The Living Force
Gertrudes said:I think excluding rice is a good idea Mrs Tigersoap. If I recall correctly, several members have reported problems with it after having started the USD, this seems to be one of those grains that really is worth to test. In fact, it is perhaps better to test every grain, quite a few of us have reported some sort of intolerance to one or another grain, as your experience with quinoa and buckwheat also seems to indicate.
I still need to try this. I've been feeling a bit depressed (maybe it's detox-related, but I've been thinking a lot about the harsh winter ahead, the situation in the world, etc. and I'm reading Programmed to Kill by Dave Mc Gowan, etc. - maybe not the best read for the moment! and all of this kind of contributes I think) and and I've been stuck in a rut a bit. I haven't really been experimenting.
So far, I'm only sure about this: I can have beef, I can have eggs, I can have bacon (well maybe not every day), I can have ghee and some veggies. I've eaten sweet potatoes several times (it was a first for us, they are not really eaten in Belgium and they are sold with the exotic fruits in fancy packaging) and it seems alright, but the other two Tigersoaps cannot stand them. I was surprised to find I cannot have carrots (it gave me asthma!). Although I absolutely love all sorts of beans and have been eating them all my life (especially when I was a vegetarian), they are apparently tricky. I can have small portions once or twice a week, but that's it, otherwise I feel really heavy (that's really a bummer, since I cooked beans added to bacon in the pan with onions and everything cooked together for a few minutes is sooo delicious!). We had duck fat very often but apparently we digest ghee way better. (Maybe because type B's are not supposed to eat duck/goose? I don't know). As said previously, quinoa is a big no-no. I'm going to experiment more with chickpea flour, I think. Not eating any grains at all and beans on occasions seems like a rather grim prospect, to be honest. It gives me Atkins-flashbacks

My skin does not improve for the moment, it's dry as hell. I've just tested the correct amount of capsules of evening primrose oil and of fish oil I should get, since my previous ratio was not OK. I need more evening primrose oil, apparently. Supplements are difficult for me because I rarely see any difference (in energy, or any type of improvement where I can say, as some of you do : "Wow, this really helps!") and so, when the jar is empty, I forget to buy another one for weeks or months. And don't feel different when not taking them, so.. I know I need to be regular there.
I tried several times to eat meat in the mornings and when I do, I feel satisfied for longer and have no cravings. The thing is, since I cannot have buckwheat more than once a week or so and I cannot use any other flour to make pancakes, just eating meat on its own is really off-putting (and veggies in the morning is not appealing at all right now). I make bacon and eggs, but realistically, I know I won't be making them every morning. I had hamburger in the morning. It's OK at 10 o'clock when I'm on holiday, but at 6.30 on weekdays, I don't picture myself there quite yet. As far as fish is concerned, since I barely can eat it at noon or night (and even so, it has to be buried under rice, veggies and spices to hide the taste), eating it in the morning is really not an option for the moment. But you never know...