Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

kalibex said:
So you're suspicious of how it became such a big a liberal 'cause celebre' in August, after the initial protest camp had been there since April 2016. Fair enough.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this appears to me as if, once a perfectly legitimate protest movement even appears to have been 'compromised' by the neoliberal manipulators (possibly encouraged by 4D STS instigators), you'll write that particular movement off, totally, completely, and not look back.

It was a native-driven movement, they have perfectly legitimate concerns, there have been plenty of pipeline accidents, if and when the pipeline goes where it goes, it may cause problems and suffering...but now it's (perhaps) being used as an impediment to distract President that's all that matters at this point?

I don't think anyone said that the DAPL protests being turned political is "all that matters to this point." It's just being pointed out that that is what is happening. No one's saying that the Natives don't have a legitimate right to protest. SOTT has pointed out the effects that these projects have on the environment and the people living in it. But the fact that it's being used to stir up anger and unrest is necessarily part of the discussion around these protests.
kalibex said:
Joe said:
The DAPL protest got a LOT of attention that it normally would not have had, but for the funding that went into organizing the protestors. You could say this is part of an 'awakening' of the people to corruption, but there have been a LOT of other pipelines and environmentally-damaging projects over the last 10 years that no one apparently cared about. So why the DAPL?

So you're suspicious of how it became such a big a liberal 'cause celebre' in August, after the initial protest camp had been there since April 2016. Fair enough.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this appears to me as if, once a perfectly legitimate protest movement even appears to have been 'compromised' by the neoliberal manipulators (possibly encouraged by 4D STS instigators), you'll write that particular movement off, totally, completely, and not look back.

It was a native-driven movement, they have perfectly legitimate concerns, there have been plenty of pipeline accidents, if and when the pipeline goes where it goes, it may cause problems and suffering...but now it's (perhaps) being used as an impediment to distract President that's all that matters at this point?

Wow. Kalibex, you seem really invested in this issue, to the point where you want to fight about it. Maybe time to step back and have an objective look at the situation and your reaction?
Beau said:
Here's economist Michael Snyder on what could be the reality behind Trump's infrastructure plans:

SHARMINI PERIES: Right. And that's pretty evident with the cabinet he's lining up, as well — the richest cabinet in U.S. history. And he's actually taking from the very establishment in Washington, as well as Wall Street. So I'm sure it'll be doubled down on, in terms of the kind of establishment we're talking about.

Michael, President Trump said something very interesting about building America, and building America in his own image, I think. Let's have a look at what he had to say.

DONALD TRUMP: We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor. We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.

SHARMINI PERIES: So, Michael, what does he mean by this kind of infrastructure building?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, he's talked a lot about infrastructure and there are a lot of different ways of doing infrastructure. I don't think his way will be the way that it was done a hundred years ago. The whole idea of the Republican Party in the 19th century was for the government to finance infrastructure, and especially transportation, to lower the cost of living and doing business. But I don't think that's what Trump is going to do, because he wants to cut back government spending and he wants to cut back taxation. So what I worry about is when he says, "I'm going to build infrastructure" is that it means that he's going to create a huge trillion-dollar market for Wall Street's high finance.

That's an interesting point however it may not be the approach Trump takes. Cutting spending in Trump's mind includes wasteful spending based on some things he's done already. It could be that he might take some of the waste and redirect it. He's already said the mil spending is wasteful and that he intends to change it, there's no big indication of his plan on that yet but it sure would be a great spot to redirect money from!
kalibex said:
Joe said:
The DAPL protest got a LOT of attention that it normally would not have had, but for the funding that went into organizing the protestors. You could say this is part of an 'awakening' of the people to corruption, but there have been a LOT of other pipelines and environmentally-damaging projects over the last 10 years that no one apparently cared about. So why the DAPL?

So you're suspicious of how it became such a big a liberal 'cause celebre' in August, after the initial protest camp had been there since April 2016. Fair enough.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this appears to me as if, once a perfectly legitimate protest movement even appears to have been 'compromised' by the neoliberal manipulators (possibly encouraged by 4D STS instigators), you'll write that particular movement off, totally, completely, and not look back.

It was a native-driven movement, they have perfectly legitimate concerns, there have been plenty of pipeline accidents, if and when the pipeline goes where it goes, it may cause problems and suffering...but now it's (perhaps) being used as an impediment to distract President that's all that matters at this point?

Not fully comprised, it's absolutely a legitimate protest !! Though, any awareness the MSM will create about it will be for the sole reason to help start a popular uprising against Trump. If it can help fuel their color revolution besides the already dozen or so protests going on they will use it. And it's not like the Establishment or the MSM actually cares about the natives, they never have. If Killary was now president, they would hardly even reported on it.

The natives have legitimate fears. Pipelines such as those caused environment and health destruction again and again. But since it seems that the pipeline is going to get build anyhow. Some sort of real comprise should be made that guarantees and protects the environment and health of those living in the area.

But I doubt that the natives are willing to talk about it, because they have no reason whatsever to trust the authorities, considering how corporations are above the law and never really settled for the damage they inflicted.

But Trump as a business can be diplomatic. He ought to convince them and make a honest deal out of it. Things may be different now.

Hopefully the pipeline can be build and function in a responsible way? And hopefully Trump can put into law that all corporations have to financial settle for all the damage they have inflicted in the past decades or so. That will certainly earn their trust?

bjorn said:
But since it seems that the pipeline is going to get build anyhow. Some sort of real comprise should be made that guarantees and protects the environment and health of those living in the area.

Well, that will be the acid test, won't it - can his administration be considerate enough to work out a compromise with them which doesn't include just ruthlessly ignoring all their wishes in the matter. I'm waiting to see how it ultimately turns out. IIRC, all they really wanted, at least initially, was for the pipeline not to go under the river and especially so near their reservation.

Improving the economy by rapidly creating jobs is great - but if you damage the environment beyond repairing the process, you're just shooting yourself in the foot in the end....
kalibex said:
bjorn said:
But since it seems that the pipeline is going to get build anyhow. Some sort of real comprise should be made that guarantees and protects the environment and health of those living in the area.

Well, that will be the acid test, won't it - can his administration be considerate enough to work out a compromise with them which doesn't include just ruthlessly ignoring all their wishes in the matter. I'm waiting to see how it ultimately turns out. IIRC, all they really wanted, at least initially, was for the pipeline not to go under the river and especially so near their reservation.

Improving the economy by rapidly creating jobs is great - but if you damage the environment beyond repairing the process, you're just shooting yourself in the foot in the end....

Indeed, and while thinking about it.

Trump could turn this protest in his favor if he allies himself with the natives/ protesters by declaring war on the corporations who have ruined the environment and health of many Americans.

Trump could bring it like: ''The protests helped raise awareness about a very important issue, for far to long big corporations have negatively affected the environment and health of our great country. This is going to stop now. Pipelines will be build and function responsible. And all damage inflicted will finally meet justice in court.''

But it can only work if the natives go along with it and Trump keeps his promise.
angelburst29 said:
You're right Seamas, Putin intervened with a pipeline group named Transneft in rerouting a major pipeline away from Lake Baikal.

Thanks for posting the link!
m said:
That's an interesting point however it may not be the approach Trump takes. Cutting spending in Trump's mind includes wasteful spending based on some things he's done already. It could be that he might take some of the waste and redirect it. He's already said the mil spending is wasteful and that he intends to change it, there's no big indication of his plan on that yet but it sure would be a great spot to redirect money from!

IMO the reinstitution of the "global abortion gag rule" or "Mexico City policy" might be a good example of this. There's a ton of inflammatory reporting out there on this right now, like this article from HuffPost: said:
Donald Trump Signs Anti-Abortion Executive Order Surrounded By Men
It seems like women might be interested in this policy too.

WASHINGTON ― On Monday, surrounded by other white men, President Donald Trump signed an anti-abortion executive order that has far-reaching consequences for women’s reproductive health access worldwide.

Trump reinstated the Mexico City policy, also known as the global gag rule, which was first put in place by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. It prohibits giving U.S. funding to international nongovernmental organizations that offer or advise on a wide range of family planning and reproductive health options if they include abortion ― even if U.S. dollars are not specifically used for abortion-related services.

The United States spends about $600 million a year on international assistance for family planning and reproductive health programs, making it possible for 27 million women and couples to access contraceptive services and supplies.

None of that money is spent on performing abortions. The Helms amendment has prevented U.S. tax dollars from funding overseas abortions since 1973. Proponents of the global gag rule believe the policy is nevertheless still necessary, arguing that Helms isn’t strong enough by itself.

The executive order is one of the first Trump has signed since taking office. Sitting in the Oval Office Monday, he also signed ones freezing federal hiring and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

A pan of the people standing by his side showed that there were few, if any, women present.

Trump’s executive order has severe implications and could be deadly for women and girls in developing countries and conflict zones, who often resort to dangerous methods of ending their pregnancies when they lack access to safe abortion. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 21 million women a year have unsafe abortions in developing countries, accounting for about 13 percent of all maternal deaths.

The policy is rescinded and reinstated based on which party is in power. President Bill Clinton did away with it, President George W. Bush put it back and then President Barack Obama rescinded it again when he took office.

Trump’s Cabinet is more white and more male than any president’s first Cabinet since Reagan.

They made the article about how Trump's cabinet is all white men and no women and said it "could be deadly", implying that he it will be killing women! What it fails to say is that in the past it covered about $600 million in funding and the new rule could save the US up to $8 BILLION. said:
“The intent is to extend the policy to apply not just to family planning assistance but to global health, including PEPFAR and maternal health,” said Jennifer Kates, vice president and director of global health and HIV policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation, who added that the full scope of the policy isn’t yet known. She estimated that when the policy has been applied in the past, it covered about $600 million in foreign aid spending. The new policy could potentially cover up to $8 billion.

There's no source for these figures in the Politico story and I haven't been able to find one yet.

The question I'm asking myself is: why is the US spending between $600 million and $8 billion dollars per year on "family planning assistance but to global health, including PEPFAR and maternal health" when the gov't is running a trillion dollar deficit every year? Why isn't that money spent on women's health in the US, or for supporting homeless veterans in the US, or on mental health, or any number of other domestic issues?
Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein claims that Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific free trade deal hidden from the public.

Trump Foiled Soros Master Plan to Impose New World Order - Hedge Fund Manager

President Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific free trade deal hidden from the public, Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein told Sputnik.

"George Soros and Clinton Inc. were nearly able to declare ‘Mission Accomplished’ on their vision of establishing an opaque ‘New World Order’," Feierstein, a hedge fund manager who has spent 38 years working in the New York, Tokyo and London global financial markets, said on Tuesday.

On Monday, Trump announced that he was scrapping the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that his predecessor President Barack Obama had sought to complete during his eight years in office.

"Forget Soros's New World Order for now because a new sheriff, Donald Trump, the 45th US President arrived on in Washington promising to drain the swamp. TPP is a now history and it will be interesting to see who is naked at low tide," Feierstein noted.

The top-secret TPP free trade agreement was one of the worst trade deals ever crafted by Washington’s pay-to-play culture of corruption, Feierstein stated.

"How could any rational individual or sovereign be supportive of a secret ‘trade deal’ with zero transparency and legal language drafted by multi-national corporations?" he asked.

The TPP was deliberately crafted to ensure a form of "globalization" so that these same corporations who designed the "rules" could operate in the dark with total impunity while stripping member nations of their sovereignty and denying consumers of all their rights and protections, Feierstein explained.

"TPP was Obama’s ‘Crown Jewel’ achievement after 35 years of failed neoliberalism funded by oligarchs for the benefit of oligarchies," he observed.

Feierstein is a British-American investor, banker and writer who has worked as a columnist for the Daily Mail and currently works as a columnist for The Independent and the Huffington Post.

The proposed investigation into US voter fraud would not focus on exclusively the 2016 presidential election, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in a briefing on Wednesday.

US Voter Fraud Probe Not to Focus Solely on 2016 Election - White House

Earlier on Wednesday, Trump said he would request a major investigation into voter fraud.

I think in terms of registration, where you’ve got folks on rolls that have deceased, or moved, or registered in two counties…this is not just about the 2016 election, this is about the integrity of our voting system," Spicer told reporters when asked about the upcoming investigation.

Democratic Party rival Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million in the presidential election on November 8, 2016. Trump, however, claims he would have won the popular vote if not for three to five million ballots that were cast illegally, although he has failed to release evidence to substantiate the claims.

Seven activists of Greenpeace environmental group have climbed a crane not far from the White House calling for a sustained movement and resistance against environmental policies of US President Donald Trump, the organization announced in a press release on Wednesday.

Greenpeace Protesters Against Trump’s Policies Climb Crane Near White House (Video)

The activists deployed a 70-foot (some 20 meters) banner of the word "resist" next to the White House.

"The activists from around the country are still in place, calling for those who want to resist Trump’s attacks on environmental, social, economic, and educational justice to contribute to a better America," the release stated.

The emergency personnel are responding to a Greenpeace protest on top of a construction crane a few blocks away from the White House, local police said in a statement on Tuesday.

"Multiple government resources are being tied up, and unfortunately streets are blocked while first responders try to safely address this matter," the statement noted on Twitter.

Washington, DC Police added that while they respect the right to protest, the individuals who climbed the crane are acting in a way that is "extremely dangerous and unlawful."

On Tuesday, Trump signed executive orders to advance the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. The projects have previously been canceled due to environmental concerns.

When signing the executive order on the Keystone pipeline construction, Trump said that "we are going to renegotiate some of the terms and, if they like, we'll see if we can get that pipeline built."

Twitter accounts of the US President (@POTUS), First Lady (@FLOTUS) and Vice President (@VP) face higher vulnerability to cyberattacks since they do not use necessary security settings, media reported citing a prominent hacker who hacked over 500 accounts disseminating extremist propaganda.

Hacker Warns White House of US Official Twitter Accounts' Vulnerability

A hacker that calls himself WauchulaGhost explained to CNN on Tuesday that the current security settings of the White House accounts allowed anyone to click on the "forgot password" button and see a partially hidden email address associated with the account.

According to the hacker, "it’s not hard to figure out that email," and after that gaining the access to the email is all that stops an attacker from resetting password and owning the Twitter account.

WauchulaGhost has already tweeted the likely email addresses attached to the Twitter accounts of Melania Trump, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer (@PressSec) and Director of Social Media Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino), requesting that they change emails and "fix settings".

However, the media cited a representative of Twitter as saying that the security protocols for accounts of the White House imply more security measures than the basic two-factor authentication.

Researchers in the UK claim that they have uncovered a massive network of over 350,000 dormant Twitter bots, which had been used to increase users’ follower numbers, boost interest in topics to help them trend, and send spam.

British Researchers Claim They Uncovered Massive Twitter Troll Army

The army of Star Wars-themed Twitter bots was uncovered as researchers were seeking to study how Twitter users interact with one another.

“A large number of Twitter users are bots. They can send spam, manipulate public opinion, and contaminate the Twitter API stream that underline so many research works. One of the major challenges of research on Twitter bots is the lack of ground truth data,” the study reports. “Here we report our discovery of the Star Wars botnet with more than 350k bots.”

Bots can pose a significant threat to the Twitter network beyond just spamming. They are capable of manipulating which topics trend, which opinions are given the most attention, astroturfing, and sample contamination. The study noted that “the fact that the Star Wars botnet has so many bots makes its potential threats serious, perhaps more serious than we have ever seen before.”

Researchers found that the botnet was created in 2013, and, until now, remained hidden on the network. While it appears to currently be dormant, the study found that it may have been dormant for a reason, and still poses a significant threat, as it is thought to be the largest single Twitter botnet uncovered.

“It is irresponsible to assume that the botmaster does not have any cynical or malign purpose. In fact, the best we can hope for is that the botnet was created purely for commercial gains. It is known that pre-aged bots could be sold at a premium on the black market,” the study reports. “This means the Star Wars bots are perfectly suited to be sold as fake followers because they are already three years old and therefore more ‘valuable.’ Indeed, we have observed that up to 15k Star Wars bots have been following a small number of Twitter users outside the botnet.”

Researchers have so far been unable to determine who created the botnet, and who, if anyone, has control of it presently.
Talk about hypocricy: Madeleine Albright tweeted her protest for Trump's planned policy of temporarily blocking visas for refugees from seven Muslim majority country: "I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish. I stand ready to register as Muslim in #solidarity." This is from the same person, who thought death of 500 000 Muslim children was "worth it". Sheez! The same ruling elite, that Albright is part of, is responsible for killing millions of Muslims through the decades, yet we're supposed to believe that they've now suddenly grown a conscience.
This felt so good to read, Tulsi Gabbard, our Lady Hero, a fervent Trump supporter visiting Syria, meeting Assad to bring Real News.

Her Syria visit wasn't a coincidence, but a master strategy, I think. Now the Trump administration "has to" answer, exactly as it has been prepared and well planned, I think.

Finally some very very good heart warming news!! Really energizing and jubilant.
I'm wondering what will happen down the road, if Trump succeeds with making america great again. If nothing intervenes, it looks to me that Trump could actually succeed with that plan. So if it works out, a lot of americans probably will feel even prouder about their "greatest country on earth" (as though that is not already a big sentiment there!) and will be left feeling even more patriotic and "exceptional". So what Trump might be fueling is even more "exceptionalism", which later could be used, after Trump is gone after 4 or 8 years, for the purposes of the PTB?

A very exceptional and patriotic country (even more then now) might be easier to get sucked into endless wars and conquests, when their home country gets threatened again via false flags.
If everything fails resort to insults, I don't know if Trump should comment on this or not, but enough already by attacking a child. It's utterly disgusting and really shows their true colors.

Leftist 'Comedians' Call Trump's 10 Year-Old Son 'Date-Rapist,' 'Homeschool Shooter,' Arsonist

Ten-year old Barron Trump, Trump's youngest son and the first boy in the White House since JFK Jr., was shamelessly called both a “rapist” and a “school shooter” by left-wing writers and comedians on Twitter over the course of the weekend. These attacks come after Rosie O'Donnell made an unsubstantiated claim during Trump's campaign that Barron Trump was “autistic.”

On Friday, “Saturday Night Live” writer Katie Rich tweeted: “Barron will be this country's first homeschool shooter.” Ms. Rich later deleted her tweet as well as her account, but there has been no apology from either her or NBC. Rich's credits were suspiciously absent from the most recent episode of SNL, leading some to speculate (or hope) that she was fired.

Comedy Central writer Stephen Spinola somehow managed to top Rich's maligning, writing that Barron Trump “looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be.” Spinola deleted his tweet, but not his account; he has not apologized, nor has Comedy Central.

Apparently, rape jokes are fine with the left when they attack innocent children.

Comedian Matt Oswalt also had some criminal accusations to sling at Barron, tweeting that “Barron Trump is wandering around the White House right now looking for stuff to burn.” Add “arsonist” to the list of apparent felonies Barron will commit.

In reality, on Friday, the only people burning things during the inauguration were violent anarchists and other assorted left-wing agitators.

While the liberal media consistently denounced any targeting of Sasha and Malia Obama, there has been little backlash to this disgusting cyber-bullying by the mainstream media or the companies these child-abusers draw their paychecks from. Obama's daughters, however, were treated like sacred cows by the media; GOP communications director Elizabeth Lauten was forced to resign after merely stating they need to “[show] a little class”.

Indeed, there is a longstanding tradition of leaving the children of presidents out of the press and the public eye, in general. It is highly unprofessional, as well as morally reprehensible, for grown adults to attack children with labels as serious as “rapist” and “school shooter.” These are not even jokes; they are direct assassinations of character.

These attacks also show the strange projection of the left. To the average person, Barron looks like a normal, cute American child. To the left, he is an autistic school-shooter, arsonist rapist-to-be and the embodiment of white, male privilege. This is just another sign of leftist hysteria surrounding anything related to President Trump.
Latest tweet from Trump:

Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!
Pashalis said:
Latest tweet from Trump:

Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!

For whatever reason, this guy isn't going to be easy to pin down or interpret - possibly on purpose. Well..currently hoping he's doing it on purpose. You know...crazy like a fox. The alternative is...... :/
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