Curious Beagle
A little history of our space opera creation. The aryan race were created by advanced STO being as super soldier. However, aryan were considered too aggressive and uncontrollable so as a failure they exile these super soldier to distant planet earth having their memories wiped out (don't tell anyone) hoping they will go extinct killing each other. Kinda like the English sent their prisoners to Australia 2 centuries ago hoping out of sight out of mind. At that time the original planet inhabitant were the black race. The Aryans were naturally smarter equipped with advance tech and hellbent on conquering and controlling others. As this secluded planet was under federation control they start sending their own controller and did some genetic manipulation to balanced the aryan creating the other colored race (Myth of giants marry women of earth). Those balance race became lemuria and the aggressive one atlantis (aided by the lizard tech). After the battle of kantek, some of the remaining survivor were airlifted to our planet making this planet even darker (becoming our underworld alien cabal overlord). So the Federation solution was to put temporary matrix frequency to trap them on this planet to certain frequency to be solved later (now) while maintaining space blockade. Technically forgetfulness enhanced the speed of learning spiritual law of allowance (freedom of choice) is available only to 3D planet as a mechanism of choice dark/light while learning their consequences so souls can graduate to 4D sto or sts realm.