Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

Yup, and then war came and Kelly doubled down:


Megyn Kelly explains how Vladimir Putin manipulated her​


Here (late December) is Kelly interviewing Tucker, and at 2:20 she gets into tricky Nikki and then Putin and NATO, wherein Tucker schools her. Of course, she does not let on how she feels, she blows this way and that way with the winds.
Wait a minute. This is the same Megyn Kelly that did that interview with Alex Jones where she lied up and down about the interview before doing a VERY DISHONEST JOB with intentionally crappy lighting and manipulative jump cuts? It was about the most disgusting piece of journalism that I have ever seen, and luckily Alex had the audio tapes of her fawning over him promising it was not going to be a hit piece. And SHE is complaining about being MANIPULATED BY PUTIN? That is rich!
From Carlsons Telegram channel:

View attachment 91256

As you can see, no date or time is announced, only that it would be live.

It’s hysterical how the media is already foaming at their mouths. In Croatia, they are calling Tucker a „righ-wing guru“ and that while working at Fox, he was „spreading conspiracy theories and encouraging the lowest passions“. 🤣
Are you sure this is the right channel? The one I'm following is Tucker on Telegram. I used it mainly to download his twitter episodes since I can't see his actual twitter very well. ;-D

From what I can see, Tucker doesn’t seem to have an official Telegram account/channel.
I thought I had found one reference back when he got booted from Fox News, but his current website, I don't see any "official" telegram link so I believe you're right. The one I follow has started leaving odd post every once in a while for another Telegram channel only very recently.
How revolutionary of him to say, "we're not interviewing him because we love Putin, we are doing so because we love America". That is why he's dangerous, he presents to his large audience the notion that doing something against the rules of the PTB isn't treason.

Excited to see it happening, gotta applaud his cojones to take this on, but nervous about what this might mean for him going forward.

Back in the day we were wondering how bad it would be for him to be out of Fox, and I daresay it has been good for everyone.
I bet those who kicked him out felt that they would shut him up and make him lose his credibility, they probably thought he'd simply trade in for another MSM source for a steady job, they never counted on him going solo and doing a much better job.

looking forward to the interview.
Looking at what the PTB are doing to Trump, what they've done to Imran Khan, and also on a different scale Gonzalo Lira and all the massacred journalists in Palestine, I hope Tucker has a good security detail. Given that Ukraine is an absolute obsession of many neocons, there's no telling what 'six ways from Sunday' they have to get at him somehow. I doubt they'd try due to bad optics, but who knows anymore in this crazy evil clown world.
Excited to see it happening, gotta applaud his cojones to take this on, but nervous about what this might mean for him going forward.
Maybe he feels like he's doing something that's worth risking his life for.

I feel the same way and I'm concerned about his safety. But I also think that Putin is well aware of this and would provide adequate security for Tucker, at least while he is in Russia.
This news was posted half an hour ago and it sounds like it's happening right now. I don't know if that's true.
Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin lasts two hours, journalist Jones said
Journalist Jones: Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin will be released soon and will be epic

MOSCOW, Feb 7 - RIA Novosti. American journalist and radio show host Alex Jones reported that Tucker Carlson told him that the interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin lasts two hours, it will be released soon and will be epic.
"(Tucker) texted me and said that it (the interview) lasts two hours, it will be released very, very soon," Jones said in a video posted on his page on the social network X.
According to Jones, the interview will be epic and will go down in history.
Carlson on Tuesday posted a video message on the social network X against the background of the Kremlin towers and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, in which he said that he would soon interview the Russian president. According to the journalist, he will take an interview due to the fact that Americans are completely unaware of what is happening in Russia and Ukraine. At the same time, the White House, according to Carlson, twice tried to disrupt the interview. Later, White House press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre denied this statement by the journalist.
An hour after publication, the number of views was 5.2 million. At the same time, this indicator grew almost every second.
Carlson's number of subscribers in X has grown by about 120,000 during this time and now stands at 11,553,976.
Интервью Такера Карлсона с Путиным длится два часа, сообщил журналист Джонс

Эта новость опубликована полчаса назад и звучит так, как будто это происходит прямо сейчас. Не знаю так ли это.
Just when you try to download the interview, watch out for Deep State players to:

1. Surprise shut down the internet just out of spite - cause great traffic disturbances, suspension of service, to make a statement.

2. Also Hamas might suddenly miraculously decide to carry out a major horrible scandalous terror attack on totally innocent Israel, which Bibi will cheerlead / scream on with:
- Do You Hear My Deafening Silence Now???!!

3. Israel might suddenly decide its time to explode some of their Sneaked-in Mini-Nukes in EU / US or even at their home land. Distraction Storm in MSM.

4. Weakest distraction geopolitically would be a major horrible scandalous terror attack - Chemical Bombardment of a poor Ukrainian city filled by hapless civilians by the evil Ruskies. Carried out by SBU - Ukrainian Secret Service helped by Mossad.

5. Aliens suddenly miraculously might decide to coincide their Absolutely Important to Watch landing on exactly the White House Green Lawn - in a small saucer previously tucked away in Area-51 deemed semi-functional with a sticker on it: "Do NOT drive! Unsafe Health Hazard!" with journalists heroically gathering along with Bidet & Co. boastfully declaring to the world:
- We have First Contact!

6. Insert Your gut feeling about the planned distraction. Disease-X = Bleeding Flu isn't ready yet, so they cannot just suddenly Lock Down™©℗®.
You can see Carlson sharing his impression of Russia and Moscow here, also joking when asked about his interview with Putin :-D

And this is a continuation. Maybe it bothers him that he is being called a traitor, since he mentions it, and he also repeated that he loves America, but he also has no problem admitting that Moscow is a beautiful city. Totally fascinating.
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This news was posted half an hour ago and it sounds like it's happening right now. I don't know if that's true.

Интервью Такера Карлсона с Путиным длится два часа, сообщил журналист Джонс

Эта новость опубликована полчаса назад и звучит так, как будто это происходит прямо сейчас. Не знаю так ли это.

According to Jones the interview is actually 2 hours plus! That’s very likely true. Can’t wait!

And in this video you can see what Russians think about Tucker Carlson, and why many on the net are very excited. Note that it is Sputnik twitter account, and it is being suspended in various countries. But it is still visible using free browser vpn, if you change it to US.

What do ordinary Russians think about Tucker Carlson? Sputnik posed that question to Moscow residents. Many of our interviewees praised Carlson as a “courageous journalist who is willing to challenge the anti-Russian propaganda” dominating the Western mainstream media. Watch for yourself what ordinary Russians have to say about @TuckerCarlson.
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