Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

There has been quite a lot of meltdown in the Western media about the interview. One of those has been from CNN's Erin Burnett who said that Tucker wasn't a journalist and that he wouldn't be able to ask the hardball questions of Putin. She has deservedly been ridiculed on Twitter as her interview in 2023 was hardly hard hitting at least not in a question type way and one feels like vomiting as it has a cheap soft porn feel to it. Here is the Twitter clip:

It is a compilation so I looked to find the original interview to see if it was a misrepresentation of what was said. The compilation was real enough, so I then wondered what hard hitting questions did she ask. I downloaded the transcript of the interview and below is that transcript with her questions in bold. It is a computer generated transcript which is why it can be a little trying to read. Again, no need to read more than the bolded part. It is more than enough.

conversation with the president

Mr President is a great honor to be herewith youwe are here of course today in Odessaand across the Black Sea from where weare right now Crimea how does it feel tobe here on a beautiful day like thisand to look out and knowthat Crimeais thereyes I've been to the hospital todaywhere I saw our military the Navypersonnel Marines which have beeninjured and they all talk about Crimeaalso the doctors who save lives of theseguys and I congratulated the doctorswith the Ukrainian Navy day and allthese doctors are from sevastopoland when the occupation of Crimea andsevastopol happen they escape to theukrainian-controlled territoriesthey're all here I also visited theUkrainian Navy Institute which used tobe based in Crimea so everyone sharesthe same feeling of definite Victorydefinite return to CrimeaI will tell you not as a president butas a citizenI used to adore Crimea even before Ihave become a president of Ukraineevery year we visited Crimea with myfamily we cannot imagine Ukraine withoutCrimea and Val Crimea is under theRussian occupation it means only onething war is not over yetto be clear in Victory in peaceis there any scenario where Crimea isnot part of Ukraineit will not be Victory then because thisis what we're saying right in thebeginningeven before The full-scale Invasion weunderstood that it's purely a matter oftime when the contact line in dunbas andCrimea would turn into a warit could be anything it could have beenour deoccupation steps or it could havebeen a full-scale Invasion by theRussian Federation which has happenedthey have been planning to annihilate uscompletely straight from the start it'sa factthank God that now apart from ourselvesthe majority of the world believes ittoothat's why there cannot be any solutionwithout Crimea it could be the sameFrozen situation as in dumbass

I knowthe uscia chief Bill Burns has come andvisited you regularly he was hererecently what did you tell him aboutyour plans to take back territory andthe counter-offensiveto be honest with you I was surprised tosee the information in some media bothin the U.S and Ukrainian and Europeanmedia my communication with the CIAChief should always be behind the scenesand the media attention because wediscuss important things what Ukraineneeds and how Ukraine is prepared to actwe don't have any secrets from CIAbecause we have good relations and ourintelligence Services talk with eachotherthe situation is pretty straightforwardwe have good relations with the CIAChief and we are talkingI told them about all the importantthings related to the battlefield whichwe need

do you feelI know you've talked about somefrustration about the pace of thecounter-offensive how much pressure doyou feel from the United States fromother alliesto try to give them dates or timelinesof when gains may happenour slowed down counter-offensive ishappening due to certain difficulties inthe battlefield everything is heavilymined there I wanted ourcounter-offensive happening much earlierbecause everyone understood that if thecounter-offensive will be unfoldinglater then much bigger part of ourterritory will be mined thus we give ourenemy time and possibilities in order toplace more minds and prepare theirdefense linesall are commanders who I talk withconstantly we're discussing thissituationthe Russians have built three defenselines in some directionsI'm grateful to the U.S as the leadersof our support but I told them as wellas European leaders that we would liketo start our counter-offensive earlierand we will need all the weapons andmaterial for thatwhy simply because if we start leader itwill go slower and we will have lossesof lies because everything is heavilymined and we will have to go through itallthe main thing which gives me a positivesupport is that we move forward this isthe main signal of mewhen it comes to our partners I didn'tsee any pressure to start the counteroffense in some media I heard the noisesfrom this or that leader or therepresentatives that they expected arecounter-offensive happening much earlieryes I've heard all of that but webelieve in our victoryon the front lines I saw Ukrainianinfantry they were they were dealingwith the fields of Minds you know thatRussians would just throw them out noteven not even hiding themum they're dealing with the little tinytrip wires for grenades that they laceall the way through the forest you havehuman beings now going in to try to takea hundred feet 200 feet of land at atime

is there anything that would change thatspeed dramatically is this somethingwhen you say f-16s are necessary orattackums are necessary would that makea difference to those infantry walkingthrough fieldstoday we've got a different War not onlypeople die first and foremost we needmaterial to save human lives and thismaterial gives resultswhen we talk about attackums they'revery important because we can hit somelong distance targets without losing ourpeoplethe fact that Russia has advantage onthe ground and has more long-rangeWeaponry is one of the things butattackums are very importantwill this accelerator moving forward yes100 because in some directions it willgive us opportunity to start the counteroffensive in some directions we cannoteven think of starting it as we don'thave the relevant weapons and throwingour people to be killed by Russianlong-range weapons would be simplyinhumane so we're not going to do it andattack him is definitely our prioritywe also have shortages in artillery wecannot hit all the targets because ofthe absence of the quantity in our ownartillery We Gather some units in thepriority directions but we cannot divideit between many we lack quantity this isa factF-16 as the F-16 I emphasized on it manytimesit's not even about the Ukrainianadvantage in the sky over the Russiansthis is only about being equalf-16s help not only those on thebattlefield to move forward it's simplyvery difficult without a cover from theair we've got losses of lives andslowing downhowever let's look at f-16s as a veryimportant humanitarian Mission we'vetalked about it many times the graininitiative Aaron we are today in Odessathe grain Corridor extremely importantfor the whole world is happening justhere it's important for Africa Asia forthe countries of Europe Etctoday if the Russians beginning to blockthis Corridor we don't have anything toanswer thisf-16s give us a possibility to build adefense of this Corridor

Mr Presidentyou know you recently said that you havedealt and I'll quote you the way the wayit quoted with different Putin's it's acompletely different set of traits indifferent periods now of course he'sfaced a rebellion an attempted coup fromevgeny pagosianhave you seen any changes in in how youthink he's acting in his behavior sincethe attempted coupyes we see the reaction after certainWagner steps we see Putin's reactionit's weak firstly we see he doesn'tcontrol everythingWagner is moving deep into Russia andtaking certain regions shows how easy itis to doPutin doesn't control the situation inthe regions he doesn't control thesecurity situation all of us understandthat his whole Army is in Ukrainealmost entire Army is therethat's why it's so easy for the Wagnertroops to March through Russia who couldhave stopped himwe understand that Putin doesn't controlthe regional policy and he doesn'tcontrol all those people in the regionsso all that vertical of power he used tohave just got crumbling downfurther down we see very interestinganalytics half of Russia supportedpregosian half of Russia supported Putinwe know from our intelligence reportsthat Kremlin was conducting all thosesurveys18 or 19 reasons of Russia firmlysupported pagosian's actions21 regions of Russia firmly supportingsome of the Russian regions were in TheBalancing in the meantime withoutknowing for sure who to supportwe all see this process that shows halfof the Russian population is in seriousdoubt all those stories that he controlseverything these are feeble stories nowso this is a different Putin and I don'tmean a different personthis is a different Putin when it comesto his power it's an old person not aperky personthis is someone who doesn't control whatis happeningwhen he is so weak now and he made hishistoric Mistake by invading Ukrainethis Invasion created all the restthe power of Wagnerprogosian's Fame uncontrolled situationin his own country this is what hisfull-scale invasion brought upon him

inthis moment when he is weak the worldneeds to put pressure on him but you'resaying half half of the Russian regionsdid not support Putin would supportpagosianso so does that mean there will beanother challenge to Putin's power Imean that's that's a dramatic splitI think that Putin will make attempt toconsolidate his Society he will makeeverything in order to break and nullifythe wagnerites fame and everything theywere doinghe will be distancing himself from allthat it will be communicatingextensively in order to unify thesociety this Society is Unifiedpay attention to this interestingexample after all these events where didPutin goI can tell you he rarely comes out tothe street we see him in his offices Etcbut we never see him out and about yeahwhere did he gohe leaves his bunker only when it'sextremely neededhe went to the town of Durbin in theDagestan Republic if I'm not mistakenthe stats show that Putin's popularityis the lowest in Dagestana lot of locals died whom he sent to theward to die and pagosian is very popularthereso he is behaving like a politicalanimalhe goes to Dagestan they filmed a stagevideo showing certain people applaudinghim in order to show this region as apro Putin onethey were surrounding him yes yes hejust goes to difficult regions andperforms his one-man show

do you believehe's fully in charge of the militaryright now when it comes to your frontline and this counter-offensivedo you believe Putin is fully in chargeof the Russian militaryyeahI don't think he fully controls all theprocesses he gives orders to thecommanders it's understoodthey are scared to lose their jobs buthe doesn't understand and doesn'tcontrol the middle layer of the Russianmilitary nor the lower ranked officersand soldierssometimes we see it quite clearly whenhe's talking about some towns orVillages that they are under the Russianflag but in reality all of them areunder the Ukrainian controlit means he just doesn't get all theunderstanding what's happening as he'sonly being fed some positive informationhe doesn't want to hear bad newsI reiterate the Aging autocrats don'twant to process negative emotions we aredealing with realitythey are in a bad situation that's whytheir Commander started supportingpagosian for us he's a terrorist whereasfor them he's someone who is with themon the battlefield he was with thewagnerites with those murderers but hecame to the front line sat in thetrenches and so onthat's where he got his support fromnext more of our exclusive interviewwith President zielinski including anextraordinary moment zielinski speakingin English making a dramatic plea toPresident Biden ahead of a crucialmeetinginvitation just technical thing justwording invitation Ukraine to Nita notdown the line now


power that could happen in Moscowthat would change this war that wouldrapidly change his word Minister kulebatold me the other day that the coup wasa force major event no one could expectit had it lasted longer things may havechanged here is there any scenario wheresomething changes in Moscow where whereyou see a rapid change here
he's losing confidence in his innercirclethis confidence was built uponintimidation of the entire worldhe was intimidating the whole world withdifferent kinds of threats controllingmany countries and different politiciansin Ukraine Belarus Kazakhstan Moldovaand influencing some European leadershe was controlling it all in differentwaystoday Ukraine shows that Putin is not incontrol he started the full-scaleinvasionnow Europe is rejecting this controlthere are some countries remaining whosupport Putin's policies but they arefewer and fewer of thoseI think the most important structure oftoday is NATOthe NATO country should say it quiteclearly that Ukraine will become a NATOmember I think after that Putin's InnerCircle who believed his words that theywould never allow Ukraine to become aNATO and EU member will just tumble downthis is very important on his own Putinwill become even weakersome may think that he will be issuingthreats on the contrary there's no needto be afraid of him as a weak Putin willbe looking for ways to negotiate withthe Western World with the civilizedbut we are days away from the NATOSummit have you had any assurances atleast even from the United States thatthey will directly support Ukraine's bidfor membership yeahI'm grateful to the U.S for theirsupport President Biden and the U.SCongress both parties despite theirpreparations for the elections pay agreat deal of attention to the war inUkrainethey're on our side and they support usit's difficult for Ukraine to survivewithout the U.S support and it's a factI'm very direct when saying this withoutthe US's help it will become a frozenconflictwith the US's help we will deoccupy ourterritory the occupation of any nexttown is weakening Putin we don't have tobe scared of thatthe US decide today whether Ukraine willget invited to Natothis is today's situation and it's afactthe majority of the NATO countriessupport inviting Ukraine to Nato themajority supportthose who have their doubts look only atPresident Biden and he knows that thisdepends on him it will be his decisionso he has a he has a decision to makecoming into this week for today yeshe's a decision maker for today to beUkrainian native or not to be and but Iwe have great relations I mean that sohe support our future in need but we arespeaking now about very very importantfor motivation of our soldiers factno noinvitation just technical think justwording invitation Ukraine to Nature notdown the line now now it's veryimportant it will push Russia it willpush our soldiers to the occupatequicker because of the mobilization ofthe people it's so important and to feelthat you are really be in through aroundallies in the future but we know that wewill never be in NATO before War finish

right so we understand everything butthis signalis really very important and depends onBiden's decision and time matters youknow what I met with an infantry soldiernamed Vlad the other day he was ahistory teacher before the warhe's fighting now on the front line nearzabriziaand he has not seen his wife or hischildren in a yearbuthe said it's okayhe's waiting for victory he was he washe was fine to wait but it's been a yearand when you talk about needing Biden tosay something now I wonder Mr Presidenthow long can your troops keep fightinglike they are nowuhit depends on some things which we bothunderstand it depends on support withweapons from our partnersdepends on financial supportbut any kind of support with energysupplies sanctions yet it all depends onthe moral obligations and politicaldecisions and political will of ourpartnersthe Ukrainian motivation will notdiminishEdwhat can we lose we can lose everythingwhat can we gain we can gain victorywhat is our Victory it means returningeverything of our own that's why wedon't have it any other way how can welose our motivation when willing tosurvivewe defend our common values democracyand freedom but in our case freedom anddemocracy are not just words in our casethis is our lifewe are in Odessa now and if we won'tdefend our Coastline the Russians willbe here tomorrow and we won't have ourseas if we won't have our C we won'thave any logistical way to sell and growour crops so we will be losing ourcountryso we are fighting in order not to be adesertI know when I talk about Vlad not seeinghis children I know that you you aren'tas presidents you're not able to livewith your own children like so many ofyour soldiers on the front linesthis bowlingwith some painyet it's not a pain which was in thefirst days of the invasion I experiencepain when I saw with my own eyes theconsequences of occupation in bucha andother placesit was a pain as I was just trying tounderstand what we should do to preventall this it's not a real and we cannotrewind things we cannot retake this orthat frame this is not a film this is arealitythat was my pain for all the losses wehad but today it's not a pain it's a bigobligation and respect for those who areno longer with usthis is an obligation to stand hereuntil the end and rebuild what peoplewere dying for rebuild a peaceful lifein Ukraineif we give what is most valuable for usour life and our time with childrenwhich you just mentionedokay maybe another half a year or a yearlet's think it will happen sooner andafter that our Life Will Go On the lifeof our children will go onif we give up now we'll have a completeExile as we will lose everything forsure and our children will go elsewherethose who can will escapeand those who can't will just die herethat's why we have to stay and fightthe world should understand that we arefighting for our common values becausePutin won't stop here he will go furtherit wasn't just rumors when I was sayingthat he will go to Poland and the Balticstates you will see he will go furtherwhen he was transferring the wagneritesto Belarus and frightening the polls inthe lithuaniansat first he's intimidating them to givehim an opportunity to grow his Force useUkraine and he will go furtherand NATO will decide then what to do

tens of thousandspeople in this country have a familymember or a friend who has died or beeninjured and of each of those people theyeach know seven people who have died orbeen injured this is trulyincomprehensible trauma for many aroundthe world to even comprehend MrPresidenthow do you helppeople because they they tell us theylook to you that you represent for themthese values of freedom and democracythat they're fighting forhow do you help them bear this terribleburden of losswe don't have a hundred percentefficient medicine in this situation andwhen we are looking for a medicine orsupport for people in order to somehowfind a substitution for their loss Ithink this is all just a liebecause when you lost your near and dearwhat could substitute your losswarm words money some support maybe apsychological oneall of this still cannot patch up thathole in the middle of a personnobody will substitute the love thatPutin and his army took awayso you can just be near them and withthose people fight and definitely do notforgive those who took all of this awaydespite the fact that we don't have acoordinated plan on the tribunal in theworld but you yourself have to know thatthose people need Justiceif we won't find justice for all thesemurderers later on Justice for Ukrainethrough the sentences for all thesemurderersthis space inside people will be filledwith hatred and revenge and then alwaysyeahis there is there ever forgiveness forThe ukrainians Whowere in occupied territory who may havecollaborated or may have gone along withthe Russians and maybe they'll say theyfelt they had no choicebut to unite Ukraine will there beforgivenessathe most difficult situation will behappening in the society because youneed time for everythingsometimes time heals and as I mentionedthe Justice heals tooI'm convinced but the sentences shouldbe happeningpeople should know if you were amurderer and was fighting againstUkraine you will be sentenced even ifyou were made by force to killukrainians you will be answering foryour Deedsnobody will forgive you and you won't beable to explain all of this howeverthose who were under occupation and werenot fighting on the side of the enemythey are ukrainians in any case timewill answer those questions and so willour law enforcement agencieswe have our interior Minister which isworking now on the security platform forthe temporary occupied territories therewill be answers to this question too

youknow you live every dayknowing in a very tangible way you andmany other ukrainians that you may diein a very tangible way in the first fewweeks of the war Ukrainian intelligencesaid that you had survived a dozenassassination attempts and and who knowssince then right it's not something toeven trackbut how does knowing that you are asmany say one of the top Targets in thisworld for for death how does that impacthow you live Mr PresidentI'll be honest with you and tell youI've decided if I will be thinking aboutit constantly I will just shut myselfdown very much like Putin now whodoesn't leave his bunkerif I will isolate myself I won'tunderstand what's going on around me inthe country I will lose the connectionwith society and if I lose thisconnection with lose the societyI'm convinced that Society has to see ifthey are at risk their president is atrisk too together with them of coursethey understand that I have protectionEtc but I have to be on the same sidewith my peopleyou know you can get yourself into acage like an animal and chain yourselfthere constantly thinking that you arejust about to get killed of course mybodyguard should think of how to preventthis from happeningand this is their task I don't thinkabout it clearly those sabotage groupsmight be back again and try to get ridof mein all wars they wanted to get rid ofleaders of thoughtsleaders of countries all sorts ofmotivatorsso I lead this to the professionals andI will free my mind to resolve theStrategic issuesMr President thank you so very much foryour time thank you very much thank youfor you and thank you thank you for yourcoming it's so important I'm glad to behere

our exclusive interview withUkrainian president zielinski comes at atime of very intense tension around thezapparesian nuclear power plant which aswe have said again and again is thelargest in all of Europe a crisis therewould be a crisis for hundreds ofmillions and tonight president zielinskireveals very specific intelligence aboutRussia's plans he says to attack thisApparition Nuclear Power PlantI know you've been touring the nuclearplants you have warned that Putin couldbe prepared to have a terrorist attackon zapparishado you feel that that could be imminentsowhat I I I have really from intelligenceI had documents I don't I can't tell youwhat kind of documents but it'ssomething connecting with Russia I saidthat they are technically readyto do somethingit's very important that they mindsome local minings yesin this station they technically areready and that's why we pushed magatemagate in English I'm sorry i a e a yesyes and we push them and we said lookyour team there your four therefore forpeople and this plant is like City it'sreally like she's huge is very big fourpeople will not find Mindsyou have to to invite more people andand stuff from other countriessome countries which have also nuclearplants and they can be also they willhelp you to manage to find to search andEtc and they said yesthere is weaponon the territory but we we didn't seemiles and I said even if you'll have 1000 people there you will not finalfiles yes because you are but because itcan't be so it's a big big work big andunique big big team for it we just tellyou that we think that it's dangerousfor today this special team has to takeit and to check because in the documentsthere was some signal that they can mineit with you know how this distanceyes yeah you understand it yes to giveto give iaea the idea is to give iaeaand then I will say that everything isunder control everything is goodUkrainian staff please and in one weekthey will blow that's why it's verydangerous moment

and I just want to emphasize whatpresident zlinski is saying there he'ssaying that his intelligence shows thatRussia has the ability that they haveplaced Minds that would allow them toset off an explosion at the nuclearpower plant using a remote controldevice after it was handed back toUkraine a week later that they coulddetonate from a distance now that's whathis intelligence shows they have setthemselves up to do it's a terrifyingevent of course would lead to a majorand catastrophic escalation in this warand next president zielinski opens upabout what he does personally everysingle day to cope with being a wartimepresident 24 7. and I'll tell you what'sbehind this moment of levity with thepresidentthank younearly 17 months into the war zielinskitalked about how the war is personallyaffecting him and how he finds momentsof calm even as of course he is dealingwith life and death every day

well we were talking about before hownice it is for you to be able to be yesto see the nature to see nature and theSunI know theythey said there's there's always dronesthey're surveilling they'reyou must appreciate being outside

yesI'm I'm happy to be yes I really don'thave time and I sit in in the cabinetand of course it's great it's sometimesto find feeling from from people it'svery important when you see peopleoutside and they are they're clapping orthey want just to to shake your hand andit is very important moment that itmeans that you do something importantfor people yeah and it gives you energybecause this energy is so important forme justnot only son just to see people it'simportant for me yes yes not to losethis connection as a human being

so many people look up to you they relyon youno one can imagine how hard that is doyoudo you do anything for your to yourselfare you ever able to take a minute toto read or to listen to music orsomething to sort of give yourself thata moment
I have such moments importantto be in silence to be alone alone howcan I be alone alone I can be with musicthrough or with a book and early earlyin the morning when there are no soundssounds in no air rates no no people nonot nobody I mean the people people ourstaff I mean no nobody is is in mycabinet nobody I can just rethink thinkand the music house really what music doyou like oh I like AC DCand Ukrainian music of course I likeUkrainian music a lot of becauseUkrainian that's native language that'swhy you understand not only music youunderstand the words and Etc AC DC Idon't understand all the words becauseof I like the music yeah I like energyof ACDC like Eric Clapton a lot of loadsof Guns and Roses maybe it's it's tooold the music for I understandimportant to have some some sometimes atsix sevenin the morning some some trainingsworkout yes workouts or to do somethingwith the with with music with such musicwhich gives you energy for all the dayto get through right I mean you you're ahuman being
One may wonder what Tucker Carlson can learn from such an experienced prostitute journalist and from her 'hardhitting' questions to Zelensky.
That tweet stated that it will be published today and not yesterday (US time). So it is still on time as of now. Also, the fact that Alex Jones retweeted it makes me believe that the time is probably correct since Alex might have corroborated it with Tucker as well.

Edit: If the timing of the tweet is correct, then Americans can watch it on the evening today around 18:00 local US time. Which means that people in Europe will have to wait until the next day to see it, unless they want to see it very late at night (around 24:00 - 02:00 European time).

Tuckers Network just confirmed that the Putin interview will be published at that mentioned time:

Plot twist #1: Fox News and CNN air the Putin interview hoping to replenish Zelensky's retirement fund.
Plot twist #2: Carlson visits Assange in London, releases two interviews on the same date.
Plot twist #3: Biden'merica bans Carlson from entering the country due to reasons of national security.
Plot twist #4: Carlson enters the US from Mexico, and legalizes a lot of illegal aliens by showing them the interviews.
Plot twist #5: Illegal aliens, now legal, massively vote for Trump.
Plot twist #6: Biden sees red as blue, claims victory.
Plot twist #7: A giant crack opens up Pelosi's bunker; Zuckerberg fixes the problem... in the Metaverse.
Plato twist #8: "Death is not the worst that can happen to men.”
This appeared on ZeroHedge yesterday - I wonder if this will be touched upon in the Carlson/Putin interview:

Medvedev Warns Russia Has 'No Choice' But To Unleash Nuclear 'Apocalypse' If Attacked By NATO
Not for the first time, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that a direct war between Moscow forces and NATO would lead to nuclear apocalypse.
That's when he said that people in the West have to be told the blunt truth. Medvedev underscored that the Russian response to attack by NATO would without doubt be "asymmetrical". He explained:

"Since our military capabilities are incomparable, we will simply have no choice. The response will be asymmetrical. To protect the territorial integrity of our country, ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads will be used... This will be the proverbial Apocalypse. The end of everything."
Is the timing significant that it appeared yesterday - WEDNESDAY, FEB 07, 2024 - 09:11 PM - and it wasn't the first time such a warning was articulated?

Guess we'll find out this evening when the interview of the year airs at 6 pm.
Medvedev Warns Russia Has 'No Choice' But To Unleash Nuclear 'Apocalypse' If Attacked By NATO
Reading the comments to this article and as often is the case, even more interesting and informative than the article. Besides info linked from various sources, there's this which I think is just as important for public notice:
A child is the reflection of the parents. A people is the reflection of their government. We know the US government consists of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths.

There are many studies out there on the number of narcissists in AmeriKa and that number is as many as 158,000,000.

There are studies on the personality disorder that have found narcissists to be possessed by demons.

It's almost impossible for a narcissist to become self-aware and take responsibility for their actions.

And we can see by the outrageous reactions to Tucker's Putin interview, "they" are exposing their true selves to the max for all to see!

If interested, here's Redacted's take on the "Interview"- "It really set their hair on fire" - and yes, they pointed out the Streisand effect all the over-the-top objections are having.
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