What's the weather where you are?

I think the Cs were right about global cooling starting in the Southern Hemisphere. Here in Melbourne it been unseasonably cold, so much so that people have started to notice and maybe doubt global warming. :P
In the Netherlands, November 2016 has been the coldest one in eighteen years:

This month was the coldest November the Netherlands had since 1998. The average temperature for November, measured at De Bilt, came down to 5.5 degrees. On 12 days the minimum temperature dropped below zero, according to meteorological institute KNMI.

The hottest it was this month was in Westdorpe in Zeeland, where the maximum temperature was 15.2 degrees on November 1st. Despite the low temperatures, this November was quite sunny. There was about 85 hours of sunshine, compared to the November average of around 63 hours.

According to Weerplaza, this autumn is full of extremes. Temperatures in the Netherlands went from 33 degrees to -7 degrees in three months.

Source: http://nltimes.nl/2016/11/30/netherlands-coldest-november-since-1998
From Eastern Kazakhstan, I received an email
Yes, we have been through -40 here J so, even worse than you expected J it was tough to get to work, coz it’s hard to breeze in such cold. However, warm clothes did help! Also this year we have so much snow comparing to previous years, so at times it is hard to walk because the services that are supposed to clean the city from the snow are quite inefficient here.
Three weeks ago the meteorological institute published a map of Norther Eurasia with a highpressure system placed over Siberia sending cold air towards the West. The idea was that if there is a lot of snow cover in Siberia, then light/heat gets reflected back into space leaving the Earth cold http://www.dmi.dk/uploads/pics/billed3.jpg


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It's been quite odd here in Western Australia, we had 37c on Saturday and today it's 24c and raining. This is very unusual for this part of the world, normally once summer hits we get constant dry heat for all of summer. It feels as if the seasons have shifted by about a month.
The weather continues to be odd in Paraguay, South America. We're in December and we still haven't felt the heat that's usually so hard on us in this time of the year. We are used to days of 36°C to 40-42+ ° C (it can get to 48-49° C) and we've been having days of 25-30°C. People are noticing this and hoping that the summer stays like this, because it's usually too hot! Many people are saying that it doesn't seem like December at all.
31°F and freezing rain here where I'm at in Oregon. There have been quite a few power outages around town, a family member also lost power earlier at their place. I've noticed the lights flicker but no power outage where I'm at.
Sunny and quite chilly in Split, Dalmazzia coz Our Majesty Empress Boorah reigns... Hip, hip hoorah for Thy Mightiness The Cleansing Boorah (hmm, it rimes too - curious). Just make sure to dwell in some cozy lee - on the sunny side. of course! :cool2:

Added: If someone find this testimony a kind of exaggerated - blame it on vit D overexposure hehe!

See ya!
The weather in northern NSW Australia is erratic, the heat started before Spring was finished and now in early Summer we have lots of low to mid 30c for a few days and after tomorrow it's going to drop to mid 20's for a few days, then back up to the 30's, with lots of storms up and down the whole of the NSW east coast.

Crazy times.
Cleo said:
31°F and freezing rain here where I'm at in Oregon. There have been quite a few power outages around town, a family member also lost power earlier at their place. I've noticed the lights flicker but no power outage where I'm at.

Adding to the above..it was quite the ice storm here! Freezing rain, ice caused downed trees and power lines and yesterday more family around town lost power. May not be another day or two before it's back on. The sun is out today though and the ice has started to melt.
Well, rather cold here. Minus 26°C this morning and with the wind factor is was like minus 41°C.
After a couple of cold snaps in eastern NC, USA, it is strangely warm and sunny. 78F. Feels more like 85!
Yupo said:
After a couple of cold snaps in eastern NC, USA, it is strangely warm and sunny. 78F. Feels more like 85!

It was 85 degrees here yesterday - today it is 41 with a howling wind that is blowing cold air through every possible crack in the house. Compared to what people are witnessing in other areas of the country this is a walk in the park, so hardly feel I can complain.

It's going back up into the mid-60's in a few days, there's never enough time to get accustomed to the cold. It's a constant cycling. :huh:
Cold and dry here in Western Macedonia. Morning temperatures going low up to -7 and daily up to 3-4 C. Sunny , cold and dry weather .
Here in southern California (San Fernando valley) it been very very windy, I could not have a good night rest, thinking ...this wind is going to break my windows.. :cool2:
In a village of Bayburt (Turkey) a fox has frozen while standing. The temperature was - 30 C at night.


Snow is expected in İstanbul.
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