Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

I think that what we are witnessing are people fighting to keep their 'realities' (Comfort zone) intact for self-serving reasons.

And with each new truth exposed, people are given the opportunity to learn or disintegrate further. Trump for example is exposing Imperial America while also trashing the hypocrisy of the Liberal New World Order.

But those are just a few truths, and since this is supposed to be humanity's exam since this cycle is almost done more higher truths will be exposed. Since this is in accordance with our lessons and the end of this cycle. So events will transpire in such a way that higher truth will start to affect everyone.

So eventually, and like the C's said during one session.

[quote author= December 3, 1994 ]Huge wave of UFO activity. All manner and origins. Just you wait, it will give you chills and that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Many aliens will appear and we will be visible too. Think of it as a convention. All must awaken to this. It is happening right now. The whole populace will play individual roles according to their individual frequencies. This is only the beginning. Just you wait "Henry Higgins," just you wait! [/quote]

Every higher truth will see the light for everyone to see, including the paranormal/hyper dimensional reality. But it is up to people personally if they will learn and accept objective reality, or disintegrate further. In truth, they have been given the opportunity already to learn many higher truths, but refusing to do so means that it will be more traumatizing to learn those higher truth when reality comes crashing down on them.

Key factor is that many people won't be capable of handling higher truths and will instead fight to protect their 'comfort zone' / false reality.

That's I think Gurdjieff said:

"There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture. Such periods of mass madness, often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climatic changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release a great quantity of the matter of knowledge."

With Trump, I reckon we have a more gentle timeline in which people can learn some of the higher truths mentioned. The Killary timeline would be much harsher in to which to learn and understand certain higher truths. And more higher truths are on the way (aliens etc) It's all building up and getting more extreme.

I am thankfull for Trump, without him, The 'Liberal' Agenda would have been kept under the radar for many people.

But make no mistake, whetever higher truths are exposed in a more gentle or harsher timeline. Both will result in the end of this cycle. Meaning over time, more and more people will fight attempting to keep their false reality intact.

Which beggs the question how many sane people will be left at the end?

- Anyhow, just a thought I had.
One thing we can say: it sure the heck is entertaining if horrifying at the same time. Never a dull moment. We sure do live in "interesting times." Wouldn't miss it for anything!
Alejo said:
Just to add a few thoughts that occurred to me after writing my last post and going out for a cigarette.

And I don't mean to change the topic of discussion here. But, I realized that the problem we're witnessing in the US today isn't political, it's a psychological problem. I was reminded of Andrew Lobaczewski's experiences in Political Ponerology, and they could all describe exactly what we see today with tremendous accuracy. Hysteria, paramoralisma, lack of critical faculties and so on.

It's incredible!

This is a great point Alejo. I see people who have never before been interested in politics all of a sudden develop very strong political views and opinions. When facts based on more thorough research and information are presented to contradict the emotional hooks of the MSM propaganda, vicious and emotionally charged attack is a shockingly common response. I almost have to brace myself to scroll through my facebook news feed: so much stubborn and aggressive ignorance out there!

It's almost like the whole Trump scenario provided a platform on which these intellectual inefficiencies and emotional limitations could finally manifest themselves. They don't have to be controlled or hidden anymore and the media is providing all the justification these people need for their lunatic behaviour.

Fun times ahead indeed.
Laura said:
One thing we can say: it sure the heck is entertaining if horrifying at the same time. Never a dull moment. We sure do live in "interesting times." Wouldn't miss it for anything!

And just deeply frustrating as well. These people protesting never cared about the wars, the drone assassinations, the funding of ISIS and other head choppers, the demonisation of Muslims via false flag terror, and the destruction of whole nations. Until Trump. Now it's suddenly all his fault. They are so 'not even wrong'.

Maybe this was all planned, and he was allowed into power just to be a great sacrificial lamb to distract the public and allow them to let out the rage.

Or maybe this is actually a good thing: A legitimate way to start the 'awakening' of the general public.

Or maybe it is only actually a very loud minority going crazy (same minority who happen to own the airwaves), and they will eventually be pushed aside by Trump's mission.

I didn't think this world could get much more bizarre, but I think I should just stop saying that and expand the range calibration on my bizzar-ometer, because this shows no signs of stopping.
Laura said:
One thing we can say: it sure the heck is entertaining if horrifying at the same time. Never a dull moment. We sure do live in "interesting times." Wouldn't miss it for anything!

Amen to that! (sorry for the one liner, couldn't help myself) :oops:
I would love to know what the C's have to say about Trump popularity. As he do exactly what he announced, and so fast, I can't see a reason why his supporters can be disappointed.
And I think that now, a very real hope is born for millions of people. So this is a very dangerous moment because if Trump is stopped in a way or another, this people would not stay silent.
Trumps exec order is the most interesting thing to me since he was elected. It reminds me, on a BBC program I watched, it was being discussed why the Press Secretary was so defensive over the size of the inaugural crowd. A good answer, is to bring up the point that Trump won the election and leave it at that. Also you could explain it was less than Obama because D.C is heavily democratic. One of the guests suggested that having Sean Spicer quibble with the press about crowd size, was intentional act by Trump. Asking the press Sec. go out and lie is a test of power, and sets the tone of the relationship.

The Exec Order seems to me like a similar thing with what happened with all passengers already in transit... But I can't say I understand the exact necessity of it. Also you got the protests, and people said it was a bad weekend for the President because of the court intervention too - and so that is why the supreme court nominee reveal is being bumped up - but I don't really see that either. I'm sure whoever his team is that strategized the order were expecting the widespread condemnation it received.
I see some of my own thoughts over the last few days being echoed here. I've looked at my life and the nation in whats been going on for the last 16 years.

Something happened to a portion of the liberals during the 8 years of Obama, what was it? so many where on their toes during the Bush years and against everything he stood for and watching closely. Maybe people where to wide awake and in need of a sleeping pill, enter Barack Obama with his soothing speech and manner :zzz:. The neocon agenda moved behind closed doors, no longer in ones face and gave people a much needed rest and time to dream of other things. The New Age movement was going strong during all this time, lots of dreaming going on there, makes me consider what is behind that (I think we know for the most part). In some New Age circles, channelers portrayed Obama as an enlightened being doing his best to save us. :zzz: Others where dreaming about human rights a lot, I guess. Then all of a sudden BAM! The alarm clock goes off and Trump is the new president! People stumble from their beds agitated and confused then become angry :mad: THIS IS NOT MY DREAM they scream! What the hell is going on here??? Who is this man ragging all around and making so much noise and changing things! But they are still dreaming, the scenery has changed and now they find themselves in a nightmare with Hitler.

A lot of these sleepy heads are very young and the dream is all they've known. I wonder how many people are actually involved in this insane acting out. The numbers may be lower then we think (I hope).

I listened to the Sott Radio show yesterday, Hating Trump: Why is Trump so Polarizing . Very good, thanks. There has been a lot of good analysis/explanations coming out explaining the crazy behavior. Also Paul Craig Roberts, "The Demise of the Left" was very informative. -

ps. I've seen a few polls saying his approval rating is really picking up. But you know how polls are. Its mind boggling, the whole thing.
Something else thats been on my mind. Ron Paul has been speaking about the economic correction which will be much worse then 2008 with massive inflation. He has suggested that Trump is rushing so many things through with this in mind perhaps so the blow wont be quite as bad. All we see Trump doing could fit into that idea well, I think. And we know the collapse will be blamed on Trump as Ron Paul has said as well. All this would be much more entertaining if I lived far away. I've been planning my survival diet. Bone broth, fat, protein and sprouts. :) Probably need to consider a carb of some sort too.
Well, over here, in dramaland (not to be confused with dreamland) called the United States we know how things may get overhyped in the media. Certainly, I quit watching the tv screen a long time ago not that I had any desire to be informed of some random shootings, robberies, car chases etc every day, but to get away from this fabricated reality that had nothing to do with my own reality. I've noticed there's been a lot of commotion all over the country and partly over the world poised to be knee jerk reactions over Trump's executive orders. We judge the building by the façade. Trump is now the face of the most powerful country the world has ever known, now, some people are terrified by the look of his face simply because they do not know any worse. It is very easy to match his facial features with some known dictators portrayed in the media. This is how many think, in image associations, it terrifies them. But how can we blame them, the fearmongering of our policies and politicians had been so successful thus far that it wasn't a mystery we came up with the likes of Hillary and Trump. The first one is expansionist, the other one is isolationist but they both have one thing in common ~ fear. They know very well how to play with the human most powerful emotion.

But I can assure you that people still go to work, the traffic's jammed per usual, everything goes normal and under control, people are really, really too busy to be engaged in political rhetoric all the time. The bills are coming to the mail faster than people may compile legit complaint about DJT's ways of conducting his business. The weekend warriors (and that's really small % of people) will be staging more noise than it's necessary but perhaps it is beneficial for them to fume out some trapped anger and frustration. It's actually good for some resistance to keep trucking, not that they can change anything, but nobody's delusional that we can all let such a loose cannon as he is to do and say whatever he likes to say and do. He's never been in a position where diplomatic skills are just as important as striking good business deals with trading partners. And not all the people have the mental capacity to think in business like manners.

However, it is something that bothers me, he was too quick to initiate the wall building causing unnecessary frictions with Mexico. His idea that they should pay for the wall is beyond ridiculous. If he wants to insist upon it to defend his personal pride it is obvious that Mexico will not sit in the negotiating table. He can't just strike out one of the best trading partner that we have. Fine, let them pay one way or another, just shut up and don't talk about it. The old tactics of bullying and intimidation inflict more harm than good. He's not going to be the one living among latinos out in the field. The joke aside, he would have made a deal with Soros to have him place a wager against the Mexican peso…

The immigration bans. It sucks big time to be turned away at the airport for no other reason than being a citizen of a country added in a ban list while in midair. This is crazy! It says a lot about his mistrust with the intelligence agencies, he is making decisions over their heads. I would have been pleased if he would have initiated a full blown suspension of all cia activities at once requesting complete audit of their past and present operations. He went after EPA (however corrupt they are) and the science department instead. We don't know which act of 'terror' is 'real', false flag, staged, faked, orchestrated. We don't know if the government's covert operations and machinations pose the greatest threat on people or people from some Muslim countries? If he doesn't address this issue we'll be heading back to the same old same old recycled stuff 'let's kick some muslim ass'. Suspending any financial and other form of help to ISIS is not going to cut it. He already said he wants to rebuild and strengthen the military as if it is not powerful enough. Why? We are never going to be 'safe' and 'secure'. His pro-Israel policy will be pouring more fuel to a region already in flames, the so-called 'terrorists' may pop-up like mushrooms after rain, we just never know where, who, what and how, but we'll be quick to point fingers.

The witch hunt for illegal immigrants in the sanctuary cities. I don't think the local and state police will be enforcing federal laws, as if it is not hard enough for them to deal with crime, and of course, Trump had never walked on sidewalks in shady areas where even kids carry guns. The black'n whites will be feared more than ever, this is just unrealistic goal. I can understand turning jailed criminals over to the immigrations, but even then the local departments are in process of restoring their already damaged reputation and trust with people so yeah, it's a mess that cannot be fixed so easy.

It is very easy to kick dead dogs, playing mind games with people, finger pointing etc, so far, we are yet to see his actions to address the elephant in the room, 'our' big brother. And not everything is all about jobs, money and mini-industrial revolution…
mkrnhr said:
Niall said:
Laura said:
I agree. Americans deserve Trump: he is the reflection of the majority of them and he will bring on the destruction of America. And not because he is a bad person or because the left is good; neither assessment is remotely true. The left HAS gone evil and the Right does have legitimate concerns; they've just lost all capacity for rational thought on both sides.

My sense these last few days is: chaos is coming.

That's my sentiment as well, and it hit me during the latest weeks that at this point there is only destructive chaos ahead. The spread of psychosis is chilling. What amazes me is the notion of liberal arts including at its core grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and not a shred of any of these can be encountered in the actual liberal discourse.

Regarding the italicized above, that is my sense as well, though I feel the chaos will be mostly internal to the US, as compared to the global chaos unleashed had Killary been elected. It also seems to me this is karmicly just...a lesson the US as a whole must learn.

Regarding the bolded above, the trivium is no longer taught in the schooling system, so of course not a shred will be encountered in the liberal discourse! ;)

Just as Scott Adams talked about, here's an example of snowflakes bringing down the very thin they think they're protesting.

At the airport in Portland, a couple of Trump supporters were being screamed at by an anti-Trump faction. As they tried to leave one of the group was sucker-punched so hard he was rendered unconscious (6:00). The crowd was making it difficult for EMT to tend to him, so the local riot police were called in. Presto! The evil Establishment is now persecuting the virtuous snowflakes. The instant switch in slogans was creepy to hear.

I read this today and I have some thoughts and speculation for what these moves could mean:

Note also the most frightening escalation last night was that the DHS made it fairly clear that they did not feel bound to obey any court orders. CBP continued to deny all access to counsel, detain people, and deport them in direct contravention to the court’s order, citing “upper management,” and the DHS made a formal (but confusing) statement that they would continue to follow the President’s orders. (See my updates from yesterday, and the various links there, for details) Significant in today’s updates is any lack of suggestion that the courts’ authority played a role in the decision.

That is to say, the administration is testing the extent to which the DHS (and other executive agencies) can act and ignore orders from the other branches of government. This is as serious as it can possibly get: all of the arguments about whether order X or Y is unconstitutional mean nothing if elements of the government are executing them and the courts are being ignored.

Yesterday was the trial balloon for a coup d’état against the United States. It gave them useful information.

A second major theme is watching the set of people involved. There appears to be a very tight “inner circle,” containing at least Trump, Bannon, Miller, Priebus, Kushner, and possibly Flynn, which is making all of the decisions. Other departments and appointees have been deliberately hobbled, with key orders announced to them only after the fact, staff gutted, and so on. Yesterday’s reorganization of the National Security Council mirrors this: Bannon and Priebus now have permanent seats on the Principals’ Committee; the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have both been demoted to only attending meetings where they are told that their expertise is relevant; the Secretary of Energy and the US representative to the UN were kicked off the committee altogether (in defiance of the authorizing statute, incidentally).

I am reminded of Trump’s continued operation of a private personal security force, and his deep rift with the intelligence community. Last Sunday, Kellyanne Conway (likely another member of the inner circle) said that “It’s really time for [Trump] to put in his own security and intelligence community,” and this seems likely to be the case.

Combining all of these facts, we have a fairly clear picture in play. […]

2. The regime’s main organizational goal right now is to transfer all effective power to a tight inner circle, eliminating any possible checks from either the Federal bureaucracy, Congress, or the Courts. Departments are being reorganized or purged to effect this.

3. The inner circle is actively probing the means by which they can seize unchallenged power; yesterday’s moves should be read as the first part of that.

Assuming (admittedly a big assumption) Trump and these people he is surrounding himself with have some understanding of what they are up against and want to change it, one could think that if Trump was trying to figure a way to unseat and bypass the Deep State, Secret Team or what have you these are the types of steps he would take. Form a trusted inner circle of people and start testing exactly what opposition and obstacles stand in the way in the path of unseating and changing the status quo of the national security state and all that entails. Maybe it is a coup. Just not in the way the author understands it. If this is any way close to being the case, it is like watching mission impossible in real time. Oh and by the way, the walls have ears. :shock:
New twist, likely a psyop or a troll: 'Rogue staffers' are tweeting 'insider information' from the White House and shocker, it isn't flattering.


Over the last few days, various anti-Trump rogue organizations have formed, and they’re all tweeting to get the word out. The most prominent such account is called Rogue POTUS Staff (@RoguePOTUSStaff), and it’s run by unknown, unhappy individuals who are supposedly working for the Trump administration.

There’s no way to verify the authenticity of the newly minted Twitter channel, but the rogues have already posted many tweets detailing inside information from the White House.

The Twitter account went viral in a matter of days — it was created on January 26th and it reached more than 298,000 followers since then. Here are some of the messages posted by the rogue staffers. As you can see, the rogues have been quite prolific on Trump’s first week in office:
herondancer said:
Just as Scott Adams talked about, here's an example of snowflakes bringing down the very thin they think they're protesting.

At the airport in Portland, a couple of Trump supporters were being screamed at by an anti-Trump faction. As they tried to leave one of the group was sucker-punched so hard he was rendered unconscious (6:00). The crowd was making it difficult for EMT to tend to him, so the local riot police were called in. Presto! The evil Establishment is now persecuting the virtuous snowflakes. The instant switch in slogans was creepy to hear.


There was also a chant in there about remember Dr King. He was the personification of peaceful protest. He would be abhorred by their behaviour. One wonders if they have actually studied him, he was before most of their time. Methinks just empty words, empty slogans.
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