Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner and Gang - Web Pathology

Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Seraphim said:
In any case, there is much to learn from the "Traditionalist" school and people like Guenon.
Can you give us an example of some original wisdom from Rene Guenon, something that you consider as being particularly enlightening? From what I understand (correct me if I am wrong) Guenon did not like science (because it deals with quantities rather than qualities) and would like to replace it with "old rituals". Is that what you are up to?

As for Seraphim Rose, I am reading the following passage from his "Signs of the Times"

We have one particular idea right now that's taking possession of people: the so-called idea of women's liberation. This takes the form of women priestesses in the Anglican Church, and also in the Catholic Church, which is preparing for it now.
Of course, if you look at this seriously, sit down and think about it, and you read what St. Paul says about women and so forth, you have no problems. It's all very clear that this is some kind of crazy new idea. But it is also very interesting to look at this more deeply and see where it comes from—why is there such an idea, what is it, what's behind it?—because if you understand the strategy of the devil, you're a little better equipped to fight against it.
I am somewhat perplexed by what I read. Does he mean that the idea of "women's liberation" has the devil as its source? Or am I missing something?
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Greetings all! I'm currently reading the Wave, Book 4, and came across the passage that Laura just quoted here:

Q: Mouravieff says that there are two kinds of humans - he calls the "pre-Adamic" and "Adamic," (discussed in book III). The idea is that pre-Adamic human types basically have no "soul" nor any possibility of growing one. This is a pretty shocking idea, but there have been recent scholarly discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence that, indeed, there are human beings who are just "mechanical" and have no "inner" or "higher self" at all. [See: "Division of Consciousness"] Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda. Are these ideas Mouravieff presents about the two basic TYPES of humans, as far as they go, accurate?

A: Indeed, though again, there is a "Biblical Gloss."

Q: Mouravieff says that the "pre-Adamic" humans do not have the higher centers, nor the possibility of developing them in this cycle - which we assume to be the Grand Cycle you have previously described, the length of which is around 300,000 years. Is this an accurate representation of "pre-Adamic" beings?

A: Yes, they are "organic" portals between levels of density.


Q: (A) What does having a soul or not having a soul have to do with bloodline?

A: Genetics marry with soul if present.

Q: Do "organic portals" go to fifth density when they die?

A: Only temporarily until the "second death."

Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?

A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.
I'm a bit puzzled about the genetics of this. Looking at current mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) research, it appears that all humans (necessarily including the "OP" types above, since they can interbreed) came from a single woman in Africa about 135,000 years ago. (Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1992 Aug 29;337(1280):167-75.) It seems to me that if we had ever had distinct "adamic" and "pre-adamic" races, there would be two mtDNA origins. There aren't.

From that one mtDNA ancestor all of the current racial groups originated, according to the original study in 1987. (Nature. 1987 Jan 1-7;325(6099):31-6.):
Mitochondrial DNAs from 147 people, drawn from five geographic populations have been analysed by restriction mapping. All these mitochondrial DNAs stem from one woman who is postulated to have lived about 200,000 years ago, probably in Africa. All the populations examined except the African population have multiple origins, implying that each area was colonised repeatedly.
The 1992 study used an improved method of dating, but retained this interpretation of the information. I simply don't see where there is any evidence here for a second, "OP" race that then manifests in every other racial group on Earth.

In addition, interbreeding results in hybridization of differing traits. If we start off with a group missing the "higher centers" that are required for ensoulment, and a group with those centers, wouldn't we get a population in which most members had some of the higher centers, a few had all, and a few had none? I'm trying to imagine a mechanism by which we could mix the DNA and still get exclusively pure expression of the two original phenotypes, and I can't.

Perhaps Mouravieff was taking esoteric information too literally here. In response to another question, the C's said:
A: Mouravieff, like many who have protected and passed on the "tradition" are merely carriers and not interpreters of the capacity of a Master. The True Master understands the nature of the "worlds" in terms of real, Hyperdimensional Interpenetration. Thus Mouraveiff and others misunderstand and misinterpret, thinking in 3rd density Hierarchical terms which simply do not apply.
I could see an "OP" effect deriving from non-genetic processes. My own partner believes she's met one, where the lack of empathy specified by the C's as a critical difference to other humans was clearly present:
Q:(A) How can I know if I have a soul?

A: Do you ever hurt for another?

Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to care.

A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.
She also noticed that the person involved had a total lack of body energy, like there was "nobody there".

Have the C's had any more comments about the causes of the "OP" phenomenon?
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

JeremyG said:
I'm a bit puzzled about the genetics of this. Looking at current mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) research, it appears that all humans (necessarily including the "OP" types above, since they can interbreed) came from a single woman in Africa about 135,000 years ago. (Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1992 Aug 29;337(1280):167-75.) It seems to me that if we had ever had distinct "adamic" and "pre-adamic" races, there would be two mtDNA origins. There aren't.

From that one mtDNA ancestor all of the current racial groups originated, according to the original study in 1987. (Nature. 1987 Jan 1-7;325(6099):31-6.):
How would that contradict the idea of Organic Portals?

For example:

23 October 1994

Q: (L) Let's go back to the three forces. You said numerous
souls desired physical existence. When the numerous souls
did this, how did physical existence come to be?
A: First was apelike.
Q: (L) And then what happened? Did these apelike being just
pop into the air? What did the souls do with these
apelike beings?
A: Souls altered them by transfer.
Q: (L) Transfer of what?
A: Souls into seeded bodies. Orion Union was first into
Q: (L) The Orion souls came into Neanderthal bodies?
A: No. Put humans there for incubation process.
Q: (L) Were altered ape embryos put back into ape females for
A: No. Souls only.
Q: (L) They put the souls into the ape bodies?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Did the soul's presence in the ape body cause its
genetics and DNA to change?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) They entered into living creatures on this planet to
experience 3 d reality and by entering in caused mutation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Then were altered by Orion Union first. They resemble
Q: (L) Who resembles us?
A: The Orions.
Q: (L) We haven't talked too much about the Orions...
A: Orion Union. There are others in Orion Community.
Q: (L) Are some of the Orions not good guys as we would term
it? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are some of them good guys?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, you are saying that the original creators or
genetic engineers were Orions?
A: Close. The original engineers but not inhabitants.
Q: (L) Where did the souls come from that entered into the
bodies on the planet earth? Were they in bodies on other
planets before they came here?
A: Not this group.
Q: (L) Were they just floating around in the universe
somewhere? A: In union with the One. Have you heard the
Super ancient legend of Lucifer, the Fallen Angel?
Q: (L) Who is Lucifer?
A: You. The human race.
Q: (L) Are the souls of individual humans the parts of a
larger soul?
A: Yes. Close. The One. All who have fallen must learn "the
hard way."
Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience
physical reality is the act of falling?
A: You are members of a fragmented soul unit.
Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a "fall"?
A: Pleasure for the self.

28 August 1999

Q: I have this book, this Marcia Schafer thing: "Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist," and its a bunch of channelled stuff; one thing she says: "the snake is associated with the sign of wisdom and higher learning, and is often regarded quite highly in mystical circles." She had an interaction with a rattlesnake, for which she felt sympathy, and she also has sympathetic interactions with Lizzies. I would like to have a comment on the idea of the snake as a "sign of wisdom and higher learning." Does this, in fact, represent what the snake symbolizes?
A: Snake is/was reported in context of the viewpoint of the observer.
Q: Are you saying that when the observer's viewpoint is that the snake is a symbol of higher learning, maybe...
A: Maybe the observer was just "blown away" by the experience.
Q: Clarify, please.
A: If you were living in the desert, or jungle, about 7,000 years ago, as you measure time, would you not be impressed if these Reptoid "dudes" came down from the heavens in silvery objects and demonstrated techno-wonders from thousands of years in the future, and taught you calculus, geometry and astrophysics to boot?!?
Q: Is that, in fact, what happened?
A: Yup.
Q: Well, this is one of the problems I am dealing with in trying to write this history of mankind. As I understand it, or as I am trying to figure it out from the literature, prior to the 'Fall in Eden,' mankind lived in a 4th density state. Is that correct?
A: Semi/sort of.
Q: Please be more specific.
A: 4th density in another realm, such as time/space continuum, etc.
Q: Okay, so this realm changed, as a part of the cycle; various choices were made: the human race went through the door after the 'gold,' so to speak, and became aligned with the Lizzies after the 'female energy' consorted with the wrong side, so to speak. This is what you have said. This resulted in a number of effects: the breaking up of the DNA, the burning off of the first ten factors of DNA, the separation of the hemispheres of the brain...
A: Only reason for this: you play in the dirt, you're gonna get dirty.
Q: What was the motivating factor for playing in the dirt? What essential thing occurred? You said once that it was 'desire based imbalance.' What was it a desire for?
A: Increased physicality.
Q: What was the objective sought for in this desire for increased physicality?
A: Sensate.
Q: How was sensate experienced so that these beings had an idea that they could get more if they increased their physicality?
A: Not experienced, demonstrated.
Q: Demonstrated how, by who?
A: Do you not know?
Q: It was demonstrated by the Lizzies?
A: Basically.
Q: Demonstrated in what way? Did they say: 'here, try this!' Or did they demonstrate by showing or doing?
A: Closer to the latter.
Q: They were doing, experimenting, playing, and saying: 'look, we are doing this, it's so great, come here and try it?'
A: Not really. More like: "you could have this."
Q: What seemed to be so desirable about this increased physicality when they said 'you can have this?'
A: Use your imagination!
Q: Was there any understanding, or realization of any kind, that increased physicality could be like Osiris lured into his own coffin by Set? That they would then slam the lid shut and nail him in?
A: Obviously, such understanding was lacking.
Q: Sounds like a pretty naive bunch! Does the lack of this understanding reflect a lack of knowledge?
A: Of course. But more, it is desire getting in the way of...
Q: Okay. The 'Fall' occurred. It seems like, and some of the archaeological studies indicate, that for many thousands of years, there was a peaceful existence and a nice agrarian society where the goddess or female creative forces were worshipped. At least, this is what a lot of present-day books are proposing...
A: No. These events took place 309000 years ago, as you measure it. This is when the first prototype of what you call "modern man" was created. The controllers had the bodies ready, they just needed the right soul matrix to agree to "jump in."
Q: So, prior to this time, this prior Edenic state...
A: Was more like 4th density.
Q: But that implies that there was some level of physicality. Was there physicality in the sense of bodies that look like present-day humans?
A: Not quite.
Q: What did these pre-fall...
A: Cannot answer because it is too complex for you to understand.
Q: Does this mean that the are experienced... that the bodies we possibly would move into as 4th density beings, assuming that one does, would also be too complex for us to understand? You are saying that this 'sort of 4th density' pre-Fall state, in terms of the physical bodies, is too complex to understand. If going back to 4th density is anything like coming from 4th density, does that mean that what we would go back to is something that is too complex to understand? This variability of physicality that you have described?
A: Yes.
Q: So, was there any kind of worship of God, or religious activity in this pre-Fall state; this Edenic, 4th density state?
A: No need when one has a clue.
Q: What I am trying to get at here, what I am trying to understand, is the transition from the goddess worship to the god worship; the change from the understanding of cyclical time as expressed in the feminine cycles, and expressed as the goddess; to the concept of linear time, expressed as the masculine principle. It seems to me that these were stages of inversion of concepts which gradually led to the ideas that the Lizzies are imposing on us, and seem to have been working in this direction for millennia - the dominator experience which expresses as: believe in something outside yourself that will save you, otherwise you are damned because the world is gonna end, and you are going to get judged. This is the concept I am trying to deal with here. I am trying to understand what was worshipped. Okay, we had these guys; they fell from Eden, but they were still fairly close to the original concepts, in some terms. Once they jumped into the physical bodies, as you put it, what was their level of conceptualization regarding the universe? Did they still retain some understanding at that point?
A: Kind of like the understanding one has after severe head trauma, vis a vis your normal understanding in your current state.
Q: So, they were traumatized; they may have had bits and pieces of ideas and memories, but they may also have lost a great deal altogether. There may have even been a sort of "coma" state of mankind for many millennia. But, after they woke up, with the bits and pieces floating around in their heads, they may have begun to attempt to piece it all together. So, they started putting it all back together. What was the first thing they put together regarding the cosmos around them?
A: Sex.
Q: What did they decide about sex? I mean, sex was there. They were having sex. Is that it? Or, did they understand the cosmos as sex?
A: More like the former. After all, that is what got you guys in this mess in the first place! Just imagine the sales job if you can: "Look how much fun this is! Want to try it?!? Oops, sorry, we forgot to tell you, you cannot go back!"
Q: I really fail to understand - and I know it is a big issue that has been hinted at and alluded to, and outright claims have been made regarding sex in all religions and mythologies - but I fail to understand the mechanics of how this can be the engineering of a 'fall.' What, precisely, are the mechanics of it? What energy is generated? How is it generated? What is the conceptualization of the misuse of this energy, or the use of the energy?
A: It is simply the introduction of the concept of self-gratification of a physical sort.
Q: On many occasions you have said that the ideal thing is to have perfect balance of physicality and ethereality. This has been said on a number of occasions. Now, I don't understand how it can be that gratification of a physical body can be the mechanics by which one is entrapped? Is it not gratifying to look at something beautiful? Is it wrong, sinful, or a form of a fall, to look at beauty, to hear something beautiful such as music, or to touch something that is sensually delightful such as a piece of silk or the skin of a loved one? These various things that the human being derives pleasure from very often elevate them to a spiritual state.
A: Possession is the key.
Q: What do you mean?
A: In STS, you possess.
Q: That's what I am saying here...
A: If you move through the beautiful flowers, the silk, the skin of another, but do not seek to possess...
Q: It seems to me that it is possible to experience all of these things, including sex, without the need or desire to possess; only to give. In which case, I still don't understand how it can be a mechanism for a 'fall.'
A: If it is desired, then the mechanism is not to give. Do you eat a piece of chocolate cake because it is good to give to the stomach?
Q: Well, you could!
A: No, in STS, which is your realm do not forget, one gives because of the pleasant sensation which results.
Q: Could it not be said that, if everything that exists is part of God, including the flesh, that if one gives to the flesh, without being attached to the giving, that it could be considered a giving to the 'All?'
A: Explain the process.
Q: For example: there are some people who like to suffer, because they believe that the flesh is sinful. That is a big thing that the Lizzies have instituted. For centuries they have wanted people to suffer, and they have made this big deal about sex and anything that might be considered pleasant or desirable should be denied, and that a person should suffer, and revel in their suffering. And, actually, making a person...
A: If one seeks to suffer, they do so in expectation of future reward. They desire to possess something in the end.
Q: What I am saying is: if a person can simply BE, in the doing and being of who and what they are, in simplicity; to become involved in doing everything as a meditation, or as a consecration, whether they are walking down the street and being at one with the air, the sunshine, the birds and trees and other people; in this state of oneness, doesn't that constitute a giving to the universe as giving oneself up as a channel for the universe to experience all these things?
A: Not if one is "feeling this oneness."
Q: We are what we are. Nature is nature. Progression is progression. And if people would just relax and be who and what they are in honesty, and do what is according to their nature without violating the Free Will of others, that this is a more pure form of being than doing things out of any feeling of expectation, or desire; to just BE, not want... just BE?
A: Yes, but STS does not do that.
Q: (A) From which I draw conclusions: if there STS around us, we cannot just...
A: You are all STS. If you were not, you would not be where you are.
Q: (A) There are those who are happy in the STS mode; and there are those who are trying to get out of the STS mode...
A: STO candidate.
Q: (A) These STO candidates cannot just simply BE, even theoretically, because then, STS would eat them.
A: No.
Q: Why not?
A: STS does not eat according to protocol.
Q: What does that mean?
A: What do you suppose?
Q: I have no idea!
A: STS "eats" whatever it wants to, if it is able.
Q: That's what we said. If you are STO in an STS world, you are basically defenseless and they eat you.
A: No.
Q: Why? What makes STO unavailable or 'inedible?'
A: Frequency resonance not in sync.
Q: (A) But then, that would mean that all these people who are saying that we need just to love everything and everybody, are right. They just be, and love, don't do anything, just give everything to the Lizzies... they are right!
A: No, because motivation is STS.
Q: How is the motivation to love everything and everybody, and to just give, STS?
A: Feels good.
Q: So, they want to do it because it feels good?
A: Want is an STS concept.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Thanks, Laura! That is interesting material from the C's about the origin of the human race; IIRC, I read it in the Wave Book 3 a few days ago. Regarding the question I'm working with, though, it strongly suggests that my supposition about Mouravieff's possible misinterpretation of esoteric material as physical is correct. I note that the C's make not one mention of a second "unsouled" race. They describe a single race of humans. Surely if there were also a "pre-adamic" race around, they would at least have mentioned it in passing! So by Occam's Razor, the OPs are not "pre-adamic", and their existence is not genetically based as Mouravieff thought.

I also note that they date the origin of the human race at 309,000 years ago. While this is farther back than the 1992 article I cited places it, it is not out of range. To be precise, they said:
The estimates resulting from these two approaches for the age of the human mtDNA ancestor (and approximate 95% confidence intervals) are 133 (63-356) and 137 (63-416) ka ago. These results provide the strongest evidence yet for a relatively recent origin of the human mtDNA ancestor.
I summarized that as 135 ka (kiloannum, thousands of years), but 309 ka is within the 95% confidence intervals, which as you see are rather large. ;) So we can say that the mtDNA dating supports the C's timetable.

Another article (Sci Am. 1990 Dec;263(6):98-104.) confirms the single-origin theory via fossil records:
The theory that all humans are descended from a recent African ancestor was promoted by geneticists who study living populations. The fossil record provides independent support for this model.
Again, there is no evidence for a separate "pre-adamic" race, in agreement with the C's commentary in your last post.

This gives rise to two new questions:
- Since the lack of capacity for ensoulment is not genetically based, could it be the result of an intervention by 4d STS in the womb? Is this a "Rosemary's Baby" scenario? Have the C's ever commented on such possibilities?
- If not, are there circumstances like crib death where 4d STS can re-animate a normal human body with one of their own soul projections? The C's suggested something like that can happen to soldiers in wartime, though in that scenario the resulting beings went elsewhere, mainly to underground bases.

Again, thank you for your helpful information!
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

jeremyg said:
I could see an "OP" effect deriving from non-genetic processes. My own partner believes she's met one, where the lack of empathy specified by the C's as a critical difference to other humans was clearly present:
What was seen may have been a failed OP who is psychopath. They have no ability to empathise at all and, for those who are looking properly are much easier to 'see'.

jeremyg said:
Q:(A) How can I know if I have a soul?

A: Do you ever hurt for another?

Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to care.

A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.
OPs do have empathy of a sort, but it is learned by conditioning and programming and tends to be quite mechanical (unquestioning?) in nature.

jeremyg said:
She also noticed that the person involved had a total lack of body energy, like there was "nobody there".
I believe these people are what is called 'robotic'. ie: "The lights are on, but nobody's home". The soul has go off somewhere and what you have left is a person who is like a record 'stuck' in a groove, unable to make sense to anyone or of anything new around them.

The C's also mentioned robotoid people (ie Maynerd Most). To me this is someone who has 'sold their soul' to the highest bidder, or to 'The Devil', and as a result, is pretty much at somebody else's beck and call, usually the person who they 'sold' their soul to.

jeremyg said:
Have the C's had any more comments about the causes of the "OP" phenomenon?
It could be just a natural 'phenomenon' of nature, like filling a void or building a bridge (between densities). After over 300,000 years of STS domination it does seem to be somewhat of an over-reaction to go "Oh my God! OPs!!" Like they were the worst thing in the world and they have only just been discovered. Hmm, 3 billion of them - there abouts? Those with higher centers - or at least access to them (non-OPs), probably have bigger things to worry about, than this.

This is my personal way of thinking at the moment.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

jeremyg said:
I note that the C's make not one mention of a second "unsouled" race. They describe a single race of humans. Surely if there were also a "pre-adamic" race around, they would at least have mentioned it in passing! So by Occam's Razor, the OPs are not "pre-adamic", and their existence is not genetically based as Mouravieff thought.
Agreed. But then there is also the problem of the so-called "Aryan" racial type which the C's have suggested evolved on a different planet and came to earth 70 to 80 KYA. What is the relationship between them and OPs and the native to earth humans? Do we suppose that the Aryan types were souled or unsouled? Or were they of both types? Was the story of the "Sons of God and the daughters of Men" a story of these Aryan types breeding with earth women? What about Aryan women? Did they breed with earth men?

What about the "giants" in the earth that are attested by numerous archaeological finds though hardly spoken of in mainstream archeology?

I've read quite a bit of theory about how Cro-Magnon man "originated in Africa," then went east in boats to Asia and then came back West on foot. This is supposed to explain the fact that there is no clear fossil evidence for Cro-Magnon "out of Africa."

Some of the experts claim that there is not just ONE "originating" event, nor just one "Eve," but that there are at least two. The controversy of Out of Africa vs Out of Asia is still quite contentious, in fact, though the Out of Africa model has gotten the most public play.

Then, of course, there is the problem of the Americas, where recent discoveries indicate fully human habitation as long ago as 50 KY. Reading Richard Cremo's "Forbidden Archeology" sure doesn't help the matter, either!

My preference, at this point, is to just keep what the C's have said in the back of my mind as an idea, while constantly reading and searching for more data. One thing seems clear: certain theories about the origins of man were formed at some point, and any data that contradicted these theories was suppressed or marginalized. It's a real minefield out there trying to find the hard data.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Laura said:
Was the story of the "Sons of God and the daughters of Men" a story of these Aryan types breeding with earth women? What about Aryan women? Did they breed with earth men?
I always thought there was something 'funny' going on regarding the idea of Kantek population-lift to Earth. Was this an opportunity for the lizards to leave Kantek women behind, and just bring men? There's a mystery going on here and for some reason (I can't remember whether I dreamt this or meditated it), it has to do with women or female DNA. Not the most 'scientific' of thoughts, I know, but it annoys me that so much of our history and interactions with 4D STS have been hidden from us.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence


I'm new to the forum.

I finished reading 9/11 Ultimate Truth and I congratulate you Laura for your excellent work!

There are some places were I recognized some ideas I first heard of in

"Veilleur, ou en est la nuit?" (Watcher, where are we in the 'night'. quoting Isaia)
by Jean Robin

This Robin is a French guenonian who wrote very interesting stuff on Rennes le Château in the 80's, on ufos (The Great Parody), on the castle of the Grail and finally 'Veilleur ou en est la nuit'.

In this book, he says near teh end that the plan of the counter-initiation is two-fold:

first, the new world order is established, and we're living it now. The power of Israel lobby, of Khasar descendants/Ashkenazi-Jews in banking, politics and media, and Zionism at large, globalization, and all the new world order of the 'grays and reptiles' stuff that we heard of so often. First phase.

Robin says he knows an 'insider', named Pierre, who is part of a secret society established by Charles de Gaulle himself: Les Compagnons du Saint Sacrement. This secret society has been created by the counter-initiation, but they are being manipulated and lied to. they think that a nazi-nostalgic group, the Black Order, has established themselves in south america, where they established their center. Les Compagnons hate the Black Order and they think that this group is behind al globalization and yankee pan-americanist new world order. Les Compagnons plans to subvert the Great -jezebel- of Babylon that is the new world order.

Robin says that Pierre warned him that this is a trap. People are lead into hating americans, hating globalization, and hating the Israel regime. This hatred is certainly justified, yet it will be used against real innocent Jews when the 'new world order' will be 'subverted' and the 'Final Solution' rehabilitated (counter-initiation human agents sort of worship Hitler and want to resurrect nazism, as if the true ideals of the third reich had been betrayed, so that we should pursue its goals...). All problems will be presented as existing in Jews, as Laura pointed out. This is described as being the second phase of the plan. A Great Monarch (merovingian Grand Monarque) comes and subverts the NWO and its false antichrist. Then a false messiah poses as spiritual restorator, and marks the beginning of a golden age of free-energy technology, anti-judeo-christian pantheistic immanentism as ideology, anti-yahve ufo-cult, worship of our good nordic space brother (who wil have 'saved us' from evil aliens, grays and reptiles) and clairvoyance for all, even the most lazy of us. This will be the true antichristian rule.

(He doesn't say that aliens do not exist, he looks at them through the traditional lenses, seeing in them Planetary daimons (Tall Blonds and Giants, fallen angels) and keepers of treasures and metals of the interior of the earth (dwarves, grays). they are hyperdimensional beings, not invaders arriving from outer space.)

I am astonished that Robin and Laura are saying very much the same thing, at the bottom line.

If anyone here reads French, you must read this book!!


Dan Winter


ADMIN NOTE: The reader will notice that Mra AKA Miles Rory Anderson has removed his posts from this thread. He got around the restriction on deletion of posts by editing them and inserting three dots. As the reader will notice, this makes what was formerly an interesting discussion somewhat one sided.

MRA appeared again and began posting in another thread where he was asked why he removed his posts:

Mra said:
anart said:
Hi Mra,

Last time you logged on, you deleted all the content of many of your rather relevant posts. Just wondering why you did this - and why you've returned now, posting on this thread as if 'nothing had happened at all'.
Paranoia lol and other emotional difficulties, sorry about that, additionally i didn't like the perspective i was developing, it was too depressing and negative, general emotional difficulties would probably be the best answer to your question.

I returned now because i just happened to, i'm not all that organised in what i do on the internet, i just drift across, reading or studying anything that interests me at the time.

So, with the above in mind, the thread is retained without MRA's input.
Re: Dan Winter

Disnfo artist. We met him and he admitted to us after being asked by Ark why he was doing his work that it was to make money.
Re: Dan Winter

Mra said:
would you recommend i read the book or transcripts first?
On the subject of Dan Winter, I think you should read this section of Adventures w/ Cassiopaea:

Then you should also read the entire Wave and Adventures series. Their are enough excerpts of the transcripts included in both of those works.

Dan's associations with known psychopaths Vincent Bridges and Drunvalo Melchizadek (flower of life) should be reason enough to steer clear of his work, but to each his/her own...
Re: Dan Winter

_ has more details too.

He's on the lam from the USA law at the moment (owing Stan Tenen quite a bit of money), living in The Netherlands I believe.
Re: Dan Winter

Eek! Sincere apologies, Mra, I hit the wrong button and instead of quoting your post to respond to it, I edited it. If you could try to recreate it, that would be great. My response to you is listed in your post - here it is again and I'll remove it from your post so you can edit it. Apologies - all 'thumbs' tonight.


It might be important to remember that STO usually doesn't do 'syncs' - only acknowledgment after the fact. If you 'like to investigate syncs' then you are likely following bait into a trap. You seem to be following around synchronicities that have led you to mind controlling poison, and the 'noblerealms' forum (from a previous post of yours) and to Dan Winters - all of which can and will lead you into what some call lessons (danger). [search Montalk using the forum search engine and Dan Winters, for more information - or the posts listed above by Beau and Johnno.]

C's 941119 said:
Q:What I want to know is who has the power and ability to set up these kinds of "confirmations" or synchronicities?
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/
New World Order/ "Antichrist"/ Lizards.
Q: (T) But I'm just a nobody. Why would they go to all trouble to send
somebody in a Camaro to drive up on my lawn...
A: Several answers follow: Number One, Nobody is a "nobody." Number two, it
is no trouble at all for aforementioned forces to give seemingly individualized
attention to anybody.
C's 000817 said:
But, on the other hand, you have
said that the STS forces have the ability to create confirming synchronicities to validate their disinformation.
C's 020110 said:
And you are saying that the whole thing was set up, with all the synchronicities at the beginning, just for the purpose of getting me involved in this channeling experiment, to make the channeling experiment 72 percent positive, so that I would be encouraged to continue it, so that Frank could, more or less, vacuum out of me, from some level of consciousness, other information, and kill me. Is that what we are getting at here?
A: Pretty much.
Q: That's depressing.
So - you may need to shift your understanding of synchronicities - they are usually bait to a trap. STO 'doesn't play chess' though after a decision has been made there may be signs indicating it was the right way to go - almost never before, to lead you. fwiw.
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