When Dr. Leslie Ball was asked why she reported the mercury exposure levels in this deceptive fashion, she responded, “That is what I was told to do.”

The above Kennedy-Redwood article was published here.

The Simpsonwood Meeting held in June of 2000 for only 52 specially invited Big Pharma and World Health Organization participants to discuss clandestinely the CDC’s epidemiologist Verstraeten’s findings in his February 2000 report stating there was a ten-fold risk of autism and other related neurodevelopmental problems resulting from mercury (Thimerosal) in vaccines!

That exclusive conclave powwowed until it finally came to the consensus to send Verstraeten back to the drawing boards to find there were no connections to autism, which he did, and the CDC/FDA subsequently have been reporting vaccines don’t cause autism. See the 66-page Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. report on the Simpsonwood Meeting here.

It is now 2017—seventeen years later—and the CDC/FDA still promote the lies they covered up and colluded to perpetrate on the global healthcare community and innocent healthcare consumers, especially infants and children who receive neurotoxic vaccines to this very day, as Thimerosal still is in vaccines given to infants and children.

2000-2010 Decade

Danish researcher Poul Thorsen, MD, PhD, apparently fraudulently produced CDC-sponsored and funded autism-vaccine connection research indicating there were no relationships to autism and vaccines, which the CDC constantly uses as its “main” source of documentation indicating vaccines do not cause autism. However, Thorsen has been indicted and is on the lam from U.S. prosecution.
A Danish researcher who was a key figure in two of the earliest studies purporting to show no connection between vaccines and autism, has been indicted by the federal government for a host of crimes related to defrauding the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of more than $1 million. These accusations follow tax evasion charges brought by the Danish government against Poul Thorsen who is accused of having forged documents including signatures by CDC officials to obtain funds intended for use in a group of epidemiological studies paid for by the CDC.

Critics of these studies have long contended that highly suspect methods were used to arrive at the conclusion that there was no association between exposure to either thimerosal or the MMR vaccine and autism, even though standard epidemiological methods showed an association.

A rotavirus vaccine was developed by H. Fred Clark, PhD, Stanley A. Plotkin, MD, and Paul A. Offit, MD, and licensed in 2006. However, it can cause problems such as intussusception where one portion of the bowel telescopes into another segment of the bowel, creating a blockage with most cases occurring in babies. The Australian Department of Health provides information about Rotavirus vaccine and intussusception here.


Two former Merck & Company scientists (virologists Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski) filed a whistleblower lawsuit in Pennsylvania Eastern District Court (Case No. 2:10-cv-04374-CDJ) stating Merck had falsified the Mumps active of its MMR vaccine for many years by stating it was 95 % effective, a requirement for Merck to keep its ‘monopolistic’ place in the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine market in the USA and globally. The virologists claim Merck used rabbit blood antibodies in blood samples pretending they were human antibodies to get a high level of response.


Finally, a CDC epidemiologist, William Thompson, PhD, realized the implications of the fraud he helped perpetuate in a paper he co-authored with other CDC scientists, which omitted serious data indicating autism was attributed to young black boys who received the MMR vaccine less than 36 months of age. He contacted the father of an autistic teenage son, Brian Hooker, PhD, and figuratively spilled his guts about how he and other CDC scientists colluded to destroy pertinent data from the autism report they were writing by literally placing the documents into a large trash can they had brought into the room for that purpose. However, Dr. Thompson saved copies of the data, which he turned over to Congressman Bill Posey of Florida, who made a plea on the House floor for an investigation in the fraud at CDC, but has not taken place to date. Here is the C-SPAN video of Congressman Posey’s request.

That fraud at the CDC has been documented in the popular movie VAXXED From Cover-up To Catastrophe.

Too much fraudulent science has been documented at the CDC/FDA while several generations of U.S. and global children have paid a horrendous price from adverse side effects as documented in the VAERS reporting system.

The inept Vaccine Court masters have not abided by the original intent of The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34), but almost reluctantly have dispensed $3,560,341,200.85 in total outlays from Fiscal Year 1989 to FY 2017 so far. Pg. 9

Are you aware that the United States has the highest infant mortality rate in the world?

The State of Mississippi has the highest vaccine mandate compliance rate and also the highest infant mortality rate in the USA.

Are you aware the CDC mandates so many vaccines parents now rightfully are questioning if they are necessary and also are rightfully refusing them since ALL vaccines contain neurotoxins and other toxic chemicals which negatively impact their children’s health and wellbeing starting at birth, then at 2, 4 and 6 month ‘well-baby-visits’ when infants, whose immune systems are not fully developed until about 2 to 3 years of age, are injected with ethylmercury, aluminum in any of four formulations, formaldehyde/Formalin, polysorbate 80 and a host of chemicals, foreign DNA, aborted fetal cell lines (human diploid cells), antibiotics, and other chemical junk which should not be injected into a less than ten-pound newborn or infant—or anyone!

Vaccine fraud, deceit and scandals are endemic to the product line, which indicates something is drastically wrong with vaccines.

China’s Vaccine Scandal Reveals System’s Flaws

Lastly, I leave with you a video interview by Brandy Vaughn, a former Merck & Company Sales Rep, who has become a vaccine safety advocate and founder of the Council for Vaccine Safety. She reveals what she learned as a Big Pharma sales rep, her distrust of their science and her unwillingness to have her child vaccinated because of what she knows and has researched further regarding vaccines.

I encourage you to watch the video and then do something to change the horrible unconstitutional assault on citizens and their children by allowing fraudulent vaccine science to go unchecked to harm infants, toddlers, and children everywhere. It’s nothing short of legal chemical child abuse, which has to stop immediately, if not sooner.

Respectfully yours,
Catherine J Frompovich
Consumer Health Researcher/Journalist/Writer since the late 1970s
Author: Vaccination Voodoo What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines


US airports on frontline as Trump immigration ban causes chaos and controversy

Homeland security says green card holders included while ACLU files lawsuit after two Iraqi men detained at New York’s JFK airport despite having valid visas

Donald Trump’s executive order to close America’s borders to refugees and immigrants from some Muslim-majority countries caused chaos on Saturday, as people who had flown to the US were held at major airports while others were barred from boarding flights or were pulled off planes overseas.

By Saturday evening, there were 11 people in detention at New York City’s John F Kennedy airport who had arrived from Iraq and other barred countries, according to two Democratic members of Congress, Jerry Nadler and Nydia Velazquez, who joined protests at the airport.

According to representatives of immigration and civil rights group who spoke to reporters on a group call, other travellers were being held in Atlanta, Houston and Detroit.

Pre-approved refugees, students and workers holding visas and residency green cards were barred from flights to the US, according to reports emerging from Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Cairo and other cities across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

As confusion reigned, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security confirmed to Reuters that people with green cards, making them legal permanent US residents, were included in the ban.

“It will bar green card holders,” wrote Gillian Christensen, acting DHS spokeswoman, in an email.

Trump’s executive order, signed on Friday in Washington, temporarily banned refugees from around the world, blocked Syrian refugees indefinitely and halted entry for people from seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia.

A state department spokesman confirmed to the Guardian that travellers who have dual nationality between a country on the list and another non-US country, for instance UK-Iraqi or Canadian-Somali citizenship,are barred from entering the US for 90 days. The order provides for giving priority to religious minorities in those Muslim countries; Trump has said the US will in future prioritise Christian refugees.

In New York City, two Iraqi refugees were detained at JFK airport. One, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked in Iraq for the US government for 10 years. The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the US to join his wife who had worked for a US contractor.

Congressman Nadler told the Guardian that anyone who was detained at an airport should “not sign anything and ask for a lawyer”.

“Donald Trump should revoke the executive order,” he said. “It’s unconstitutional on the grounds of religious discrimination.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other groups filed a lawsuit challenging the detention of the two Iraqi men, and Darweesh was allowed to enter the US on Saturday afternoon. He spoke before around 100 protesters outside terminal 4 at JFK airport, who shouted: “No hate, no war, refugees are welcome here.”

Darweesh told the Guardian he felt no ill will toward airport authorities. “They are good people,” he said. “They are just doing their duty.”

Becca Heller, executive director of the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), said “dozens remain detained” around the US amid confusion between local authorities, federal agencies, attorneys and the White House. “Nobody knows at this point.”

Mark Doss, an attorney for IRAP, told the New York Times that a border agent directed him to the White House with his complaint: “Mr President, call Mr Trump.”

Thanu Yakupitiyage, a spokeswoman for the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), told the Guardian: “This is absolutely dehumanizing, I am livid, it’s outrageous. We are sending someone to JFK airport to speak to customs and border control about this, people are in a state of shock.”

Overseas, airport officials appeared to err on the side of blocking passengers from listed countries. It was reported, for example, that seven people, being escorted by officials from the United Nations refugee agency, were prevented from boarding a flight from Egypt to New York after authorities in Cairo contacted their counterparts at JFK.Air Canada had reportedly advised people from the seven countries concerned not to board flights to the US, whether or not they held a green card.

Melanie Nezer, vice-president of HIAS, a US organization that helps to resettle refugees who had passed through the difficult US vetting process, said 2,000 people scheduled to arrive next week were now stranded overseas.

Mana Yegani, an immigration lawyer in Houston, said she had heard of several people with Iranian passports who were barred from US-bound flights leaving Amsterdam and Frankfurt. A number of other passengers were removed by security personnel just before take-off from the European cities.

“The agents said specifically that they had word from the US that those passengers would not be allowed to travel,” Yegani said.

Yegani had also been passed details of a Sudanese woman, a Stanford University PhD student with a US green card, who flew into New York at 11pm on Friday and was detained and interrogated until about 5am on Saturday, when she was released.

“The checked her social media accounts, went through her phone, asked her about her politics, it was very intimidating,” Yegani said. “This really undermines core American values and the US constitution. I would not be surprised if the legal challenges to this end up at the supreme court.”

Masih Alinejad, an Iranian journalist living in exile in the US, said Trump’s orders threatened to strip people from their families and homes.

“The Islamic Republic has built a wall around many exiled journalists like us,” she said. “We neither have the right to return to Iran, nor do we enjoy the privilege of seeing our parents.”

Alinejad said that the order now bars her from her son, a university student in the UK. “Trump has built a wall between me and my son. We are both in limbo. He cannot come and see me and nor can I go to the UK to visit him,” she said.

“If I were to go and visit him, I would be deprived of the right to come back to the United States. It would be the end of my life in the United States.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) will file its own lawsuit against the order on Monday, arguing that it violates the constitution’s guarantee for religion and due process.

Yakupitiyage, of the NYIC, said the order was a step toward a more “isolationist and cruel” United States. “We will be doing whatever we can with our legal partners to push back on this. It’s religious discrimination and this will not make America safer.”

She stressed that many refugees and managed to pass through the arduous, 18 to 24-month vetting system that was in place before the orders.

“Many have waited years,” she said.
A federal court ruled Tuesday the U.S. attorney general can still get involved in supervising the release of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, offering President-elect Donald Trump an opportunity to intervene in the controversial case.

Ruling from U.S. Court of Appeals DC will require Secretary of State w/ Attorney General to recover ALL Clinton emails

January 27, 2017

All the legal hoops must be jumped through and this is a big one. District court had dismissed the case and the Court of Appeals reversed it.

The appellate ruling reverses a decision in which the District Court declared “moot” a Judicial Watch’s lawsuit challenging the failure of Secretary of State John Kerry to comply with the Federal Records Act (FRA) in seeking to recover the emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other high level State Department officials who used non-“” email accounts to conduct official business (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. John F. Kerry (No. 16-5015)).


The lower court had dismissed the case as moot because that court believed the State Department had recovered enough of the records and taken enough action short of initiating action through the Attorney General. The D.C. Circuit Court held that because the statute requires the agencies to reach out to the Attorney General to seek record recovery, and because the State Department has not done so, CoA Institute and Judicial Watch have not received everything to which they are entitled.


Official cause of action filed


Federal Appeals Court Invites Trump’s AG To Enter Clinton Email Scandal


12/27/2016 - In fact, the law requires it, according to the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. It reversed a lower court decision that the Department of State’s review of Clinton’s emails was sufficient, and any appeal for intervention by the attorney general was “moot.”

The court provides a new opening to Trump and his attorney general designate, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions. A congressional vote confirming Sessions could occur as early as Jan. 10, but Senate Democrats indicated they will put up a stiff fight to defeat the nomination.

Tuesday’s decision in “Judicial Watch vs. Kerry” affects emails the former secretary and her aides sent and received using private email addresses and a homebrew server in Clinton’s New York mansion to conduct official business. About half of the 55,000 pages of emails from the server were voluntarily handed over to the State Department by Clinton’s lawyers.

Current Secretary of State John Kerry refused to refer the matter to the attorney general as federal law requires. Instead, he allowed State Department officials to pick and choose which emails could be withheld and released to the public.

But the three-judge appeals court panel ruled that the Federal Records Act, “requires the agency head and Archivist to take enforcement action through the Attorney General if those (search) efforts are unsuccessful.”

The judges stated that “nothing the (State) Department did (either before or after those complaints were filed) gave appellants what they wanted. Instead of proceeding through the Attorney General, the department asked the former secretary to return her emails voluntarily and similarly requested that the FBI share any records it obtained.

“The department has not explained why shaking the tree harder—e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General—might not bear more still. Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement that it shows the courts seem ”fed up with the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce the rule of law on Clinton’s emails.”

Fitton added that, “today’s appeals court ruling rejects the Obama State Department’s excuses justifying its failure to ask the attorney general, as the law requires, to pursue the recovery of the Clinton emails.”

The Department of Justice early in 2017 will have to decide if it wants to get involved in the email saga and set out to retrieve all the emails given to the State Department by Clinton and her aides.

Trump has said that prosecuting Clinton over the email scandal was not a priority, but he did not rule out legal measures recommended by his Justice Department.

The panel’s judges included Brett Kavanaugh, Robert Leon Wilkens and Stephen Williams.
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