Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

Fascinating what is happening. This whole lead up to the interview only helps to make sure that it will be watched by a huge number of people. I just signed up to a paid subscription to Tucker's channel to support the guy's work and courage. It also gives access to other interviews etc. and a possibility to ask him questions, though I think that would be very limited given his popularity.

The suspense is immense and it will be interesting what comes out of it. At least, there is a chance that a lot of people for the first time will hear what Putin has to say in his own words and not the twisted excerpts which the MSM loves to put out.
Maybe it bothers him that he is being called a traitor

It's understandable if it bothers him. He is actually the only truly patriotic journalist - among maybe a thimbleful of others? - and to be criticized as unpatriotic by the rest of them spineless sell-outs who contribute daily to the destruction of their beautiful country must be extremely tiresome.

I've been watching Putin interviews for a long time but I am also looking forward to this particular one. I am curious about the chemistry between the two men, if their humor would come through - I think that they both have a great sense of humor! - and what questions Tucker will ask as a representative of the unbiased and broadminded Americans everywhere. DCM bless them both.
At least, there is a chance that a lot of people for the first time will hear what Putin has to say in his own words and not the twisted excerpts which the MSM loves to put out.

Funny fact though; Everything Putin has said and done in recent years is (and always was) openly and very easily available for anyone to find and see. Just reading some of the numerous english Kremlin transcripts over the years would have been enough or listening to some of his statements. And many sane people around the world are aware of it, to one extent or the other. Given that, it is kinda funny to see that it needs Tucker Carlson to do such an interview, in order for many people to see what was obvious for others long ago. The world is quite divided and hopefully this interview will contribute to wake people up and bring some balance. Many westerners have so far willfully ignored reality, even though the truth is very easily available.
Yes pretty much, you can hear a little trembling in his voice while saying that he had his text messages intervened again. This is no small risk.

He seems nervous but excited, he knows this is the defining moment of his career, possibly his life. I really hope he understands what he's going up against though.

The anticipation is getting ridiculous but it's great to see things like this happening, the status quo is already so bad - let's shake things up!
All I know is that the first time Tucker peals out that characteristic laugh of his, all the stress, the pretension, the pressure,will evaporate and it’ll be an awesome experience of serious discussion and shared laughter. Everything that the US government hates and wants you to think impossible will be on display in a lucid, eye-opening conversation, all while showing Putin as a thoughtful, human person with a sense of humor. Not to mention unequivocally proving to the entire world that he’s an order of magnitude smarter than anything the west possesses. The west will look like demented children led by the blind when they witness an actual president who knows his history and his place in this world. There will be much crying into cups happening in the beltway.
I really hope he understands what he's going up against though.
Yes, me too, Tucker's eagerness in awakening people's awareness around the ptb's cover-ups might also turn against him as an emotional tool for distraction in an attempt to prevent him having an impact on millions of people's mind and life and humanity's future depending on the reach of this interview. Although I'm quite excited to hear how the interaction between both phenomenal leaders each in their own field will unfold, I'm also reminded of the countless cases where the ptb would become alarmingly aggressive, to put it in civilized words, whenever public awareness should contradict their plans. Wait and see! :knitting:
It's all very exciting but here in the UK, the brain washed will just glaze over it all. They don't like Tucker and they don't like Putin. They won't believe anything until BBC news endorses it.

I think the interview will have more of an impact in the US than Europe.

The power of propaganda induced mass hallucination in the UK is not something to scoff at. They've got Haarp dialled up to a million on this island.
Funny fact though; Everything Putin has said and done in recent years is (and always was) openly and very easily available for anyone to find and see. Just reading some of the numerous english Kremlin transcripts over the years would have been enough or listening to some of his statements. And many sane people around the world are aware of it, to one extent or the other. Given that, it is kinda funny to see that it needs Tucker Carlson to do such an interview, in order for many people to see what was obvious for others long ago. The world is quite divided and hopefully this interview will contribute to wake people up and bring some balance. Many westerners have so far willfully ignored reality, even though the truth is very easily available.
I totally agree. For me personally, Tucker is more interesting in this event, I know him less. Putin of course, but again, for me personally, he is unlikely to say something new, something unheard of. I'm more interested in how deep and interesting Tucker can be and the subsequent reaction to this event is interesting.

Я полностью согласен. Для меня лично в этом мероприятии интереснее Такер, я его знаю меньше. Путин это конечно же, но опять же для меня лично он вряд ли скажет что то новое, что то неслыханное. Мне интереснее насколько глубоким и интересным сможет быть Такер и интересна последующая реакция на это мероприятие.
Here is interesting news in the sense that Tucker was going to do an interview with Zelensky and will probably come to Ukraine for this. Getting into the Peacekeeper's base is associated with a certain threat. Of course, Tucker Carlson is not Oles Buzina and he is not so easy to kill, but still...
American journalist Tucker Carlson was added to the Peacemaker database

MOSCOW, Feb 7 - RIA Novosti. American journalist Tucker Carlson, who interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin and intended to talk with Vladimir Zelensky, found himself in the database of the scandalous Ukrainian resource "Peacemaker".
Tucker Carlson, born on May 16, 1969, appeared in the Peacemaker database. His photo is attached to the card.

According to the data on Carlson's page on the website, he was entered there on the eighth of June 2023. The creators of the site attribute Carlson's "participation in acts of humanitarian aggression against Ukraine" and "manipulation of socially significant information."
Carlson on Tuesday posted a video message on the social network X against the background of the Kremlin towers and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, in which he said that he would soon interview the Russian president. According to the journalist, he will take an interview due to the fact that Americans are completely unaware of what is happening in Russia and Ukraine. At the same time, the White House, according to Carlson, twice tried to disrupt the interview. Later, White House press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre denied this statement by the journalist.
An hour after publication, the number of views was 5.2 million, and exceeded 50 million overnight. At the same time, this indicator grew almost every second.
The Peacemaker website is known for scandalous publications in which it publishes the data of journalists, militias from the DPR and LPR and other citizens, calling them "traitors to the motherland." In the spring of 2016, Peacemaker published lists of journalists, including foreign ones, who received accreditation from the DPR and LPR, indicating their contact details, after which threats were received against some of them. Dunja Mijatovic, then the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, called the publication "an alarming step that could further jeopardize the safety of journalists."
The actions of the owners of the Peacemaker website were also criticized by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, assessing the publications as a "direct call for reprisals against journalists." The database of the Peacemaker website also contains information about a number of Russian cultural figures and other citizens of different countries.
Американского журналиста Такера Карлсона внесли в базу "Миротворец"

Вот новость интересная в том смысле, что Такер собирался сделать интервью с Зеленским и для этого вероятно приедет на Украину. Попадание в базу Миротворца связано с определенной угрозой. Конечно же Такер Карлсон это не Олесь Бузина и его не так просто убить, но все же...
Looks like the stars are aligning between Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin to provide direct communication to the beleaguered West from the most effective, intelligent, principled, and truly Christian statesman the world has seen since Julius Caesar. I am interested in hearing the messages and general tone that the discussion takes on.

I'm also keeping Tucker and his family in my prayers. It's a courageous act of free speech in the face of psychotic tyranny, and there's no telling what these psychotic worms will do to negate it and make sure it never happens again.
Here is interesting news in the sense that Tucker was going to do an interview with Zelensky and will probably come to Ukraine for this. Getting into the Peacekeeper's base is associated with a certain threat. Of course, Tucker Carlson is not Oles Buzina and he is not so easy to kill, but still...

Американского журналиста Такера Карлсона внесли в базу "Миротворец"

Вот новость интересная в том смысле, что Такер собирался сделать интервью с Зеленским и для этого вероятно приедет на Украину. Попадание в базу Миротворца связано с определенной угрозой. Конечно же Такер Карлсон это не Олесь Бузина и его не так просто убить, но все же...

Even if it is just a rumor, if I were in a position to do so, I would strongly advise Tucker against going to that drug addicted clown of a puppet. I actually think Tucker probably doesn’t consider it, which would be good IMO, for a number of reasons, including his own well-being. He can spend his time far more productively by interviewing interesting people with backbones.
Looking at what the PTB are doing to Trump, what they've done to Imran Khan, and also on a different scale Gonzalo Lira and all the massacred journalists in Palestine, I hope Tucker has a good security detail. Given that Ukraine is an absolute obsession of many neocons, there's no telling what 'six ways from Sunday' they have to get at him somehow. I doubt they'd try due to bad optics, but who knows anymore in this crazy evil clown world.
Yes this is a very dangerous scenario for Tucker and I pray that he remains safe. The reactions so far have been totally predicatable. It seems very courageous of him, as this stands to be an very historic event, possibly a watershed, definitely a pivot time IMO.
TPTB must be running scared, which if fun for a change. Especially as they know there is a whole host of Truths, and beans that can be spilled, to a wide and anticipating audience!
But also there IS the chance that he will be refused entry back into the US, which he also would be aware of. And I hope all the above you mentioned too.
Yes, as Pepe mentioned, it is a great pre 'taster' he released. Important clarification and factual. Two hours is a long interview!
Well the cat is certainly among the pigeons now and the fallout will give us a better idea of what traction has actually been achieved, behind the scenes, from here on in.
There are so many nefarious agendas about to be unleashed on us at this time, I pray it may have the same effect as the C's posting their 'predictions' on this forum :-)
Who knows?
However, I do feel he is not going there empty handed and that there could be another important mission, as well as the important one of freedom of speech.
It is also more likely that he is more in danger as soon as he leaves Russia, sadly. But few people would even attempt such a dangerous mission, and I don't think this is about selfishly about improving his own standing/following.
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