Ultra Simple Diet

loreta said:
Hi, I was wondering: where can I find the Ultra Simple Diet? Is it a book? thanks.


Also, we have a revised version (of the diet listed in the book) here
RedFox said:
loreta said:
Hi, I was wondering: where can I find the Ultra Simple Diet? Is it a book? thanks.


Also, we have a revised version (of the diet listed in the book) here

Thank you RedFox.
Some time ago it was said in this thread that melatonin can't be bought over the counter in Croatia.

Regulattor said:
istina said:
btw, I read that you take melatonin, please could you tell me where did you get melatonin?
I couldn,t find it here in Croatia.

Unfortunately you can't buy melatonin over the counter in Croatia, because it is hormone, so you must have prescription to buy it. However there are some other "legal" supplements containing significant amounts of melatonin on market. If you are interested I'm gonna say it just feverfew (povratić). Google will do the rest. ;D

I took this as a hard fact, so you can imagine my surprise when cca 1 month ago, while buying my usual supplement supply, it occured to me that no harm would be done if I ask, and lady said "Yes, off course we have it."
They had only 2mg of controlled-release melatonin, which I suppose isn't the best possible choice, but hey, at least they have that.

So, for everyone interested in getting melatonin in Croatia, you can find it in these shops _http://www.agram89.com/v2/?page_id=kontakt
If I remember correctly it was cca 110-120 HRK (~15 €) for packing of 60 tablets.

It can happen that they don't have it in the shop at that precise moment, so I would suggest to inform yourself by phone before going out for shopping. ;)
Sasa said:
Some time ago it was said in this thread that melatonin can't be bought over the counter in Croatia.
I took this as a hard fact, so you can imagine my surprise when cca 1 month ago, while buying my usual supplement supply, it occured to me that no harm would be done if I ask, and lady said "Yes, off course we have it."
They had only 2mg of controlled-release melatonin, which I suppose isn't the best possible choice, but hey, at least they have that.

So, for everyone interested in getting melatonin in Croatia, you can find it in these shops _http://www.agram89.com/v2/?page_id=kontakt
If I remember correctly it was cca 110-120 HRK (~15 €) for packing of 60 tablets.

It can happen that they don't have it in the shop at that precise moment, so I would suggest to inform yourself by phone before going out for shopping. ;)

Thank you Sasa!!!! :)
I m about to start the ultra simple diet but i have indications of candida infection.Also lately i begun to eat more meats with their fats without guilts.i can say that i enjoy it and i can digest it just fine(i have a big proplem with my digestion in general).
My question is on what should i focus first?Also ,can i add more meat to my diet?
theokonst said:
I m about to start the ultra simple diet but i have indications of candida infection.Also lately i begun to eat more meats with their fats without guilts.i can say that i enjoy it and i can digest it just fine(i have a big proplem with my digestion in general).
My question is on what should i focus first?Also ,can i add more meat to my diet?

Be sure to follow the "modified" USD. The one in the book is not strict enough for a lot of people. I don't know any reason not to add more meat if it agrees with you and is grown with natural diet and no antibiotics/added hormones.
USD said:
You can have canned sardines, salmon or mackerel.

A heads up concerning mackerel. I've recently found this from Dr. Mercola -- don't know if it's been mentioned yet, at least I haven't read about it on the forum yet.

The larger the fish, the likelier they are to have high levels of this toxin. The National Resources Defense Council points out, for instance, that predatory fish such as large tuna, swordfish, shark and mackerel can have mercury concentrations in their bodies that are 10,000 times higher than those of their surrounding environment!

(from here: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/09/29/WARNING-New-Evidence-Shows-that-Mercury-Present-in-Nearly-ALL-Fish.aspx)

If this info is accurate it should be included into the USD.
Can anyone recommend a lower-fiber version of the Ultrashake? I have had good results generally with the USD, but I have ongoing GI problems that it did not help at all. I have come to realize that the problems are most likely caused by fermentation of insoluble dietary fiber, and two of my larger sources of fiber intake are Ultrashakes and buckwheat. What to do?
Megan said:
Can anyone recommend a lower-fiber version of the Ultrashake? I have had good results generally with the USD, but I have ongoing GI problems that it did not help at all. I have come to realize that the problems are most likely caused by fermentation of insoluble dietary fiber, and two of my larger sources of fiber intake are Ultrashakes and buckwheat. What to do?

After going through the transition period, learning a lot of stuff by experiences followed by concentrated digging, we rarely do the shakes at all anymore. When we do, it's just berries, a banana, some aminos, and that's about it. Mainly what we do in the morning now is eat a big meaty/fatty breakfast and that seems to get the liver up and going for detoxing purposes. I find that if I eat meat, my GI tract is happier and I just keep my magnesium levels up to keep the "flow" going.
After going through the transition period, learning a lot of stuff by experiences followed by concentrated digging, we rarely do the shakes at all anymore. When we do, it's just berries, a banana, some aminos, and that's about it. Mainly what we do in the morning now is eat a big meaty/fatty breakfast and that seems to get the liver up and going for detoxing purposes. I find that if I eat meat, my GI tract is happier and I just keep my magnesium levels up to keep the "flow" going.
I had a feeling you might say that--thank you. I noticed in the EE forum that there was a "non-hemp" option for the shake. The problem I am having is balancing the need to work and support myself, a very time consuming need, against the time to prepare every meal (since I am avoiding most processed/prepared foods now). Part of my solution was to, in the morning before I left for work, make an Ultrashake for lunch. That, along with a bit of broth (purchased, not made at home) was all I needed to keep going all day. Unfortunately it also keeps my gut going all day with gas and bloating. Now that I know what is causing that, I need to rethink lunch and to reduce fiber at breakfast a bit as well.

For breakfast I am having meat and plenty of fat (animal and plant). The shakes didn't work out for breakfast beyond the initial weeks of the USD. The problem now is coming up with a good lunch that I can take with me and not spend too much time making, wrapping, and packing it, and that doesn't take a lot of space (I commute by bus & light rail).

I know I am not the only one struggling to earn a living, make all my meals, do EE, do FIR saunas, and get 14 hours of sleep in the winter. (I don't have children; if I did I guess I would be going nuts about now.) I have been having some success at it, but the things I am learning now about limiting fiber are upsetting the balance again. Maybe we need an "ultrasimple eating plan" to follow the initial USD, that addresses some of these issues.

Fixed Quotes
There is a pricier zero-fiber 70% protein form of hemp powder that I remembered buying "by mistake" one time. I found some more of that to use for now until I find a better solution. It has a reasonable omega-3/6 ratio and should be OK for during or following the USD.

The latest thing to disappear from my grocery store shelves (or refrigerator cases) is hemp oil. Has anyone else seen this happening? Is it seasonal?
Belibaste has been going to physical therapy every day for the past few weeks (you may recall that he had surgery for stage 3 brain cancer - this left his hand partially paralyzed, so he is re-wiring his brain in therapy to fix this.) Anyway, he found out right away that the therapy center provides awful food only, so he takes his lunch. Also, Psyche has been going to a French course in Toulouse 4 days a week. She also takes her lunch. What they do is just pack some lunch or dinner from the day before in a lunch container (like a flat, covered dish) and take that with a bottle of purified water. Sometimes it's chicken, steak, stew, a couple of burgers in a bed of lettuce, half a sweet potato, meat chunks or slices, etc. It's really not a big deal to cook a little extra to have something to carry for lunch. They also frequently take a bottle of water with 20 grams or so of ascorbic acid and some stevia in it as a refreshing detox drink.

Today, we had some grilled chicken left over from last night, a bowl of steamed peas left over, some plain, boiled, red potatoes. Both of them took that for lunch.
3D Student said:
I think the mackerel in the can may not be a large fish. There is king mackerel which is the larger one. Atlantic Mackerel is shown here as the one in the cans and is smaller.

Thanks 3D Student! Didn't know there were two kinds of mackerel. Still, wiki says
Northern Atlantic mackerel are very low in mercury
so it does contain some mercury. Will have to find more info on this.
Laura said:
Belibaste has been going to physical therapy every day for the past few weeks (you may recall that he had surgery for stage 3 brain cancer - this left his hand partially paralyzed, so he is re-wiring his brain in therapy to fix this.) Anyway, he found out right away that the therapy center provides awful food only, so he takes his lunch. Also, Psyche has been going to a French course in Toulouse 4 days a week. She also takes her lunch. What they do is just pack some lunch or dinner from the day before in a lunch container (like a flat, covered dish) and take that with a bottle of purified water. Sometimes it's chicken, steak, stew, a couple of burgers in a bed of lettuce, half a sweet potato, meat chunks or slices, etc. It's really not a big deal to cook a little extra to have something to carry for lunch. They also frequently take a bottle of water with 20 grams or so of ascorbic acid and some stevia in it as a refreshing detox drink.

Yeah, in Toulouse days, I have to wake up at 5:30am and I arrive home at 8:00pm. So I take the left-overs of the day before as lunch plus some extra bacon and blinis. The bottle of water with vitamin C is the life-saver. It keeps the inflammation down and boosts up your adrenals.
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