Volcanoes Erupting All Over

Grindavík, Iceland
(10-)11 Nov 2023 - 03:06 local Icelandic time

mbl.is also confirms that the town of Grindavík is being evacuated now. From the geological video i've heard that 3500 people live in that town. Here the article as follow:

Why was Grindavík evacuated?

It was the decision of the police chief in Suðurnesj to evacuate Grindavík tonight. That decision is taken as a result of the advice of the public defence. But why?

Víðir Reynisson, Chief Inspector of Public Security, says in an interview with mbl.is that the decision was made following the advice of scientists.
"Then it took no time to make this decision and implement it," says Víðir.


The development is fast after dinner

Asked about the prelude, Víðir says that soon after noon the earthquake became powerful and that it became even more powerful as the day progressed.

"Around five o'clock, it was decided to raise the civil defense alert level, and then we went to the danger level," says Víðir. This means that preparedness is increased. He says that the development was rapid after dinner, when data from the Met Office's measuring instruments, GPS data, satellite images and more were reviewed.


The length was the most surprising

"When this was added up, people saw that there was every chance that a powerful and fairly large magma corridor was forming from these areas where the earthquakes were and in the direction of Grindavík," says Víðir.

"Around ten o'clock, scientists began to interpret this so that it could not be ruled out that the magma tunnel could reach Grindavík."

The scientists' assessment and public safety advice were presented to the chief of police in Suðurnes, and the decision to evacuate was made as a result. "The advantage of this scenario is that we will have evacuated before the eruption begins," says Víðir. When asked, he says that the mentioned length of the magma corridor was the most surprising.


A question of hours rather than days

"It's not certain that it will be days, it could be because of tomorrow that this happens. The quakes have been very powerful and there are visible movements on the surface," says Víðir when asked if there is a chance of an eruption.

When asked how long the evacuation can be expected to last, Víðir says that it can last for several days.

"We need to keep a close eye on it. We know that the activity can move even if it starts to erupt in one place," says Víðir. He adds that even if it starts to erupt far from Grindavík, it is not certain that it will be possible to allow residents to Grindavík.

"We will evaluate it immediately," says Víðir.


Latest notice
(11 Nov 2023, 06.39 local Icelandic time)


Status unchanged after status meeting

The situation regarding the evacuation of Grindavíkurbær remains unchanged after the situation meeting of the coordination center and operational control at six o'clock, according to Hjördís Guðmundsdóttir, information officer for the civil protection.The town is now deserted after the civil defense called all responders out of Grindavík last night. The police are now manning closure posts at the farm.The next status meeting will be at 8 a.m. and then the Norwegian Meteorological Agency's scientists and the Norwegian Civil Defense will meet at 9:30 a.m. New data will then be reviewed.

Grindavík, Iceland
November 11, 2023



Reykjanes: Grindavík evacuated, magma could be lurking under the town

Dagmar Trodler • November 11, 2023

The coastal town of Grindavík is being evacuated by the hour after suspicions were confirmed in the evening that the magma intrusion could lie beneath the town. The last violent earthquakes had occurred directly in Grindavík. The Icelandic Civil Defence has declared an emergency phase. Residents have three to four hours to pack their belongings and leave the town. The Red Cross has been operating several reception centres since the evening. All evacuees are asked to register at one of the reception centres or, if they are staying with relatives, to register under the number 1717 so that nobody gets lost.

Those in need of assistance will be helped to leave their homes, and after the evacuation the police will patrol to prevent looting. The coastguard ship Þór, which was requested by the police, is on its way to Grindavík.

The arterial roads are currently all closed to prevent unnecessary traffic, and anyone leaving the town has to identify themselves at the police checkpoints. The evacuation should be completed by three o'clock tonight. As is so often the case in times of emergency, the willingness of fellow countrymen to help is great. Beds and rooms were immediately offered on social media for evacuees who have no one to stay with. Stables for horses are also already available.

Svartsengi is evacuated
The Svartsengi geothermal power plant, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the Blue Lagoon and has been in the spotlight for days because it supplies electricity and hot water to the peninsula, was completely evacuated in the evening. The power station can be operated remotely by computer.

The Kattholt cat shelter in Reykjavík announced that it would take in cats from Grindavík whose owners had to evacuate and were unable to take their cats with them. DÍS, the Icelandic animal welfare organisation, issued a statement calling for all animals to be removed from the danger zone, including farm animals such as sheep and horses.

Magma is apparently travelling south
In the evening, layers of earth at Sundahnjúkargígar began to slide apart. According to experts, this could indicate that the magma has reached close to the earth's surface. The southern end of the series of craters is located about one kilometre from the northernmost point of Grindavík and 1500 metres from the geothermal power plant.

According to the earthquake department at the weather service, the earthquake activity changed significantly in the evening: after quakes of magnitude M5.2 were recorded at Sundhjnúkargígar in the afternoon, the quakes moved southwards towards Grindavík. There is a possibility that the magma intrusion has also moved under the town. The amount of magma is said to be considerable and far greater than in the largest magma eruption at Fagradalsfjall.

Airport has taken precautions
Keflavík Airport has three diesel generators ready in case the power supply fails due to an eruption. Two aeroplanes are expected to arrive tonight, but at the moment airport operations are continuing unchanged.

In the event of an eruption, a circle of 220 kilometres is drawn around the eruption site and all air traffic is prohibited within this circle until the Icelandic Meteorological Service publishes a forecast for ash fall. This usually happens within an hour, after which the airlines decide how to proceed, reports Vísir.

Grindavík, Iceland
November 11, 2023

It appears that within only a few hours, the ground had lifted by a whopping 1.2 meter according an entry at Facebook called "Eldfjalla- og náttúruvárhópur Suðurlands"



120 cm

Massive seismic activity is still at Grindavík. During the night and early morning, the activity has been most south-west of the town, and this is considered to be a sign that the magma tunnel has extended even further, even out to sea.

It is clear that this is a much more powerful and larger event than has been seen before on the Reykjanes Peninsula in recent years. If compared to the northern end of Sundnhjúkagíga and the southern end of the ridge, the corridor could now reach about 12 km.

Massive deformation has accompanied the collapse and intrusion, and it is very interesting to look at GPS meters now. For example, gauges at Festarfjall and Svartsengi show that they have moved away from each other by 120 cm. The main movement happened in just a few hours yesterday while the magma tunnel was forming.

Is this gliding and the movements are considered very large. These large numbers are visible when the distance is measured between stations and the line runs across the magma tunnel. In all the rifts, the magma tunnel has come up close to the surface and pushed the land aside, so the distance between them got longer.

Grindavík, Iceland
11 Nov 2023. 10:49 local time

According to mbl.is latest entry - the electricity in Grindavík went down.


The electricity is out in Grindavík, according to Boga Adolfsson, chairman of the Þorbjarna rescue team.Bogi says that work is being done to restore electricity in the town and that the response parties aim to go on a reconnaissance mission depending on what is published. It will then be examined and evaluated by the end of the day whether the rescue team can save any valuables and even allow some residents to collect valuables with them.
You guys certainly have your fingers on the pulse of this latest chapter in Iceland's illustrious history of geological activity.
I don't know if it, this chapter, or Iceland in general, is mentioned anywhere in the C's sessions or has had a mention in the remote viewing community.
Historians have linked the devastating Lakagígar eruption in 1783-1784, which decimated the livestock and later the population of Iceland, to the French revolution. Certainly, the eruption of Askja in 1875 played a big part in the large emigration of Icelanders to North America, although a decade of abnormal cold weather in the 1880's also pushed many to emigrate. All in all, about a quarter of the population emigrated from 1870-1920, including one of my ancestress.

Off topic: I have many distant cousins in North America, mainly in Manitoba, Saskatchewan an North Dakota, some of them 3rd or 4th cousins, which has been one of the mainstays in my geneaological research.
There *may* be a hint...

Grindavík, Iceland
11 Nov 2023. 11:53 local time

in mbl.is latest article, the professor of volcanology and lithology has thought of that the magma movements and displacements indicated a different magnitude of possible eruption: more like in the style of Holuhrauni (Bárðarbunga volcano) in 2015 :scared:


Closer to the size of Holuhraun than Geldingadala

The large displacements and magma movements observed in the vicinity of Grindavík yesterday and last night do not indicate a volcanic eruption of a similar magnitude to that around Fagradalsfjall in the last three years, but rather something of the magnitude seen in Holuhrauni in 2015. This is what Þorvaldur Þórðarson says. Professor of Volcanology and Geology at the University of Iceland.

Yesterday, a large earthquake and large crustal movements began again. It was best seen when Grindavíkurvegur fell apart. Later last night, it was decided to evacuate Grindavík after data from measuring devices and satellites showed that there was every possibility that a strong and fairly large magma tunnel was forming from the area where the earthquakes were occurring and in the direction of Grindavík. Is it from the Sundhnúka crater series north of Grindavík and southwest and out to sea.

"These are very large displacements, these are displacements that we don't see often," said Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, the Swedish Meteorological Agency's expert in crustal movements, to mbl.is yesterday and added: "Probably the only comparison we can make now is Bárðarbunga. It's the only event we've seen with such large entries.”

"Could be similar in size to Hollow Lava"

Þorvalður takes a similar line in an interview with mbl.is. "What is being thought now and people are realizing. This could be something of a similar magnitude to Holuhraun 2015." To recap, the Holuhraun eruption was the largest lava eruption of this era and either the largest or the second largest lava eruption since the Skaftár fires of 1783, according to Þorvald. Reminds him that they were accompanied by the so-called Moðuharðindi.

Þorvalður notes that this is the worst scenario, but still something that needs to be kept in mind.


The Sundhnúka crater series runs south-southwest to Grindavik. Photo/ Siggi Anton

"Pretty complicated crack"

The Sundhnúka crater series is a series of craters over a 7-10 km section, but its southernmost part is only about 800 meters north of Grindavík. Þorvalður says that it is not entirely known whether it was formed in one eruption or several, but that scholars have so far believed that it was formed in one eruption. However, this is "a rather complicated crack."

"I'm not saying this crack will open all at once, but that's one scenario. And if it opens as the earthquakes are spreading, then this will extend into the sea," says Þorvaldur. "Then it is almost certain that we will have an ash eruption, but not that it will be very powerful," he adds about what would happen if the eruption were on the shallow sea. He says that in such an eruption, igneous rock would fall on land, but that the igneous rock would be densest near the crater and then thin out very quickly.

A crack rather than a single crater

"If we assume that all these earthquakes were caused by a moving magma, then this has naturally become a crack," says Þorvalður about the development that has taken place in the last 24 hours. "The magma can therefore be flowing both upwards, but also horizontally." Leave the place where it has gathered in recent weeks at Þorbjörn and south under Grindavík and under the shallow sea."

To describe this in more detail, he says: "If you think of a storage tank that you collect in and then a fissure opens out of it that is both upward and horizontal, then it has been moving south along there and magma enters the fissure and filling it steadily."


Looking from the north across the Sundhnuka crater series, which leads south to Grindavik. Stóra-Skögfell, Sylingafell and Porbjörn on the right side of the center. The Sundnúka crater series is a total of 7-10 km long.

Comparison between Holuhraun and Geldingadali

When asked in more detail about the comparison with the Holuhraun eruption, Þorvalður says that in larger eruptions the first days are usually much more powerful. He mentions that in the Holuhraun eruption, the productivity in the first 10 days was from 200 to almost 600 cubic meters per second. For comparison, the productivity in the Geldingaler eruption was 4-8 cubic meters per second. "There would therefore be a hundredfold increase in power," he says.

Regarding the size, Holuhraun has become 1.2 cubic kilometers compared to 0.1 cubic kilometers in Geldingaðalur. However, the length of the eruption is the most important.

"This is what people are wondering"

"This is what people are thinking about. It is likely that if this eruption becomes more powerful it will be somewhere in this range and my guess is 300-400 cubic meters per second and the size around 0.5 cubic kilometers. But it all depends on the duration of the eruption." He read this from the data on land, seismic activity and magma accumulation recently.

Þorvalður pointed out that the rainfall in the Þorbjarnar area was 8 mm per day at its peak, while in Krafla it was 5 mm per day at its peak. "So it's a little more than that," he says.


Closer to the size of Holuhraun than Geldingadala

The large displacements and magma movements observed in the vicinity of Grindavík yesterday and last night do not indicate a volcanic eruption of a similar magnitude to that around Fagradalsfjall in the last three years, but rather something of the magnitude seen in Holuhrauni in 2015. This is what Þorvaldur Þórðarson says. Professor of Volcanology and Geology at the University of Iceland.

This is probably going to be a big volcanic eruption: the dike intrusion near Grindavik that began yesterday has shifted the ground by 120 cm (yes, centimeters). Within three hours. During the last Fagradalsfjall eruption it was 10 cm in one week. Translated with Deepl 👀👇
Grindavík, Reykjanes Penninsula, Iceland
11 Nov 2023 16:30 local Icelandic time

lava below surface.jpg

Magma on a map

The magma tunnel that is emerging in the upper part of the earth's crust at Grindavík is believed to be at a depth of about 1.5 kilometres, where it is shallowest. [it later shows that at its highest, it is only 800 meter deep - but i get to that]

It is about twelve kilometers long and extends from Stóra-Skógfell in a southwesterly direction, under the western part of Grindavík, and a little out into the sea.

Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson, a geophysicist, says land movement is up to less than one metre on the surface, but three metres underground. The most likely eruption point is at Sundhnúkar, where the melting is greatest.

A new lava flow model from the Met Office is expected within the next hour, predicting the likely lava flow if it starts to erupt.

Grindavík, Reykjanes Penninsula, Iceland
11 Nov 2023 18:30 local Icelandic time

Magma approaches the surface and the probability of an eruption increases

The probability of an eruption has increased, and it cannot be assumed that there will be significant notice in the form of measurable turbulence before an eruption begins.

These are the views of scientists from the Icelandic Meteorological Office, after a 6pm status meeting with the University of Iceland and Civil Defence.

The extent of the magma tunnel is significant and magma is approaching the surface. The corridor is 15 kilometers long and has a depth of 800 meters where the magma is shallow.

However, it must be noted that the scientists' calculations are based on twelve-hour-old satellite data. The corridor now extends all the way from Kálfellsheiði in the north-southwest of Grindavík and out to sea.

"Based on this, it can be concluded that there is a significant chance that magma will manage to break its way to the surface. There is also an increased chance that magma can emerge on the seabed," says the Met Office.

Grindavík, Reykjanes Penninsula, Iceland
11 Nov 2023 18:35 local Icelandic time

And this is the article published via mbl.is


Magma is shallowest at a depth of 800 meters or even closer

This shows the new models of the Icelandic Meteorological Office, which were prepared based on satellite images and GPS measurements. The data is 12 hours old, so the magma may be closer.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office sent out an announcement to that effect.

The models show a 15 km long magma tunnel that lies just northwest of Grindavík. Due to the large release of tension in the area, it cannot be assumed that the eruption turbulence is measured before the eruption begins.

Increased chance of magma emerging on the ocean floor

The corridor extends from Kálfellsheiði in the north and runs just west of Grindavík and into the sea in a southwesterly direction.

Based on this, it can be concluded that there is a significant chance that magma will manage to break its way to the surface. There is also an increased chance that magma can emerge on the seabed, the announcement says.

Earthquake activity has decreased a lot this afternoon. It is believed that the main reason for this is a large release of tension in the area due to yesterday's earthquake and deformation due to the magma tunnel. Because of the release of tension, it is likely that the magma will have an easy way to the surface, and therefore it cannot be assumed that eruption turbulence will be visible on the meters before the eruption begins.

Prepare for the possibility of an explosive eruption

The Icelandic Meteorological Agency has sent a recommendation to civil protection that the probability of a volcanic eruption has increased since this morning and that an eruption can start at any time in the next few days.

Models also indicate that magma may emerge at the southern end of the magma tunnel just outside Grindavík. The probability of a volcanic eruption on the ocean floor has also increased, and it is necessary to prepare for the possibility of an explosive eruption. A danger zone has been defined based on the location of the magma tunnel.


Here some photos from damages in and around Grindavík:

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Grindavík, Reykjanes Penninsula, Iceland
12 Nov 2023 14:35 local Icelandic time

Nothing major ha happened this far, other than an existing crack at the end of the town, appears to have gotten more pronounced

Crack through Grindavík

A large and long fissure has opened in several places in and around Grindavík due to the magma intrusion.

ENSU received the attached photos from Ingiberg Þóri Jónsson, Grindvíking. You can see more photos from Ingiberg on his Instagram page - Login • Instagram [I couldn't find those or more images there - but i have no instagram account, so i don't know]

The pictures were taken at 16.30 on Friday at the south-west corner of Grindavík and show a shadowy development within the town limits. The existence of the crack used to be well known by locals and it was named Stamphólsgjá. The crack now seems to have slipped significantly and soil has fallen into it.

The fissure slippage is a direct result of the magma intrusion, but the intrusion caused massive slippage in a very short period of time on Friday.

Looking towards the town, you can see how the crack goes straight through the middle of the town. There, the traces of the crack disappear under structures, but from the little footage that has been received from the town this weekend, it is clear that a lot of damage has been caused by these crack movements. Among other things pictures of the damage caused by it have been seen on the streets near Grindvíkinga's sports center.

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Updated Maps
(in general, not specific to the image above)

An updated image showing the length of the magma tunnel and its position partly under the town of Grindavík. •. RÚV – Kristrún Eyjólfsdóttir


At large / summarization
  • A magma corridor lies under the town of Grindavík
  • A volcanic eruption could happen anywhere in that magma corridor
  • Seismic activity is not extending back to the south west (the area which includes the town of Grindavík)
  • The town was evacuated early on Saturday morning
  • Civil Defence declared a Level of Danger
  • Civil Defence hopes to be able to let Grindavík residents back into their homes for a short time today to collect basic necessities
  • A plan is reportedly in place to retrieve the many animals left in the town

Grindavík, Reykjanes Penninsula, Iceland
12 Nov 2023 15:35 local Icelandic time

Fewer than twenty homes can currently be entered

Víðir Reynisson, senior police officer at Civil Defence, told RÚV that there was a unanimous decision to let people into the Þórkátlustað district - where there are less than twenty homes.

Later today, it will possibly be examined whether it is advisable to allow people into other parts of Grindavik.

He said risk assessment dictates that people are not allowed in more places at first. "As it stands, the risk there is significant. "It's a big responsibility to enter an area like this. It can erupt without warning and we don't think it's a particularly good situation." Víðir said that several things needed to be clarified before people were allowed into more areas.

Víðir was asked if people would be allowed in to save valuables in the event of an eruption and if it was considered safe to enter the town. He said it all depended on where the eruption started, what the effects were on the environment and how scientists approached the situation. He said it was known from previous volcanic eruptions that the activity moved along cracks and new craters opened.

The same uncertainty exists if a long time passes without an eruption. The situation would always need to be assessed in terms of what would be safe.
"We know how important this is and we're looking at it every single day and many times a day."
ETNA, Sicily, Southern Italy

I just got a notification from my husband, that something is going on with Etna. A paroxysm is just about to develop. Etna has in the past days shown strombolian acitivty... and at times the tremor was in the red zone.


Here is a life feed:

"Etna, parossismo in corso: diretta video"

View of the summit craters, northern side of Mount Etna

seen from Mascalucia (north Catania suburb) (i hope they shift to sensitive mode at night, because then you see much more)

Last edited:
Etna, Sicily - Southern Italy

The live feed video from the "Local Team" appears to have ended. But thing is that the paroxysm has not ended - and the volcanic tremor in fact has risen even further, to the upper maximum (of the red zone).


However, there are lots of clouds, obscuring the volcanic activity.

Here is another live video, albeit not in the same nice quality - and for unknown reasons now with blurry focus. But, you can see more details in the shadows; e.g. that there is a large cloud shape covering the entire mountain like cupola, but the eruption clouds are still visible together with the glow of the ongoing paroxysm.

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