Why am i scared of the forum?

Thanks for starting this thread Huxley, and for all the insightful replies! I have been a member of this forum for about 2 years, as well as following Laura and the SOTT crew for many years, and as you can see have somehow managed to never post for all of the reasons given above, and I also find that as soon as I immerse myself in reading the forum and SOTT.net, the universe seems to place a major personal crisis in my path, which robs me of energy and focus! But after the C's exhortation last year, (Session 6 December):
Q: (L) Okay. If people are fully engaged in the network, will they receive information in time?

A: Yes, the operative term being "fully engaged" in any and every way possible.

So we all need to participate more fully as we can, I have decided to take the advice given on this thread, and get started - this post being the start!

Here's to a more participative 2015 for us all!
Thank you to everyone who has posted on this illuminating thread. I have every sympathy with you Huxley and I would share many of your anxieties. I was wondering Huxley if you have considered whether you face significant, unresolved childhood issues perhaps generated by a relationship to a narcissistic parent or family structure and that perhaps there may also be some deep seated insecurities as a result of early learning difficulties which can go hand in hand with the previous scenario (you mentioned not liking reading before the age of 18)? Have you ever looked at any of these threads? They offer reams of valuable insights.

The Narcissistic Family
Fear Of The Abyss - Aleta Edwards
Attachment Avoidance: Addiction to Alone Time
Covert Depression
Splitting as a Symptom of Internal Considering
The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron, PhD.
Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind

I also agree with Genero81 when he talks of a 'transition between motivations', which I would simplify to the difference between ‘thoughts and deeds’ or ‘wishes and actions’. There is a serious fault line here which undoubtedly turns so many of us into walking talking Hamlet's of inaction. Most of our fears relate to an imbalance in the ego which the Predator’s Mind is expert at co-opting. Children of narcissists often experience a chasm of emptiness between their secret expectation of self and the cold, hard reality of life. They have been so damaged by the absence of any true feelings of being worthwhile in themselves that they need to create an inflated, prickly ego to cover up for the total lack of validated self belief experienced at an early age. Thus, inadvertently, they take on many of the narcissistic traits of their abuser. I know for myself that moving beyond this stage is extremely challenging, especially when STS life smells blood and pushes all those programmed buttons!

Like a fish who knows nothing about water, such a person actually knows nothing about self worth no matter how much others point out the opposite, no matter what feedback they get from the surrounding world, and without great effort of will, can find no internally generated means of transcending this reality. It seems to me that the fear of posting is the resistance of the Predator’s Mind to the potential of us escaping this fate at this time. Like most self perpetuated horrors, the wounds of shame and self disgust are ‘familiar’ and ‘comforting’ for they are self confirming and known. They are easy – beating oneself up, blaming oneself, self hatred, etc - these are intimate, much loved friends in the dark. They were taught young and learned so deep that they have become the only known reality for that person. The learned survival tactic was to invent self importance through fantasy and a kind of fake will that stretches a mirage of confidence and worth across the wound. So putting oneself at risk of not being that clever, or aware, or able to turn a phrase, or whatever it is the voices within suggest – of being found out as the mediocre, frightened, damaged creature one is - simply can’t be risked! Of course that is exactly what one needs to risk. Of being mirrored, of seeing oneself with all one’s warts and welt marks throbbing and learn that you can survive the experience (I think of the image of the part of Voldemort’s soul hidden under a bench in the final Harry Potter movie, grotesque, red raw and cowering – I remember upon seeing that the first time I thought instantly ‘that’s me!’)… but instead we say No, no,… much safer to keep saying ‘I’ll post some day soon’ or ‘I’m not worthy’ or ‘I’m not ready yet’!

Of course we are not ‘worthy’ or 'rady yet' otherwise our actions would mirror our thoughts – but we can at least try harder at working to become so, and its deeds of effort that matter not the false chains of comfort that bind us. This forum is about the deed of sharing words as deeds and of making that act a sacred one – imbued with compassion and trust and honesty and above all courage. Pick up thy bed and walk! That’s what we have to do as individuals. Risk the shock of being seen! Do what Gurdjieff instructed – seek out uncomfortabliity, use shock as a means to rebirth. For those of us with the wrong kind of water, we need to raise the stakes of the need. We need to see the water as our enemy – that if we don’t get out fast, the water will drown us! We need to grow some lungs and crawl out onto the mud, gasping and risking; to go beyond our comfort zones and our familiar reflexes and force ourselves to do what does not come as naturally as it does to some others.

So let’s all work together at getting over ourselves. Spend less time worrying about how we may be perceived by some imagined core group (like mummy and daddy) and start shaping up together; then we might actually be of use to the forum and to the wider world. You’ve come this far, don’t fall at the last when achieving what you set out to achieve is within your grasp. So Huxley I say to you, I am here side by side with you and the same goes for all the other members of this forum who struggle to be as active as we know we should be, come on.. let’s dig in together and become more active, one post at a time.

We would do well to remember how the C’s of late have suggested that things will get interesting if the Network expands to ‘the full tribal unit strength’ and ‘many others take the initiative to move up to the next stair step’. Sounds to me as if we need no greater motivation; let’s not be the ones who let the Ark down!

Ps although I should have edited this I didn’t! I ignored the voices which said ‘its been said before’, ‘you’re rambling’, ‘it’s a waste of yours and others time’… there may be truths in all these statements but for now, just to show others how its worth getting stuck in, here is a post straight off the cuff! Nobody died! The ground did not open up beneath me. I’m still here!
I feel excitement.Why would be afraid, I write the way I feel.Although there are members who adjudicate upon written,but I really do not mind :D :D :D
I feel scared right now, but I think is connected with me feeling guilty of being irresponsible and not answering on time, and then being scared that you will kick me out. Later I will feel probably stupid for feeling scared... :)
Graybeard said:
Thanks for starting this thread Huxley, and for all the insightful replies! I have been a member of this forum for about 2 years, as well as following Laura and the SOTT crew for many years, and as you can see have somehow managed to never post for all of the reasons given above, and I also find that as soon as I immerse myself in reading the forum and SOTT.net, the universe seems to place a major personal crisis in my path, which robs me of energy and focus! But after the C's exhortation last year, (Session 6 December):
Q: (L) Okay. If people are fully engaged in the network, will they receive information in time?

A: Yes, the operative term being "fully engaged" in any and every way possible.

So we all need to participate more fully as we can, I have decided to take the advice given on this thread, and get started - this post being the start!

Here's to a more participative 2015 for us all!

Congratulations for this BIG step, Graybeard! I'm glad you decided to start! :)
About personal crisis, until few days ago I was in so bad period, without energy, depressed, sick and I thought it will last forever, I'm so small and miserable and everything. And now when it's gone and I feel better, I'm trying to see what happened and why my reaction was like that. Why do we "fall" when we have crisis and obstacles? I's like I was caught in that state and I couldn't do anything about that. But when I see myself, I was doing a lot. I've invested a lot of effort in analyzing situation, blaming myself, feeling miserable and everything. So it reminds me on something from session you quoted:

Session 6 December
(Breton) I don't know how I would be guiding my children given that they live with that... lady. I felt it was out of my hands.

A: You give that way more power than it has, and have not developed the necessary force and skills to circumvent obstacles.

And from the same session this:
A: Where you put your energy, including funding, is where your heart is and where you will be drawn and received when the time comes. [table leg starts squeaking during this answer.]

And I'm thinking now- where do we put our energy? If we put all of our energy on blaming and feeling worthless about ourselves, we can expect the same results we have over and over again. Our obstacles and crisis seems bigger that they objectively are, because we make them like that by giving them our energy.
Now, I think it's very complex topic and there are a lot of other pieces connected to the theme of personal crisis, but my question right now when I think about my situation is how to process emotions and everything unpleasant involved in those crisis and not to be "caught" in that circle, how not to be overwhelmed by all that?

Huxley, thank you for starting this thread, it's so helpful! How are you doing, are your thoughts on posting on forum and everything changing?
Terrific thread. When I read these posts I see people being there for other people. In the words there are warm smiles, encouraging slaps on the backs and very helpful information. We share. We get to know each other. Plus, I kinda feel like a kid again where I'm meeting a new school chum and learning from others how not to slam my fingers in my locker while witnessing important breakthroughs, gracious chivalry and inspirational acts of courage. Yes, I still get a lump or two or four in my throat when it comes to posting but you guys and girls/men and ladies continue to make it easier for me not to get trampled to death by my rather large herd of sacred cows. All of you help me to moo-ve ahead. Couldn't resist. Had to make a bad pun. Thanks all.
Michael BC said:
Thank you to everyone who has posted on this illuminating thread. I have every sympathy with you Huxley and I would share many of your anxieties. I was wondering Huxley if you have considered whether you face significant, unresolved childhood issues perhaps generated by a relationship to a narcissistic parent or family structure and that perhaps there may also be some deep seated insecurities as a result of early learning difficulties which can go hand in hand with the previous scenario (you mentioned not liking reading before the age of 18)? Have you ever looked at any of these threads? They offer reams of valuable insights.

Very well observed and i thank you for the mirror. I do have a deep insecurity for wanting to be 'liked', or more so admired as a person. This developed through school and i have always routed for my father to be proud of me.
It has created rather manipulative narcissistic qualities within me that are being mirrored back to me by my partner, which i never new where there before. I was always the guy who thought ''Everyone BUT ME'' about narcissism and negative qualities that are programmed through childhood. Ive viewed my upbringing as perfectly normal for a long time - always comparing it to others in a worse situation.
Although i was raised with a steady family of 4; good income, much support, no abuse. I have come to the conclusion that due to this standardized British upbringing of the upper middle class, i am literally a socially constructed machine that runs off the opinion of others and instant gratification through materialism.
I am having to completely start again in training what real relationships are with friends/family/partner as everything i have witnessed in my parents is very backwards. Seeing their relationship as love for 22 years is really heart breaking.
It really is a hard thing to accept, and it has caused quite a deal of suffering and turmoil. But having this realization has kicked me into the right direction 100%.
I have read afew narcissism books, but it was when i assumed i didnt have any of the narcissistic tendencies. So it will definitely be more productive to read them within this state of mind.
Im really happy and appreciate it alot that you questioned my fears alot deeper.

Flow said:
Huxley, thank you for starting this thread, it's so helpful! How are you doing, are your thoughts on posting on forum and everything changing?

Currently ive been spending alot of time off my laptop to allow for some free time to spend with my 'real life' friends who also participate within the forum, reading and giving my eyes a nice rest :cool:
We have currently made a personal FB group message where we can actually speak as we would on the forum, but on a smaller more personal level. Ive got to say its helping me alot with how to speak to others via online networks. The Forum still overwhelms me a little, but its a personal work in progress that i am slowly opening up to. Thank you for checking in, very heart warming :).

Its good to see people posting within this thread, and have had similar feelings to my own. Their seems to be alot of people 'on the fence' who cannot jump in.
We just need to hold hands and jump together, there is alot of very welcoming support if we fall :))!
Huxley, I would perhaps advise against a smaller group as IMO you would be more prone to feeding each others illusions (if there are any) without the feedback loop of the many members here. There is strength in numbers and to segregate yourselves from the bigger forum is likely to divert your energy away from sharing here and more to the smaller one where you feel "safer". It could be impeding your progress if you don't have the support and mirrors you have here.
There is nothing wrong with having a facebook group but I think it's important to be aware of the dangers and that it could leave you open to attack without the well trained eyes of our more seasoned members.
lainey said:
Huxley, I would perhaps advise against a smaller group as IMO you would be more prone to feeding each others illusions (if there are any) without the feedback loop of the many members here. There is strength in numbers and to segregate yourselves from the bigger forum is likely to divert your energy away from sharing here and more to the smaller one where you feel "safer". It could be impeding your progress if you don't have the support and mirrors you have here.
There is nothing wrong with having a facebook group but I think it's important to be aware of the dangers and that it could leave you open to attack without the well trained eyes of our more seasoned members.

I can see the point you have made in regarding segregating myself to a smaller group that can stunt mirroring and assistance from higher up and more aware members.
Its not used as an escape or alternative to the forum for any of us, it just allows us to express ourselves and evaluate our personal group/friendship dynamics as we are attempting to grow And live together within the coming year.
There are 4 of us that all live in the same area and have been friends since before being introduced to the forum and the work.
We have started participating in group EE sessions every week and go out regularly for activities and a coffee or tea. This allows us to directly in tune ourselves with each other on a deeper friendship level than we have previously had.
Also within this, feeding is rather watched and we are still mirroring within conversation in the message - but more so in person. The feedback on one another is very helpful as we can see how each of us works fully. That to say, in person and how we act online via this message itself and the forum.
We do understand That we lack the objectivity that the forum provides due to only being 4 of us. We all still participate within the forum, and to make it clear we dont use what i stated as an escape or 'safe zone'.
Personally it has really helped us develop our relationship towards each other, and has allowed us all to admit personal details that give us a greater understanding of why we act the way we are programmed to do.

Your concern is a very true one, if used for the wrong reasons it would certainly create feeding and stunt all of our progress. So im grateful for the observation and warning.
I can see why it would e adviced not to create something of this sort, but so far it has brought us closer together and given us all alit more motivation to create the future we would love to have.
Thanks for opening this!

I am not really afraid of posting - my problem sometimes is time. Very often, especially after a new session I get such a lot of information and "kicks" that I am a little mouthdead for a while. Allthough there are a lot of things I would like to say. And then time passes on and the discussion goes in a different direction and - oh well I see, I really am afraid - then I dont dare to "disturb" the discussion.

Sometimes the "problem" is that there is no computer available or anything else. But I think the solution is just doing it - as many of you have posted before.

Thanks again!

:cheer: :knitting: :read:
Huxley said:
Currently ive been spending alot of time off my laptop to allow for some free time to spend with my 'real life' friends who also participate within the forum, reading and giving my eyes a nice rest :cool:
We have currently made a personal FB group message where we can actually speak as we would on the forum, but on a smaller more personal level. Ive got to say its helping me alot with how to speak to others via online networks. The Forum still overwhelms me a little, but its a personal work in progress that i am slowly opening up to. Thank you for checking in, very heart warming :).

Its good to see people posting within this thread, and have had similar feelings to my own. Their seems to be alot of people 'on the fence' who cannot jump in.
We just need to hold hands and jump together, there is alot of very welcoming support if we fall :))!

Great news, I'm so happy for you! Amazing how starting one thread can bring so much great things! Just keep going this way and enjoy your learning. However, Lainey's post is a good reminder and it's great that you're aware of that. Also, I think the good thing is there are 4 of you with the same aim, so you can mirror each other. I think it's amazing opportunity. Right now I can speak with only two friends about forum's subjects and they're not forum members. So I can just imagine how great is to actually share your experiences with others in real life.

Its good to see people posting within this thread, and have had similar feelings to my own. Their seems to be alot of people 'on the fence' who cannot jump in.We just need to hold hands and jump together, there is alot of very welcoming support if we fall :))!

Haha, well said! I can imagine us doing that! :)
Flow said:
Great news, I'm so happy for you! Amazing how starting one thread can bring so much great things! Just keep going this way and enjoy your learning. However, Lainey's post is a good reminder and it's great that you're aware of that. Also, I think the good thing is there are 4 of you with the same aim, so you can mirror each other. I think it's amazing opportunity. Right now I can speak with only two friends about forum's subjects and they're not forum members. So I can just imagine how great is to actually share your experiences with others in real life.

It is really good to see that people are experiencing the same as myself with regards to joining in. It really can have such an impact on ones life, that being scared seems natural.
Yes Lainey's post was a very important aspect to remember within the situation i stated. Thinking into it, i put to much emphasis on the FB group messages itself, and not enough on our group effort to develop while with personal direct help from each other. The messenger is just a representation of how we are trying to all come together, looking to form a new understanding of friendship and family.
We are extremely lucky to be at such a young age, being on the same path, and i think sometimes we forget that :-[
So i thank you for the straight reminder :P :P
Have you spoke to your friends about looking at the forum directly? Or are they just, as you said, 'interested' in the ideas and topics that are discussed?
Huxley said:
Flow said:
Great news, I'm so happy for you! Amazing how starting one thread can bring so much great things! Just keep going this way and enjoy your learning. However, Lainey's post is a good reminder and it's great that you're aware of that. Also, I think the good thing is there are 4 of you with the same aim, so you can mirror each other. I think it's amazing opportunity. Right now I can speak with only two friends about forum's subjects and they're not forum members. So I can just imagine how great is to actually share your experiences with others in real life.

It is really good to see that people are experiencing the same as myself with regards to joining in. It really can have such an impact on ones life, that being scared seems natural.
Yes Lainey's post was a very important aspect to remember within the situation i stated. Thinking into it, i put to much emphasis on the FB group messages itself, and not enough on our group effort to develop while with personal direct help from each other. The messenger is just a representation of how we are trying to all come together, looking to form a new understanding of friendship and family.
We are extremely lucky to be at such a young age, being on the same path, and i think sometimes we forget that :-[
So i thank you for the straight reminder :P :P

Remember, remember... :P :P :)

Have you spoke to your friends about looking at the forum directly? Or are they just, as you said, 'interested' in the ideas and topics that are discussed?

I speak a lot with one friend about it, about my excitement and all those great things and people here, share what I learn, and how I still can't believe this is happening. She's very happy for me, but for now she's not interested, it seems like we have different learning paths. But it's fine, we learn a lot from each other and it's a great friendship. :) And I still didn't have a chance to talk about it with another friend. We'll see. :)
Michael BC said:
We would do well to remember how the C’s of late have suggested that things will get interesting if the Network expands to ‘the full tribal unit strength’ and ‘many others take the initiative to move up to the next stair step’. Sounds to me as if we need no greater motivation; let’s not be the ones who let the Ark down!

Ps although I should have edited this I didn’t! I ignored the voices which said ‘its been said before’, ‘you’re rambling’, ‘it’s a waste of yours and others time’… there may be truths in all these statements but for now, just to show others how its worth getting stuck in, here is a post straight off the cuff! Nobody died! The ground did not open up beneath me. I’m still here!

Well, I'm glad you didn't edit or not post, I really enjoyed and got a lot out of your post. This is really the crux of the matter, writing is inherently a self-critical process, and the self criticism can get out of control. And lead to intense internal considering. But if we're not afraid of being wrong or stupid, something we write may be useful to someone else. As the saying goes, "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." I remember when I was a student writing a paper, and after struggling and struggling with it, once the deadline approached and I had to turn it in, I would often think when exhausted that it was total crap. Then I would re-read it months later and think, "this is actually pretty good."
Flow said:
Remember, remember... :P :P :)

Sometimes its easy to forget the situation one is in, in comparison to others. The world we live in has made me forget the small things.
So remember i shall :)!

Flow said:
I speak a lot with one friend about it, about my excitement and all those great things and people here, share what I learn, and how I still can't believe this is happening. She's very happy for me, but for now she's not interested, it seems like we have different learning paths. But it's fine, we learn a lot from each other and it's a great friendship. :) And I still didn't have a chance to talk about it with another friend. We'll see. :)

It's good that you have someone you can directly converse with about the things you are truly interested. Making the analysis that she isnt interested is also very beneficial, as it reminds us to not push these ideas and topics upon people. Seems you both have a good amount of external consideration in regards to personal interests. Hopefully her path will lead her to happiness as yours has :P
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