Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

I must say that I'm impressed by how Orban appeared. He's just on another level compared to the Polish president, who struggles with English syntax and is happy if he even says something that is grammatically correct, let alone convey a thought. When Orban spoke about how they are proud of Hungarian culture because they are somewhat culturally unique in that part of the world, it almost made my eyes wet :) I was also impressed by his understanding that the military superpower needs a strong leader like Putin because instability could be devastating. My respect for him has been raised, and I can't even imagine how he can be compared with Polish faux-patriotic politicians by the media.

And he has a cabinet of reasonable human beings too, just caught this tonight during my news round.

The head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office said that "there is no realistic chance" that Kiev will regain the territories controlled by Russian forces.

To achieve a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine, "the Western world" must give security guarantees to Moscow instead of accepting Kiev into NATO, the head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office, Gergely Gulyas, said on Saturday during a visit to the summer university of the Law Students' Self-Training Organization in Fejér County, local press reports.

Among other measures to ensure peace, he mentioned the deployment of peacekeeping troops on Ukrainian territory, although he stressed that without U.S. involvement "there will be no peace talks" between the warring parties.

Gulyas emphasized that Russia does not pose a "threat" to Central Europe, given that its troops "have not achieved fast and breakthrough results" in the last year and a half. On the other hand, he assured that "there is no realistic possibility" for Kiev to regain the territories under the control of the Russian military.
Oh lord lol

But the guy kind of summed it up pretty well at the end there, it would be a story if the media cared about telling people the truth.

But, if it does catch on, I can almost hear it, you ready?

"I never had sexual relations with that man" lol

In case people aren't familiar to that reference, it refers to a classic case of paltering, by then president Bill Clinton.

Jim Lehrer: “No improper relationship”—define what you
mean by that.

President Bill Clinton: “Well, I think you know what it
means. It means that there is not a sexual relationship, an
improper sexual relationship, or any other kind of improper

Jim Lehrer: “You had no sexual relationship with this
young woman?”

President Bill Clinton: “There is not a sexual relationship—
that is accurate.”

—“NewsHour” With Jim Lehrer, January 21, 1998

Referring to his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, U.S. President Bill Clinton claimed “there is not a sexual relationship.” The Starr Commission later discovered that there “had been” a sexual relationship, but that it had ended months before Clinton’s interview with Jim Lehrer. During the interview, Clinton made a claim that was technically true by using
the present tense word “is,” but his statement was intended
to mislead: Jim Lehrer and many viewers inferred from Clinton’s response that he had not had a sexual relationship with
Monica Lewinsky.
We categorize Clinton’s claim as paltering:
the active use of truthful statements to create a false impression. We distinguish paltering from both lying by omission
and lying by commission, document the prevalence of paltering, identify important consequences of paltering, and explore
why people prefer paltering to lying by commission.

An excerpt from:

Artful Paltering: The Risks and Rewards of Using Truthful Statements to Mislead Others
Todd Rogers, Richard Zeckhauser, Francesca Gino, and Michael I. Norton
Harvard University
Maurice E. Schweitzer
University of Pennsylvania


Tucker Carlson arrived in Argentina to interview Javier Milei

The star host arrived at Ezeiza Airport on Wednesday to interview the libertarian candidate who was the most voted candidate in the PASO, Javier Milei.

According to official information from La Libertad Avanza, Carlson arrived at Ezeiza on Wednesday, September 6 to interview the candidate with the most votes in the primaries.

Upon his arrival in the country, Tucker Carlson was received by Milei's political consultant and advisor, Fernando Cerimedo, and met with the main publicist of Milei's campaign, Santiago Oría.
Santiago Oría, filmmaker who directed the documentary "Javier Milei: The Liberal Revolution", met him at the international airport and commented: "I just met the number 1 news host, the great Tucker Carlson! I've been following him since the beginning, since his "bow tie years". The libertarian-conservative line with a lot of common sense and insight that I share. The picture is in international arrivals at Ezeiza, we were having coffee and talking for about half an hour about everything: Argentine Politics, US Politics, Senile Biden, sinister Kamala Harris, Trump (who he thinks is going to be assassinated), Milei (who today is a boom in the US), Malvinas, gun ownership, Victor Davis Hanson, Ukraine, AMIA, Nisman, the tortuous Argentine customs, the young Argentines who emigrate to Europe and the US, US decline, Roger Stone, and many other things. Macanudísimo, great guy, a gentleman, very chill, zero conceit, great Anglo-Saxon sense of humor. He felt like an old friend that you haven't seen for a long time. Total happiness with this meeting!

This guy, Javier Milei... before Carlson does the interview... you be the judge...
Tucker Carlson arrived in Argentina to interview Javier Milei
Not really thrilled about it, let's see what comes out of it, but it could lend Milei a lot of credibility and indeed put him in power.

Lol! Yeah 'because I never have sex with men. Have you met my wife Michelle?'
Lol!! "I don't need no other men in my life after meeting Miguel, I mean Michelle" lol
Not really thrilled about it, let's see what comes out of it, but it could lend Milei a lot of credibility and indeed put him in power.

Yes, it is quite problematic. Here in Argentina, in spite of her sympathizers (who do not resist the slightest psychological analysis and prove to have a sanity as thin as a spider's thread, and I say this with some knowledge of cause because I got to know in person one of her candidates* in their party, and I know what kind of person she is -a textbook narcissist-) we know that the guy has a salad in his head. What I see with concern is the reading that will be made by those who watch Carlson's show, which is the American public proud of their Gadsden flag, but who unfortunately are ignorant of how politics has developed in South America in the last 150 years. If it says Liberty this, or Liberty that, they will go and consume it without reading the label, that - and it is ironic - they are buying snake oil.

*In short, I know her from her cosplayer appearances in many manga/anime events in which I participated as an exhibitor between 2010 and 2015 approx and also as an assistant in those events in terms of cosplay contests since with a group of friends we have done a couple of events where she participated as a cosplayer. The thing is that when you are in that world you find out what happens behind the scenes and some issues of the private life of those people end up sneaking through fights between narcissists, and the fight for the winner's place in those contests. Not only that, I have witnessed the arrogance of other cosplayers when dealing with them in the contest organization. The only thing left to say is: God raises them and they gather together.

Oh man, this one will really drive some lefties up the wall...
That whole interview is dynamite. I know we can't fully rely on subjective testimony from 1999, but unlike Trump's accusers, Sinclair is cogent and his 20+ years old insights into Obama's character are consistent with what subsequently transpired. Sinclair knew when Obama ran for president in 2007, for example, that he would be a highly divisive president, in complete contradiction to the disinformation blizzard Axelrod and the Podestas love-bombed the whole world with.

Yes, it is quite problematic. Here in Argentina, in spite of her sympathizers (who do not resist the slightest psychological analysis and prove to have a sanity as thin as a spider's thread, and I say this with some knowledge of cause because I got to know in person one of her candidates* in their party, and I know what kind of person she is -a textbook narcissist-) we know that the guy has a salad in his head. What I see with concern is the reading that will be made by those who watch Carlson's show, which is the American public proud of their Gadsden flag, but who unfortunately are ignorant of how politics has developed in South America in the last 150 years. If it says Liberty this, or Liberty that, they will go and consume it without reading the label, that - and it is ironic - they are buying snake oil.
Yeah that's my concern as well, essentially that this interview will blast Milei into an inevitable victory, and that spells awful trouble for Argentina, IMO.

Which for all of Tucker's greatness, this one is an ideological interview, I don't think he realizes how far from his point of view Milei really is. How far away from say Orban Milei really is.

But we shall wait and see, maybe Milei makes a fool out of himself.
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