[W]hen the prospect of these global catastrophes recurs, such is the nerve-racking tension aroused in mankind that the principal leaders of civilization have long been in the habit of dissembling as to their cause (and likelihood) simply in order to preserve public calm and avoid the total breakdown of civil affairs. …
The Christian, Islamic and Judaic cultures have all moved since the European Renaissance to adopt an unreasoning anti-apocalyptic stance, apparently unaware of the burgeoning science of catastrophes. History, it now seems, is repeating itself: it has taken the Space Age to revive the Platonist voice of reason but it emerges this time within a modern anti-fundamentalist, anti-apocalyptic tradition over which governments may, as before, be unable to exercise control. The logical response is perhaps a commitment on the part of government to the voice of reason and a decision to eliminate all signs as well as perpetrators of cosmic catastrophes in order to appease a public not too far given to rabid uniformitarianism. Cynics … would say that we do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!
This is a special space weather alert due to inclement solar flare activity.
We have coronal mass ejection plasma shock waves coming to Earth from X7 and X9 solar flares.
Each produced an eruption of charged material from the corona.
Our last two videos hit the X7 event and how the CME is expected to arrive tomorrow night, Friday, October 4th.
NOAA is forecasting level 1, 2 or 3 geomagnetic storms, somewhere between mild to strong conditions,
with a good chance for aurora. But now we've got more.
Right after the morning show today, an X9 solar flare erupted from the same sunspot group
and it has also produced a coronal mass ejection.
The sunspot may not be done yet, so we're going to keep watching, but
the last couple hours I've been eagerly awaiting updates to the ultraviolet imagery and the coronagraphs.
SDO images pretty clearly show that a CME was released
and the early images from SOHO show another full halo CME.
In addition to other CMEs going off the limbs.
This one was stronger, likely faster, and is traveling in the cleared wake of the first CME,
so it is likely to arrive Saturday, October 5th.
Nobody has official storm forecast yet, but if both end up hitting in close succession,
we're looking at KP7 or 8 at a minimum, level 3 or 4 geomagnetic storm conditions,
and another low-latitude auroral event, possibly lasting for two or three days.
Now this is not quite at the scary, kill-shot level,
but there's a greater than 50% chance of network outages, power disruption,
and about a 10% chance of major electrical fires, transformer explosions,
infrastructure failures, and grid damage.
We will have more if necessary, and at very least,
we'll be back in the morning for the daily update.
Be safe, everyone.
Good morning folks, I imagine most of you already know the news.
We've got at least two CMEs heading for Earth, the first of which could arrive tonight.
An X9 and X7 solar flare sequence and CMEs are on their way.
NOAA's official forecast is posted, we'll get right into it with the last 24 hours on
our star, X9 on the south, followed by several eruptive events, especially if note are the
ones just right of center on the south.
The sunspots are huge and could easily flare again, but right now, let's go over what we
know is coming.
First, here's the X9 solar flare yesterday, it was the largest of solar cycle 25 so far.
It was a powerful eruption at the southern sunspots and happened right after our morning
show yesterday, necessitating that second upload.
We had showed the coronal mass ejection signature on SOHO and suggested we didn't need to wait
for the Enlil spiral to know it was heading our way.
But now the NOAA Enlil spiral is updated and it has both the X7 and X9 events on there,
initial forecast confirmed.
You can see them leaving our star and impacting in succession about 24 hours apart, starting
The closer they actually are to hitting back to back, the more extreme the resulting geomagnetic
storms will be, there is the possibility for very good auroral visibility starting tonight
and continuing through the weekend, with NOAA forecasting a G3 KP7 solar storm.
That can be relevant for minor technological issues, but is unlikely to have devastating
The coronagraphs show not only the big halo from the X9 event, but subsequent eruptions
leaving the right side from M class flares and breakout field releases.
It is possible we take a glancing blow from one of those as well, but they are significantly
less potent than the first two.
We're watching for further CME activity today as the sunspots are suddenly enormous, and
not just the southern departing complex that has been making the flares, but the incoming
spots as well on the left.
Eyes open for more flares today and for the arrival of the shockwaves and the solar wind.
Quick science note, NCAR has developed a brand new way to monitor coronal magnetic fields
on the sun.
This will not only aid in further characterizing their changes over time, but it could help
forecast eruptive activity hours before it occurs.
Let's hope.
And if you didn't hear, tomorrow, Saturday, would be an outstanding day to come out to
Observer Ranch.
The special forces will be across the street with some very cool toys.
Special forces, suspicious observers, Observer Ranch.
Hoping I get to shake some of your hands this weekend or at one of our other upcoming events.
Observer Ranch dot com.
We greatly appreciate your support.
We'll do this all again tomorrow.
Right here, but right now at 6 a.m. in the New Valley of the Sun.
Eyes open.
No fear.
Be safe everyone.
With strong pressure anomalies around the Northern Hemisphere, we are currently observing an unusually weak Polar Vortex in the Stratosphere above the North Pole. This has implications for future weather development and is also connected to how weather patterns will develop over the United States and Canada this month and potentially even in the Winter of 2024/2025.
(...) The Polar Vortex extends over many layers of the atmosphere. The lowest layer is called the troposphere, where all weather events occur. But above that, we have the stratosphere, a deeper and drier level that is also home to the ozone layer (...) the Polar Vortex is not just one winter storm or a cold outbreak that moves from the Midwest into the eastern United States. It is the entire weather circulation over the Northern Hemisphere.
The first image shows a weak warm area on its Pacific side. That is also where an anomaly of high pressure is developing in the Stratosphere, helping to push the Polar Vortex off center and limiting its strengthening.
(...)(in the next image) You can see the strong negative anomalies over Greenland and the polar regions in the stratosphere, connected all the way to the surface levels under an angle into Siberia. (...) You can see the concentrated low-pressure area over the lower polar regions, which is acting like the “foot” of the stratospheric Polar Vortex . A strong high-pressure anomaly is developing over Greenland. It is going to push deep into the polar regions, almost breaking apart the lower Polar Vortex into individual areas. You can also see the strong pair of high and low-pressure areas in the North Pacific and Aleutians, driving the energy up into the stratosphere.
This affects the temperatures around the northern hemisphere. With a weaker low-pressure area over the pole, the colder air is transported out. But since we are just in early October, there is not really any strong mass of cold air available for significant anomalies.
You can see that currently, and for the next two weeks at least, the stratospheric Polar Vortex will be running much weaker than normal. In the coming days, it will approach the record weak point for this time of year for the past 66 years.
This signals that something is off both in the lower and especially in the higher parts of the atmosphere. These effects can usually transfer down to the lower levels, with some delay, altering the weather patterns.
If we look at the Polar Vortex forecast on day 10, we can see a strong high-pressure anomaly in the stratosphere still at the western side of the Polar Vortex. But as the vortex still grows in October, it starts to expand. Because the Polar Vortex is growing but is blocked to the west, it starts to create an extension into North America. You can see that, as an arm of the Polar Vortex is extending into North America.
Looking at the stratospheric temperature forecast for the same period, you can see a large temperature anomaly over the same area as the pressure anomaly. This is not like a true stratospheric warming event, not this early in the season. But it clearly indicates that the Polar Vortex is in a very disrupted state.
(...) But there are indications that a weaker Polar Vortex in Autumn/Fall can be more prone to stay weak or even fully collapse when it comes into winter. (...) As we have seen, the stratospheric anomalies are expected to last into the second half of the month.
Good morning folks. The first CME is late to arrive. That's both good news and bad news. We'll look at sunspots, typhoon damage, magnetospheric physics, and a new exoplanet around a nearby star. But we are starting with the last 24 hours on the sun and luckily there's not been any further flaring or eruptive activity.
Yesterday we pointed out that not only did we have two CMEs on their way to Earth, but maybe a third, a small one from the M-class flaring that followed. NOAA's endless spiral now shows them all, still with that flawed early timing of the first one, which is still on its way here.
It's good that the first one is late. It means it's weaker than they expected. But it also increases the chances of a consecutive impact scenario with the second one. They had forecast 24 hours between those impacts as you see here. That is often enough time for the magnetic field to restabilize. If they hit closer together in time, which is much more likely now, it's the one-two punch scenario to a larger degree.
All eyes on the solar wind today with the sunspots still in the peripheral vision. They really are titanically big. Large active regions departing on the south while they are replaced on the left by the big groups there. Still an excellent chance for strong auroras tonight.
Let's go to Taiwan. Typhoon Kraton has struck and left quite a bit of damage. They basically shut down all activity on the island while it was impacting. Cleanup begins now. First up in the articles is this. Veteran observers should know how much solar impact to Earth's magnetic field impacts the charged particle and space energy levels reaching the ground, but it's always a good reminder. And if that electromagnetic energy reaches ground level, it can certainly affect the weather via cloud microphysics and the global electric circuit.
Lastly, folks, normally when we're discussing Barnard's star, it's about the superflaring and how it's one of the stars that has gone off in a line, moving right towards the sun, presumably from the interaction with the galactic current sheet. But today, they found an interesting exoplanet there. Chances are the superflaring at Barnard make it uninhabitable, but it is a rocky world. It's probably similar to Mars. Folks, if you didn't hear, today, the special forces will be across the street from Observer Ranch with some very cool toys. If any of you are coming, I'll arrive late morning and be there through mid-afternoon, hoping to see you today or at one of our upcoming events, observerranch.com. We greatly appreciate your support. We'll do this all again tomorrow. Right here, but right now at 6 a.m. in the New Valley of the Sun. Eyes open. No fear. Be safe, everyone.
Inondation en cours sur Marseille suite à l'orage toujours en cours.
— Paul Marquis (Expert Meteo) (@La_Meteo_du_13) September 4, 2024
On relève parfois près de 100mm entre la Cayolle et Sormiou. 50 à 70mm en centre ville en 1H30.
Il s'agit du plus gros orage depuis Octobre 2021 sur la cité Phocéenne.
© Coralie et Cyril pour La Météodu13 pic.twitter.com/qbf1NV9FdB
Found this Video on youtube , where Pamela Mace talks about a Clif High webbot ( from 2013 ) analysis /prediction , about a global coastal event , wherein according to planet positions , there'll be some gravitational disturbances as well as likely earth shakings , this October .
The text appears to be an excerpt from a video or audio recording discussing predictions and potential future events related to global coastal flooding. Key points include:
1. The speaker discusses their own experiences with psychic abilities and classes they've taken on perceiving future timelines.
2. They mention that other researchers, like Cliff High and Adapt 2030, have also predicted a "Global Coastal Event" involving extreme high tides causing widespread damage in October 2024.
3. The text describes scientific explanations for how this event may occur due to planetary alignments creating an artificial gravity field affecting Earth's oceans.
4. It mentions that remote viewers have drawn images depicting people fleeing coastal areas and experiencing flooding during this event.
5. The speaker expresses concern about the potential impacts, particularly on Bangladesh, while noting they themselves won't be affected in Arizona.
6. They discuss how people should prepare by having maps of back roads to escape flooded areas during the expected "mother of all traffic jams".
7. The text concludes with a discussion of Bitcoin, silver prices, and other economic indicators that may predict or reflect upon this potential global coastal flooding event.
In summary, it's an account presenting various perspectives on predictions for major coastal flooding occurring in late 2024 due to both natural and potentially induced celestial alignments.
Based on the text provided, the speaker describes their personal experiences with psychic abilities and classes they've taken:
1. They mention taking Penny Kelly's classes where students would try to perceive future timelines by quieting themselves and seeing what they could see.
2. In one class exercise around February of that year (2024), the speaker recalls feeling like they had been throwing up for 10 hours, lying exhausted and spent. This is described as their perception of Christmas in 2024, which others in the class didn't have any positive things to say about regarding their countries' conditions by that time.
3. The speaker then revisits what everyone was perceiving in those classes and realizes there will be an event in October (likely late October) of 2024 causing chaos globally.
4. They describe seeing angry coastlines with oceans coming in hundreds or miles at a time, wreaking havoc and receding, then coming back stronger.
5. The speaker says they were trying to figure out what gave them that feeling of throwing up earlier, and realized it was seasickness from visualizing the tidal waves.
6. They mention this is unusual for them since they don't consider themselves a psychic at all but had a "very, very, very loud voice from spirit" telling her to put out this video before October.
So in summary, the speaker's personal experiences involve taking classes focused on developing psychic abilities, including trying to perceive future timelines. During one class exercise, they got what seemed like an accurate perception of chaos and high tides happening by Christmas 2024 based on their feeling of seasickness.
According to the results of mathematical models, it is clear that this ejection flies directly towards the Earth, at a very high speed, about 1,000 km/s, which means its early contact with the Earth, already on Thursday, October 10, approximately 19 hours Moscow time. The plasma cloud promises to be huge: during the explosion, another large bulge was launched into space along with coronal matter.
The global forecast of magnetic storms will form by the end of the day, but we can already say that it will be very negative both in duration and strength, up to level 4 storms.
It start to look like as an artillery fireAccording to updated data, a large plasma ejection was recorded, and this time its configuration virtually eliminates the possibility of “missing” the Earth. The plasma was ejected exactly along the Sun-Earth line, and the geometrical dimensions of the ejection exceed possible miscalculations.
Good afternoon folks. The full NOAA and NASA analysis of this morning's X-class solar flare are updated.
The X1.8 flare event from the northern Earth-facing sunspot released a tremendous CME.
That's the difference with long-duration events. The CMEs are much bigger.
As we showed this morning, there's clearly a large halo CME event visible on Soho.
It will impact the comet you see there tonight and Earth tomorrow.
Both NASA and NOAA's Enlil Spiral showed the blast, which is moving quickly enough to sweep up the previous, smaller CME in a cannibal event.
The projected speed and relatively high density to the shockwave you see in the forecast here has them predicting a level 4 geomagnetic storm.
It's a Kp of 8, which means satellites could take charging events and errors.
Auroras are likely to be visible from low latitudes in various parts of the world.
We will almost certainly see the normal network disruptions and upticks in electrical fires,
and it's possible we'll see larger scale grid issues and infrastructure outages from power to internet to cellular.
All the known solar health effects are in play. Existing cardiac patients are at high risk.
Blood pressure and heart rate impacts will affect everybody, but only the less healthy need to be truly worried here.
At these levels, cognitive diminution is in play as well, and emotional instability.
Please try not to fight with your loved ones during this storm
We're still watching for more flares from the sunspots, like another X-class event that just happened,
luckily over at the Limb, and won't impact Earth with a CME.
But the Earth-facing spots may flare again too.
The impact from their latest is likely only a day away now.
Hurricane Milton's roar in Key West Florida pic.twitter.com/ptpGV96B0g
— Leo Castillo (@Pumalactico_4D) October 9, 2024
Sky turns pink in Celestun Yucatan after the passage of Hurricane Milton. pic.twitter.com/rZhLGWtilo
— Leo Castillo (@Pumalactico_4D) October 9, 2024
Geeze, looking at some of the storm images, the tornadoes, multiple storms going on at once, just reminds me of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". And we all know how that turned out.
— Laurel700 (@Laurel700) October 9, 2024
I think the above article needs some reference. Yes there was a 50 millibar drop of barometric pressure in a 10 hour period from last Sunday to sometime Monday, but this meteorologist was pathetic. I saw it and was disgusted. It was all about global warming and him warning about global warming for years and how we are already in it now and we have to do something about the CO2 and the children, and the children. He was basically crying about global warming."It has dropped 50 millibars in 10 hours"
Why Popular Meteorologist Choked Up During Viral Hurricane Milton Broadcast, as He Says He's 'Heartened' by Support
The Florida meteorologist who went viral when he recently reported on Hurricane Milton’s potentially devastating impact tells PEOPLE why he appeared visibly emotional during the broadcast.people.com