I can see how that would happen. Maybe a good approach would be to make a conscious decision/affirmation to chose one particular 'you', the one that you decide has the best chance of producing the 'ideal' version of yourself in the future. All of us are (hopefully) changing and becoming something other than we are now or have been in the past. However, for someone that has strong past life influences of which they are consciously aware, this process might be more difficult and require more conscious effort to let go of those past life influences, to assign them to the past where they belong, while integrating the lesson, and then consciously choose to move on towards creating a future self, step by step. We can do this by developing a set of attitudes and behaviors that are inline with that vision of the future self. Just some thoughts.
Reading this reminded me of something.
When I started my "search" in earnest, I was messing around with the material available on the web and mainly the Law of One material. The C's were still quite a few years in the future for me.
At that time I was overweight and I used to go running at 05:00 in the morning. It was a dark night with a completely clear sky, so the view of the stars in the sky was spectacular.
The street was completely deserted and while I was running I meditated on what I had read and I reached a "conclusion". I saw in my mind that this had to be the answer.
Just at that moment, when I came to that conclusion, suddenly a star in the sky above the mountain that I saw right in front of me while running, shot up into the sky. It scratched the entire sky leaving a very bright line of light, which kept shining between 5 and 10 seconds. Then, in the place where that star had been "shot" another star "lit up". The size and luminosity of Venus, it began to move in my direction.
While I was running (I stopped for a few seconds in amazement, but then I kept running) the star flew over me passing just above me, and then disappeared over the horizon.
At no time was I afraid. It was an incredible and fun experience.
The "conclusion" I come to is that who I am right now is not who I really am.
Who I really am is the "sum" of all my lives and everything I have learned in them, and that eventually in a possible future all of that can be "brought together" and then I will be who I really am.
I am not saying that my experience validates my "conclusion", nor that this is a valid conclusion.
It's just what I think about it and I had that experience.