Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Shijing said:
Speaking of the Soros petition, it looks like The Young Turks just showed their true colors (even more):

I couldn't watch it for more than 2 minutes. The lies and condescending tone are just unbearable!
Bobo08 said:
Shijing said:
Speaking of the Soros petition, it looks like The Young Turks just showed their true colors (even more):

I couldn't watch it for more than 2 minutes. The lies and condescending tone are just unbearable!

Yeah, agree. And I used to like the Young Turks a lot.
I missed this good news about a month ago and didn't see any mention of it in this thread, so here it is:

On July 27, 2017 the judiciary committee sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein asking that a second special counsel be appointed to investigate the following:
Then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch directing Mr. Comey to mislead the American people on the nature of the Clinton investigation;

The shadow cast over our system of justice concerning Secretary Clinton and her involvement in mishandling classified information;

FBI and DOJ's investigative decisions related to former Secretary Clinton's email investigation, including the propriety and consequence of immunity deals given to potential Clinton co-conspirators Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, John Bentel and possibly others;

The apparent failure of DOJ to empanel a grand jury to investigate allegations of mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton and her associates;

The Department of State and its employees' involvement in determining which communications of Secretary Clinton's and her associates to turn over for public scrutiny;

WikiLeaks disclosures concerning the Clinton Foundation and its potentially unlawful international dealings;

Connections between the Clinton campaign, or the Clinton Foundation, and foreign entities, including those from Russia and Ukraine;

Mr. Comey's knowledge of the purchase of Uranium One by the company Rosatom, whether the approval of the sale was connected to any donations made to the Clinton Foundation, and what role Secretary Clinton played in the approval of that sale that had national security ramifications;

Disclosures arising from unlawful access to the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) computer systems, including inappropriate collusion between the DNC and the Clinton campaign to undermine Senator Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign;

Post-election accusations by the President that he was wiretapped by the previous Administration, and whether Mr. Comey and Ms. Lynch had any knowledge of efforts made by any federal agency to unlawfully monitor communications of then-candidate Trump or his associates;

Selected leaks of classified information related to the unmasking of U.S. person identities incidentally collected upon by the intelligence community, including an assessment of whether anyone in the Obama Administration, including Mr. Comey, Ms. Lynch, Ms. Susan Rice, Ms. Samantha Power, or others, had any knowledge about the "unmasking" of individuals on then candidate-Trump's campaign team, transition team, or both;

Admitted leaks by Mr. Comey to Columbia University law professor, Daniel Richman, regarding conversations between Mr. Comey and President Trump, how the leaked information was purposefully released to lead to the appointment of a special counsel, and whether any classified information was included in the now infamous "Comey memos";

Mr. Comey's and the FBI's apparent reliance on "Fusion GPS" in its investigation of the Trump campaign, including the company's creation of a "dossier" of information about Mr. Trump, that dossier's commission and dissemination in the months before and after the 2016 election, whether the FBI paid anyone connected to the dossier, and the intelligence sources of Fusion GPS or any person or company working for Fusion GPS and its affiliates; and

Any and all potential leaks originated by Mr. Comey and provide to author Michael Schmidt dating back to 1993.

The complete letter can be viewed here:
We ought to put all of that into a petition and entitle it "Drain the Swamp". Anybody know how to write a petition in proper language?
Bobo08 said:
Shijing said:
Speaking of the Soros petition, it looks like The Young Turks just showed their true colors (even more):

I couldn't watch it for more than 2 minutes. The lies and condescending tone are just unbearable!

Looks like The Young Turks have been compromised?

Controlled Opposition: Clinton Machine Caught Funneling $20 Million to The Young Turks August 29, 2017 (Video)
_ (16:39 min.)

It was recently announced that The Young Turks Network, led by Cenk Uygur, had secured $20 million dollars in funding to bolster their business/media presence. But while Cenk Uygur attempts to sell his brand to the public as a progressive alternative media outlet, facts reveal that this is nothing more than a façade meant to lure young liberal pragmatists into buying into a hidden corporatist agenda.

The $20 million in funding is slated to be used to increase the size of the TYT newsroom and for business operations – but where did the money actually come from?

It is important to note that TYT has reported on some hard-hitting stories and exposed serious problems within the state, and Uygur was unafraid of calling out corruption—so much so that he quit his job at MSNBC to work on the media project. However, once we start following the recent money, we can see a telling revelation begin to unfold.

The funding comes from a number of sources, so let’s take a look at these entities and the people behind them to better understand the agenda at play.

The main conduit for the funding is a newly created growth equity fund called 3L Capital, with additional financial backing from venture capital groups Greycroft Partners,, and WndrCo. — which was recently launched by Hollywood mogul Jefferey Katzenberg.

“News is red hot right now and being positioned on the progressive side of the coin has put us in a very good place,” Uygur said, according to Bloomberg.

Far from being an independent progressive news source, as they proclaim to be, the TYT network is now being supported by your run of the mill corporatist Clinton money machine. Although attempting to publicly operate as an insurgent progressive activist outlet – think Bernie Sanders – the financial backing by the aforementioned entities reveals something vastly different.

One need only look at who is behind the funding to understand the agenda being put into motion.

3L Capital – put together by hedge fund venture capitalist from Netherlands, Dr. Peter Paul De Vries.

Greycroft Partners – venture capital fund run by Alan Patricof — Patricof has been active in Democratic Party politics, contributing to candidates including Bill and Hillary Clinton, whom he met in the Hamptons when they were there guests of lobbyist and Democratic activist Liz Robbins. Greycroft Partners pumps money into the Clinton slush funds so their businesses can curry favor from the government in an effort to maximize profits on the companies they are invested in.

Jeffrey Katzenberg – Hollywood mogul & film producer, Disney, Dreamworks Animation — Katzenberg has been actively involved in Democratic politics. He actively supported Barack Obama, and has been called “one of Hollywood’s premier political kingmakers and one of the Democratic Party‘s top national fundraisers.”

To give you an idea of how enmeshed Katzenberg is in run of the mill corporatist Democratic Party politics, he co-hosted a fundraiser for President Obama at the home of actor George Clooney in May 2012, with the event reportedly raising nearly $15 million.

Additionally, it was reported that Obama held a private meeting in Los Angeles on Oct. 7, 2012, where he joined Bill Clinton at Katzenberg’s Beverly Hills mansion along with several deep-pocketed Democratic donors. Oddly, members of the White House press corps who had traveled to California with Obama were not allowed into the home, but kept in the garage of Katzenberg’s mansion — with one reporter called the meeting “unusual.” Katzenberg, who had previously donated $2 million to the pro-Obama PAC Priorities USA Action, donated an additional $1 million in October 2012.

Revealing that he is no progressive by any stretch of the imagination, Katzenberg tellingly donated $1 million to the Super PAC Priorities USA, which supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.

Furthermore, in June 2016, information released by WikiLeaks regarding leaked Democratic National Committee documents confirmed that Katzenberg donated $3 million to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Then in October 2016, he hosted a $100,000-per-person fundraiser at his Beverly Hills residence with Obama as the main attraction.

Does he sound like a true progressive, in the style of Bernie, or something more akin to your run of the mill corporatist Democratic party insider?

Let’s call a spade a spade.

Katzenberg’s WndrCo is nothing more than a half a billion dollar slush fund designed to buy up and promote faux progressive websites and Youtube channels with the intent of having them operate as an echo chamber meant to bolster corrupt liberal-corporatist candidates like Hillary Clinton. Essentially, they work to normalize their corporatist establishment candidates in places where Bernie supporters frequent.

Not sounding so progressive anymore, huh?

The idea that someone with such a strong track record of support for the Clinton machine and Obama, like Katzenberg, is actually working to help real progressives and progressive ideas come to the forefront of American political discourse is patently absurd.

Ironically, Cenk still attempts to maintain that he is against money in politics – completely failing to mention that his newest corporate owners have shoveled millions of dollars into the pockets of Hillary and Obama – both standard bearers for the corporatist brand of Democratic party politics.

The reality of the situation is that mega rich corporatist Democratic backers aren’t investing in TYT network to turn a new leaf. These vulture capitalist outfits are buying influence within progressive outlets like Young Turks as a means of indoctrinating their audiences prior to the next election cycle — with hopes they can undermine the next Bernie.

It’s worth noting that TYT actually supported Bernie in the primaries.

So, when super rich centrists invest $20 millions of dollars into the company, one must wonder if this is to support them or to change their messaging, in an effort to keep them from promoting real progressives like Bernie during the next election cycle. Buying up leading progressive influence sites like the Young Turks is an ingenious strategy by the oligarchy to maintain control of political discourse in the United States.

It seems obvious that the Clinton machine has a strategy in place to prevent the rise of the next Bernie Sanders, and Uygur seems more than content to sell out his progressive base to standard corporatist Democratic control. Make no mistake — these Clinton cronies are buying influence in progressive outlets in an effort to maintain power for the political and financial elite. The oligarchy refuses to allow for political discourse to manifest organically, and are working diligently to propagandize the public.

Please share this important story to expose the divide and conquer strategy being implemented by the ruling elite!
A newly released video on YouTube shows a white car appearing from a wooded area and speeding toward the presidential motorcade in Springfield, Missouri on Wednesday.

VIDEO: Car drives into path of presidential motorcade Aug 30, 2017 (2:19 min.)

The video, uploaded by Clayte Hefner, shows President Trump's motorcade traveling down Kearney Street.

That's when a white vehicle is seen heading toward the motorcade, before crashing into a concrete embankment.

“Oh my gosh! Look at the car that came out of the woods,” shouted a man in the video as President Trump’s limo sped down the road. “That car right there just drove out of the woods!”

Springfield Police confirm to KYTV-TV that the female driver lost control of her vehicle when she drove down an embankment from the local Bass Pro warehouse parking lot. The incident is blamed on the car's brakes going out. The driver was reported to be okay.

Click Here for more information on the story.

On Thursday afternoon, Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey to comfort victims and get an update on recovery efforts—and walked away looking like a guy who did everything right, where his boss Donald Trump did everything wrong.

Mike Pence's 2020 run got off to a great start in Texas August 31, 2017

It didn't take much for Pence to outshine Trump.

Federal agent Kurt Smolek was found dead after going missing on Monday. The lifeless body of Diplomatic Security Special Agent Kurt Smolek was found in the Potomac River on Wednesday evening.

Diplomatic Security Special Agent Found Dead – Body Pulled From River August 30, 2017

Federal agent Kurt Smolek was found dead after going missing on Monday. The lifeless body of Diplomatic Security Special Agent Kurt Smolek was found in the Potomac River on Wednesday evening.

Smolek (45) had been declared a “critical missing person” in a tweet released by the police department of the District of Columbia. A missing persons bulletin described hims as white with graying brown hair, brown eyes, 5 feet 8 inches tall and 190 pounds. According to a Missing Persons report by the DC Metropolitan Police Department, Smolek was last seen on August 28, 2017 at approximately 10 pm, in the 600 Block of Water Street, Southwest, Washington.

Mystery surrounds disappearance of State Department security officer
Laura said:
We ought to put all of that into a petition and entitle it "Drain the Swamp". Anybody know how to write a petition in proper language?
The outrageous thing is, this letter to Sessions and Rosenstein was "Plan B" after a House motion with verbatim content failed to gain any traction. :thdown:
angelburst29 said:
Bobo08 said:
Shijing said:
Speaking of the Soros petition, it looks like The Young Turks just showed their true colors (even more):

I couldn't watch it for more than 2 minutes. The lies and condescending tone are just unbearable!

Looks like The Young Turks have been compromised?

Controlled Opposition: Clinton Machine Caught Funneling $20 Million to The Young Turks August 29, 2017 (Video)
_ (16:39 min.)

It was recently announced that The Young Turks Network, led by Cenk Uygur, had secured $20 million dollars in funding to bolster their business/media presence. But while Cenk Uygur attempts to sell his brand to the public as a progressive alternative media outlet, facts reveal that this is nothing more than a façade meant to lure young liberal pragmatists into buying into a hidden corporatist agenda.

The $20 million in funding is slated to be used to increase the size of the TYT newsroom and for business operations – but where did the money actually come from?


And Cenk said of Soros, via the crazies of the right “and they call him a terrorist…" with more rhetoric from Cenk that followed. I'm sure the $20 million he receives will come with a great many strings and talking points attached just in time for the fall season and their new furnishings.

Perhaps Cenk might see it as an opportunity for the government to claw-back and repatriate a portion of the CIA's budget sent to Soros for purposes of his fun and games - maybe even redirect it to something useful, like health care for veterans or the elderly; why stop there...
This trial and it's outcome could change the number of Democrats in the Senate.

For the first time since the “Abscam” scandal 36 years ago, a sitting U.S. senator will go on trial for bribery on Wednesday in a federal courthouse.

Senator Bob Menendez faces federal corruption trial

Bob Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey, is accused of intervening with federal officials on behalf of a wealthy benefactor in exchange for lavish gifts, including luxury vacations and major political contributions.

The trial could have an outsized impact in Washington, D.C., where Republicans maintain a razor-thin edge in the Senate. If Menendez is convicted and either resigns or is expelled by his colleagues before January, his replacement would be named by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican and staunch supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump.

The case is also a high-profile test of the ability of federal prosecutors to go after elected officials for bribery, Opening statements are scheduled for Wednesday in Newark, New Jersey, and the trial is expected to last up to two months.

Menendez, 63, who has served in the Senate since 2006, has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. He is running for reelection in 2018 despite the 12-count corruption indictment.

The case centers on the relationship between Menendez and his co-defendant Salomon Melgen, a Florida ophthalmologist who gave him private flights, expensive vacations and hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to his campaigns.

Prosecutors say those gifts were actually bribes to persuade Menendez to press Melgen’s interests in Washington.

The senator met with Medicare’s top administrator, as well as a member of the cabinet, in an effort to get Medicare’s reimbursement policy changed so Melgen could avoid paying millions of dollars the agency said he owed, according to the charges.

Menendez also enlisted the State Department to try to resolve a dispute between one of Melgen’s companies and the Dominican Republic.

Menendez’s lawyers plan to argue that Melgen’s gifts were just a result of the pair’s close friendship, and that any actions the senator took were based on legitimate policy concerns.

Melgen, 63, was convicted earlier this year of perpetrating a massive Medicare fraud. His sentencing has been postponed until after the New Jersey trial.

The last senator to go on trial for corruption while still in office was another New Jersey senator, Harrison Williams, who was convicted in 1981 as part of the public corruption “sting” operation popularly known as “Abscam.”

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez said, “Not once have I dishonored my public office,” before he entered a courthouse for the start of his federal corruption trial Wednesday that could threaten his political career and potentially the makeup of a deeply divided U.S. Senate if he’s convicted.

Before start of trial, Menendez says, ‘I will be vindicated’

Flanked by his two adult children and at times choking back tears, the New Jersey Democrat said, “I started my public career fighting corruption — that’s how I started — and I have always acted in accordance with the law.

“And I believe when all the facts are known, I will be vindicated,” Menendez said. Menendez and Florida ophthalmologist Dr. Salomon Melgen are charged with a conspiracy in which, prosecutors say, Menendez lobbied for Melgen’s business interests in exchange for political donations and gifts that included luxury vacations, flights on Melgen’s plane and stays at his private villa in an exclusive Dominican Republic resort frequented by celebrities including Beyonce and Jay Z.

The indictment also alleges Menendez pressured State Department officials to give visas to three young women described as Melgen’s girlfriends.
The men both pleaded not guilty. Defense lawyers say that the trips described as bribes were examples of friends vacationing together, that most of Melgen’s contributions went to committees Menendez didn’t control and that he didn’t control the people he lobbied on Melgen’s behalf.

Along with picking three more jurors needed before opening statements could begin, the morning featured some sparring between defense attorneys for Menendez and Judge William Walls. Attorney Ray Brown accused Walls of disparaging Menendez in his opinion denying Menendez’s motion to postpone the trial on days of important Senate votes. Walls continually interrupted to deny the allegation.

Walls also chided defense attorneys for filing a motion on what to include in jury instructions at the end of the trial. When attorney Abbe Lowell pointed out that the motion was filed according to the judge’s order from December, Walls replied, “Fine. Bill me.”

Menendez is up for re-election next year. If he is convicted and steps down or is forced out of the Senate by a two-thirds majority vote before Gov. Chris Christie leaves office Jan. 16, the Republican governor would pick a successor. A Democrat has a large polling and financial advantage in November’s election to replace Christie.

Menendez said he plans to be at the trial daily but will decide whether to return to Washington to cast votes in the Senate based on the issue and whether his vote could make a difference. Walls last week ruled against an attempt by Menendez to pause the trial on days when important Senate votes were scheduled.

The Republican National Committee has already launched an online campaign seeking to pressure Menendez’s Democratic colleagues to vote him out of office if he’s convicted. An ad points to Democrats calling for Republican Sen. Ted Stevens to resign immediately after he was convicted of corruption in 2008.”Why would it be any different now?” the ad asks.

Stevens was the last sitting U.S. senator to go on trial. His conviction was overturned after a Justice Department investigation concluded prosecutors had committed misconduct. Democrats in New Jersey, including fellow U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, have stood by Menendez. Booker was in court on Wednesday to support him.

Among the gifts prosecutors say Melgen gave Menendez were flights on Melgen’s private jet, vacations at Melgen’s private villa in the Dominican Republic and a three-night stay at a luxury Paris hotel valued at nearly $5,000.

Melgen also directed more than $750,000 in campaign contributions to entities that supported Menendez, according to the indictment, which alleges they were inducements to get Menendez to use his influence on Melgen’s behalf.

Prosecutors say that lobbying included a three-year effort to help Melgen avoid paying $8.9 million for overbilling Medicare, a meeting with an assistant secretary of state to help Melgen in a contract dispute over port screening equipment in the Dominican Republic, and helping one of Melgen’s girlfriends and her sister get into the country after their visas were denied.

Melgen’s sentencing in a separate Medicare fraud case has been delayed until after his trial with Menendez. Jurors will have to wade through complex legal concepts, including whether Menendez’s interactions with executive branch officials were “official acts” as defined under federal bribery statutes. That will depend on how a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court decision reversing the bribery conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, is interpreted.

Menendez has made a steady stream of public appearances to tout his legislative priorities since his indictment and harshly criticize many of President Donald Trump’s policies, including Tuesday’s announcement that he will wind down a program protecting young immigrants from deportation.

Menendez has also remained a leading voice against improved relations with Cuba and praised Trump’s rollback of President Barack Obama’s plan to re-establish diplomatic relations. The indictment also hasn’t stopped Menendez from receiving financial support. He has raised more than $6 million since his indictment, between his legal defense fund and campaign, according to a review of federal filings.

In a shocking announcement, the latest rat to abandon the sinking ship - because it is far less fun to navigate the world's biggest economy when you are raising rates than when injecting trillions - Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer has announces his decision to step down effective October 13 (Friday), citing "personal reasons" in letter of resignation to President Donald Trump. His term as vice chair was set to expire on June 12, 2018.

Fed Vice Chair Stan Fischer Unexpectedly Resigns "For Personal Reasons"

Fischer's resignation increases vacancies on the Fed Board from three to four, with Yellen and Brainard and Powell remaining the only members on the Board. This could accelerate Senate confirmation of Randal Quarles to be Vice Chair for Supervision, which will be considered tomorrow in the Senate Banking Committee and looks likely to approved by the full Senate prior to Fischer’s planned departure, according to Goldman. (Article continues.)
Laura said:
Bobo08 said:
Shijing said:
Speaking of the Soros petition, it looks like The Young Turks just showed their true colors (even more):

I couldn't watch it for more than 2 minutes. The lies and condescending tone are just unbearable!

Yeah, agree. And I used to like the Young Turks a lot.

Agree. I too have liked a few of the shows from TYT, but they sure have undone and exposed themselves, being defenders of poor innocent Soros, who in interviews have told about how he liked seeing the Nazis taking stuff away from the Jews. He was exhilarated by the experience as this youtube shows.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has not been invited to a meeting on reforming the United Nations, reportedly set to be hosted by Donald Trump and due to take place ahead of the General Assembly in New York, Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said.

“As far as I know, no [he hasn’t],”Ushakov said, responding to a question from a journalist on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok on Thursday.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also told TASS last week that the Russian leader does not plan taking part in the session of the UN General Assembly this year.

Trump, an outspoken critic of the United Nations, is reportedly determined to gain support for reforming the world body when he hosts an event at UN headquarters on September 18.

Countries will be invited to attend Trump’s meeting only if they sign on to a US-drafted 10-point political declaration backing efforts by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “to initiate effective, meaningful reform,” according to a draft of the political declaration seen by Reuters.

Pushing the world body to reform, Trump has previously described the US contributions to the United Nations as “peanuts compared to the important work.”

When ambassadors to the United Nations Security Council gathered at the White House in late April, the US president described the UN as “an under-performer” albeit one that has “tremendous potential”.
‘You can’t pick your parents & you sure can’t control the weather’ – Ed Schultz
RT America
Published on Sep 8, 2017
Ed Schultz, host of “News with Ed” joins RT America’s Manila Chan to offer his analysis of President Donald Trump’s response to hurricanes Harvey and Irma, as well as his populist and increasingly bipartisan solutions in spite of entrenched “hypocrites” and “ideologues” in the Congressional GOP.

Trumps body language seems to convey a difference than the neocons jubilance.

Congress sends aid bill, debt hike to Trump
UPDATED: Fri., Sept. 8, 2017, 2:44 p.m.

President Donald Trump pauses during a meeting with, from left, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other Congressional leaders in the Oval Office of the White House, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017, in Washington. Trump overruled congressional Republicans and his own treasury secretary Wednesday and cut a deal with Democrats to fund the government and raise the federal borrowing limit for three months, all part of an agreement to speed money to Harvey relief. (Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
Congress on Friday sent President Donald Trump a massive package of $15.3 billion in disaster aid linked to an increase in the nation’s borrowing authority that angered conservative Republicans who hissed and booed senior administration officials dispatched to Capitol Hill to defend it.

Hours later, Trump signed the measure into law.

The House voted 316-90 for the measure that would refill depleted emergency accounts as Florida braces for the impact of Hurricane Irma and Texas picks up the pieces after the devastation of the Harvey storm. All 90 votes in opposition were cast by Republicans, many of whom seethed after Trump cut the disaster-and-debt deal with Democratic leaders with no offsetting budget cuts.

“You can’t just keep borrowing money. We’re going to be $22 trillion in debt,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C.

The aid measure is just the first installment in government spending that could rival or exceed the $110 billion federal response after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, though future aid packages may be more difficult to pass. The legislation also funds the government through Dec. 8.

In a closed-door meeting before the vote, more than a dozen Republicans stood up and complained about Trump cutting a deal with Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi instead of GOP leaders trying to deliver on the president’s agenda.

Budget chief Mick Mulvaney, a former tea party congressman from South Carolina who took a hard line against debt increases during his House tenure, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin faced a rough time in pleading for votes.

Mnuchin elicited hisses when he told the meeting of House Republicans “vote for the debt ceiling for me,” said Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C.

Republicans were in disbelief after Mnuchin argued that the debt ceiling shouldn’t be a political issue in the future, said Rep. Mark Sanford, R-S.C.

Rep. Ryan Costello, R-Pa., described a surreal scene with Mnuchin, a former Democratic donor, and Mulvaney, who almost certainly would have opposed the very measure he was sent to pitch, pressing Republicans to rally around the legislation.

“It’s kind of like ‘Where am I? What’s going on here?’” Costello said. “If it wasn’t so serious it kind of would have been funny.”

Mulvaney was booed when he stepped to the microphone, though lawmakers said it was good-natured. He defended the deal and Trump.

“It was absolutely the right thing to do,” Mulvaney told reporters after the meeting. “The president is a results-driven person, and right now he wants to see results on Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma and tax reform. He saw an opportunity to work with Democrats on this particular issue at this particular time.”

But Mulvaney further upset Republicans when he wouldn’t promise spending cuts as part of a future debt limit vote.

Trump on Wednesday had cut a deal with Sen. Schumer and Rep. Pelosi to increase the debt limit for three months, rather than the long-term approach preferred by the GOP leaders that would have resolved the issue through next year’s midterms.

Conservatives disliked both options. Voting on the debt limit is politically toxic for Republicans, and the deal will make the GOP vote twice ahead of next year’s midterm elections.

Fiscal conservatives have clamored for deep cuts in spending in exchange for any increase in the government’s borrowing authority. The storm relief measure had widespread support, but the linkage with the debt ceiling left many Republicans frustrated.

“Are we doing anything on fiscal sanity? No,” said tea party Rep. Dave Brat, R-Va. “And so Mick (Mulvaney) came over today, the Treasury secretary came over today, and we said, ‘Do you have a plan for fiscal sanity going forward?’ No. Crickets. So that’s the frustration.”

Democratic votes are invariably needed to increase the debt limit – and avert a potential market-quaking default on government obligations – and Schumer and Pelosi successfully pressed to waive the debt limit through Dec. 8. Democrats are cautious about working with Trump, but hold out hope for legislation on the budget, health care, and shielding young immigrants brought to this country illegally from deportation.

Moderate GOP Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said he’s been encouraging Trump to find ways to work with the Democrats. King attended a Thursday meeting in the White House with lawmakers when the president asked him “how did I feel the bipartisan deal was going. Did I think it was good?” I said, “‘Absolutely, we need more of it.’ I said, ‘You and Chuck. The two of you in the room. We can make some good deals.’”
Laura said:
We ought to put all of that into a petition and entitle it "Drain the Swamp". Anybody know how to write a petition in proper language?

Here is a summary of how it works:

Hillary Clinton said in an interview airing Sunday that her career as a political candidate is over, adding she was not finished with politics because "our country's future is at stake."

Clinton: ‘I Am Done With Being a Candidate’ September 10, 2017 (Video) (1:09 min.)

In an interview on the CBS program "Sunday Morning," Clinton declared she would remain active but that she was "done with being a candidate."

"Is your political career over?" CBS anchor Jane Pauley asked.

"Yes. As an active politician, it's over," Clinton said.

"You will never be a candidate for office—" Pauley started.

"I am done with being a candidate, but I am not done with politics, because I literally believe that our country's future is at stake," Clinton said.

In her narration of the report, Pauley said Clinton still seemed "gobsmacked" over the defeat at the hands of Donald Trump, saying she "dishes out blame and she accepts responsibility."

Clinton hit Trump for saying being president was harder than he thought it would be.

"Well, yeah, because it's not a show. It's real. It's reality for sure," Clinton said.

The network interview, recorded Friday, is the first in a series of media appearances as Clinton promotes her memoir What Happened, which delves into her 2016 election loss.

In released excerpts, Clinton has laid blame for her defeat on herself but also on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), the media's coverage of her private email scandal, former FBI Director James Comey, Russian meddling in the election and other factors.
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