Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Aeneas said:
Patience said:
There is some group of Trump supporters who don't care and will hysterically clap like seals so long as Trump burps out a Tweet and an executive order about jobs or walls every once in a while no matter how divorced from reality it is. Example: Trump's questioning of why Chevrolets aren't sold in Europe. Well, GM doesn't sell Chevrolets in Europe because it has a brand called Opel.

And then there is some group of Democrats who will hysterically flock around anyone who gives lip service to identity causes no matter how war-mongering that politician is...


It all makes me think of the Tower of Babel. Everyone is speaking, and no person can understand another. All the while, the construction of the tower has stopped. No progress is possible.

Let me be clear. I do not advocate seeking middle ground to the exclusion of truth. I guess I am pointing out that despite some reasons to hope that Trump may challenge the Cold War status quo, I fear too many of his followers don't understand how destructive the Deep State has been throughout the world, and too many Democrats are also ignorant of this. This ignorance, so efficiently cultivated by mainstream press and education, essentially cloaks the middle ground that the "2 sides" could have.

So so sooooooo Tower of Babel right now...

I do share your concerns. And I think Trump's character works against him. As was mentioned many times before the election, Trump is a big narcissist and that does not change just because he is now the president. He does not suddenly transform into a wise diplomatic Putin who is a master on many levels. That would be to engage in wishful thinking with the resulting disappointments or worse. Trumps has many qualities that works for him, but also a lot of deficits. As also was said about the election, then a lot of people did not vote for Trump, but rather against Hillary.

Now 15 years after the 9/11 attacks the population is totally hysterized and that does not make unifying easy, as the population is conditioned into black/white thinking with no middle ground. Patience mentioned the Tower of Babel and in a black and white world you can see how this plays out. For many, you are either with Trump all the way or you are a transgender libtard. That doesn't leave much room for questioning on either side.

On a sobering note, the C's did say something to the effect that the dye is cast (Alea iacta est), which I took to mean that a certain timeline had solidified. This was said well before Trump, and it could mean that Trump might change a few deck chairs, but it is too late to repair the sinking Titanic. In line with that, the C's have often said in connection with somebody's fate "...or have we forgotten about Karma?" The collective karma of the misdeeds of the empire is coming home to roost. One way or another.

This is what has been on my mind and what I find very concerning at the moment. It seems even harder than ever to get a voice of reason to take hold. It's kind of depressing. Thank the universe for you all. This network is more important than ever to bring perspective when it would otherwise be too easy to get lost in the morass of craziness that's going on right now. It takes conscious effort for me not to get drawn into an argument with some libtard who obviously (to me anyway) doesn't think for themselves and buys everything the MSM is selling hook, line, and sinker. Think I'm going to do a fast and hope to get some clarity... Gezus
Laura said:
Joe said:
A perspective that I haven't seen shared here is that Trump is no savior, he's going to play the game the same way as the 'elite': power politics, keeping in with the big corps and bankers and all the cronyism and vested interests that go along with that. So there will, of course, still be lots of corruption and inequality in the USA under Trump, he'll probably do some pretty despicable things (like all his predecessors). The only good thing that I think MIGHT come out of his presidency is that he'll rein in the foreign warmongering and global chaos created by the 'deep state'. That's a big "might", by the way, but if he achieves it even to a small extent, it could make a big difference.

Well, he's already really pissed off a lot of peeps - but most of them were dependent on USA handouts. Still, ought not to make enemies.

His comments on torture just were over the top IMO.

Like I said, he could end up being a new Hitler who was, we must remember, very popular and did a lot of good things for Germany. But still, he was Hitler and things ended as they did because he had some serious blind spots and ego problems. If you read Percy Schramm's book about Hitler, (and he had access to stuff others didn't), you can see that Hitler suffered from a sort of Dunning Kruger thing.

Obviously, there are differences and things would certainly be worse with Hillary (and I don't doubt that for an instant), but I see some real issues about Trump and we need to stay on top of this and not soft soap anything.

Just saw this and couldn't agree more. That's definitely playing into my state of mind at the moment. Like I said, Gezus!
Laura said:
Joe said:
A perspective that I haven't seen shared here is that Trump is no savior, he's going to play the game the same way as the 'elite': power politics, keeping in with the big corps and bankers and all the cronyism and vested interests that go along with that. So there will, of course, still be lots of corruption and inequality in the USA under Trump, he'll probably do some pretty despicable things (like all his predecessors). The only good thing that I think MIGHT come out of his presidency is that he'll rein in the foreign warmongering and global chaos created by the 'deep state'. That's a big "might", by the way, but if he achieves it even to a small extent, it could make a big difference.

Well, he's already really pissed off a lot of peeps - but most of them were dependent on USA handouts. Still, ought not to make enemies.

His comments on torture just were over the top IMO.

Like I said, he could end up being a new Hitler who was, we must remember, very popular and did a lot of good things for Germany. But still, he was Hitler and things ended as they did because he had some serious blind spots and ego problems. If you read Percy Schramm's book about Hitler, (and he had access to stuff others didn't), you can see that Hitler suffered from a sort of Dunning Kruger thing.

Obviously, there are differences and things would certainly be worse with Hillary (and I don't doubt that for an instant), but I see some real issues about Trump and we need to stay on top of this and not soft soap anything.

His comment about torture if sincere lays down a massive dangerously blind spot in his personality. OSIT.

Besides, Trump will be tested like rare men ever have been. Who says that he will keep it together?

For example, and this horrible to contemplate, but what happens if his 10 year old boy get's killed in an assassination attempt against Trump? I was thinking about because people keep attacking his son on social media. And the MSM doesn't even condemn it !! How will Trump react if something horrible like this happens?

I was amazed that Trump still even has a kid that age!!! There is no quarantine that Trump will survive his presidency. He must know this? Yet he took the risk.

Trump may have nobel intentions for now. But there are so many things that can happen along the way, So many things that can break him.

And what if the protests get out of control? His live is in jeopardy, the whole country is set ablaze by massive riots. But his supporters gain the upper hand across the country over the Liberals? What if some kind of civil war happens and Trump and his supporters win? What kind of dictatorship will come out of it? Or what kind of dictatorship will come out of it if he loses the fight?

Besides, I can't help to think that the Liberal New World Order is the main reason why the Extreme Right is getting attractive again.

- Recognizing Pedophilia as a sexual orientation.
- teaching children that gender is subjective
- teaching children that sexuality is subjective.
- teaching children that being white makes you a natural racist.
etc etc.

There is so much insanity going on that it makes people borderline angry. And it causes the Extreme Right to rise like a phoenix to save us all from it? At least that's how many people percieve it or so think.

And what happens when those 2 nukes go of mentioned by the C's. What will people do when this become a reality, cling more the Extreme Left, or Extreme Right?! And how will Trump handle it? If thousands if not millions of people die in such an attack?
Laura said:
Joe said:
A perspective that I haven't seen shared here is that Trump is no savior, he's going to play the game the same way as the 'elite': power politics, keeping in with the big corps and bankers and all the cronyism and vested interests that go along with that. So there will, of course, still be lots of corruption and inequality in the USA under Trump, he'll probably do some pretty despicable things (like all his predecessors). The only good thing that I think MIGHT come out of his presidency is that he'll rein in the foreign warmongering and global chaos created by the 'deep state'. That's a big "might", by the way, but if he achieves it even to a small extent, it could make a big difference.

Well, he's already really pissed off a lot of peeps - but most of them were dependent on USA handouts. Still, ought not to make enemies.

His comments on torture just were over the top IMO.

Like I said, he could end up being a new Hitler who was, we must remember, very popular and did a lot of good things for Germany. But still, he was Hitler and things ended as they did because he had some serious blind spots and ego problems. If you read Percy Schramm's book about Hitler, (and he had access to stuff others didn't), you can see that Hitler suffered from a sort of Dunning Kruger thing.

Obviously, there are differences and things would certainly be worse with Hillary (and I don't doubt that for an instant), but I see some real issues about Trump and we need to stay on top of this and not soft soap anything.

Today I too was thinking about the Dunning Kruger in regards to Trump, as well as narcissism. Watching what he had to say today about the wall, torture and Chelsea Manning, I got the impression that he is coming from a different place than previous establishment people about similar issues. It's not that he is following any grand plans from the elite to supress and control the population (like Hillary would have done), but rather that he is way too convinced about his ability to 'do the job' and 'make things work' - and in his mind it's all about taking alpha-male bold actions - that he is incapable of stopping to question himself or understanding moral or practical complexities or subtleties. Got a terrorism problem? We'll just torture them! Fight fire with fire! Problems with immigrants? Build a massive wall! Whistleblowers? They're all traitors!

I used to not take him seriously when he was in campaign because politicians will say anything, stupid or not, to impress voters. But the fact that he is saying those things now in terms of what will be going into policy soon is a different story. It does have a Hitler feel to it, with the difference that so far he doesn't seem to have belicist/imperial ambitions, and that instead of political ideology or patriotism he is on a 'Chief Executive Officer Can Do' type of mentality.

If left to his own devices, I don't think he would turn into a real Hitler. However, with a personality like his, if the opposition continues, how could he not react by showing people 'who is the boss'?

That's how I see it for the moment.
SummerLite said:
Okay everyone, I'm posting this clip from The O'Reilly Factor shown last night. The topic is the crack down on illegal immigration and the focal point is the reintroduction of Kates Law. Kate Steinly was killed by a drug dealer who was deported 6 times and kept reentering the country. What is most interesting to me, is the policy during the Obama years of Catch and Release. Illegals entering the country, registered (I believe) then set free within the country which continued for 8 years. Doesn't look like there was any notice taken of crimes committed by some of these people and was allowed to repeat and continue. What a crime.

The incident that he rants about IMO seem to possibly have some Gladio maker's to it.

If one looks at the big picture concerning the the Pro-Immigrant (Lib's), at odds with Far right anti-immigration (conservative's), it could been the perfect set up.

It was just another point of the division within the USA.

And boy did the fake news press have a field day with this incident, string the pot.

What would be the odds of a direct hit, precising a major artery of the heart and from the back.

The narrative changed a hole lot. It had been first reported that Francisco Sanchez had found a bag with a gun underneath a bench on the pier. And when he went for it, it accidentally discharged. He then threw the bag in the bay. and took off.

San Francisco sanctuary city became spot light. Anti gun advocates began demanding that the city take action of the gun violence. The politicians went at each others throats debating actions be brought to this very suspicious situation.

Irony that there was that a local news crews that same evening or next day, (documenting the case), were robbed at gun and all evidence of possible witnesses descriptions, near the scene vanished

There was also an account of Asian lady staying at Hyatt Regency San Francisco near the pier. And from her window, verified the (fake stories), that the prep was the one.

Right, from that far away.

Sorry it just dont mix.


KTVU news crew robbed at San Francisco pier 14

Shot in the back

At 6:30 p.m. on July 1, 2015, Francisco Sanchez allegedly fired three shots from a .40-caliber handgun at Pier 14, a tourist attraction area at the Embarcadero waterfront district. One of the bullets struck Steinle in the back and pierced her aorta. She collapsed to the pavement while screaming for help to her father Jim, who was accompanying her at the pier.[4] Jim Steinle performed CPR on her before paramedics arrived and took her to an ambulance. She died two hours later at San Francisco General Hospital. Sanchez was arrested about an hour after the shooting at Pier 40, about one mile south of Pier 14 and divers from a police boat found the gun in the bay alongside Pier 14, the next day.[7] [8][9] Following his arrest, Sanchez was booked into San Francisco County Jail on suspicion of murder.[10]

The gun used by Sánchez had been stolen in downtown San Francisco from a Bureau of Land Management officer's personal vehicle on June 27, 2015, according to the Bureau of Land Management. The car's window had been broken.[11] [12]

The killing sparked criticism and political debate over San Francisco's sanctuary city policy, which aims to strengthen community safety by disallowing local officials from questioning a resident's immigration status, thus enabling local victims of crime to report without fear of deportation. Multiple Republican presidential candidates, including Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, made statements blaming the immigration policy for Steinle's death, and encouraged the need for a secure border wall.[30][31] White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest stated that the U.S. would be safer if Republican lawmakers had improved comprehensive immigration reform backed by President Barack Obama.[32]

2016 U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton joined California Senator and former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein (D) in condemning the policy that led to Steinle's death. Clinton said, "The city made a mistake, not to deport someone that the federal government strongly felt should be deported ... So I have absolutely no support for a city that ignores the strong evidence that should be acted on."[33] That same week, Feinstein penned a public letter to San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee that stated, "The tragic death of Ms. Steinle could have been avoided if the Sheriff's Department had notified ICE prior to the release of Mr. Sanchez, which would have allowed ICE to remove him from the country...."[34]

San Francisco Woman Shot, Killed While Strolling on Pier with Father in 'Random Shooting'
Jul 3, 2015, 3:58 PM E

Mr. Sanchez...?

But hey, it's only conjecture, Right?
And now Trump is apparently saying that there will be a 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for the way. Ummm... that means the American people will pay for it, not Mexico. Is he really that dumb?
Windmill knight said:
Laura said:
Joe said:
A perspective that I haven't seen shared here is that Trump is no savior, he's going to play the game the same way as the 'elite': power politics, keeping in with the big corps and bankers and all the cronyism and vested interests that go along with that. So there will, of course, still be lots of corruption and inequality in the USA under Trump, he'll probably do some pretty despicable things (like all his predecessors). The only good thing that I think MIGHT come out of his presidency is that he'll rein in the foreign warmongering and global chaos created by the 'deep state'. That's a big "might", by the way, but if he achieves it even to a small extent, it could make a big difference.

Well, he's already really pissed off a lot of peeps - but most of them were dependent on USA handouts. Still, ought not to make enemies.

His comments on torture just were over the top IMO.

Like I said, he could end up being a new Hitler who was, we must remember, very popular and did a lot of good things for Germany. But still, he was Hitler and things ended as they did because he had some serious blind spots and ego problems. If you read Percy Schramm's book about Hitler, (and he had access to stuff others didn't), you can see that Hitler suffered from a sort of Dunning Kruger thing.

Obviously, there are differences and things would certainly be worse with Hillary (and I don't doubt that for an instant), but I see some real issues about Trump and we need to stay on top of this and not soft soap anything.

Today I too was thinking about the Dunning Kruger in regards to Trump, as well as narcissism. Watching what he had to say today about the wall, torture and Chelsea Manning, I got the impression that he is coming from a different place than previous establishment people about similar issues. It's not that he is following any grand plans from the elite to supress and control the population (like Hillary would have done), but rather that he is way too convinced about his ability to 'do the job' and 'make things work' - and in his mind it's all about taking alpha-male bold actions - that he is incapable of stopping to question himself or understanding moral or practical complexities or subtleties. Got a terrorism problem? We'll just torture them! Fight fire with fire! Problems with immigrants? Build a massive wall! Whistleblowers? They're all traitors!

I used to not take him seriously when he was in campaign because politicians will say anything, stupid or not, to impress voters. But the fact that he is saying those things now in terms of what will be going into policy soon is a different story. It does have a Hitler feel to it, with the difference that so far he doesn't seem to have belicist/imperial ambitions, and that instead of political ideology or patriotism he is on a 'Chief Executive Officer Can Do' type of mentality.

If left to his own devices, I don't think he would turn into a real Hitler. However, with a personality like his, if the opposition continues, how could he not react by showing people 'who is the boss'?

That's how I see it for the moment.

All very good points. Trump's constant stream of executive actions are just like 'does he have any idea what he's doing?' In the end it really looks like the US is drowning in its own stupidity right now - all around. Just gives me the willies, like something very bad is coming down the pike.
[quote author= Hesper]All very good points. Trump's constant stream of executive actions are just like 'does he have any idea what he's doing?' In the end it really looks like the US is drowning in its own stupidity right now - all around. Just gives me the willies, like something very bad is coming down the pike.

For better or worse, I think that Trump really is someone who can only think in absolutes. You are either with him or against him. And this black and white thinking can really be a recipe for disaster.
Laura said:
And now Trump is apparently saying that there will be a 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for the way. Ummm... that means the American people will pay for it, not Mexico. Is he really that dumb?

I was trying to explain a similar point to a pro-Trump family member today, but from the perspective of prices of things going up 20% for goods imported and used by the American people. Countries like Mexico and China and the multi-national corporations using those countries for cheap labor certainly aren't going to pay whatever percent it is. Prices will go up by whatever percentage it is. Talk about a shock to the system. Depending on the sources you read, 50% or more of Americans live pay to pay check having less than $1000 in savings. Slap an instant 20% or more increase in prices on a lot of goods and people are increasingly not going make it and won't buy as much followed by more and more businesses going broke as this feeds back into the system. Trump wants to jump start the US economy by instituting pretty extreme tariffs and taxes which he thinks will force corporations to relocate operations to the US and the goods to be produced in the US and thus create jobs in the US (which it probably would to some extent over time), yet the initial shock of the jump start before the jobs could be created may be too much and be lethal to the economy entirely. Seems like he is going to be a bull in the china shop when decisive yet delicate moves seem to need to be made. OSIT
Laura said:
And now Trump is apparently saying that there will be a 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for the way. Ummm... that means the American people will pay for it, not Mexico. Is he really that dumb?

Well, if we look at some of T's moves as baseline negotiation points, then maybe it makes some sense. He's stated he wants to renegotiate NAFTA and get concessions on 'the wall' from Mexico. That high of a tax increases costs, presumably hurting Americans' ability to pay to get those goods cheaply (shifting to 'America first' for come of those goods instead?). Mexico's response may be to lower prices (painful) or come to the table to see what he wants, opening a path for negotiations on trade and the wall at the same time.

Some of his moves are extreme but that's how negotiations often work/start. Party 'a' wants X, party 'b' wants Z, and the deal is made at Y.

I don't know. It's all pretty confusing to watch and try to understand this show.

My main concerns at the moment are Trump getting removed and the resulting chaos from his supporters, or continued and ramped up hysteria, also more chaos, which may force Trump to being more heavy handed, and that leads to more chaos. He got placed in the middle of a game in progress and in a losing position. Bold moves and concessions would have to be made for even a remote chance at some success, OSIT. It's interesting to watch but it's also pretty stressful. It seems highly likely to me that, no matter what, something wicked this way comes and we may be past the point of no return, but not past a crash landing that saves some of the passengers, like a Sully moment? :umm:
Quote from: SummerLite on Yesterday at 08:04:22 PM
Okay everyone, I'm posting this clip from The O'Reilly Factor shown last night. The topic is the crack down on illegal immigration and the focal point is the reintroduction of Kates Law. Kate Steinly was killed by a drug dealer who was deported 6 times and kept reentering the country. What is most interesting to me, is the policy during the Obama years of Catch and Release. Illegals entering the country, registered (I believe) then set free within the country which continued for 8 years. Doesn't look like there was any notice taken of crimes committed by some of these people and was allowed to repeat and continue. What a crime.

The incident that he rants about IMO seem to possibly have some Gladio maker's to it.

If one looks at the big picture concerning the the Pro-Immigrant (Lib's), at odds with Far right anti-immigration (conservative's), it could been the perfect set up.

It was just another point of the division within the USA.

And boy did the fake news press have a field day with this incident, string the pot.

What would be the odds of a direct hit, precising a major artery of the heart and from the back.

The narrative changed a hole lot. It had been first reported that Francisco Sanchez had found a bag with a gun underneath a bench on the pier. And when he went for it, it accidentally discharged. He then threw the bag in the bay. and took off.

San Francisco sanctuary city became spot light. Anti gun advocates began demanding that the city take action of the gun violence. The politicians went at each others throats debating actions be brought to this very suspicious situation.

Irony that there was that a local news crews that same evening or next day, (documenting the case), were robbed at gun and all evidence of possible witnesses descriptions, near the scene vanished

There was also an account of Asian lady staying at Hyatt Regency San Francisco near the pier. And from her window, verified the (fake stories), that the prep was the one.

Right, from that far away.

Sorry it just dont mix.

Thanks c.a. for taking the time to add information on this case and maybe it was a set up, also consider the timing, July 1, 2015. Illegal immigration IS a great issue to sew division and thats certainly happening. The southern boarder being open became a hot topic just after 9/11 and i paid close attention at that time. I stopped following after awhile when despondency set in concerning all things US government,( how much can a person take?). Now I'm looking at this once again, wondering what has been going on all this time such as the "catch and release" program. One report I heard recently, and I'm not sure who said this, was the real numbers of illegals here is around 20 million, a huge number. Now Trump looking into corrupt elections and illegals are probably a big part of that.

I don't know. It's all pretty confusing to watch and try to understand this show.

I agree, and we dont know what the show is at this time but we do know, most shows have been built on deception. All very thoughtful comments here today and now were back to the torture subject. :(

No soft soaping as Laura said. I noticed a soap bubble forming around myself today, I didn't know it was there until it popped! Bubble poppers.
I had a feeling things were going to get worse as time went on. In his latest tweet he lashed out at Chelsea Manning, calling her an 'ungrateful traitor'

Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!

I suppose that's to be expected, but I was a bit surprised to see him rushing to Obama's defense.

The endorsement of torture was also something we knew about from before the election, and he's also in favor of these First Amendment Defense-type laws that basically legalize discrimination against LGBT folks using 'religious freedom' as the cover.

I also have a friend who's relatively high up in Expedia's HR department, they're a very progressive company. She informed me that the Department of Labor will no longer be investigating incidents of people getting fired from their jobs because of their sexual orientation. She said it was a break from the way those cases were handled before and that it happens 'all the time.'

Looks like Donald is really shining as 'the lesser evil.'
Joe said:
kalibex said:
Joe said:
I think this pipeline protest business is part of either a deliberate campaign to get a revolution going, just one part of the campaign to whip up a certain section of the population, to create a particular climate. The anti-Trump business seems to be part of that. The more I think about it the more I think that the defining aspect of a Trump presidency is going to be some kind of revolution or social chaos in the USA, with Trump simply being used as the fall guy.

Does this statement imply that you believe that the native protestors are also being used and manipulated into taking a stand that they can't win? This no-DAPL protest is not exactly inconsistent with their general beliefs and philosophy. This protest also did not just start with the Trump presidency.

Yeah, and neither did the Black Lives Matter protests. My point is that over the past few years there seems to have been a concerted effort to whip American "do-gooders" and liberal types up by using the media and private funding to give 'legs' to various causes. The DAPL protest got a LOT of attention that it normally would not have had, but for the funding that went into organizing the protestors. You could say this is part of an 'awakening' of the people to corruption, but there have been a LOT of other pipelines and environmentally-damaging projects over the last 10 years that no one apparently cared about. So why the DAPL?

Since 1990 there an huge increase in resistance to more Native lands being stolen.
:D You can see my cute face throughout the documentary, my speaking role is near the end. :cool:

It is better to choose your battles wisely.
It would be an unwise waste of energy, for Native resistance to try and stop a pipeline on non " Native owned land"

A popular Native saying is, 7 generations.
Which is to remind us, that any major decision must include consideration; for at least, the next seven generations of children.
I have never heard of any pipe that would last 4 generations. With all the sinkholes and cracks recently DAPL is pure folly; guaranteed to fail.
Everything breaks sooner or later.

The main reason for DAPL is, what native elders called the white man's disease; greed.
It would be wiser to follow the paradigm shift that is happening and switch to electric vehicles.

A twitter president is a very interesting development.
If I had a way to pull Trump's ear. I would suggest he consider using, the tactics my Indian Reserve has used; to completely turn around our economy.

Using this technique on U.S.A. Indian Reservations, may help; in the karma department.
Laura said:
And now Trump is apparently saying that there will be a 20% tax on imports from Mexico to pay for the way. Ummm... that means the American people will pay for it, not Mexico. Is he really that dumb?

Apparently he is.

And now he's tweeting that Chelsea Manning is an "ungrateful traitor" because she called Obama a "weak leader". I mean, how dare someone share the truth of our brutal activities in the Middle East with the rest of the American people, and then not be grateful for being punished for it, imprisoned for seven years, pretty much tortured (because solitary confinement is like torture) and then have the audacity to criticize the president who authorized it? -___-
If we can believe this NY Times story, Spicer reconvened reporters to tell them "that the tax was just one option under consideration to pay for the wall. Reince Priebus, the president’s chief of staff, told NBC News that the proposal was just one in a “buffet” of options."


The peso took a dive after the initial announcement, I'd bet the Trump team knew that would happen. Maybe they were just issuing a warning of sorts? Dunno, but I agree, if he's bent on having tax payers fund the wall indirectly then he's not as smart as he might think he is, and the torture aspect, if that's his real intent, wow - loose canon would be an understatement I think.
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