Thick cloud-covers developing regularly each day for at least 2 weeks by now, bringing little rain and some cool temps. At least the killer sunlight can't get through! I love this weather. Close to what all of you reported, only our temperature averages are nicely just below unbearable heat!
When it doesn't conform to ~25°C, I'm making sure that it does!
Volleyball toss:
I have developed a new technique costing very little energy, about ~30% compared to the energy requirement of
one of the
previous interventions. I'm calling it a barrel-bomb. In one of the well done kung-fu movies there was a octogenarian bald master in red monastery outfit rolling a large stone boulder in & around his arms, shoulder and head and obviously directing serious chi-energy, because he in now way was strong enough to even lift the ball with mere physical strength. I got that ball rolling motion-idea from that movie!!
Rolling a blob of energy as large as
this medicine-ball - you picture in your mind this ball of energy created and floating in front of your belly and you move your hand along its surface in a circular motion as if you were spinning--grooving--creating the energy. Then after a couple of rolls, when you feel the ball of energy is concentrated--groomed enough "in your hands" and ready you toss it up into the sky like in volleyball - preferably toward where the sun is - and you visualize that the energy reaches the "sky-dome" and explodes in a white-transparent shockwave: covering a large area. So this isn't
point-shooting anymore.
This consistently creates frequent, large-scale, thick cloud cover. No violent gusts of wind, no thunder, no sheets of rain. Very mild rain only. Brings cool air or at least prevents temperatures reaching critical levels => blocks out the heat-wave inducing, 'Killer Summer Sun' for good! Excellent energy ergonomy. Consistent. Large-scale effect.
I think I'm Kantek-forming Terra in our area. Or "Terraforming Earth" into the image of Kantek:
- Frequent cloud cover
- Bioluminescent clouds, glowing mists, bioluminescent oceans, grass & shrubbery
- All above ensured consistent ambient lighting, even as Kantek was further away from the Sun, e.g. there should have been less light, lower temps than on Mars.