New member here.
Great thread!
Sharing my thoughts on the topic:
From my personal perspective, my realization is that if information about our past lives is relevant and important to our personal growth and embracing of knowledge this life time, then it will unfold and deploy into our conscious awareness in some manner. I think that the actual manner/method varies by individual in many cases as we all come from different streams of experiences.
Metaphor incoming: I see us all as on the same roller coaster ride, but we each are sitting in different seats on the coasters, and we each experience the ride similarly in some ways and not at all similar in other ways, according to our chosen path.
If however, such information would distract or somehow delay or derail out quest in this lifetime, my take is that it's best that it remains behind the veil so to speak. It's there. Your intuition can catch glimpses when it is important to do so. It may be relevant at certain node points in our lifetime of experiences and may communicate to in more subtle manners (you know.. that goose bump moment you can't quite explain, or that aha moment in your new understanding and knowledge. But if it is going to distract or delay you in this lifetime, I believe in most cases it simply remains silent and just out of reach, because it is not required in the moment.
The beauty in all of this is Consciousness is the key. We all have a silver cord connection back to our higher self and beyond, right? So the connection of our total consciousness is always there in some manner, so it is all about need rather than want.
For the sincere seeker of information and knowledge, my view is that consciousness always has your back while you are incarnate. So if you are listening to your intuition and are continuing to make forward progress in your chosen life path, if you need access to past life information for some key reason in this lifetime, it will find it's way to you, but only enough for what you actually need to continue forward progress.
If we think about it, in my view above all else the Cassiopaean messages for the most part are quite pragmatic in nature and approach. By this I mean they reveal what is necessary, yet they do not distract or "lead the witness" in most cases and instead encourage the seeking of more knowledge and understanding as the key forward in our current incarnation. They also challenge the student of their message too, to learn, to know, to know enough to not be duped by deceptions. Sometimes when I read them, they feel very Socratic in their approach with us. They are always careful not to trample on free will, even if we beg them to because we at the moment are having a "forest for the trees" sort of clouding. Also, it occurs to me that some of us might be distracted to obsession by knowledge of our past lives in this lifetime, and again pragmatic as Cassiopaean's are, they caution persistently about avoiding obsession.
Pragmatically speaking, I don't think most of us are here to admire OR work through our past life experiences in any conscious way. These are already past events and are done, and if we were meant to focus on them in this lifetime, it will be to a pre-incarnation script that we wrote for our life this time around. Some of which brings Karma forward I imagine, but it is covert Karma in most cases as part of planned experience before incarnation takes place. Actually, if we were meant to work with our past timelines, it would seem that would be best suited in 4th D when we get there, as time is no longer a barrier to consciousness at that point.
The Universe is exceptional in nature, and so exceptions are permitted (or perhaps even required) for particular experiences that break the norm. I think most of us are instead here to focus on being more real and genuine in our life than when we were born, the implication being that we successfully grow in knowledge, experience, and community in our consciousness, whether we are consciously aware or not. That said, we are humans, and one thing about humans is they have an insatiable curiosity and can even be distracted by it, and take us off our life's purpose.
Anyway, that is my nickels worth on the topic. Off topic: I remember when a nickel would get you a candy bar at the local grocery. Then again, I was just a wet behind the ears kid seeking candy too.