Ultra Simple Diet

Laura said:
dugdeep said:
Great news Gertrudes!

Gertrudes said:
I'm curious now on what will happen when I re test coconut oil, something to which I had a strong reaction in August.

Keep in mind that some people just don't react well to coconut oil (myself included). I tried testing it a little while ago and after two days of cooking with it I started having this really stiff and painful muscle tension in my neck. I stopped the oil and it disappeared. Sore muscles seems to be my reaction to foods I'm not tolerating, as that's what happens if I eat nightshades too often. I can have potatoes one day, but if I eat them again soon after I get quite painful muscle soreness. I've just discovered this recently.

I have exactly the same thing... only it's joints and muscles. I do NOT do well with coconut oil. I don't even like the taste of it though many people swear by it.

Interesting.....really saw muscles and fatigue and joint pain was what I was getting when I first introduced a lot of fat into my diet (in the form of olive oil/ghee) when cooking buckwheat pancakes....
This all went away when I switched to coconut oil...how odd.
My tolerance seemed to then go up of the other things, which I put down to having a sluggish liver.
I haven't tried olive oil/ghee for cooking since though, as I now use lard or beef tallow....and goose/duck fat when I can find it.

I'll have to try coconut oil again and see how I react I think.
Some things to consider perhaps.....how is the oil made? Is it bleached? The other thing I can think of is the concentration of caprylic acid....when I first noticed a die off reaction when having live probiotics, I decided to try caprylic acid to kill off the candida.....this led to muscle pain and quite bad joint pain in a few places.....which then subsided after a week or two. I put this down to the death of low level systematic candida.

I'd be curious to know if those that have tried things that kill systematic candida (that is inside the body as well as in the intestines) have the same pain as when eating coconut oil?? I may have to test coconut oil again and see how I react.
RedFox said:
I haven't tried olive oil/ghee for cooking since though, as I now use lard or beef tallow....and goose/duck fat when I can find it.

Just a note on olive oil, I recall reading on the forum as well as in some of the diet books ( I think) that olive oil is not an ideal oil for cooking, it is best consumed cold. Apparently heating it up damages its structure, therefore turning into a damaging oil. Ghee and animal fat are better options for a cooking oil.

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
FWIW, this may make sense when we consider that we have a tolerance level for every food (or product). Allergy means no amount at all, tolerance means up to a certain level.

Yes, that makes sense. I am not sure though, whether I should keep eating something to which I show a noticeably low tolerance level, without necessarily having an allergic reaction. In other words, something of which I can only have a very small quantity, for example, hemp protein. Would the low tolerance be a sign to keep away from it?
Gertrudes said:
Would the low tolerance be a sign to keep away from it?

The best may be not to exceed your tolerance level and see after a while if it does not increase. Because you might also have a low tolerance level simply because this food is new to your body and it needs to take it slow. I have said already that I have a very low tolerance to buckwheat, which appears to be normal since I'm B blood type (it tends to make us feel sluggish and put on weight). Well, I still cannot have it every day like many on the forum but I did notice that my tolerance level was getting up. So, here you see, I kept on having it and little by little I built my tolerance up (that and having a better diet and lifestyle). So, if you think hemp protein is good for you, keep having it at low levels and slowly build up and see what happens. If the hemp protein is really not good for you, your body will become more sensitive and soon treat it as toxic altogether. Then you'll know for sure.

FWIW, on a side note, I have notice that some food have 'time bomb' effect (at least on myself): I do not react directly to tomatoes, but it obviously does something to my system and the food I eat during the day after the tomato (even hours later) will be problematic, making me wrongly think that I have a problem with these foods. I experienced that with quinoa. I had such a strong reaction (stomach dancing for hours), I quit it completely. I then realized that every time I had quinoa, it had been on the same day as tomatoes. I tried without tomatoes and quinoa is just fine! Anyway, just wanted to mention this in case it helped s.o...
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
If the hemp protein is really not good for you, your body will become more sensitive and soon treat it as toxic altogether. Then you'll know for sure.

I have a doubt related to this same issue that perhaps you, or anyone reading, might be able to help clarify: can a food to which we are apparently building up tolerance, slowly be poisoning our system, simply because we are becoming de sensitised to it the same way we become de sensitized to gluten and dairy?

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
FWIW, on a side note, I have notice that some food have 'time bomb' effect (at least on myself):

Very interesting. I'm glad you mention it because it'll help me be more aware when looking at possible reactions .
Gertrudes said:
I have a doubt related to this same issue that perhaps you, or anyone reading, might be able to help clarify: can a food to which we are apparently building up tolerance, slowly be poisoning our system, simply because we are becoming de sensitised to it the same way we become de sensitized to gluten and dairy?

I may be wrong of course, but I think it would be difficult to become desensitized to a food while still eating it. Take rice for example. It was great while we were quitting gluten and dairy but pretty soon it became a problem of its own because we were getting desensitized to other stuff (detoxing) and the body's BS detector got sharper and suddenly the lectins in the rice were not agreeing with us anymore and it showed plainly. So in this case as well, I think it would come back once again to 'the building up of tolerance or becoming toxic' scenario. You might still eat detrimental foods but one by one you will isolate them if you simply go on detoxing imho. But if you're really worried, you can also try and find a good kinesiologist who will be able to test all this for you.

Just wanted to add for clarity that in kinesiology, the difference between allergy and toxicity is that you can correct almost all allergies (keeping in mind that the tolerance might still be low), but toxicity cannot be corrected. Allergy is an 'error of label' so to speak (and in that respect, a correction would change the label), whereas toxicity is simply poison for the person.

Edit: for clarity
I just had to chime in and say that I agree with Mrs. Tigersoap on the issue of BS detectors.

After almost a full year on detox, my body will only tolerate meat/fish often fried in lots of lard/olive oil, GREEN veg and salads and berry fruits.That's it.(plus some buckwheat and regular supps ofcourse.)

I have no problem with those choices of foods cause I'm finally in control of my previous pains, ailments and allergies.

IMO the simpler the diet, the easier it is to prepare and budget.
Thank you for the clear explanation Mrs. Tigersoap. I understand it now :)
I was looking for information on what to use utensils, pans, pots
from what I read are the best iron?
Lukas said:
I was looking for information on what to use utensils, pans, pots
from what I read are the best iron?


You might want to check out the videos Laura has posted on Youtube that describes what you are looking for, as far as I can see.

As I remember, the way to go is cast iron, stainless steel, for pans and pots and wood and glass for utensils. No plastic and absolutely no teflon - ever. Better check the video for the full list. :)
Thor said:
You might want to check out the videos Laura has posted on Youtube that describes what you are looking for, as far as I can see.

As I remember, the way to go is cast iron, stainless steel, for pans and pots and wood and glass for utensils. No plastic and absolutely no teflon - ever. Better check the video for the full list. :)

The video is in English... Many we can't understand… if someone could summarize what says Laura in the video would be helpful. Translate written words is much easier that translate spoken words.
Thor said:
Lukas said:
I was looking for information on what to use utensils, pans, pots
from what I read are the best iron?


You might want to check out the videos Laura has posted on Youtube that describes what you are looking for, as far as I can see.

As I remember, the way to go is cast iron, stainless steel, for pans and pots and wood and glass for utensils. No plastic and absolutely no teflon - ever. Better check the video for the full list. :)

Link to video Stocking your kitchen for health - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiGZa6NG6Sc
Link to video Stocking your kitchen for health - Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYXKWR8AcA8&feature=related
Link to video Stocking your kitchen for health - Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3APTNC2pc8M&feature=related

Now gartering all necessary item, I'm on ultra simple diet but us teflon ;/
Hi, I was wondering: where can I find the Ultra Simple Diet? Is it a book? thanks.

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