Why do we not remember our past lives?

A little history of our space opera creation. The aryan race were created by advanced STO being as super soldier. However, aryan were considered too aggressive and uncontrollable so as a failure they exile these super soldier to distant planet earth having their memories wiped out (don't tell anyone) hoping they will go extinct killing each other. Kinda like the English sent their prisoners to Australia 2 centuries ago hoping out of sight out of mind. At that time the original planet inhabitant were the black race. The Aryans were naturally smarter equipped with advance tech and hellbent on conquering and controlling others. As this secluded planet was under federation control they start sending their own controller and did some genetic manipulation to balanced the aryan creating the other colored race (Myth of giants marry women of earth). Those balance race became lemuria and the aggressive one atlantis (aided by the lizard tech). After the battle of kantek, some of the remaining survivor were airlifted to our planet making this planet even darker (becoming our underworld alien cabal overlord). So the Federation solution was to put temporary matrix frequency to trap them on this planet to certain frequency to be solved later (now) while maintaining space blockade. Technically forgetfulness enhanced the speed of learning spiritual law of allowance (freedom of choice) is available only to 3D planet as a mechanism of choice dark/light while learning their consequences so souls can graduate to 4D sto or sts realm.
There's this bit from a C's session:

Q: So, he is in process of taking another step. Well, his question was, and he was frustrated by this, and it is a good point, I think, that if we have so many incarnations, and all there is is lessons, why can't we remember them. Why do we seemingly have to start over and over again. What is the cause of the forgetting? By this conscious forgetting, do we lose our ability to navigate from one life to the next? Why can't we remember previous lives?

A: You do, at the subconscious level. And it is at that level where the balancing to be derived from the lessons is most needed!

Q: Is there any other reason for the forgetting?

A: DNA strand structured.
thanks for the thread and all the comments, about this:
A: You do, at the subconscious level. And it is at that level where the balancing to be derived from the lessons is most needed!

Could it be the dreams, a part of the subconscious level?, or the specific sensations or impressions at certain moments of life?
It has happened to me especially in the last two years, I have had dreams with people close to me or my biological family that seem to give me some kind of explanation why there has been some kind of discomfort with them.
One very clear one in that time range, was that I had a very strong feeling at a specific moment in my life, that my husband was a partner in the war, I don't know how it came to me or how to explain it, I just felt it and/or the thought came to me.

Something occurs to me that there is a great value of effort and virtue, in spite of the fact that the damage or blockage in the DNA could be an impediment, the finding in our soul our essence, the longing for the encounter with the creator, makes me think that great effort is the necessary amount of energy to transcend our physical limitation at the same time.
Something occurs to me that there is a great value of effort and virtue, in spite of the fact that the damage or blockage in the DNA could be an impediment, the finding in our soul our essence, the longing for the encounter with the creator, makes me think that great effort is the necessary amount of energy to transcend our physical limitation at the same time.
Blockages in DNA are a very interesting thing, especially from an epigenetics perspective. To put it very briefly, we have genome (all genetic information of an organism) and epigenome (something like chemically overwritten genome).

According to the mainstream, epigenetic changes occur randomly. It is possible, however, that these changes are in fact a manifestation of something deeper, higher. Specific memories, thoughts, subconscious visions appear in the body in the way of chemical reactions, and these in turn create our epigenome. And it is the epigenome that is responsible for controlling gene expression, i.e. what we see outside.

A genome is a set of genes, while proteins that are produced in the process of translation are responsible for the manifestation of these genes. The course of this process depends on our epigenome.
Could it be the dreams, a part of the subconscious level?, or the specific sensations or impressions at certain moments of life?
It has happened to me especially in the last two years, I have had dreams with people close to me or my biological family that seem to give me some kind of explanation why there has been some kind of discomfort with them.
One very clear one in that time range, was that I had a very strong feeling at a specific moment in my life, that my husband was a partner in the war, I don't know how it came to me or how to explain it, I just felt it and/or the thought came to me.

Something occurs to me that there is a great value of effort and virtue, in spite of the fact that the damage or blockage in the DNA could be an impediment, the finding in our soul our essence, the longing for the encounter with the creator, makes me think that great effort is the necessary amount of energy to transcend our physical limitation at the same time.

I woke up today thinking about that. I don't know what a person's dream will be like depending on the predominance of the left hemisphere of their brain, because it is pointed out that those who have more predominance of the right hemisphere, tend to "fantasize" more and are more visual. I have tried to look for information but I can't find anything apart from absurd meanings of dreams on the web and I am only left with or see clues in different conversations along the transcripts. We have read several things about the subconscious, but many other things are left out at the same time.

Apart from the block in the DNA we have a little bit of this:

A: They don't need protection if they have knowledge.
Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
Deep subconscious.

- The discarnate spirit is able to connect with the operator through the subconscious or unconscious mind.
- "screens" created and implanted in the subconscious mind.

A: You chose to incarnate now, with some foreknowledge of what was to come.
of what was to come. Meditate on your dreams about space battles.

And so many other things that make the road quite steep. For a long time I have thought that the mind cannot create anything out of nothing, not without a previous record of something. Dreams where elements appear that we have never seen. We know that subconsciously everything around us is recorded even when we are asleep, but what a great ability the mind has to take from the memory bank and with that make an incredible story in our head. I try to stay, as much as possible, as "awake" as possible with respect to dreams. I treat it like a forest, where it is fascinating but has its dangers. I once had a magnificent dream and part of the emotional elements were from a movie I had seen, or very old songs that I had forgotten but that fit with a particular moment in the dream.

To what extent can it be just the cinematic direction of our mind and the possible seepage between those lines into the script of our lives, something of our own subconscious to all that we can and are connected to?

It's something that's been on my mind a lot.
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Yesterday I had this thought... at first i got angry saying "how unfair", you know, unfair for a person with a soul who decides to reincarnate at a certain time. then i understood, or at least i am content to think about it... it would be much easier if we remembered a past life, it would be something like cheating on an exam (just a thought). in fact, in my opinion, there is an unconscious tendency that can determine destiny and lessons.

Something that has been in my mind is what most of us ask ourselves at some point "who we ar?e". I came to the conclusion that it is a question focused on the wrong angle, in my opinion, we could ask ourselves "what are we NOT" that, for me, is a great starting point.

We may not be the way we were raised, we may not be who we were made to believe, we may not be what we want to be (mainly when we are externally influenced to conform to others). then as for that, one can break down the layers like an onion, and if there is something of oneself that one would NOT like to be, stop being it.
I remember it well, "the battle is through us" and what matters is the choices we make. I'm going to paraphrase a bit here with a line from the last Matrix movie (SPOILER ALERT) "the choice is an illusion, when the time comes you know what you must do"
I have tried to look for information but I can't find anything apart from absurd meanings of dreams on the web and I am only left with or see clues in different conversations along the transcripts
Hi Alma :-) I have tried many approaches to figuring out the meaning of my dreams (as I guess pretty much everyone has)

I've found a method which seems to serve me quite well. So bearing in mind that dreams are of a language that is heavily symbolic and abstract, and seldom literal, my approach is this :

I "overlay" the essence of the dream with my current situation in life. Sort of like as a transparency, and see if you can find anything which aligns, or seems to relate somehow, or augments things in some way.

I know it's not much of a description, but I hope you get the idea, and this may help you, and others.
I "overlay" the essence of the dream with my current situation in life. Sort of like as a transparency, and see if you can find anything which aligns, or seems to relate somehow, or augments things in some way.

Hello BlueKiwi and thanks,

It's interesting, I think I apply that equation by changing the values a bit, I overlay the current moment on the dream and thus find something that is aligned or related to the information/signals I receive from the environment.
I have tried to look for information but I can't find anything apart from absurd meanings of dreams on the web and I am only left with or see clues in different conversations along the transcripts.

The feeling that you have in a particular dream can be one of its most important messages.

If you can remember the feeling you had in a dream (it is easiest right after waking up), this feeling can bring up memories of situations where you had the same feeling in your waking life. And those are usually the situations or people involved in them that need to be "recapitulated" in some way - to use a Carlos Castaneda term.

A lot of the time, it is simply about increasing our awareness of something or bringing the feeling of love to some part of ourselves that is hurting.
The feeling that you have in a particular dream can be one of its most important messages.
Yes, it is like the "footprint" indicating a path that is often covered by the fog of emotions.

Often for the one who pays attention to his inner state as he is reacting to external stimuli in a particular situation, he may feel that feeling that something needs to be recapitulated, but we usually ignore it because we like the pleasure more and the drain of the moment. But that "restlessness" is still present and in dreams it is usually magnified, taking the forms and image or scene that comes closest to that "call".

For example, I have always had a very very very very small circle of people. So it is normal that I always see the same 3 faces of the people who most marked my life in different scenes but in the same emotional circumstance, the experience that is repeated to become aware of the repeated choice.
I'm thinking every life has a eternal property. So, when a life ends, it is absolved of its mortality and its proprietary function. So, the eternal self is as drops of water pure - one from another indistinguishable in a well. The eternal is universal in complexion. And from eternity to mortality one is clad in the flesh - of which the eternal sees through its fleshy faculty.

So, if one was to ask: 'What is to be learned from life to life?', it would be contained in its experience. And so what one gleans in mortality is unique, though in its essence, universal.

And our thoughts transpire as we experience living in the now eternal. And so as we are all unique, every situation is. But so too are our essence similar - which combined, embodies our experiences. Every lesson then is unique, but is reducible to a universal one-ness in eternity.

So, to go from eternal to mortal is to be constrained to your faculty. And to go from mortal to eternal, is to strip from ones self the limits of thought - and simply be.

So, not remembering is more like confining the eternal scope into another faculty, of which is varied, though moreso, it isn't as memorable as your newfound experiences - which are more relevant.
I'm thinking every life has a eternal property. So, when a life ends, it is absolved of its mortality and its proprietary function. So, the eternal self is as drops of water pure - one from another indistinguishable in a well. The eternal is universal in complexion. And from eternity to mortality one is clad in the flesh - of which the eternal sees through its fleshy faculty.

So, if one was to ask: 'What is to be learned from life to life?', it would be contained in its experience. And so what one gleans in mortality is unique, though in its essence, universal.

And our thoughts transpire as we experience living in the now eternal. And so as we are all unique, every situation is. But so too are our essence similar - which combined, embodies our experiences. Every lesson then is unique, but is reducible to a universal one-ness in eternity.

So, to go from eternal to mortal is to be constrained to your faculty. And to go from mortal to eternal, is to strip from ones self the limits of thought - and simply be.

So, not remembering is more like confining the eternal scope into another faculty, of which is varied, though moreso, it isn't as memorable as your newfound experiences - which are more relevant.
This statement is very beautiful. What exactly do you mean by

"And to go from mortal to eternal, is to strip from ones self the limits of thought - and simply be."?

Do you mean being in "now"? You mean eternity as a stretched-out present? Or maybe just specify what you mean?
I'm thinking on two reasons:

1. our "interface" cant handle it. It would be too much for our physical (we live in a physical, material reality) to process.

2. there is no need. We are souls who lives our lives in physical world because of lessons. So, the life lived is not so important as the lessons learned in that life. And that lessons affects our souls, not the lives lived.

Remembering the lives would be like remembering the whole school year, second by second, instead remembering just what we have learned on classes. No need.
However, if all these painful memories from other lives were to be with us constantly, our life would be very difficult.

I'm not sure this has to be the case. Most people here have painful memories from THIS life, and they are not necessarily with them constantly, and they continue to manage their lives more or less successfully. So on that particular point I don't see any reason why painful past life memories should be any different (i.e. more severe) than painful present life memories.
I have been seeking a satisfactory explanation for why we are unable to remember our past lives but have been unable to find one.

Lots of good thoughts on this thread. One more thought: remembering past lives obviously implies remembering or knowing a lot more about the nature of reality than the fact that we lived before. Perhaps there is some kind of 'rule' imposed on those who choose to incarnate in 3D material reality that that is the only reality they are 'allowed' to be aware of because, to do otherwise would negate the 'point' of the 3D material experience.

For want of a better analogy; you go the movies for the purpose of temporarily (for like 2hrs) immersing yourself psycho-emotionally in a false reality where what you are seeing/experiencing is, nevertheless, perceived as real and the actual reality outside the theater is forgotten.

What would be the point of such an exercise if every 10 minutes the movie was stopped and you were reminded to come to your senses, look around you and constate that the move is not real? Or more to the point, imagine that your make up is such that you are neither attracted to, nor derive any benefit from, engaging in such escapism from actual reality. Would you ever set foot in a movie theater?

If you find yourself in the allegorical movie theater that is planet earth, engrossed and dissociated in the presentation, it's likely that your make up is such that you get something out of the experience, and it seems that this particular allegorical movie theater appears to have rules pertaining to a prohibition on anyone spoiling the show for all the spectators.

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