Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

Alex Jones weighs in about Tuckers possible interview with Putin, calling Tucker a hero for world peace and suggesting that Tucker should publish the interview as fast as he can, that Tucker is in danger, and that more is in the pipeline from Tucker in regard to Russia. Jones says that he just texted Tucker to ask if he has gotten the interview and told Tucker things on that line (about publishing it fast and that he is in danger), and that a "bird" has told him that Tucker indeed has gotten the interview. He calls it a historic moment. Jones explains how much courage Tucker has for doing it and that he should send out many copies of the interview as well and "that we love him".

I agree.
From Carlsons Telegram channel:


As you can see, no date or time is announced, only that it would be live.

It’s hysterical how the media is already foaming at their mouths. In Croatia, they are calling Tucker a „righ-wing guru“ and that while working at Fox, he was „spreading conspiracy theories and encouraging the lowest passions“. 🤣
Supposed death threats are being leveled at Tucker concerning his interview with Putin.

Musk condemns idea of banning Carlson from coming back to US if he interviews Putin
American journalist Brian Krasenstein noted that the idea of banning Tucker Carlson from coming back to the US contradicts the principles of journalism and information freedom
NEW YORK, February 5. /TASS/. US entrepreneur and one of the world's richest people Elon Musk has criticized the idea of banning American journalist Tucker Carlson from returning to the United States if he interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the US media assume.

"Agreed," Musk wrote in response to a post on X (formerly Twitter) from American journalist Brian Krasenstein, who said that the idea of banning Carlson from coming back to the US contradicts the principles of journalism and information freedom. The latter noted that the American press has shied away from interviewing anyone due to their political views. "To the people calling for Tucker Carlson to be barred from the United States if he interviews Vladimir Putin, <...> If you are about freedoms, you wouldn’t be calling for Tucker Carlson to never be allowed back in the United States," Krasenstein wrote.

Carlson was reported to have arrived in Russia earlier. US media suggested that the journalist was going to interview the Russian leader. When asked about the possibility of an interview with Putin, Carlson smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "We'll see," he said. A number of US users of the X social media criticized the journalist's trip to Russia.

A short video by Glenn Greenwald

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 18-08-26 System Update on X https __t.co_YYi3QCZWAf _ X.png

Rumor mill

Interesting conspiracy...evaluation of Tucker Carlson's visit to Moscow and interview with Vladimir Putin.

In fact, this is a strong move by Trump. Carlson's visit to Moscow is a primary intelligence and effective campaign event. Trump is probing the situation and setting the stage for more serious negotiations.

Trump's primary issues of concern are the Middle East and the Pacific.He will offer Moscow to influence Iran to reduce its activity towards Israel.
Moscow will be asked to cool its friendship with China.

As compensation, Moscow will be offered:
1 Ukraine along the Dnieper River and the freezing of the conflict.
2 canceled sanctions and restoration of Northern Streams.

As a result, Moscow will gain:
victorious end of SWO
increased control over Europe
very friendly Germany with renewed military and economic strength.

Rumor has it that Trump intends to nominate Carlson as US Vice President.

Link: https://t.me/infantmilitario/119198

Source: @infantmilitario

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 19-18-32 Kevork Almassian🇸🇾🇦🇲 on X The media is having an absolute me...png
Alex Jones weighs in about Tuckers possible interview with Putin, calling Tucker a hero for world peace and suggesting that Tucker should publish the interview as fast as he can, that Tucker is in danger, and that more is in the pipeline from Tucker in regard to Russia. Jones says that he just texted Tucker to ask if he has gotten the interview and told Tucker things on that line (about publishing it fast and that he is in danger), and that a "bird" has told him that Tucker indeed has gotten the interview. He calls it a historic moment. Jones explains how much courage Tucker has for doing it and that he should send out many copies of the interview as well and "that we love him".

I agree.
Great, Snowden will have a chess buddy.
People seem to have forgotten that it was not that long ago Meghan Kelly from Fox News(when she was employed by them) interviewed Putin, so did Oliver Stone.

I can remember both interviews very well. Kelly‘s “interview“ was the expected BS from a well known sneaky and disgraceful mainstream person, while Stones interviews were really good all things considered, although quite naive in certain respects. Tucker, in this day and age, is a whole other ballgame though.

In regards to the reaction of mainstream media toward the interview: Indeed, they seem to have forgotten that they didn‘t have any problems when Kelly “interviewed“ Putin just a couple of years ago.
Looking at what the PTB are doing to Trump, what they've done to Imran Khan, and also on a different scale Gonzalo Lira and all the massacred journalists in Palestine, I hope Tucker has a good security detail. Given that Ukraine is an absolute obsession of many neocons, there's no telling what 'six ways from Sunday' they have to get at him somehow. I doubt they'd try due to bad optics, but who knows anymore in this crazy evil clown world.
If I were Tucker I’d end the broadcast with “Goodnight America, and Goodbye!” followed by a manic Joker laugh, and finally, “See ya later losers!” I imagine life in Russia as a semi-hero would be pretty sweet. Drinks with Snowden coming next week on Tucker Worldwide.😂
Indeed, they seem to have forgotten that they didn‘t have any problems when Kelly “interviewed“ Putin just a couple of years ago.
Yup, and then war came and Kelly doubled down:


Megyn Kelly explains how Vladimir Putin manipulated her​

“Even when I interviewed Putin and I spent a fair amount of time with him, in three separate sit-downs … One of the first things he said to me, and he knew I was the mother of three children, was how much his mother meant to him,” the former TV news star said.

Kelly said Putin highlighted the “close relationship he had with her.”

“It was an obvious manipulation,” she said.

Kelly grilled Putin over claims by US intelligence officials that the Russian government waged a cyber campaign to interfere in the presidential election — an allegation that the Kremlin has denied.

Here (late December) is Kelly interviewing Tucker, and at 2:20 she gets into tricky Nikki and then Putin and NATO, wherein Tucker schools her. Of course, she does not let on how she feels, she blows this way and that way with the winds.
Here (late December) is Kelly interviewing Tucker, and at 2:20 she gets into tricky Nikki and then Putin and NATO, wherein Tucker schools her. Of course, she does not let on how she feels, she blows this way and that way with the winds.
Megyn Kelly lost all credibility when she took Israel's side. She and RFK probably get along famously.
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