The creepy Joe bit never fails to send chills down my spine. The Cuties bit reminded me of a video about the hypersexualization of children by the OMS :Good one with humour, from Quebec. This noe, going to send it on the family chat :
LES PATCHS TRANSDERMIQUES contenant la Valentonine (VLT) et le 6-Méthoxy-Harmalan (6-MH) seront disponibles au 4ème trimestre 2017
@Gandalf, I'm afraid those patches are not "available" anywhere. As stated in the link you shared: "Our goal is to obtain Marketing Authorizations (MA) by the end of 2019, so that the mixed patches will be on sale in pharmacies during 2020."I don't think that this video has already been posted. It is a very interesting video about melatonin and valentonin. I think @Gaby that you would like it very much.
He talks about patchs in the video and we can read in the description of the video:
So, can someone living in France telle me if those patchs are "really" available?
For more info about that topic: Accueil
Decision of September 27, 2019, suspending the manufacture, preparation, import, use, export, wholesale distribution, packaging, storage, placing on the market free of charge or against payment, holding with a view to sale or distribution free of charge, advertising, use, prescription, delivery and administration of transdermal patches containing Valentonine or 6-methoxy Harmalan, by the association "Fonds Josefa".
Edit: MispellingFollowing the false information divulged by the media concerning the "wild clinical trial" carried out by Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan and Henri Joyeux, we decided to set up this site to make the truth known to the general public.
You will therefore find on this site :
Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan's information document on mixed VLT/6-MH patches, for neurologists and other health professionals: click here to access it.
The toxicological studies carried out with the mixed patches of Valentonine (VLT) and 6-Methoxy-Harmalan (6-MH), the results and the conclusion: click here to access it.
Numerous testimonies of patients who participated in this research. They are the best proof and guarantee of the truth about this case. Read these testimonies and you will quickly understand that the press has unfortunately revealed a lot of nonsense about this "wild clinical trial"...
Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan's official right of reply, transmitted to the media on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, where he answers the accusations of the Press: click here to access it.
The official response of Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan transmitted by registered mail to the Director of the ANSM and to the Minister of Health. Contrary to France 3, which boasts to have published the full letter (there is only an extract of it...), you will be able to finally read the full version of this letter with all the associated annexes by clicking here.
We would also like to bring your attention to the scandal of toxic Aluminum present in several drugs and vaccines at doses much higher than the Minimum Risk Doses defined by the FDA and the WHO: Click here to learn more about it.
Plus, Professor Fourtillan was on last December interned against his will in a psychiatric hospital, while we don't still know if it's because he talked in Hold-Up the movie, or because of the use of these patches in a clinical trial, or for any other reasons.
1. Tu porteras des masques pour le reste de ta vie, même pendant les repas et surtout pendant les rapports sexuels.
2. Tu embrasseras les vaccinations non testées de méga-corporations à but lucratif et sans comptes à rendre, ayant une longue histoire de criminalité et de corruption, et tu t'émerveilleras de ta nouvelle identité en tant que véritable OGM.
3. Tu mettras des particules dans l'air pour bloquer le soleil et pour darpiniser l'ionosphère afin d'éliminer les lignes de flux terrestres magnétiques qui protège la terre afin d'assurer des communications optimales pour les satellites militaires et de SpaceX 5G qui l'encercle.
4. Tu célébreras les radiations 5G qui te parviennent de tous les coins de rue pour le reste de ta vie. Et maintenant, de l'espace !
5. Tu devras continuellement combattre l'Iran, la Chine et la Russie par des sanctions économiques, des assassinats et des faux drapeaux, et larguer au moins une bombe toutes les 10 minutes, de préférence au Moyen-Orient.
6. Tu élimineras les petites entreprises, les relations sociales, les rassemblements politiques et les services religieux. Reste à 2 mètres de tout le monde. Tu passeras ton temps à te concentrer sur un écran d'ordinateur. Tu laisseras les algorithmes GOG-EL te guider vers la PENSÉE-DROITE.
7. Tu admireras le président Biden pour sa perspicacité éblouissante, son charme irrésistible et sa haute teneur intellectuelle... Et son colistier qui te montreras comment s'allonger sur le dos est le moyen d'avancer à genoux pour donner la tête.
8. Tu dénonceras les voisins qui ne soutiennent pas L'Agenda.
9. Tu soutiendras les grandes entreprises pharmaceutiques et leurs laquais du gouvernement et des médias qui soutiennent le programme PENSÉE-DROITE, et tu qualifieras de théoricien du complot quiconque a une idée divergente de l'Agenda.
10. Tu dois croire que le système démocratique à deux partis en Amérique est un système démocratique à deux partis et que ton vote compte, pas celui qui compte ton vote.
GOG SAIT TOUT (tu dois le savoir)
GOG VOIT TOUT (et sait si tu as été bon ou mauvais)
GOG VOUS AIME (tes informations personnelles sont, dirons-nous, "inestimables")
Sure he could have gave better conclusions, and also, the guy at 45m who won a Godwin point saying "Because since Pasteur we know that vaccines work." ... but globally, this is almost at the same level of "impact" than the famous "Hold-Up" reportage. This movie should be spread all around, will probably be censored once too many people view it ... we'll see.
Do i have to post this too on the thread "SOTT worthy articles in French" ? It should be quickly posted on
Il n'y a pas de version disponible sur des plateforme alternatives (comme Odysee) ?