Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Oxajil said:
I don't know how legit this is, but someone posted the following on FB that was shown by someone

As for Dakota, Energy Partners says that the line would eliminate as many as 740 rail cars and 250 trucks. It also says that the line is 70 miles from the Standing Rock Sioux's water resources in North Dakota.

I don't know much about the whole pipeline situation so I could definitely be wrong here, but I think the above sounds more or less reasonable. :huh:

Yes; that does sound pretty decent. The text of that executive order can be found here:

I found the link to the document archive here:

I don't see anything saying it's been moved 70 miles away.
Hesper said:
All very good points. Trump's constant stream of executive actions are just like 'does he have any idea what he's doing?' In the end it really looks like the US is drowning in its own stupidity right now - all around. Just gives me the willies, like something very bad is coming down the pike.
Stupid is to kind a word. I don't think ignorant is correct ether. I just don't know if there is any real term that can accurately paint a true portrait of what is going on-in California, and across the states.

From what i have seen (since over the last year), the country has been in a steady state of decline. The whole country's mental deterioration of a pervasive parasitic calamity.

Some don't care, Some are not even aware, but a majority are caught, in the (DNC Programing) ripe tide and slowing being drug out to the depth's of pure madness.

So imagine having to navigate within a population with this dysfunctional mental Psychosis.

Plus looking after one's back desperately paying attention to the reality left, and the right. With no room for errors, or doubting one's intuition. As there may be no second chances.

Published on Jan 25, 2017 Americas Madness ( Caution Graphic words and pictures) :nuts:
Shia Labeouf was arrested at 1 am on the 26th of January after allegedly assaulting a man wearing a Trump hat during the He Will Not Divide Us live stream.

9 oil price forecasts during Trump presidency By STEVE AUSTIN for OIL-PRICE.NET, 2016/11/30

1. Lower oil prices

2. Keystone XL pipeline
A major objective on Trump's agenda, construction of the Keystone 'XL' pipeline will finally see the light of the day in the coming months. Before delving further, what's Keystone XL pipeline, anyway?

Keystone XL is actually the fourth phase of the Keystone project that began in 2005. The proposed 1,180 mile long pipeline will carry about 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta, Canada to Steele City, Nebraska. Indeed, the Keystone pipeline already transports oil from Canada and the XL line would have increased the inflow of oil.

In keeping with the philosophy of running a business efficiently, the XL pipeline will replace crude oil transportation by train - an expensive, inefficient and accident-prone operation - with, well, a pipeline - an alternative both cheaper and more ecological if one really cares to see beyond party line rhetoric. Yet, the pipeline is still a chimera. So what's causing the massive opposition to the Keystone XL project? Well, President Obama put the project on hold as the pipeline would have passed along fragile ecosystems. Also environmentalists argue that extraction of oil from oil sands (like in Alberta) consumes more energy and causes more contamination to the environment than conventional drilling.

The election has shifted everything. Easily and quite visibly, Donald Trump will remove the roadblocks on the path of the Keystone XL project. TransCanada, the company behind the pipeline is going to reapply for permits. So, with the presidential permit, the oil will cruise along to enrich the US.

Effectively, the pipeline will flood the US market with cheap Canadian crude oil, to the delight of US refiners and dismay of US producers who will see the price of WTI oil - and their profits - come down. According to the US State Department, the proposed project could generate 42,000 jobs spread over a period of two years. But after the pipeline is built, any net long-term job growth will likely be north of the Canadian border as US producers profits - and payroll - shrink.

One benefit of the pipeline is, of course, security. By shifting crude imports to our friendly Canadian neighbors to the North and away from Gulf states, the fewer dollars end up funding the export of Islam fundamentalism. Thanks to the pipeline, import of crude from Gulf States - and the financial influence of Gulf States, notably Saudi Arabia on US politicians - will be reduced as well. More the oil, lower the prices.
3. Divided oil industry

4. Fast changing geopolitical alliances
Putin likes Trump's style of running business. Like Trump, Putin is an ex CEO who runs his country like one. Putin was one of the firsts to congratulate Trump on his massive win. Indeed, during his campaign Trump praised Putin's strong stance in fighting ISIS. For the first time, a slavic Slovene-born First Lady will be at the White House. Whether she will endeavor to redecorate the place with traditional Russian Babushka dolls remains to be seen. A Russian touch to the American edifice of Democracy, no doubt. More importantly, Melania Trump has played an active role in managing Trump's businesses, and it is reasonable to expect that she will play an active political role, here and abroad, as First Lady. Indeed, there are many aspects in which Trump and Putin see eye-to-eye.

This may be surprising as Russia has been America's arch-enemy since the end of WW2, a period spanning 70 years. Bilateral relations between the countries have curdled in recent times with huge open disagreements over Syria. The US has called out Russia's role in Ukraine, while Russia laughed at the US by granting asylum to whistleblower, Edward Snowden.

Imagine, then, the surprise in seeing how fast geopolitical alliances change this day. The Brits leaving the EU; Turkey, NATO's second most powerful member power, inking defense and intelligence deals with Russia; the US and Europe arming Al-Qaeda styled militias against a secular regime in Syria. Turkey buying crude oil from (gasp!) ISIS.

Brace yourself, the world is in turmoil. We'll see friends and foes of yesteryears interchange in the name of business and necessity. And crude oil of course

5. New oil pipelines to Europe

6. Europe's leadership decline
Now that we have explained Trump's comfy relation with Putin, let's look at the ramifications for Europe. Well, with Putin's energy empire set to tighten its grip on Europe under Trump's presidency, Europe stands to lose. After all, Europe has grown accustomed for the last 70 years to the US taxpayer footing part of its defense bill and that too is about to change. Trump has criticized the low defense spending of NATO's European members during his campaign. He has stated that he would abandon US allies in Europe if they did not spend more on defense. It's nothing short of an epic shift.

US-Europe relations will change as well because EU bureaucrats and the American CEO will find it harder to work together. The reasons are pretty obvious as both compete with one another in most markets. Now given Trump's promise of tariffs, export-based economies such as Germany face headwind ahead. Add to this higher military expenditure to stem the migrant crisis and Europe stands to lose influence on the international stage.

7. Emerging markets

8. Saudi Arabia

9. Middle East influence reversal
Trump's promise to disallow Middle-East's influence and bribery on the US political scene gained him huge popular support. As he follows suit on his promise, things are about to change in DC. Whereas previous administrations welcomed Gulf money in Washington, cash payments to influence policy decisions will stop under Trump.

With a new US President who has vowed to fight bribery and corruption from the Middle-East, things are about to get competitive in terms of oil and gas too. Undoubtedly, foreign policy with regards to the Middle-East is going to undergo a paradigm shift and Middle-Eastern countries will face political isolation as more oil in the US will reduce - and hopefully revert - the ludicrous power of OPEC countries to dictate terms.
Irrevocably, the energy sector in the US is off to a fresh start with Trump as the harbinger of a new age.

In tandem with oil and gas, you'll see coal making a sort of return to the energy scene. By all likelihood, President Obama's Clean Power Plan to reduce climate change will be thrown off the window. The moratorium on new leases for coal on Federal Lands will be lifted. The coal fired power plants are going to get a new lease of life as Trump is all for fossil fuels. That said the subsidies for renewable could continue as the question is about jobs in the US. If not, some renewables such as solar have come down so much in price recently that they may still be a viable alternative to coal - sans subsidies.

On and on, Shale oil boom changed the shape of oil production in the US. Trump's Presidency, with more areas opened for exploration, could mean more supply of oil and gas. When our nine predictions come true, we'll remind you.
Link for full review:

Trump Aide Says Easing Russia Sanctions ‘Under Consideration’
January 27, 2017, 11:34 AM GMT+1
President Donald Trump is willing to consider removing U.S. sanctions against Russia when he has his first official discussion with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin on Saturday, according to senior advisor Kellyanne Conway.

“All of that is under consideration,” Conway said in a TV interview Friday on Fox News, when asked whether the lifting of sanctions will be on the table at the talks from the outset. “If Vladimir Putin wants to join with the U.S. to have a serious conversation about how to defeat radical Islamic terrorism,” then “we’re listening,” she said.

“It’s America first and that includes in his foreign policy and his national security moves,” Conway said, in response to a question on whether Trump would first require Russia to change its international behavior in countries including Syria.

Relations between Trump and Putin are being watched closely in the U.S. amid assertions from intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the election campaign to aid the Republican in defeating Democratic contender Hillary Clinton. Trump, who’s repeatedly spoken of improving relations with Russia, said at a Jan. 11 press conference, his first since the election, that “if Putin likes Donald Trump, I consider that an asset, not a liability.” He also said that Russia could help the U.S. in defeating Islamic State.

Stirring Unease

The first talks between the two leaders since Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration are stirring unease in Europe over the future of sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the European Union after Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and its support of separatists fighting in eastern Ukraine. Trump also is due to speak on Saturday with the leaders of France and Germany, which back the sanctions.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he wasn’t aware of plans to discuss sanctions when Putin and Trump have their phone call. The two leaders will exchange views on Russia-U.S. relations and Putin will congratulate Trump on taking office, he told reporters on a conference call Friday before Conway’s comments.

"This is the first telephone contact since President Trump took office, so one should hardly expect that this phone call will involve substantive discussions across the whole range of issues,” Peskov said.

“If Trump unilaterally lifts Russia sanctions it means torpedoing the Minsk agreement” between Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany that’s intended to resolve the Ukrainian conflict, former Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt said on Twitter.

“If reports of easing sanctions on Russia are true, Trump will have upended U.S. relations with Asia, Europe and Americas in less than a week,” Ivo Daalder, president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and a former U.S. ambassador to NATO, wrote on Twitter.

Revoking sanctions would be an “historic mistake” that encourages Russia into “further actions, you’re not stopping their aggressive behavior,” Zygimantas Pavilionis, a former Lithuanian ambassador to the U.S. who’s now an MP on its parliamentary foreign affairs committee, said Friday. Trump risks humiliation from Putin “if we start a new term with new signs of weakness” because “the Russians will cross new red lines” that former President Barack Obama failed to defend, he said.
Siberia said:

ADDED: These two tweets regarding the possible Russia sanctions lift are interesting, too:

That would be a real ice-breaker, if true.

Also reported here:

Several Mass Media resources reported that administration of the USA president Donald Trump prepared necessary document on sanctions cancellation against Russia.

Cancellation of Russian sanctions. Trump prepared an order on cancellation anti-Russian sanction

President Donald Trump's senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said Friday that removing US sanctions on Russia "is under consideration" by the administration.

Kellyanne Conway: Removing sanctions on Russia 'is under consideration'

Politico's Susan Glasser reported on Thursday that an executive order to unilaterally lift sanctions on Russia had already been drafted.

A group of Senators, led by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) are planning on proposing a bill to limit Trump's ability to lift Russian sanctions without congressional approval.

Conway: Russian sanctions 'under consideration' in Trump-Putin call

A group of Senators, led by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) are planning on proposing a bill to limit Trump's ability to lift Russian sanctions without congressional approval.

‘We repeal sanctions, it tells Russia go ahead and interfere in our elections and do bad things, it tells China, it tells Iran," Schumer said Sunday. "That would be terrible. So this legislation I hope will get bipartisan support."

Bipartisan concern remains over allegations that Russia led a campaign to influence the 2016 election in favor of Trump. McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have partnered with Democrats to call for a select committee to investigate Russian hacking and were part of a group that proposed a bill to increase sanctions on Russia. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell opposes the select committee and it is unclear if he would support a bill limiting Trump's executive power.

“We need more sanctions against Russia. We should not relax them,” McCain said Sunday. “If we don’t keep those sanctions on and even increase them it will encourage Vladimir Putin, who is a war criminal.”

Trump has promised friendlier relations with Russia and suggested he may officially recognize Crimea as part of Russia, which most Western nations have declined to do. The sanctions followed Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

Other news:

Donald Trump says ‘Madonna is disgusting’

The President said: “Honestly, she's disgusting. I think she hurt herself very badly. I think she hurt that whole cause,' President Trump said of the singer's unhinged outburst”.

Madonna’s behavior has really caused a lot of controversial moments. She even left the message on her Twitter, explaining that she didn’t encourage violence, and the problem was that parts of her speech were simply taken “wildly out of context”. Perhaps, the star did it because of realizing that her words could be also interpreted as a criminal offense.

Madonna said on the Woman's March: “I'm angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. But I know that this won't change anything.

Millions of women have done it, hundreds of thousands of scientists are planning to do it, and now fans of the band Insane Clown Posse have announced that they, too, will march in Washington DC to deliver a message “showing how Juggalos have been unfairly stigmatized and discriminated against.”

Everybody Gets a March: Insane Clown Posse Planning Washington DC Protest

Juggalos and Jugalettes were labeled by the FBI and the National Gang Intelligence Center as a criminal street gang, and the group plans to protest what they consider to be a false classification.

According to the Justice Department, Juggalos, a.k.a. Big Money Hustlas, are a “nationwide white gang” involved in increasing levels of criminal activity. In Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the DOJ reported that the gang has an official handbook detailing ranks and duties.

The FBI describes the Juggalos as a "loosely-organized hybrid gang" experiencing rapid growth into "many" US communities. "Transient, criminal" Juggalo outfits threaten communities for their "potential for violence, drug use/sales, and their general destructive and violent nature," the FBI notes. Nazi Juggalos also exist, according to a 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment produced by the FBI.

Juggalos filed a suit against the FBI and DOJ for the classification, but the cases were dismissed. While law enforcement officials have identified Juggalos in 21 states, only Arizona, California, Pennsylvania and Utah recognize the music fans as a gang, the threat assessment noted.

Women took the first step, and now scientists will join them: a movement to organize a ‘Scientists’ March on Washington’ has ballooned to 300,000 Facebook members and 170,000 Twitter followers just a few days after the page was created.

#AlternativeFacts: Scientists Plan March on Washington to Oppose Trump Policies

The movement was quickly born after it came to light that the Trump administration had removed all references to climate change from the official White House website.

The Greenpeace protesters who unfurled a banner reading “Resist” on a 270ft crane near the White House in protest against President Donald Trump now face multiple charges after being arrested for the stunt.

Anti-Trump Greenpeace crane protesters hit with charges of burglary, destruction of property

Equipped with climbing gear and safety harnesses, the seven environmental activists scaled a 270ft construction crane on a site just blocks away from the White House on Wednesday. They unfurled a 35ft by 75ft banner from the crane that read “Resist,” in protest against President Donald Trump.

BBC is 'Worse than a Whore' - Russian TV SLAMS Trump 'Documentary'

Russian media are having a field day with the recent BBC Documentary entitled 'Trump: The Kremlin Candidate', which aired a couple of weeks ago in the UK.

The 30 minute oeuvre is a work of comic genius, and really lays bare how disgracefully the BBC descends, from time to time, into raw propaganda and flat-out lying.

You don't need to watch the whole thing, which is a little bit like pulling teeth, rather just check out this quite entertaining 4 minute overview prepared for Russian TV news viewers. (6:52 min.)

The Russian news site did an in-depth investigation into Sweeney and his colleagues, Richard Hill and Nicholas Stardi, in Russian, which is more great stuff exposing what awful 'journalists' these guys really are.

A translation follows below: (Article continues.)

When the speakers at the Women's March in Washington DC last week said they were "nasty women," they weren't kidding. One speaker at the march, Donna Hylton, is a convicted felon who took part in the kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing and murder of an old man.

_ (Video)

From The Daily Caller:

Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton's accomplices replied: "He was a homo anyway."

Speaking about Hylton, New York City Detective William Spurling told Psychology Today: "I couldn't believe this girl who was so intelligent and nice-looking could be so unemotional about what she was telling me she and her friends had done. They'd squeezed the victim’s testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him."

According to that same article, Hylton delivered a ransom note to a friend of Vigliarolo's asking for more than $400,000, even though the victim was already dead by that point. A 1985 article in The New York Times, which misspelled Donna’s last name as "Hilton," put the ransom demand at $435,000. For her participation in the murder, according to Psychology Today, Hylton was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Despite being a sadistic killer, she now works as a professional victim whining about inadequate conditions in America's prisons. From the description of her heinous crime, it sounds like she was lucky she didn't get the death penalty.

Alana said:
Personally, despite the feelings of relief and hope following the election results, after Trump's inauguration what I feel is apprehension and a sense of doom. And it might not be so much related to who Trump is or what he does/will do, but on the division that was manifactured in the US because of his election. I sometimes feel like I am standing in the middle of a battlefield and I have to look at both directions to point out the truth, because is often missed by both camps, and it feels like a land full of hidden mines. "Yes to Trump on this, but that one? not cool. Yes to the freedom of expression, but this has gone beyond just that". And so on.

And some of the people who are against or the reasons that are brought up to villify Trump are so insane that I think it is our duty to call them out, but so is also our duty to call Trump out when he is crossing the line into inhumane and unust conduct .

I can relate to how you feel Alana, I feel the same way, I'm watching madness all around me. Not many are looking for the truth and there's this mass manipulation going on, people are blind and ripe for the PTB to turn this into something really horrible.
Netanyahu, said that mexicans are the palestinians,are for Israel,that sounds scary,and what I can see, is thta tpb, let this guy to win,"knowing' how square minded he is,and Trump is feeding the mexicans heaters so well! Same as ignorants, .....People of the c's I have been here in this chat for 5 years and Im very grateful of Laura Knight and the C's, and all members,also,because the knowledge of everything, and I believe very strongly that we dont have to agree in everything, thats why we are networking,,with this ....I just going yo say a point of view,...theres good people In USA así theres good people In MÉXICO we must be aware of the heate that are producing the medias,and Trump is helping pretty much..Theres a reason , they don't want americans to know that they are under a very evil goverment...And as I said before , we are In México the targets ,because I agree in one thing mexican goverment let people to cross to the states ...And not being responsable, of the economy,I think that México needs to look to other ways of doing business to another countrys that can be very good! But usa and Canadá need to put also away their assets that have in México,theres no evolución in this country if they still bringing foraigners corporations with the job opportunities disguised of cheap Hand working....Cheap payment,doesnt do any good ....Only for the rich....Mexicans and americans or else...
Trump cleaning out the SWAMP.

President Trump Finally Gets Rid Of Hillary Clinton’s “FIXER” Patrick Kennedy. Remember the “QUID PRO QUO” FBI Bribe?

Below is a summary of just why President Trump chose to fire Kennedy: Includes link to FBI Doc. (Article continues.)

Yesterday at the State Department five officials resigned or retired. Another one today.

Those ‘Resignations’: What Really Happened at the State Department

The media has gone near-insane, claiming State is crumbling in protest under the Trump administration. This is not true. What happened at State is very routine.

Leaving the Department are head of the Management Bureau Pat Kennedy, Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond, Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office of Foreign Missions, arms control official Tom Countryman, and Victoria Nuland (above).

Here’s the story:

— No one at the State Dept resigned in protest.

— No one was formally fired.

— Six people were transferred from or retired from political appointee positions. Technically those who did not retire can be considered to have “resigned,” but that is a routine HR/personnel term used, not some political statement. The six are career Foreign Service career personnel (FSOs) They previously left their FSO job to be appointed into political jobs and now have resigned those (or retired out of the State Department) to return to career FSO jobs. A circle. They are required to submit a letter of resignation as a matter of routine when a new president takes office.

— As for perspective: only one Under Secretary of State (Alan Larson) stayed through the transition from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush. It is routine for senior officials to leave or be reassigned.

— Several of the six are connected to the Clinton emails and/or Clinton’s handling of Benghazi. One of these people, Pat Kennedy, played a significant role in both, as well as many other controversial issues during Clinton’s term. Sources tell me that although officially Kennedy “retired,” he was more or less required to do so by the Trump administration.

— I have no information on the others, whether they were asked to retire, or just part of a reshuffling of positions and will routinely be reassigned. Most likely the latter, as such reshuffling is very common as administrations change. As everywhere in the government, the new administration fills its own political appointee slots.

— Some of the six will hit mandatory retirement age on January 31 anyway. (Article continues.)

The administration of US President Donald Trump is preparing two executive orders to drastically reduce funding for the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as begin a process to review and potentially leave some multilateral treaties, according to a new report.

Trump prepares orders to cut UN funding, leave treaties

The first executive order, titled “Auditing and Reducing US Funding of International Organizations,” calls for terminating funding for any UN agency or other international body that meets any one of several criteria, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

According to the report, organizations that give full membership to the Palestinian Authority or Palestine Liberation Organization, programs that fund abortions and any program that circumvents sanctions against Iran or North Korea are included in the criteria.

The draft order also calls for terminating funding for any organization that violates human rights or is controlled by any state that sponsors terrorism.

Overall, the order is aimed at cutting Washington’s funding for international organizations by 40 percent, the report added.

The second executive order, titled “Moratorium on New Multilateral Treaties,” calls for a review of all current and pending treaties with more than one other country and asks for recommendations on which negotiations or treaties Washington should abrogate.

[...] Washington has earmarked $594 million in the UN operations funding for next year, but the figure approaches $3 billion once peacekeeping costs are factored in.

Establishment globalists were right to be concerned about the fate of their schemes. After a fast-paced first week of putting “America First” by targeting pseudo-“free trade” regimes and rogue regulatory agencies, President Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to take on the United Nations.

Next on Trump's List: Rein in the UN Dictators Club

Under one of the two draft orders, headlined “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organization,” the U.S. government would cut funding to any UN agency or international organization that meets any specific criteria. One of those criteria, the Times reported, was granting full membership to the Palestinian Authority (PA) or the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Deceitfully, the Times did not mention until close to the bottom of its report
is the fact that two 1990s-era federal laws already require the U.S. government to halt all funding to any UN entity that admits the PA or PLO as a member state. That is why the UN's extremist “education” agency UNESCO has been defunded, despite Obama's best efforts. Then-President Bill Clinton signed one of those measures into law, with the other being signed by George H.W. Bush.

Also subject to being defunded under Trump's draft executive order, according to the Times, is any UN or international outfit that “is controlled or substantially influenced by any state that sponsors terrorism That would likely include the UN's widely ridiculed “Human Rights Council.” The extremist body, run by an Islamic dictatorship's prince who equated Trump with ISIS and claims “international law” requires “robust gun control” in America, is literally dominated by a majority of unfree regimes — including some of the most savage and murderous dictatorships on the planet that have sponsored terrorism for decades. UN entities controlled or substantially influenced by regimes that persecute marginalized groups or systematically violate human rights would also be defunded.

[...] Other requirements under the draft order include instituting cuts of “at least 40 percent” in all remaining U.S. taxpayer funding to international organizations.

[...] The first order would also establish a committee to recommend where to make cuts to U.S. funding for UN agencies and other globalist outfits. That body would be tasked with, among other specific responsibilities, investigating U.S. funding for a number of UN agencies and bureaucracies. Among them is the International Criminal Court, which in recent months threatened that it was considering hauling U.S. troops in. The ICC tried to jail a journalist, too. Also set to be scrutinized are [b the UN's scandal-plagued “peacekeeping” missions, [/b] which have been notable primarily for the wide-scale rape of children, the slaughter of civilians, the persecution of those who blow the whistle, and other crimes. Finally, the UN Population Fund
which has been implicated in aiding the Communist Chinese regime in its forced abortions and its savage population-control regime, is also set to be examined.

The second draft executive action purportedly seen by the Times is the “Moratorium on New Multilateral Treaties.” According to the report, the order would demand a review of all current and pending multilateral treaties involving more than one foreign government. The review would be followed by recommendations on which negotiations, conventions, or treaties the U.S. government should ditch. That order specifically mentions the “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women,” which has been weaponized by governments worldwide to assault freedom and family. It also mentions the UN “Convention on the Rights of the Child,” a totalitarian scheme that Scottish lawmakers cited to justify the assignment of a named bureaucrat to oversee the upbringing and indoctrination of each and every child. The U.S. Senate has refused to ratify either scheme.

The second order on multilateral treaties exempts any treaty “directly related to national security, extradition or international trade.” The Times absurdly — pathetically, almost — tried to claim that might exempt the UN's pseudo-treaty on alleged man-made global warming known as the “Paris Agreement” because it touches on “trade.” In the real world Trump has already promised to “cancel” that illegal UN scheme, which was never ratified by the Senate anyway. And immediately upon taking office, the White House website vowed to dismantle Obama's illegal “Climate Action Plan,” which was the centerpiece of Obama's illegal “commitments” under the UN climate regime. Plus, without the trillions in loot from U.S. and Western taxpayers promised to the UN “Green Climate Fund,” virtually every Third World regime on Earth has already promised to walk away.

[...] American taxpayers pay between $8 billion and $10 billion each year to the UN, more than 185 other member states combined. And in return, the American people, their liberties, their Constitution, and their national independence are subject to constant and vicious attack from the dictators club and its leading officials. Congress is also working to defund the UN.

Of course, Trump's expected actions represent an excellent place to start — especially after eight years of Obama, who in his last speech to the dictator-dominated UN General Assembly openly called for America to “accept constraints,” “giving up some freedom of action” (also known as self-government), and “binding ourselves to international rules.” However, a much better and more permanent solution would be to get the U.S. out of the UN completely. Legislation to do that, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 193), is currently sitting in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. And with enough public pressure, 2017 can be the year that America finally breaks free of the dictators club.

Following through on one of the many pro-business promises he made all along the campaign trail, Trump reiterated the need to rethink the way our country buys and sells drugs to help lower costs in the public interest.

Donald Trump announces plan to hammer Big Pharma monopoly profits by requiring competitive bidding

He also railed against the pharmaceutical industry, which he boldly described as “getting away with murder,” as he called for “new bidding procedures” to lower drug costs and presumably end the Big Pharma monopoly that has been strangling American healthcare for decades.

“Pharma has a lot of lobbyists and a lot of power,” the president-elect proclaimed before an eager press pool, “and there’s very little bidding. We’re the largest buyer of drugs in the world and yet we don’t bid properly.”

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-five percent (45%) disapprove.
Donald J. Trump Verified account
Miami-Dade Mayor drops sanctuary policy. Right decision. Strong!


Miami Herald
Miami-Dade mayor orders jails to comply with Trump crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties
Howard Simon, executive director of the Florida chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, denounced Gimenez’s action, saying that it “flies in the face of Miami’s long history as a city of immigrants” and predicting it will “drive a wedge of distrust between law enforcement and our immigrant community.”

“At the very least, a warrant from a court, not merely a request from a federal official, is required to detain somebody in jail,” Simon said. “We will resist every attempt by our government to punish immigrants, regardless of their status.”

Trump has also ordered the reinstatement of a Bush-era program known as Secure Communities that deputizes local police to enforce immigration laws — a controversial approach that critics say deters victims and witnesses of crime from coming forward. Gimenez noted that while his Thursday memo doesn’t deal with that portion of Trump’s action, he can’t envision cops asking people for their papers.

“The federal government has to do its job,” he said. “We don’t ask them to write traffic tickets. We don’t want police asking people immigration status.”

Whether Miami-Dade would be affected by Trump’s executive action on sanctuary cities was already questionable, given that there’s no legal definition of what constitutes a “sanctuary.” The federal law cited in Trump’s order addresses jurisdictions that choose not to share information with the feds on immigration cases. No Florida municipality has explicitly set policy to obstruct federal immigration authorities; they’ve only objected to costly detentions or to detentions without deportation orders or judicial warrants.

The Democratic mayors of several big cities that defy federal immigration authorities as a matter of policy declared one after another Wednesday that they protect undocumented immigrants within their jurisdictions.

“I want to be clear: We’re going to stay a sanctuary city,” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said.

“We’re going to defend all of our people, regardless of where they come from, regardless of their immigration status,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

Mexico's Richest Man Carlos Slim Calls Rare Press Conference As Trump Tensions Rise, Live Feed
by Tyler Durden Jan 27, 2017 1:54 PM
Update: Speaking at a press conference in Mexico City, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim said announced he is willing to help the government negotiate with Donald Trump, and called on Mexicans from all political parties to unite behind President Enrique Pena Nieto. In a rare news conference by the generally media-shy mogul, Slim said Mexico needed to negotiate from a position of strength, noting that Trump, who he called a "great negotiator," represented a major change in how politics is conducted.
Here are a couple of the key comments so far:

Carlos Slim, en vivo en conferencia de prensa
Posted by Noticiero en Redes

http://...and has culminated with Carlos Slim calling a very rare press conference scheduled for 2PM EST....will he call for an economic truce or take more of a Vicente Fox approach to the "f$#%ing wall"?

Great News for Net Neutrality: Trump Selects Ajit Pai to Head FCC

Added From SF. Calif.

Trump voters thrilled with promised action on border wall Video
Astrid Galvan, Associated Press Updated 12:50 pm, Friday, January 27, 2017
On Friday, US Vice President Mike Pence became the first-ever president or vice president to speak at the annual March for Life in Washington DC.

Vice President Mike Pence Speaks to March for Life in Washington DC (Video)

The march, reported to number in the tens of thousands, was the 43rd annual demonstration, which began the year after Roe v. Wade was passed by the US Supreme Court.

Counselor to President Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, was also among the speakers at the event.

"Science and medicine have joined religion and morality in causing many Americans to rethink just how fragile and how triumphant human life truly is," Conway said. "Look at a sonogram, meet a thriving toddler who was born at 24 weeks, and who, with proper medical intervention, goes on to have a long and healthy life."

Marchers carried signs calling for the long-contested law to be overturned, while groups of high school students chanted “hey, hey! Ho-ho, Roe v. Wade has got to go!” Multiple Christian schools in the area allowed students to attend the march, without being marked absent.

As Vice President Pence’s motorcade rolled in, the crowd went wild with cheers and applause.

I am deeply humbled to be the first Vice President of the United States to ever have the privilege to attend this historic gathering,” Pence said in his opening remarks to the crowd of thousands gathered around the Washington Monument.

Pence asserted that Trump had asked him to attend the event, and thanked the marchers for their support and “compassion for the women and children of this nation.” (Article continues.)
Interesting info on Robert Mercer, billionaire backer of Trump, and his connections with Conway, Bannon and others close to Trump:

But while this research brings up interesting connections, there's a big problem with Real News' analysis (and thus their narrative), which is based on the video's opening premise that Trump's campaign was in serious trouble around convention time last July. But that's not true. He was so popular with Republican voters by then that Ted Cruz had dropped out of the race in early May, making Trump presumptive nominee. Sure, he was 'behind in all the polls', but look how totally wrong those turned out to be!

Only then, after Trump became unstoppable, did the Mercers change horses. In other words, Trump led; the Mercers followed. The only 'difficulty' Trump was in when Bannon and Conway came onboard was that the Republican establishment detested him! And he still won the formal RNC nomination despite the Party's dirty tricks at the RNC (which is where Sanders fell down).
A lot of people, including myself, are wondering what happened to the Left. Historically aligned with workers rights, and the peace movement. I think this article does a good job of explaining what happened.


The Demise of the Left

Paul Craig ROBERTS

On several occasions I have asked in my columns the rhetorical question: What became of the left? Today I answer my question.

The answer is that the European and American left, which traditionally stood for the working class and peace (bread and peace) no longer exists. The cause championed by those who pretend to be the “left” of today is identity politics. The “left” no longer champions the working class, which the “left” dismisses as “Trump deplorables,” consisting of “racist, misogynist, homophobic, gun nuts.” Instead,the “left” champions alleged victimized and marginalized groups—blacks, homosexuals, women and the transgendered. Tranny bathrooms, a cause unlikely to mobilize many Americans, are more important to the “left” than the working class

All white-skinned peoples except leftists, including apparently victimized women, are racist by definition. Racism and victimization are the explanations of everything, all of history, all institutions, even the US Constitution. This program of the left cuts the left off from the working class, who have been abandoned by both political parties, and has terminated the left’s connection to the people.

The collapse of the left as an effective and real political force followed the Soviet collapse. The underclass had resisted their exploitation before the publication of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital in 1867. But Marx raised the exploitation of labor to a fighting cause on whose side was History. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia seemed to validate Marx with its overthrow of the existing order and proclamation of Soviet Communism.

Soviet practices deflated left-wing hopes and expectations, but nevertheless an alternative system which continued to speak against capitalist exploitation existed. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, neoconservatives and neoliberals declared that History had chosen capitalism over the working class, and Marx’s prediction of the triumph of the working class had been proven wrong.

The Soviet collapse caused communist China and socialist India to change their economic policy and to open their economies to foreign capital. With no rival, capitalism no longer had to restrain itself and allow widespread access to the growth of income and wealth. Capitalists began collecting it all for themselves. Many studies have concluded that the productivity gains which formerly went mainly to the work force are now monopolized by the mega-rich.

One avenue to the concentration of income and wealth is the financialization of the economy (emphasized by Michael Hudson and by Marx in the third volume of Capital). The financial sector has been able to divert the discretionary income of the working class into interest and fees to banks (mortgages, car loans, credit card debt, student loans).

The other avenue is the offshoring of American jobs to which Donald Trump is strongly opposed. Here is what happened:

Wall Street told US manufacturers to move their production to China in order to increase profits from lower labor and regulatory costs, or Wall Street would finance takeovers of the companies, and the new owners would raise the firms’ profitability by moving production offshore. Large retailers, such as Walmart, ordered suppliers “to meet the Chinese price.”

When the jobs were in the US, most of the gains in productivity went to labor. Therefore, real median family incomes rose through time, and the consumer purchasing power this income growth provided drove the US economy to success for ever more people.

When the jobs were moved to Asia, the growth in real median US family incomes stopped and declined. The large excess supplies of labor and lower cost of living in Asia meant that Asian workers did not have to be paid in wages the value of their contribution to output. The difference between the US wage and Asian wage was large and went into corporate profits, thus driving up executives’ “performance bonuses” and capital gains (rising stock prices from higher profits) for shareholders. In my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism published in 2013, I was able to calculate that based on current information at that time, every 1,000 manufacturing jobs moved to China resulted in a labor cost saving for the US company of $32,000 per hour. These hourly savings did not translate into lower prices for US consumers of the offshored production. The labor cost savings translated directly into the incomes of the executives and shareholders.

Thus, jobs offshoring permitted the productivity gains to be monopolized by corporate owners and executives.

Instead of responding to Trump’s support of the working class and his actions in their behalf during the first week of his presidency—Trump’s termination of TPP and his demand to auto manufacturers to bring manufacturing back to America—the “left” has rallied around a victim group—illegal immigrants. The “left” even elevates non-US citizens above the US working class.

Trump was elected by the working class. If the left is defined historically as the champion of the working class, then Donald Trump is their champion and the “left” is their enemy.

Throughout the contest for the Republican presidential nomination and the contest for the presidency, the “left” was allied with the ruling establishment of mega-rich capitalist oligarchs and the warmonger military/security complex against Trump. As Trump’s presidency begins, it is the “left” that wants Trump impeached and delegitimized, precisely the goals of the war- mongers and the mega-rich and their presstitutes.

Even environmental groups, such as NRDC of which I am a member, has joined the identity politics against Trump. Rhea Suh, NRDC’s president, has just sent me an email in which she declares NRDC, supposedly a champion of wildlife and the environment, to be standing with women in the Women’s March on Washington against Trump “in defense of our most basic rights as women.” “Women matter,” Rhea declares, and proceeds to blame Trump for Flint Michigan’s polluted water.

I am convinced that it is a mistake for Trump to emphasize jobs at the expense of the environment. Whether or not global warming is a hoax, environmental destruction is not. It is real, and the working class, as in Flint, are suffering from it as well as from the offshoring of their jobs.

The Democratic Party died during the Clinton regime when Clinton allied with the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) founded in 1985 by Al From. I have often wondered who funded the DLC. It could just as well have been the Koch brothers as the DLC turned the Democratic Party into a second Republican Party.

The DLC convinced Democrats that the defeat of the presidential campaigns of George McGovern and Walter Mondale proved that economic populism is not politically viable. Democrats had to turn away from the left and embrace “mainstream values” and “market-based solutions.” The DLC was a big supporter of NAFTA. Reportedly, the DLC’s Will Marshall regarded pacifists and Iraq war protesters as anti-American and advised Democrats to keep their distance.

In short, the message was: compete with the Republicans for the big corporate and financial sector money. It certainly worked for the Clintons, but not for the Democratic Party.

As “market-based solutions” offshored US manufacturing jobs, the Democratic Party’s finances declined with union membership and power. Today Democrats and Republicans are dependent on the same interest groups for campaign funds. Thus ended the Democratic Party’s connection with the working class.

The question is: Can Trump stand for the working class when both political parties and the presstitute media, the think tanks, universities, environmental organizations, military/security complex, Wall Street, and courts stand against the working class?

Who is going to help Trump help the working class?
Looks like Trump's idea to lift sanctions has already faced some seroius obstacles:



"These sanctions were imposed because of their behavior in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now we know they’ve been messing around in our elections as well,” Sen. Mitch McConnell said. | M.Scott Mahaskey/POLITICO

McConnell to Trump: Do not lift sanctions on Russia

The president's phone call with Vladimir Putin Saturday threatens to strain his relationship with congressional Republicans.
By SEUNG MIN KIM, BURGESS EVERETT and AUSTIN WRIGHT 01/27/17 03:57 PM EST Updated 01/27/17 05:32 PM EST

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan are drawing a hard line against easing sanctions on Russia, issuing stern warnings ahead of President Donald Trump’s first official communication with Vladimir Putin since his inauguration last week.

“I’m against lifting any sanctions on the Russians. These sanctions were imposed because of their behavior in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now we know they’ve been messing around in our elections as well,” McConnell said in an interview with POLITICO on Friday. “If there’s any country in the world that doesn’t deserve sanctions relief, it’s Russia.”

Trump’s phone call Saturday with his Russian counterpart could put the new strain on his uneasy truce with GOP congressional leaders.

The big question is whether McConnell and Ryan would be willing to go beyond words to stop Trump from relaxing sanctions imposed by the Obama administration as punishment for Russia’s meddling in November’s presidential election and for its 2014 annexation of Crimea.

If Trump does move to ease sanctions, Republicans could be forced to choose between the GOP’s longstanding hawkish stance toward Russia and Trump’s unorthodox embrace of Putin, whom he has repeatedly praised in Tweets.

Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway told Fox News that lifting sanctions could be on the table when Trump and Putin speak on Saturday. Trump, though, signaled during a news conference Friday he was not yet ready to relax sanctions, saying it is “very early to be talking about that.”

In the past, the president has said he would be interested in lifting sanctions as part of a deal to reduce nuclear weapons.

Pressure is mounting on McConnell and Ryan to allow votes on bills that would make it harder for Trump to lift the sanctions — measures that would represent an act of defiance toward a president determined to improve relations with Moscow.

McConnell declined to comment when asked by POLITICO about legislation to codify existing sanctions into law .

I think the first step is to make sure we don’t undo — either legislatively or through the executive branch — any of the existing sanctions,” he said. “And we’ll talk about new ones in the future.”

But the Kentucky Republican is facing calls from members of his own caucus to back bills that would hamstring Trump’s ability to lift the sanctions, which were put in place through executive actions and could be undone with the stroke of a pen.

Five Republican senators — including John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Marco Rubio of Florida — have signed on as co-sponsors of a measure by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) to ratchet up sanctions on Russia.

McCain and Graham are also backing a bipartisan measure to bar Trump from lifting sanctions unless he gets approval from Congress.

McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, warned on Friday that any decision from the administration to lift sanctions would face not only congressional resistance but an effort to restore them legislatively.

“President Donald Trump’s call with Vladimir Putin is scheduled to take place amid widespread speculation that the White House is considering lifting sanctions against Russia,” he said in a statement. “For the sake of America’s national security and that of our allies, I hope President Trump will put an end to this speculation and reject such a reckless course.”

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), another co-sponsor of Cardin’s sanctions bill, said in a statement said he is “deeply concerned” by reports sanctions could be lifted.

I believe the U.S. Senate should take pro-active steps to codify the sanctions against Russia into law to ensure we live up to our commitments to our allies and uphold longstanding American values and ideals,” Portman said. “To lift the sanctions on Russia for any reason other than a change in the behavior that led to those sanctions in the first place would send a dangerous message.”

Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been working behind the scenes to pressure Republicans to hold hearings on the bills, a first step toward getting them to the Senate floor for a vote.

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said in an interview he was open to holding hearings but first wanted to make sure the measures were about “substance,” as he put it, and not “messaging bills.”

In the House, Rep. Eliot Engel of New York, the top Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, is pushing a bill to slap new sanctions on Russia for what U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was a covert effort to sway the presidential election in Trump’s favor, by hacking the Democratic National Committee and through propaganda.

Asked about the issue on Friday, Ryan said he believes sanctions are “overdue.”

“I think Obama was late in putting them in place,” he said. “I think they should stay."
Siberia said:
Looks like Trump's idea to lift sanctions has already faced some seroius obstacles:



"These sanctions were imposed because of their behavior in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now we know they’ve been messing around in our elections as well,” Sen. Mitch McConnell said. | M.Scott Mahaskey/POLITICO

McConnell to Trump: Do not lift sanctions on Russia

The president's phone call with Vladimir Putin Saturday threatens to strain his relationship with congressional Republicans.
By SEUNG MIN KIM, BURGESS EVERETT and AUSTIN WRIGHT 01/27/17 03:57 PM EST Updated 01/27/17 05:32 PM EST

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan are drawing a hard line against easing sanctions on Russia, issuing stern warnings ahead of President Donald Trump’s first official communication with Vladimir Putin since his inauguration last week.

“I’m against lifting any sanctions on the Russians. These sanctions were imposed because of their behavior in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now we know they’ve been messing around in our elections as well,” McConnell said in an interview with POLITICO on Friday. “If there’s any country in the world that doesn’t deserve sanctions relief, it’s Russia.”

Trump’s phone call Saturday with his Russian counterpart could put the new strain on his uneasy truce with GOP congressional leaders.

The big question is whether McConnell and Ryan would be willing to go beyond words to stop Trump from relaxing sanctions imposed by the Obama administration as punishment for Russia’s meddling in November’s presidential election and for its 2014 annexation of Crimea.

If Trump does move to ease sanctions, Republicans could be forced to choose between the GOP’s longstanding hawkish stance toward Russia and Trump’s unorthodox embrace of Putin, whom he has repeatedly praised in Tweets.

Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway told Fox News that lifting sanctions could be on the table when Trump and Putin speak on Saturday. Trump, though, signaled during a news conference Friday he was not yet ready to relax sanctions, saying it is “very early to be talking about that.”

In the past, the president has said he would be interested in lifting sanctions as part of a deal to reduce nuclear weapons.

Pressure is mounting on McConnell and Ryan to allow votes on bills that would make it harder for Trump to lift the sanctions — measures that would represent an act of defiance toward a president determined to improve relations with Moscow.

McConnell declined to comment when asked by POLITICO about legislation to codify existing sanctions into law .

I think the first step is to make sure we don’t undo — either legislatively or through the executive branch — any of the existing sanctions,” he said. “And we’ll talk about new ones in the future.”

But the Kentucky Republican is facing calls from members of his own caucus to back bills that would hamstring Trump’s ability to lift the sanctions, which were put in place through executive actions and could be undone with the stroke of a pen.

Five Republican senators — including John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Marco Rubio of Florida — have signed on as co-sponsors of a measure by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) to ratchet up sanctions on Russia.

McCain and Graham are also backing a bipartisan measure to bar Trump from lifting sanctions unless he gets approval from Congress.

McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, warned on Friday that any decision from the administration to lift sanctions would face not only congressional resistance but an effort to restore them legislatively.

“President Donald Trump’s call with Vladimir Putin is scheduled to take place amid widespread speculation that the White House is considering lifting sanctions against Russia,” he said in a statement. “For the sake of America’s national security and that of our allies, I hope President Trump will put an end to this speculation and reject such a reckless course.”

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), another co-sponsor of Cardin’s sanctions bill, said in a statement said he is “deeply concerned” by reports sanctions could be lifted.

I believe the U.S. Senate should take pro-active steps to codify the sanctions against Russia into law to ensure we live up to our commitments to our allies and uphold longstanding American values and ideals,” Portman said. “To lift the sanctions on Russia for any reason other than a change in the behavior that led to those sanctions in the first place would send a dangerous message.”

Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been working behind the scenes to pressure Republicans to hold hearings on the bills, a first step toward getting them to the Senate floor for a vote.

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said in an interview he was open to holding hearings but first wanted to make sure the measures were about “substance,” as he put it, and not “messaging bills.”

In the House, Rep. Eliot Engel of New York, the top Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, is pushing a bill to slap new sanctions on Russia for what U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was a covert effort to sway the presidential election in Trump’s favor, by hacking the Democratic National Committee and through propaganda.

Asked about the issue on Friday, Ryan said he believes sanctions are “overdue.”

“I think Obama was late in putting them in place,” he said. “I think they should stay."

I think maybe they are bluffing. They don't even have the work ethic to bring the the sanctions into the legislative voting arena if you ask me. It's too much bargaining for them to actually get off their duffs. The executive orders can be a 2 edged sword. If Trump could frame the lifting of sanctions within some cosmetic or practical concessions by Russia the public might be fine with lifting them.

In the past, the president has said he would be interested in lifting sanctions as part of a deal to reduce nuclear weapons.

All their reasons are based on lies which more people are beginning to notice hopefully.

“I’m against lifting any sanctions on the Russians. These sanctions were imposed because of their behavior in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and now we know they’ve been messing around in our elections as well,” McConnell said in an interview with POLITICO on Friday. “If there’s any country in the world that doesn’t deserve sanctions relief, it’s Russia.”

What about "our" behavior.
goyacobol said:
I think maybe they are bluffing. They don't even have the work ethic to bring the the sanctions into the legislative voting arena if you ask me. It's too much bargaining for them to actually get off their duffs. The executive orders can be a 2 edged sword. If Trump could frame the lifting of sanctions within some cosmetic or practical concessions by Russia the public might be fine with lifting them.

Yeah, I think they're bluffing as well. I hadn't thought of the laziness factor, but on top of that there is also the veto threat. If they wanted the sanctions to be law, which seems ridiculous (don't they have ANYTHING better to do?) why didn't they do it already? I say bluff. Obama would've likely let such a bill through but Trump won't.
piliangie said:
Netanyahu, said that mexicans are the palestinians,are for Israel,that sounds scary,and what I can see, is thta tpb, let this guy to win,"knowing' how square minded he is,and Trump is feeding the mexicans heaters so well! Same as ignorants, .....People of the c's I have been here in this chat for 5 years and Im very grateful of Laura Knight and the C's, and all members,also,because the knowledge of everything, and I believe very strongly that we dont have to agree in everything, thats why we are networking,,with this ....I just going yo say a point of view,...theres good people In USA así theres good people In MÉXICO we must be aware of the heate that are producing the medias,and Trump is helping pretty much..Theres a reason , they don't want americans to know that they are under a very evil goverment...And as I said before , we are In México the targets ,because I agree in one thing mexican goverment let people to cross to the states ...And not being responsable, of the economy,I think that México needs to look to other ways of doing business to another countrys that can be very good! But usa and Canadá need to put also away their assets that have in México,theres no evolución in this country if they still bringing foraigners corporations with the job opportunities disguised of cheap Hand working....Cheap payment,doesnt do any good ....Only for the rich....Mexicans and americans or else...

Hello pilangie,

Indeed, there are good people everywhere; in the U.S., in Mexico, all over. I can't begin to know the realities of being in Mexico, yet I think you are saying, perhaps I'm wrong, that Trump is providing great problems for Mexico, yet the Mexican government is not responsible economically? These are reasonable things to say, and it no doubt feels very threatening being in Mexico under the rhetoric from the North, and these conditions have been propagated for a long time. I remember when the NAFTA agreement was rammed through between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. The underpinnings of the agreement did not serve many except for the interests of a few. The agreement was especially harsh on Mexico, in agriculture particularly (osit) and the deal was perhaps a sign it or else ultimatum. In Canada, that agreement was made in secret (interesting stories on this) and it has its clauses that do not serve the people, including its mandate to provide resources under conditions that always favor the U.S.

I think it wise for any country to explore other trading opportunities and establish friendships, so hope Mexico can do this also.

Anyway, don't know what will happen, perhaps there will be relief in sight or it will get much worse; with or without Trump it was heading that way. Perhaps he will surprise and help in ways we don't yet know, or maybe not - its been like taking a step forward and then moving backward. So give the political landscape some time to see where this is going and keep aware.
Niall said:
Interesting info on Robert Mercer, billionaire backer of Trump, and his connections with Conway, Bannon and others close to Trump:

But while this research brings up interesting connections, there's a big problem with Real News' analysis (and thus their narrative), which is based on the video's opening premise that Trump's campaign was in serious trouble around convention time last July. But that's not true. He was so popular with Republican voters by then that Ted Cruz had dropped out of the race in early May, making Trump presumptive nominee. Sure, he was 'behind in all the polls', but look how totally wrong those turned out to be!

Only then, after Trump became unstoppable, did the Mercers change horses. In other words, Trump led; the Mercers followed. The only 'difficulty' Trump was in when Bannon and Conway came onboard was that the Republican establishment detested him! And he still won the formal RNC nomination despite the Party's dirty tricks at the RNC (which is where Sanders fell down).

Robert Mercer at the ACL awards ceremony said:
I loved everything about computers. I loved the solitude of computer labs at night. I loved the air conditioned smell of the place. I loved the sound of the disks whirring and the printers clacking.

Ah, a man after my own heart...

The only political statement during the ceremony he made was about working at an Air Force weapons lab in NM. There he made the discovery that instead of running the computations at one 1/100th of the time the PTB at the lab ran computations that were 100 times bigger.

Robert Mercer said:
"I took this as an indication that one of the most important government goals of government financed research is not to get answers as it is to consume the computer budget."

This was interesting to me to find out more of the details of the financier. His daughter's role is interesting too.
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