Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation? said:
Federal judge grants emergency stay of Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’

A Brooklyn judge issued an emergency stay, temporarily freezing the expulsion of travelers under the newly-signed executive order by President Donald Trump that covers 7 Arab nations, after a habeas corpus petition was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union.
lilies said:
Laura said:
And now Trump is apparently saying that there will be a 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for the way. Ummm... that means the American people will pay for it, not Mexico. Is he really that dumb?

On imports he meant, I think, that if a Mexican company wants to send[export from Mexico] machinery and equipment into the US to their parent or daughter company, then they will have to pay a 20% more import tax at the US border in order to get the machinery to their parent or daughter company in the US. Penalizing foreign countries regards import tax is a very real foreign policy for a government.

So if Chrysler (US HQ in Auburn Hills, Michigan) wants to send cars or parts __en masse__ into the US for sale or final assembly - mind the weight and size and massive numbers of multiple shipments here please - then Chrysler will have to pay 20% more at the US border to the US government for a "simple" transfer that they could do cheap until now.
Mexico plants:

One of the problems with the Border, the US has been picking up the tab for a large portion of immigrants (documented and undocumented) through our Social programs like food stamps, cash allocations and health, mainly because American jobs and large manufacturing has disappeared. The US Border with Canada is regulated, yet our Border with Mexico is wide open. There's more than just drugs coming across the Border and because it's wide open, there's also heavy sex and child trafficking (back and forth), etc. - so measures need to be taken to secure the Border. Obama never took the initiative because it served some kind of agenda for the elite's?

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has decided to allocate an additional $47.5 million for the protection of Mexican immigrants in the United States in view of the emerging tensions between the two countries, President of the Senate of Mexico Pablo Escudero Morales has announced.

Mexico Sending Over $40 Million to Help Its Immigrants in US

On Friday, US President Donald Trump said that the United States would work with Mexico to renegotiate trade agreements and other aspects of the bilateral relationship. He added that earlier in the day he had a "very friendly call" with Pena Nieto that lasted for about an hour.

After a Friday meeting of Mexican senators with Pena Nieto, Pablo Escudero told journalists that the Mexican leader had given orders to allocate 1 billion pesos (about $47.5 million) to 50 Mexican consulates in the United States to help Mexican migrants.

More aid could be given in the future, if necessary, the President of the Senate said.

Earlier this week, Trump issued an executive order aimed at facilitating the construction of a wall along the US southern border to prevent illegal immigration from Mexico. Pena Nieto stressed that his country would not pay for the wall. Trump responded by saying that if Mexico was unwilling to pay for it, then it would be better to postpone the discussions.

A joint statement issued by the White House reads that the United States and Mexico will work on their clear differences regarding the payment for the wall on the joint border.

US, Mexico Agree to Work Out Differences on Border Wall

The United States and Mexico will work on their clear differences regarding the payment for the wall on the joint border, the two countries said in a joint statement issued by the White House on Friday.

"With respect to payment for the border wall, both presidents recognize their clear and very public differences of positions on this issue but have agreed to work these differences out as part of a comprehensive discussion on all aspects of the bilateral relationship," the statement said.
I totally agree, I think having that girl sing was done on purpose to show how great America is etc. And I think it was calculated dressing Trumps wife Melania like jacqueline kennedy, anyone else notice that?

yeah i noticed that as well. The style and color chose was very classy and the whole bit with the holding of hands, someone put a lot of thought behind this image.
Trump can be expected to negotiate like an aggressive businessman instead of a diplomatic statesman. 20% tax number is ridiculous, but if the deal is struck eventually at say 2-3%, it would not seem so bad after his outrageous opening bid. And other avenues or compromises may come up as well along the way. Going with an over the top bid/counterbid is an age old business negotiation tactic, still in use at small scales in old-fashioned markets around the world. It is interesting to see it being used in the world politics stage.
Redfox-Mexico only export 25 %

Redfox...80 percent of the exports items are ,cars,accessories , manufactured parts of technology etc that are not from Mexico,they are from Companys from USA and other places,
Maybe what México really exports is 25 percent, of the total,is not accurate ....sorry
obyvatel said:
Trump can be expected to negotiate like an aggressive businessman instead of a diplomatic statesman. 20% tax number is ridiculous, but if the deal is struck eventually at say 2-3%, it would not seem so bad after his outrageous opening bid. And other avenues or compromises may come up as well along the way. Going with an over the top bid/counterbid is an age old business negotiation tactic, still in use at small scales in old-fashioned markets around the world. It is interesting to see it being used in the world politics stage.
That is what Carlos Slim said ...
_ said:
'Trump Is Not Terminator, He's a Negotiator,' Carlos Slim Says
Mexican businessman Carlos Slim is the world's biggest billionaire loser following Donald Trump's victory.

Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu gave an optimistic news conference in Mexico City on Friday regarding the national outrage caused by the constant attacks of U.S. President Donald Trump against Mexico.

Slim, the world's biggest billionaire loser following Donald Trump's victory, said the real estate mogul plans to grow the U.S. economy by 4 percent, a feat that will be impossible to accomplish without the help of Mexico’s workforce.

According to Forbes, Slim’s fortune plunged from an estimated net worth of US$51.7 billion on Nov. 7, the day before the presidential election, to an estimated US$45.2 billion when markets closed at the end of the day. He is now the seventh richest person in the world. From 2010 to 2013, he was ranked as the richest person in the world.

The Mexican tycoon said he is very calm about Trump's presidency and urged all Mexicans to feel the same. He repeated several times, “The current situation is not favorable for the U.S. and it is very favorable for Mexico.” He also called on reporters to see Trump as the “great negotiator” he has always has been.

"Trump is not Terminator. He is a negotiator," Slim said.

“The best wall that can be built is one that creates opportunities in Mexico, so that people will not leave,” Slim said referring Trump’s promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. He also quoted the 2015 book by Trump “Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again” several times.

“He already said everything is his latest book, his government’s program and arguments… He even says that he has no time for political correctness,” Slim said. “The concern is not for us in Mexico, but for Mexicans in the United States and we have to protect them against the hyperactivity of the president Trump.”

When asked if he would consider to run for Mexico’s 2018 presidential elections, as it has been largely speculated in local media, he said that he has no aspirations to be a politician, but only a businessman.
piliangie said:
Redfox...80 percent of the exports items are ,cars,accessories , manufactured parts of technology etc that are not from Mexico,they are from Companys from USA and other places,
Maybe what México really exports is 25 percent, of the total,is not accurate ....sorry

Hi piliangie, I tried to find information confirming the 25% of real exports from Mexico to the US and I can't seem to be able to find anything that would break down the number of exports like this. There's plenty of info on what is being exported but nothing on what percentage of these exports are actually American companies bringing their products from Mexico, where they are produced, to the U.S.

Would you mind posting some info on the breakdown of imports from Mexico and the 25%?

Also, if this is really the case, then increasing the tax on imports from Mexico would actually be in line with Trump's promise to bring jobs back to America and the "Buy American, Hire American" slogan. Maybe Trump is planning on increasing taxes to make having factories in Mexico instead of the US unprofitable (or less profitable) for American companies? If this is the case, then it's probably not the best idea as these companies will most likely pass the increase of cost to the consumer, as was mentioned above.
Siberia said:
Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are speaking on the phone right now:
Sending my positive thoughts their way. :)

Yey! One of my biggest reasons to "give Trump a chance" has been his willingness to normalise relationships with Russia and I'm really interested to see how this is going to develop. According to RT, during the call Putin and Trump spoke of the US and Russia collaborating to defeat ISIS, I find it quite interesting since Putin is very aware of the nature of the US involvement in Syria and its links to ISIS:

Here's an article about the call from RT:


Putin & Trump signal new Russia-US partnership with 1st phone call on ISIS, trade & Ukraine

In their first phone conversation that lasted nearly an hour, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the new US President Donald Trump have outlined their intent to cooperate on issues ranging from defeating Islamic State to mending bilateral economic ties.
“Both sides expressed their readiness to make active joint efforts to stabilize and develop Russia-US cooperation on a constructive, equitable and mutually beneficial basis,” as well as “build up partner cooperation” on a wide range of international issues, according to a Kremlin statement following their discussion.

The White House said that the “positive” conversation was “a significant start to improving the relationship between the United States and Russia that is in need of repair.”

“Both President Trump and President Putin are hopeful that after today’s call the two sides can move quickly to tackle terrorism and other important issues of mutual concern,” the White House statement added.

“The Presidents have spoken in favor of establishing a real coordination between the US and Russian actions in order to defeat ISIS and other terrorist organizations in Syria,” the Kremlin statement said.

The two leaders also discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as Iran’s nuclear program. “Major aspects of the Ukrainian crisis have been also touched upon,” the Kremlin announced.

The leaders of Russia and the US have noted a need to restore economic ties “to stimulate” further development of the relationship between the nations.

Putin and Trump also agreed to initiate a process to “work out possible dates and venue of their personal meeting.”

During the conversation the Presidents also expressed their desire to “maintain regular personal contacts,” the Kremlin statement said.

The Kremlin said the US President asked his Russian counterpart “to wish the Russian people happiness and prosperity” on his behalf, adding Americans “have warm feelings towards Russia and its citizens.” Putin said the feeling was “mutual,” stressing that historically, the Russians and the Americans were close allies on more than one occasion.

Putin said “for over two centuries Russia has supported the United States, was its ally during the two world wars, and now sees the United States as a major partner in fighting international terrorism.”

On Friday, speaking at a joint briefing with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump said he hoped he would have a “fantastic relationship” with Russia’s president, but understands that might not happen.

Trump has said previously that he would welcome Moscow’s involvement in a joint effort to battle Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

“I don’t know Putin, but if we can get along with Russia that’s a great thing. It’s good for Russia; it’s good for us; we go out together and knock the hell out of ISIS, because that’s a real sickness,” he said in an interview with Fox News.

Moscow, for its part, has repeatedly suggested fostering closer cooperation between the Russian and US Air Forces in Syria, but blamed the previous Obama administration for failing to adequately respond to its entreaties.

Relations between the two countries have been marred in recent years over various issues, including divisions on the Syrian crisis and allegations of Russian meddling into the US elections in November of 2016.

US sanctions against Russia - imposed over the crisis in Ukraine - was one of the issues expected to be on the agenda of the Trump-Putin exchange. However, the issue was not mentioned in the Kremlin’s statement summarizing the conversation.

Citing an unnamed source in the White House, a researcher at the Atlantic Council analytical center, Fabrice Pothier, wrote in a Twitter post on Thursday that the Trump administration “has an executive order ready” to lift the restrictions on Moscow, but Trump said on Friday that it is “very early to be talking about that.”

However, earlier in January, Trump said that he would consider lifting restrictions if Moscow cooperates with Washington on certain issues, such as nuclear arms reduction.

“They have sanctions on Russia — let’s see if we can make some good deals with Russia. For one thing, I think nuclear weapons should be way down and reduced very substantially, that’s part of it,” Trump was quoted as saying by the Times.

Trump also said in one of his Tweets that “having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing,” warning only “fools” would think otherwise. However, several US Senators proposed a bill last week that would make it impossible for the US President to lift restrictions without congressional approval.

Russia has been cautious about the prospects for a potential “reset” with the US under the new administration. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said the country has no “naive expectations” and is under no “illusions.”
angelburst29 said:

Federal Appeals Court Invites Trump’s AG To Enter Clinton Email Scandal

Trump has said that prosecuting Clinton over the email scandal was not a priority, but he did not rule out legal measures recommended by his Justice Department.

It appears Trump wants to throw aside any investigations distractions for now and concentrate solely to get the US into working shape, plug money leaks ASAP. If a scandal gets so large that it collapses onto the street, like snow, where Trump is pushing forward, he will simply order it to be bulldozed / snow plowed aside, to deal with later.
Here's a concise discussion of the legality of Trump's immigration ban executive order. It works from the ruling of a Supreme Court Justice in 1799, quoted below:

Separating fact from sickening media fiction on Trump’s immigration executive order
By: Daniel Horowitz, Chris Pandolfo
January 29, 2017

“Any alien coming to this country must or ought to know, that this being an independent nation, it has all the rights concerning the removal of aliens which belong by the law of nations to any other; that while he remains in the country in the character of an alien, he can claim no other privilege than such as an alien is entitled to, and consequently, whatever risque he may incur in that capacity is incurred voluntarily, with the hope that in due time by his unexceptionable conduct, he may become a citizen of the United States.” ~Justice James Iredell, 1799

Full article here: _
In favor of torture and calling Chelsea Manning a traitor. Gave DAPL the go ahead order, postponed Hillary's prosecution, congratulated Obama, defended Obama. Bad-bad China, yet his 5 year old granddaughter speaks mandarin.

Appoints Russia hater Dan Coats - banned from Russia - as chief of ONI. Has ONI decreased in significance since 1882 and remained only in name?

It appears as if Trump intends to confuse the 5th Column and their supporters and plans to make his best chess moves when everybody is otherwise occupied paying attention to the media chaos and other turmoil, his orders caused.

His phone call with Putin and his latest remark about helping the Syrian people suggests that there might be a way out of the conjectured fascist dawn, leading onto the road to liberation. I think the latter would play significantly into canceling the "massing of negative energies around your planet", could energize and hearten us all, could help with carrying on with our daily lives.
Over the last few months, I've been spending quite a lot of time on FB and Twitter trying to get the truth out there, to counter the false news that is being spread. And we seem to have reached the point where it seems such a waste of time. . What strikes me is just how many people have actually gone insane. They have suspended their critical thinking faculties, their ability to go and read and find out the truth. They WANT to believe the lies, want to believe that Trump is Hitler reincarnated. They believe what the MSM reports is the gospel, and they love to hate.

The viciousness, the bitterness, the hate expressed to anyone who deviates from the official view is visceral. In fact, they will willingly interpret anything that happens as showing that Trump is evil, twisting the truth, believing lies. It's just downright depressing. It really feels like we have almost passed the point of no return, that so many of these people cannot and will not, in fact don't want, to come back to sanity.

It is enough to make you weep.
Flashgordonv said:
Over the last few months, I've been spending quite a lot of time on FB and Twitter trying to get the truth out there, to counter the false news that is being spread. And we seem to have reached the point where it seems such a waste of time. . What strikes me is just how many people have actually gone insane. They have suspended their critical thinking faculties, their ability to go and read and find out the truth. They WANT to believe the lies, want to believe that Trump is Hitler reincarnated. They believe what the MSM reports is the gospel, and they love to hate.

The viciousness, the bitterness, the hate expressed to anyone who deviates from the official view is visceral. In fact, they will willingly interpret anything that happens as showing that Trump is evil, twisting the truth, believing lies. It's just downright depressing. It really feels like we have almost passed the point of no return, that so many of these people cannot and will not, in fact don't want, to come back to sanity.

It is enough to make you weep.

I agree. Americans deserve Trump: he is the reflection of the majority of them and he will bring on the destruction of America. And not because he is a bad person or because the left is good; neither assessment is remotely true. The left HAS gone evil and the Right does have legitimate concerns; they've just lost all capacity for rational thought on both sides.
Flashgordonv said:
Over the last few months, I've been spending quite a lot of time on FB and Twitter trying to get the truth out there, to counter the false news that is being spread. And we seem to have reached the point where it seems such a waste of time. . What strikes me is just how many people have actually gone insane. They have suspended their critical thinking faculties, their ability to go and read and find out the truth. They WANT to believe the lies, want to believe that Trump is Hitler reincarnated. They believe what the MSM reports is the gospel, and they love to hate.

The viciousness, the bitterness, the hate expressed to anyone who deviates from the official view is visceral. In fact, they will willingly interpret anything that happens as showing that Trump is evil, twisting the truth, believing lies. It's just downright depressing. It really feels like we have almost passed the point of no return, that so many of these people cannot and will not, in fact don't want, to come back to sanity.

It is enough to make you weep.

Them believing that Trump is Hitler really has some self-righteous ego trip flavor if you ask me. Suddenly everyone 'cares' what is going on in the World. I am hoping it's just some hype they are following, like Pokemon Go. Because let's be honest, deep down, they don't care about others.

They brush everyone who disagrees aside as an intolerant racist, it's not even open to discussion. It scares me because if they keep this up, they will become the very thing they are supposedly fighting against. I mean, how far will they go to stop the 'Hitler' people and the rise of the 'Fourth Reich' ? What do you do with all these 'dangerous' folks they don't even try to understand and so deeply hate.

It just seems that whatever happens, some kind of facism will come out of it.
Flashgordonv said:
Over the last few months, I've been spending quite a lot of time on FB and Twitter trying to get the truth out there, to counter the false news that is being spread. And we seem to have reached the point where it seems such a waste of time. . What strikes me is just how many people have actually gone insane. They have suspended their critical thinking faculties, their ability to go and read and find out the truth. They WANT to believe the lies, want to believe that Trump is Hitler reincarnated. They believe what the MSM reports is the gospel, and they love to hate.

The viciousness, the bitterness, the hate expressed to anyone who deviates from the official view is visceral. In fact, they will willingly interpret anything that happens as showing that Trump is evil, twisting the truth, believing lies. It's just downright depressing. It really feels like we have almost passed the point of no return, that so many of these people cannot and will not, in fact don't want, to come back to sanity.

It is enough to make you weep.

I've felt/seen things this way since about last January, after 'mass rape-gate' (where people lost the plot over allegations (later proven false) that Syrian refugees in Germany organized themselves into gangs that raped dozens of German girls on New Year's Eve). Seeing people's responses - which struck me as being in the majority - it really hit me that the Big Lie has taken hold: a majority of Westerners now accept (or are ripe for) the premise that 'Muslims' (whether that be actual followers of the religion, 'ethnically' Muslim, or otherwise remotely connected) are inherently, literally sub-human.

Laura said:
I agree. Americans deserve Trump: he is the reflection of the majority of them and he will bring on the destruction of America. And not because he is a bad person or because the left is good; neither assessment is remotely true. The left HAS gone evil and the Right does have legitimate concerns; they've just lost all capacity for rational thought on both sides.

My sense these last few days is: chaos is coming.
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