Was Julius Caesar the real Jesus Christ?

Laura said:
Not a bad find at all! Very interesting. It would be easy to make the comparison and make a reference here and there and soon enough, the name could be used as a "code" and there you go!

Maybe it was used a code for a rival sect of Divus Julius. Maybe the one in which Mark Antony was the high priest. If so, what could Mark Antony's version contain that followers may have to refer to it in code? I mean Divus Julius was an official roman deity and religion. I know that Mark Antony proclaimed that Caesarion was Caesar's legitimate heir, but Octavian had him killed and eliminated that threat (or so we are told anyway). I wonder if there could have been any other differences in Mark Antony's version of things which would conflict with Octavian's.
You might want to read Parenti's book "The Assassination of Julius Caesar". Very much in line with what we have all been speculating about in reference to the times and the "victors writing the history."
Laura said:
You might want to read Parenti's book "The Assassination of Julius Caesar". Very much in line with what we have all been speculating about in reference to the times and the "victors writing the history."

*throws head back and cries Charlie Brown style* "NOT ANOTHER BIG BOOK! WHAAH!

Yeah, I'll have to add it to my reading list. Reading 'Ancient City' now, Carotta's next.
The word is spreading! In this website the author makes some point about Caesar, Augustus, Cleopatra, and Jesus. Could be an odd mix, but it gives the idea and it was posted last year in July. There are many other pages on Mithra, the Cult of Jupiter and so on.

Jesus Caesar – Son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

*WARNING: Looks like a Gnosis/Ancient Rome Disinfo site :) the author gets his messages from an undefined 'Gnosis DNA'*

[edit: Warning]
Maybe all of the information coming out regarding Jesus/Julius Caesar is is part of "letting the cat out of the bag" that "creates a feline nation"? What better way to free those under the domination of a totally false religious paradigm than the spread of these ideas? It won't work for everyone, of course. As we know, some people will cling to their beliefs no matter what facts are put before them. But I'll bet there's plenty of others for whom this stuff will be the final straw.

THAT will be a show to watch! Oh, to be a fly on the wall at the Vatican. :evil:
Stefan Weinstock: Divus Julius said:
pg 19:
[...] When he was still a child a halo surrounded his head. [...]
{The halo around the child, Jesus Christ / Julius Caesar?}

pg 20:
[...] Caesar was born on the principle day of the ludi Apollinares, 13 July.[...]
{there is an explanation of 'blazing laurel' and it's connection to the Altar's
flame, suddenly rising from the ashes, burning bright, with a crackling sound
as a good omen for the child}

pg 22:
What is the real date of the omen at Caesar's birth? It is certainly
not early, not earlier than the Civil War. It may have been an answer
to Pompey's claim that he was the conqueror of the three continents,
even of the world. And it may have been part of the same story which
recorded another omen, the laurel branch dropped by a kite on the
Forum at the time of Caesar's departure against Pompey in 49 B.C.,
thus forecasting his victory. This prodigy certainly inspired the later
one about another laurel branch dropped into the lap of Livia, which
was planted and provided all subsequent triumphators with their
laurel wreaths. [...]

Hmm, interesting, especially that of the kite... a clue given by the C's?
Buddy said:
Laura said:
The documentary says that Carotta came to his ideas in 1988. We are gonna download it and watch it on the big TV.

Geeze, I feel like a kid in a candy store! An answer of sorts, finally!

And yes, ya'll read Caesar's writings, read books about Caesar, lots of them, because each one adds another piece to the puzzle. But be sure to read Fustel's "The Ancient City" first or you won't understand Caesar and his vision.

And all this (and more) while doing FISC managment? Holy Moly! Am I sure you're not from the Q Continuum? No. Thanks for this interesting learning project! :)

Am just making my way through "The Ancient City", what a read so far! Didn't expect it to have info
so jam packed yet easily accessible like HoM. Only sleep preventing me from zipping through it quicker.
I've already got so much from the first 60 pages in terms of what Laura said about Caesar's vision, i can barely wait for the rest. Now I'm itching to dive into last week's sott podcast - J.C. part deux.
I'm convinced that she's at least a "half Q," as long as she doesn't go around "changing the gravitational constant of the universe" we should be ok! :lol:
Hmm, interesting, especially that of the kite... a clue given by the C's?

Hi dant,

You might be mistaken by this assumption. From the context I presume a bird is meant in the lines you quoted.

http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,28424.0.html i.e. Session June 20, 1998 -- the one with the remarks about kites (paper, wood and string) in it.

About the birds:


One cannot rule out a pun and/or a double entendre from the C's, though. ;) However, in the present context that's not the case, I think.


Hope this helps a bit. :)
Maybe you could also put the laurel leaf crown on caesars head as well as the crown of thorns on jesus?
I sure hope that as many of you as can get a copy, are reading Carotta's entire book. It's brilliant.
I get a kick out of how even Jesus' name isn't what we thought it was.

Jesus was the Greek translation of Jeshua (Joshua) which meant "Yahweh helps"...fascinating stuff!

So even IF Jesus existed (big if now I'd say) he wasn't called Jesus, he was called Joshua by the people around him. Funny how history gets conveniently rewritten.

Frankly, archaeologists would be smart to employ a linguist, if this book is any indication.
Hi Lost Spirit,
If you read to the entire thread and listen to the two SOTT radio shows on this subject, you may see that JC was called "Julius" in his time, and that "Jesus" came some time afterwards (long after his assassination). Just to clarify the "he was called Joshua by the people around him" part :)
Sorry, I must have mis-typed: I had meant to say that *IF* someone like Jesus had existed, the name itself would have been pronounced "Joshua" and that "Jesus" was the greek translation. I hadn't meant to say that "people called Jesus Joshua". Semantics :)

I am of the firm opinion after reading Carotta's book (1/2 way anyways) that Julius was the figure used for Jesus.
Laura said:
I sure hope that as many of you as can get a copy, are reading Carotta's entire book. It's brilliant.

Darn, at least on Amazon there arent that many copies available, and they are very pricey. To bad there isn't a Kindle version, that might help this thing to go viral. Maybe that could be suggested to the publisher?

Btw, I found an amusing little discussion about Carrotta's book between a 'Christian authoritarian' and some more open minded people. This guy does a very poor attempt in defending the historical Jesus. Have a look (scroll down to the comments):

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