Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

Divide By Zero said:
Neil said:
Instead, all the signs seem to be indicating to me that Trump is done. His speeches and populist appeals are meaningless since he has painted himself into a corner and is close to becoming completely irrelevant. All he is doing is maintaining an illusory cult of personality to keep his base energized; he literally can't get anything done that really matters. I hope he will launch whatever his "last hurrah" is and go down in a big blaze of glory while he can still do some damage, because watching him gradually sell his soul to the deep state with each "compromise" just so he can live to fight another day is depressing and agitating.

I still have a tiny bit of hope that maybe a mistake reveals the real men behind the curtain, but for now the deep state as the wrestling owner who acts like the bad guy, making people cheer for either of the "abused wrestlers" teams. This was a big drama that happened in wrestling quite a few times to get the audiences to watch the show. They knew wrestling was fake, so the owner decided to make it obvious and spin off this idea that the wrestlers were looking to fight "the man" back.
A tiny bit of hope is better than no hope at all. It will take aggressive meat and potatoes (with investigative networking), Journalism. We can do it, if O'keefe can do it. Expose The Deep State.

C-SPAN interviews James O'Keefe about his book "Breakthrough"
Published on Aug 25, 2017
At FreedomFest on July 20, 2017, C-SPAN interviewed James O'Keefe about his 2014 book entitled "Breakthrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy."
Laura said:
I notice that a lot more Trump supporters are waking up to the fact that he's being boxed in. Some of the diehards are still in their dream world, but most are becoming clued in. Don't know what that will ultimately mean, but I think it is going to generate a lot of anger.

A few of the conservatives I come into contact with are already expressing anger. Not anger at Trump, but at the forces within who have purged the White House of people cautious of globalists and the US military/industrial complex. One conservative I know blames Jared and Ivanka Kushner who he thinks may be unwitting dupes of the Deep State, if not actual agents.

Sure is getting interesting.
NormaRegula said:
Laura said:
I notice that a lot more Trump supporters are waking up to the fact that he's being boxed in. Some of the diehards are still in their dream world, but most are becoming clued in. Don't know what that will ultimately mean, but I think it is going to generate a lot of anger.

A few of the conservatives I come into contact with are already expressing anger. Not anger at Trump, but at the forces within who have purged the White House of people cautious of globalists and the US military/industrial complex. One conservative I know blames Jared and Ivanka Kushner who he thinks may be unwitting dupes of the Deep State, if not actual agents.

Sure is getting interesting.

Don't know how reliable this is but, you could be on to something NR.

Breitbart editor: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump will be 'out by end of year'
By Josh Delk - 08/22/17 06:05 PM EDT
An internet prankster posing as Stephen Bannon baited Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow into saying he would assist Bannon with his "dirty work" and help push Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner out of the White House.

The Breitbart News editor said Kushner and Ivanka Trump would be "out by end of year" from their roles as White House advisers, according to the emails provided to CNN by the anonymous web troll, who has the username @SINON_REBORN on Twitter.

The fake account — designed to look like it was Bannon's — first messaged Marlow on Sunday in an apparent attempt to fool Marlow into talking about Trump and Kushner.

"Reading online about how I'll be bringing forth my wrath on Ivanka and Jared," the first email to Marlow said, according to CNN. "I'd be doing this great nation a service if I did."

"I spooked em today," Marlow replied. "Did five stories on globalist takeover positioning you as only hope to stop it."

Bannon, who was recently ousted as chief White House strategist, promptly returned to his previous position as executive chairman at Breitbart News. Ivanka Trump and Kushner frequently clashed with Bannon over internal policy discussions during his time in the administration, and his move sparked speculation over how the site, which has backed President Trump in his campaign and presidency, will now cover the administration.

The fake account pressed Marlow even further about Kushner and Ivanka Trump in a later email, asking, "So do you think you'll have them packed and shipping out before Christmas?"

"Let me see what I can do ... hard to know given your description of them as evil," Marlow responded. "I don't know what motivates them. If they are semi normal, then yes, they out by end of year."

Marlow defended Breitbart to CNN, saying, "The obsession with Breitbart News is simply a result of our effectiveness. This time, an imposter deceitfully obtained and shared with CNN tongue-in-cheek emails that revealed that we feel Globalists present an existential threat to the agenda that got President Trump elected."

"If people want to know our thinking, they don't need to judge us on illicitly obtained comments that were intended to be private, they can simply read our front page," he added.

Laura said:
It's really distressing to see Americans fighting against each other when the real "enemy" is the Deep State, Hillary and the gang, Podesta, and the rest.

I agree completely. The propaganda has worked very well. In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, my sister and her husband are still firmly behind Hillary and Co. They actually have created their own mini they just won't accept anything that contradicts their belief in Hillary and/or Obama. I have since learned politics is not a subject on the table for discussion if I want to maintain friendly relations with them...

Mother Nature might strike early - putting a damper on their activities.

FREEZING IN AUGUST: Overnight lows hit 29 in northern Minnesota

POSTED: AUG 24 2017 08:54AM CDT
UPDATED: AUG 24 2017 08:54AM CDT

DULUTH, Minn. (KMSP) - Overnight temperatures in northern Minnesota plunged to as low as 29 degrees, according to data collected through Thursday, Aug. 24 by the National Weather Service in Duluth. Yep, that’s right – freezing temperatures in August. Only in Minnesota.

These are record low temperatures for many areas that typically see average August lows around 50 degrees.

Laura said:
I notice that a lot more Trump supporters are waking up to the fact that he's being boxed in. Some of the diehards are still in their dream world, but most are becoming clued in. Don't know what that will ultimately mean, but I think it is going to generate a lot of anger.
I've been wondering if Bannon is setting himself as a revolutionary. He has already said he is at war with the deep state. He is the one who stayed true to Trump's base with the "America First" program, he has a media platform with which to fight a propaganda war, and he is passionate about his "ideals." When Trump is finally revealed to be a dud, he can channel all the crowd's anger into loyalty, because he never abandoned the fight for the people, even after he was fired from the administration. It would be good in a way, because the Clintonite faction of the deep state won't like it, and he will be able to toy with them and draw them out, but can you imagine what a Bannon/Alex Jones coalition trying to run the country would look like :shock: Weren't we speculating several years back that Alex Jones was planted to facilitate a 2nd American Revolution which would ultimately lead people into a blind alley?
I hope not Neil. Alex Jones is a huge gatekeeper, protecting Israel and other things.

Maybe this explains why Alex Jones started to embrace the system, by being "buddies" with Trump. A lot of the alternative news crowd got upset at Jones for doing this, saying that Trump is part of the PTB.
NormaRegula said:
A few of the conservatives I come into contact with are already expressing anger. Not anger at Trump, but at the forces within who have purged the White House of people cautious of globalists and the US military/industrial complex. One conservative I know blames Jared and Ivanka Kushner who he thinks may be unwitting dupes of the Deep State, if not actual agents.

Sure is getting interesting.

It's not funny, but the "sure is getting interesting" tickled my funny bone. I definitely is! Wouldn't miss this show for anything!

The Jared-Ivanka situation is going to be painful. She's going to have to choose between loyalty to her father or to her husband; Trump is going to have to choose between his own convictions and his daughter who has, as far as I can see, been ponerized by Kushner.

Neil said:
I've been wondering if Bannon is setting himself as a revolutionary. He has already said he is at war with the deep state. He is the one who stayed true to Trump's base with the "America First" program, he has a media platform with which to fight a propaganda war, and he is passionate about his "ideals." When Trump is finally revealed to be a dud, he can channel all the crowd's anger into loyalty, because he never abandoned the fight for the people, even after he was fired from the administration. It would be good in a way, because the Clintonite faction of the deep state won't like it, and he will be able to toy with them and draw them out, but can you imagine what a Bannon/Alex Jones coalition trying to run the country would look like :shock: Weren't we speculating several years back that Alex Jones was planted to facilitate a 2nd American Revolution which would ultimately lead people into a blind alley?

Yup. I was going to say that I hoped Bannon was smarter than to do that, but on second thought, not sure Bannon is as smart as he thinks he is. However, he's less ponerized than Kushner.
I'm surprised that the Guardian published this.

Lurid Trump allegations made by Louise Mensch and co-writer came from hoaxer

- Mensch and Claude Taylor tweeted details of criminal inquires that didn’t exist
- Hoaxer who fed information said she acted out of frustration over fake news
- Taylor issues mea culpa on Twitter after being approached by Guardian

The allegations made by Claude Taylor were endorsed as authentic and retweeted by his co-writer Louise Mensch. Mensch said her allegations came from her own sources.

Jon Swaine in New York

Monday 28 August 2017 22.28 BST
Last modified on Tuesday 29 August 2017 15.12 BST

Explosive allegations about Donald Trump made by online writers with large followings among Trump critics were based on bogus information from a hoaxer who falsely claimed to work in law enforcement.

New fake news dilemma: sites publish real scoops amid mess of false reports

Claude Taylor tweeted fake details of criminal inquiries into Trump that were invented by a source whose claim to work for the New York attorney general was not checked, according to emails seen by the Guardian. The allegations were endorsed as authentic and retweeted by his co-writer Louise Mensch.

The source’s false tips included an allegation, which has been aggressively circulated by Mensch and Taylor, that Trump’s inactive fashion model agency is under investigation by New York authorities for possible sex trafficking.

The hoaxer, who fed the information to Taylor by email, said she acted out of frustration over the “dissemination of fake news” by Taylor and Mensch. Their false stories about Trump have included a claim that he was already being replaced as president by Senator Orrin Hatch in a process kept secret from the American public.

“Taylor asked no questions to verify my identity, did no vetting whatsoever, sought no confirmation from a second source – but instead asked leading questions to support his various theories, asking me to verify them,” the source said in an email.

After being approached for comment by the Guardian on Monday, Taylor posted what he described as a “mea culpa” on Twitter. “As a ‘citizen journalist’ I acknowledge my error and do apologize,” he wrote.

Mensch denied using the bogus information and said her allegations about Trump’s model agency came from her own sources. Asked why she had retweeted Taylor’s false posts, Mensch said: “I don’t think anybody can vet anybody else’s sources.”

The source falsely claimed to be an official named “Caitlin” in the office of Eric Schneiderman, New York’s attorney general. She shared details of her hoax on the condition of anonymity to avoid retaliation from followers of Taylor and Mensch. The Guardian verified her true identity and confirmed that she is not named Caitlin and does not work for Schneiderman.

In his emails, Taylor pushed the source for sensational material. Three days after she first contacted him, Taylor asked her: “Is there anything you have heard that’s really going to shock people? An ‘Oh my god!’ sort of thing?” In another message, Taylor conceded that he may have been “going farther than I should” by posting tweets that exaggerated the false tips she was giving him.

Thousands of people have reposted the false claims tweeted by Taylor, a former staffer in Bill Clinton’s White House. Mensch, a former member of parliament in the UK, retweeted at least 18 posts by Taylor that were based on the hoaxer’s false information, spreading them further afield.

The pair describe themselves as co-writers and have cultivated a large fanbase among some critics of Trump, many of whom identify as members of the “resistance” movement eager to see the president removed from office. Taylor has about 200,000 followers on Twitter while Mensch has 267,000 followers.

Claiming to report things that the mainstream media will not, they have also moved to collect money from readers. Mensch’s website Patribiotics accepts donations “to fund more writers and research”. Taylor has said he will soon establish an online fundraising campaign to protect himself from legal threats. A GoFundMe page created by supporters of Taylor has already raised more than $18,000 in his name.

Their reporting has at times entered the mainstream political news agenda. During a television interview earlier this year, Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts repeated unverified information about the inquiries into Trump and Russia that he had gleaned from Mensch’s website. He later withdrew the comment.

Amy Spitalnick, a spokeswoman for Schneiderman, said in a statement that the incident highlighted the importance of using “legitimate news outlets, which know to verify their sources and their facts”.

The bogus source first contacted Taylor by email on 20 July with an email titled “NYAG investigation”. Earlier that day, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had quoted approvingly from an online post by Taylor, describing it as “one of the best tweets of the past month”.

Claiming to be “a fan” of Taylor’s writing who worked in Schneiderman’s organized crime task force (OCTF), the hoaxer told him his reporting on Trump had been “right on the money”. Taylor replied within two hours, pressing her for usable information about “tangible results like indictments”. He asked: “Are there sealed indictments from grand juries that Schneiderman has convened?”

Later that day, the hoaxer replied that Trump associates were indeed facing prosecution on state charges in New York. “I am aware of at least one preliminary sealed indictment in that case targeting multiple Trump Org principals,” she wrote.

Taylor posted a lightly edited version of this to Twitter two days later. He quoted a “NYAG Schneiderman source” as having told him: “I am aware of at least one sealed indictment targeting multiple Trump Organization Principals”. The post was retweeted by Mensch. In all it was retweeted and liked 8,800 times.

In the same email, the source gave Taylor false details of how multiple inquiries into Trump were under way across Schneiderman’s OCTF and financial crimes bureau. She said that Trump’s modelling agency was under scrutiny. Taylor relayed all this without verification to his almost 200,000 followers in a pair of tweets.

“There are a number of investigations being coordinated by NYAG Schneiderman office under both the Financial Crimes Bureau and the Organized Crime Task Force. According to my source one of the more intriguing ones is an inverstigation [sic] into the Trump Modeling Agency,” Taylor said.

After being asked by a follower for more information, Taylor claimed to know even more than the hoaxer had told him. “I have few details but apparently the possibility exists that our president has been a sex trafficker,” he said. Mensch then weighed in, reposting this false claim by Taylor and adding a vague allegation of her own that the full story was even worse.

Taylor and Mensch also repeated an invented claim from the source that former president Bill Clinton knew of criminal wrongdoing by Trump’s model agency and was preparing to testify for the prosecution. Taylor posted another series of tweets making lurid allegations about Trump’s model agency that yet again matched invented claims supplied to him in emails from the hoaxer.

Since Taylor posted the allegations about Trump’s model agency, Mensch has pushed similar claims and pushed the hashtag “#PIMPOTUS” – a play on “pimp” and the acronym for president of the United States. Citing what she said were her own sources connected to the intelligence community, she published an article expanding on the allegations on 15 August, tagging the post with the label “Eric Schneiderman”. Mensch had claimed to have knowledge of inquiries by Schneiderman’s office before the hoaxer contacted Taylor.

The source also falsely specified to Taylor that the state case was “proceeding under the NY version of a RICO statute” – referring to the federal Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act – “which is called enterprise corruption.”

In another tweet on 22 July, Taylor claimed that “in point of fact” Schneiderman’s office was “using New York’s ‘Enterprise Corruption’ statutes which are that State’s RICO corollary” in its apparent pursuit of Trump and his associates.

The following day, claiming to have “more from Schneiderman source”, Taylor posted a series of tweets giving details about the number of people supposedly being targeted by the inquiries. The tweets corresponded directly with more bogus information emailed to Taylor by the hoaxer earlier that day.

Taylor repeatedly asked the hoaxer whether Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and an ally of Trump, was implicated. The source replied on 25 July that Giuliani was “currently a subject in the investigation involving money laundering and the Russian mob”.

A few hours later, Taylor tweeted to claim that he had confirmed Giuliani was “a target of NYAG Trump Organization/money laundering/Russian Organized Crime investigation”. He repeated several other false details provided by the source. [Continues]
Found this article at Big League Politics. Not sure if it will do any good, but I thought I would like to sign the petition. Seems legit. Thought I'd run it by the forum first to what everyone else thinks.

White House Petition For George Soros to be Labeled a Terrorist Surpasses 40K Signatures
Tue August 29th, 2017 12:08 pm EST

Cassandra Fairbanks
Senior Reporter

A White House petition calling for billionaire financier George Soros to be declared a terrorist and have all of his related organizations’ assets seized under RICO and NDAA law has surpassed 40,000 signatures in just over a week.

The petition created by an anonymous user against the globalist and his organizations was created on August 20, and was signed by 43,327 people by the 29th. According to the rules on the website, the petition must gather 56,673 more signatures by September 19, 2017 to obtain a response from the White House.

Soros is accused by the petition creator of “willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United States.”

The petition goes on to state that Soros has “developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government, the DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic terrorists, and have all of his personal an organizational wealth and assets seized under Civil Asset Forfeiture law.”

Soros has contributed funding to many organizations which have been active in helping to mobilize Antifa groups that have been committing violence, vandalism, and arson all across America. Soros’s Open Society Foundations, a pro-open borders and pro-globalization advocacy organization, has also financed several non-profit organizations that are filing lawsuits against President Donald Trump’s executive orders halting immigration from well documented terror hot-spots.

“It shouldn’t surprise anyone that pressure groups funded by George Soros are litigating to keep US ports-of-entry wide open to terrorists and other people who hate America,” said Matthew Vadum, senior vice president of the Capital Research Center, a Washington think tank that investigates nonprofits. “Soros has said he wants to bring America down. Flooding the country with Muslim aliens who won’t assimilate is one way to do that.”

Soros provided funding to at least 56 organizations that worked with the Women’s March on DC following inauguration day, including the National Resource Defense Council and Planned Parenthood., an organization that has consistently organized and called for protests (many of which turned to riots), is also financed by Soros.

“Make no mistake that the events you’re seeing transpire nationwide are being orchestrated in part by a billionaire political elite class that is looking to subvert the will of the American people by attempting to foment a new American revolution. Soros’ formula has been duplicated in numerous nations, and it looks as if he now has the US in his sights as the next target,” the Free Thought Project wrote of Soro’s activities in November 2016.


Petition can be found here:
This whole Robert Mueller saga is getting beyond absurd, particularly the blatantly biased staffers he's bringing on his team.

Is he loading his staff with Clinton supporters to ensure a "guilty" finding for Trump? Or to give a "not guilty" finding more credibility to the Left? Or a combination of both: ensure a finding of "guilt", but lay a blatant foundation for charges of "corrupt investigation" which will undermine that finding to the extent no charges are enforced, in essence making Trump "not guilty"?

Mueller's definitely a "dirty" cop, ( but maybe he's gotten put in a position where's he must find a way to please two masters.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reported to be working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on his inquiry into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race.

If the report, first published in Politico, is true, it would be the latest fact undermining the integrity and impartiality of Mueller’s inquiry, which Democrats hope will result in the president being impeached and the results of the 2016 election forever called into question.

Mueller has already hired Democrat donors and an attorney who worked for the Clinton Foundation. Schneiderman is one of the most partisan state attorneys general, and has been one of President Trump’s most vociferous public opponents. He helped lead the fight against Trump’s executive order suspending travel from terror-prone countries, calling it “just a Muslim ban by another name.” He also sued Trump for fraud in the Trump University case, and announced in 2016 — during the height of the presidential campaign — that he was investigating Trump’s charities.

USA Today noted at the time that Schneiderman and Trump “have been involved in a years-long public feud.” In April, Schneiderman reportedly hired a liberal, Bernie Sanders-linked consulting group to help generate lawsuits against the Trump administration. Schneiderman also has a history of politically-charged litigation, including an effort to cover up emails that former Attorney General Eliot Spitzer sent from a private account while in office.

There could not be a more inappropriate person to be seen working with Mueller in an investigation that is already viewed as a politically-motivated effort to undo the results of a democratic election.

I've pushed the anti-Soros petition on FB and Twitter. Think everybody should get behind it. And then, the petition to arrest Hillary!!!! (Yet to be started.)
Laura said:
I've pushed the anti-Soros petition on FB and Twitter. Think everybody should get behind it. And then, the petition to arrest Hillary!!!! (Yet to be started.)

I signed the Soros petition a while ago.

Speaking of Soros and his duped or well-paid minions probable plans, I was sent this interesting piece of news from a conservative acquaintance. (I changed the original url's link formatting.)

Check out arrested AntiFa thug Harlan Paknau. 1st photo, second row.

Is this the same Harlan Paknau called a Nazi Trump-Supporter in this YouTube video?

Shades of Jason Kessler? Soros funding? You betcha.

The American public is being played to foment Civil War by a powerful, well-funded source. Sure look like Soros and his PTB pals are very busy these days.
Laura said:
I've pushed the anti-Soros petition on FB and Twitter. Think everybody should get behind it. And then, the petition to arrest Hillary!!!! (Yet to be started.)

Thanks Laura. I signed the Soros petition.

In regards to Hillary, I saw this petition while I was there:

Compel The F.B.I. To Release All Records Pertaining To Hillary Clinton's Personal Secret Server Email Investigation
Created by R.D. on August 29, 2017

Needs 68,165 signatures by September 28, 2017 to get a response from the White House
31,835 signed - 100,000 goal

FBI records section chief David M. Hardy told investigator Ty Clevenger that he did sufficiently demonstrate that the public's interest in disclosing (Hillary's FBI records relating to her personal secret server email investigation) outweighed her personal privacy interests. This petition will show the Executive branch that there is sufficient public interest in releasing all FBI records pertaining to this case. Hillary Clinton was shielded by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey during the email "investigation". Hillary has continued to echo Russian interference in the 2016 election and releasing these records should help clear the air on this matter. President Trump should compel the FBI to release to the public all records related to this investigation.

Signed that one too!
Laura said:
I've pushed the anti-Soros petition on FB and Twitter. Think everybody should get behind it. And then, the petition to arrest Hillary!!!! (Yet to be started.)
Signed! I'm looking forward to congratulate George Soros on his new beautiful Orange Prison Suit!

As for presents, so he doesn't become too sad in his cell, I'm thinking on sending him Fukushima Face Cream or "Great Pacific Garbage Patch 'Fruit' Bread" so he can chew on something. Maybe a strong electric dog collar with safety circuit removed, if he barks too much in prison?
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