Various interesting things in French : documentaries, etc.

another interview with Valérie Bugault, here she develops in depth the solutions she sees "reinvesting the role of each person in relation to the group", I really appreciate her lucid and hopeful view

This is a video from Sandra Vimont, a Canadian medium who is also an author and speaker.

In this video she speaks about the different time lines we all have, why it is important to stay present, to integrate the new energies that are pouring in our realm, so that all the versions of ourselves can merge together.

She also says that those time lines are currently being manipulated by those who incarnate the energy of the "antichrist". As a result, people are even more confused than usual. She perceive that most people are unable to integrate these new high-frequency energies and those people tend to be taken over by entities, she's never "seen" so much of them. Consequently, our world is becoming more dangerous, as people may become crazy, develop diseases, have nervous breakdowns.

She invites us to take care of ourselves, of our loved ones, to be careful and as much as possible, integrate those new energies.


Dans cette vidéo, le Pr Henrion Caude évoque notamment:

  • le cadre légal et éthique dans lequel la campagne va/cc/in=ale israélienne a été réalisée
  • le fonctionnement du génome humain et la façon dont le va/cc*in ARNm peut interagir avec lui
  • les impacts du v/ac*ci/n ARNm sur le système immunitaire (en particulier l'ensemble des effets possibles de la production de la protéine Spike sur l'organisme)
  • le sujet de la vac/ci=nati/on des enfants
    Voici les liens évoqués par le Pr Henrion Caude dans la vidéo:
    Vaccin contre la COVID-19: le Conseil adopte des mesures pour favoriser une mise au point rapide

European Union suspends some GMO regulations to fast-track COVID-19 vaccine
Vaccin contre la COVID-19: le Conseil adopte des mesures pour favoriser une mise au point rapide
Les gènes islandais privatisés
The coronavirus may sometimes slip its genetic material into human chromosomes—but what does that mean?
Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19…
Je viens de repasser sur un site que j'ai dans mes bookmark depuis un temps et ai fait une découverte intéressante.
Le livre de (ou sur) Gurdjieff "La vie n'est réelle que lorsque je suis" est disponible en audio à la page suivante :
De plus, on peut sauver les 24 mp3 (bouton droit souris + enregistrer le lien voire la cible du lien)

I just went back to a site I've had in my bookmarks for a while and made an interesting discovery.
The book by (or about) Gurdjieff "Life is only real when I am" is available in audio at the following page:
Moreover, you can save the 24 mp3 (right mouse button + save link or link target)
a podcast that I really enjoyed, especially this part where he explains in a really concrete way the fact of having a pyramidal approach to one's life experience, which is really close to a habit of anticipation where one reduces the possible futures, and all these practical consequences and how to reverse it.

Afshin Rattansi reçoit le Pr. Jordan Peterson, auteur de «12 nouvelles règles pour une vie, au-delà de l'ordre».
Afshin Rattansi receives Pr. Jordan Peterson, author of “Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life”.

His new book was released in early March in English and on May 6 in French.
Je viens de repasser sur un site que j'ai dans mes bookmark depuis un temps et ai fait une découverte intéressante.
Le livre de (ou sur) Gurdjieff "La vie n'est réelle que lorsque je suis" est disponible en audio à la page suivante :
De plus, on peut sauver les 24 mp3 (bouton droit souris + enregistrer le lien voire la cible du lien)

I just went back to a site I've had in my bookmarks for a while and made an interesting discovery.
The book by (or about) Gurdjieff "Life is only real when I am" is available in audio at the following page:
Moreover, you can save the 24 mp3 (right mouse button + save link or link target)
Thank you very much for this resource which help me to stay quiet in the bed and save my calories while not wasting my time. And the voice of the guy is good.
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