Une nouvelle vidéo de Matthieu Monade, faite avec 2 dames, postée ce jour même, je l'ai trouvée très intéressante.
Je résiste à lui ouvrir un thread, je préfèrerais qu'avant cela certain(e)s donnent leur avis.
Dans cette dernière vidéo (d'hypnose régressive) ils s'intéressent à la situation actuelle ainsi qu'à l'avenir proche (court et moyen), et je dois dire que c'est bluffant car cela s’intègre très bien avec ce que la communauté ici présente a découvert & potassé ainsi qu'avec ce que les C's on dit. Ce que les 2 dames décrivent est intéressant, je n'ai pas repéré de "pollution new age". Je dirais que cela rentre en résonance avec le "matériel" C's, "ca sonne juste".
Un "détail" qui m'a beaucoup interpellé et qui recoupe ce que les C's ont dit, c'est que les personnes qui se sont fait vacciner mais qui l'ont refusé au fond d'eux seront en effet protégées, dans la vidéo ils parlent de "garder sa souveraineté.
Un autre est la manière dont elles voient ce qui se passe chez les personnes vaccinées (pour de mauvaises raisons, voire sans se poser de question, ...) qui deviendraient comme des coquilles vides dont on a dégagé l'âme (ce qui m'a fait directement penser à ce que les C's ont dit concernant des corps à occuper par nos "amis" SDS de 4D)
Difficile de résumer la vidéo ou alors il faudrait le faire points par points. Elle dure un peu plus de 40m.
Au plaisir de lire d'autres avis.
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I've watched the video and I think it's worth creating a thread about it. You're right
@dredger , there are parrallels with the Cs. Here is a quick summary of the video, but I think it's really worth watching it, while remembering not to take their words for gospel:
- The future that they saw WILL happen in a relatively short time. The cause is that we went too far already to avoid it.
- There will be a "wave of shock" that will wipe out our civilization. It may not destroy physically, but it will put everything to a standstill. They saw factories stopped, the electrical grid down. Everything will be dead silent. There are a lot of energies that invite division and conflict atm, but that will stop because there will not be enough people left standing.
And now the creepy part:
- The ladies saw (most) people on fire, the world was on fire, it looked like Hell. They said it is the etherical plane they saw and what was burning was the etherical, subtle bodies of people. Only would remain a seed of consciousness, people would otherwise become like empty shells. They will become mechanical beings, some will stop feeding themselves. All emotions will vanish, even anger, rebellion, fear. Both ladies had teary eyes at this point. They saw that people would even loose the parental instinct, even animals have an instinct to protect and care for their babies, but even that will go. The PTB wanted sheeps, and they're going to get them.
- Always on the etherical plane, they saw those people imploding on themselves, they saw them getting on all four like animals, they would be unable to remain standing. The blood will become thicker, unpure, the liver will be unable to clean everything.They will do as they are ordered. The reason for all this is that those people have renounced to their sovereignty to have an easier life, to do like everybody, or just didn't think and followed. It is of course, linked to vaccination. One of the ladies said that you have to take ask yourself: how am I treating my body? How am I treating myself? Is vaccination a loving (she precise the kind of love "that knows") act toward my body and myself? Why I am doing it or not doing it? Am I being sovereign? All the suffering to come is because people choose to abandon their sovereignty for material confort. Even if they didn't realize they abandoned it.
- Those who took the vaccine because it was that or starve, will be spared from becoming empty shells, because they made a choice, most of the time knowing that the stuff in the shot was bad. Their didn't gave up their sovereignty. But they have to take measures to stay healthy and help their body clean itself. For those who have an "elevated" conciousness, their higher Selves will get rid of the chemicals. In all cases, one has to watch his/her diet, take supplements, do fasting...
- People who took the shot and then "wake up" will also be spared from having their etherical bodies burned, BUT they have to fully realise how neglectful they've been toward themselves and their bodies. The ladies say that guilt is useless, only understanding and growing are useful. However, those who sincerely "repent" (she uses it without the guilt-tripping), have to do it soon, because the time for the choice is almost up. Once the etherical bodies are burned, it will be too late.
- The ratio of the population is between 30/70 and 20/80 %, 70 or 80 being the percentage of the population that is going to become mechanical. The remaining 20-30% will be those who will have worked on themselves, who will have not succumbed to fear and who remain sovereign.
They are warning us that if we though this period was hard, we were going to be sorely disappointed, because the real work will begin after the wave of shock.
- the smaller group, who will have preserved its humanity will have to help, but only those who ask. They will have to rebuild, grow networks. They will also be responsible for the bigger group. Even if they look empty, there is still a seed inside them, they are still human and we will have to find ways to care for them.
- Water will change its frequency along with the humans on the planet and because it will be higher than today, it can be used to help the bigger group. For some, it can help the seed of conciousness to grow, they may become less mechanical. However, they will have to work on themselves, we cannot walk in their path for them.