Session 25 February 2023

but it seems likely there is 4D physicality that is not that different from 3D physicality.
Yes agree and already many peoples brains are functioning with a 4d perspective, I.e. non linearly and able to see multiple angles all at once whilst integrating knowledge held into understanding and seeing in 4d.

3d thinking just adopts the narrative because in 3d it is coherent. With the narrative falling apart I understand this to be the real world consequences of shifting to 4d. So as the prescribed narrative fails peoples rational thinking, the only way to relieve cognitive dissonance may be death or shifting one’s thinking to 4d.
The Cs have said that the universe (all of it!) is one big school, and all life across all densities is like grades in a school. A question I formulated (for better or worse) the other night in the shower is: Is there a unified consciousness of the school itself that is more (or 'greater') than (and separate from), the sum of the consciousnesses within the school? I think I was grappling with the idea of there being an overarching "god".
Hopefully the following analogy won't offend the school principal :-):
1D: pencils and papers in the classroom​
2D: butterflies in the classroom​
3D: students in the classroom​
4D: advanced students in the classroom​
5D: pencils and papers, butterflies, students, and advanced students in the lobby​
6D: professors in the classroom and/or in the lobby​
7D: the school​
So as the prescribed narrative fails peoples rational thinking, the only way to relieve cognitive dissonance may be death or shifting one’s thinking to 4d.
I believe that thinking, praying, knowledge is incorporated into Vibration and as long as that Vibration is clear and loving, that is what the transference to 4D involves. That is just putting it in a simple form. As the C’s have said, there are different levels of this, just as there is most probably an infinite number of Frequency Vibrations.
Perhaps the planet is already in 4D and we have not realized it. The only thing missing is the decision of which team to play on.

I think I've always tended to think of 3D as the realm of physicality, while 4D is less so, but it seems likely there is 4D physicality that is not that different from 3D physicality.

What do you guys think about the concept of sub-densities as described by Ra? Could this possibly explain why the conjectured differences between 3D and 4D aren’t so different, simply because we are gradually climbing upwards through the “sub-densities”, until we “reach the next octave” AKA 4D in its totality? (Whatever that even means.) Do you think this could be, more or less, where we are currently at/going?

For context:

Questioner: Could you define the word density as we have been using it to give us a little greater idea of the concept of this term when used by you?

Ra: I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on.

Questioner: Well, then if an entity is harvested into fourth density with a grade, let’s say, of fifty-one percent for others, forty-nine percent for self, what level of the fourth density would he go into? I’m assuming there are different levels of the fourth density.

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Each enters the sub-density which vibrates in accordance with the entity’s understanding.
What do you guys think about the concept of sub-densities as described by Ra? Could this possibly explain why the conjectured differences between 3D and 4D aren’t so different, simply because we are gradually climbing upwards through the “sub-densities”, until we “reach the next octave” AKA 4D in its totality? (Whatever that even means.) Do you think this could be, more or less, where we are currently at/going?

For context:
In the words of Ra too (paraphrasing), there is a moment when the 3d student reaches a wall, that is, the 3d experience no longer offers anything in his evolution.

The game, the dance, the exchanges are clear and the "decision" has been made. There is no longer any possibility of acting otherwise.

So, depending on the level of consciousness, the beginning in the fourth density will surely begin for that person where it is most profitable.

And let's not forget that in our experience, the most knowledgeable person in knowledge and application of it, can be by your side buying bread in your neighborhood bakery.

In short, it is about our conscience and what it needs.
What do you guys think about the concept of sub-densities as described by Ra? Could this possibly explain why the conjectured differences between 3D and 4D aren’t so different, simply because we are gradually climbing upwards through the “sub-densities”, until we “reach the next octave” AKA 4D in its totality? (Whatever that even means.) Do you think this could be, more or less, where we are currently at/going?

For context: "Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Each enters the sub-density which vibrates in accordance with the entity’s understanding."
Awesome post, and it really points (in an indirect way) at what is important and what is not. But to answer the first question: why not? It's like moving into a town. Where are you going to live? Even in 3D there are "good" and "bad" neighborhoods; different cultures; different understandings that impact the kind of life we have. Le Rive Gauche or the Bronx? All 3D but based on effort, knowledge and understanding, you can move around. Everyone in this forum is in the forum. But everyone has different understandings and personalities and participates in different ways. So why would 4D be a homogenous experience that is similar for all? Yes, perhaps everyone walks the same streets but they go home to a different house.

And so what is important are the lessons and understandings that evolve a consciousness unit's soul and widen the perspective.
This is the exchange in the Ra stuff I was referring to earlier:

Session 6 January 24, 1981

QUESTIONER: I think it would be appropriate to find out how the Law of One works in the transfer of beings to our planet, and how the harvest takes place.
RA: I am Ra. The Law of One affirms, simply, that all things are one, that all beings are one. There are certain behaviors and thought-forms consistent with the understanding and practice of this law. Those who, at the end of a cycle of experience, demonstrate degrees of distortion of that understanding of thought and action, are welcomed by their own choice in the most comfortable vibrational distortion for their mind/body/spirit complex. This process is protected or watched over by protective and custodian beings, who, being very close to the Law of One in their distortions, head towards active service.
Thus, the illusion of light is created, or more properly said, although in a less understandable way, of light/love, which is presented in different degrees of intensity. The spirit complex of each harvested entity advances along the line of light until the line of light becomes too bright, at which point the entity stops. This entity could have barely reached 3rd density, or be nearly at the end of that 3rd density's light/love distortion vibrational complex. However, those who remain within that octave of light/love intensification next experience a great cycle, during which there are opportunities for the discovery of the distortions inherent in each entity and, therefore, for the reduction of the same. .
What do you guys think about the concept of sub-densities as described by Ra? Could this possibly explain why the conjectured differences between 3D and 4D aren’t so different, simply because we are gradually climbing upwards through the “sub-densities”,

I would like to respond first by recalling what a density is. According to Casswiki

Concept of density
Density refers to density of consciousness, or the level of being developed by a soul. As being is gained, the state of existence crosses thresholds, each major step along the way being a density. Development proceeds by learning the lessons of existence.

I speculate that a subdensity is also a step within the same density and a state of awareness

I mean, If we continue with the school analogy, in each classroom there are children with different degrees of learning and consciousness or level of being. This is due to factors of the environment in which they develop. Even in this same forum there are members more advanced than others, however, we are all in this third density.

Now In a STO environment for example the teacher and the more advanced classmates would help the less advanced ones to graduate to the next level. This is where one of the rules that the Cs have suggested for the forum comes in:

A: Helping others to learn and put them on the step behind you.

Because we are all in this third density, some very close to graduating to fourth density and others who can be candidates and can graduate if they have the will and are helped.

A: Oh indeed! The times ahead will be most interesting especially if the network both expands to the full tribal unit strength, and many others take the initiative to move up to the next stair step.

Q: (L) So, in a sense, what you're saying is that there is a need for the network to expand as in connecting chakras and so forth which is probably what helps with these “helper” things described a few minutes ago. When people are connected, they can help each other, both in and out of the body to make DNA changes and changes in their whole system. So, that's important. Also, people need to graduate when they get these DNA changes going on in their bodies that are helped by their helpers because of their connecting chakras because the network has strength. Does that make sense, everybody?

The key, I think, is to achieve this unity of sub-densities within the tribal unit (classroom) but as mentioned by the Cs it must be reciprocal.

Q: (L) Okay. I'm going to start the discussion with what's on my mind. Actually, there are two things. The first thing is that I noticed that after the last session, a lot of people discussing it in the forum thread volunteered information about what they were doing to help to do this, to do that, and the other thing. We had the impression here that when the information came through that a person must put another on the step behind them, that that meant directly in terms of the Work... That it had to be someone on the ladder, or on the stairway, or on the path so to speak. So, could you clarify that? Is that, in fact, what was meant? That you meant somebody who was really asking and engaged in working on themselves, etc?

A: More than that, it means that total engagement in energy exchange with the network. If a person benefits from the efforts of others and there is no return energy, there will be blocks of all sorts in their lives.

I also speculate that those in the world who manage to graduate to 4D STO will continue to help those left behind in 3D.
Every day I feel more alienated from the world and Im not sure if its alienation from 3D or Im disintegrate generaly. It takes more effort to do the mundane daily obligations. So on one side I feel Im not ready for 4D but on the other side I dont feel comfortable like I used to do.
Regarding the discussion about 4th density, the other day I thought about it in this way:

If you think about a time in the past and experience yourself in that time, really noticing how you perceived reality at the time, how you felt, what you understood, you might realize that you’ve learned and changed so must in, say, 5 years, that it seems that the reality in which you lived back then (with your short-sightedness, limited perceptions and understanding, and so on... even if they were generally Ok at the time) was very different than the reality in which you live now.

You might realize that now you can see more “colors” and nuances to everything, but I don’t mean more physical colors, I mean, your perception is deeper because you understand more. Before, when you saw a person or a situation, your understanding was more superficial, even if generally OK, but then you learned more about life and other people, and your perception became deeper, and, now, when you see the person or situation, you no longer see only what you saw 5 years ago, but a lot more connected to that person or situation.

So I thought about this idea that densities are related to awareness and perception, and I thought that maybe that’s part of how it works, although probably in an even deeper and large scale (meaning that the change might be more pronounced than those we experienced in the context of our lives so far). And that might also be why it is possible to make the transition and not even be aware of the fact that it is the 4th Density.

Maybe, the process is similar: you learn, you acquire knowledge, you grow your Being, and your perception of reality really changes little by little, but you don’t necessarily start seeing very weird things that are completely out of your known reality, you just start perceiving more and more, more nuances, more “colors” (not visual, but as a metaphor of just seeing more ‘stuff’), you understand more and maybe that perception and awareness suddenly becomes the reality of 4th density, because it has reached that point where it is no longer 3D perception and awareness.
As many of you I'm completely caught up in the momentum this last session has seemed to create and find myself contemplating 4D a lot lately. I'm also reading the other threads that are hypothesizing what 4th density is all about and much to my dismay it just seems to create more questions than conclusively answering any. But I guess that's our lot in this pre-transition time, to just bounce these ideas back and forth between each other and in that way try to refine our understanding and hope we're not caught with our pants down when the 4D bleedthroughs start becoming increasingly commonplace.

What do you guys think about the concept of sub-densities as described by Ra? Could this possibly explain why the conjectured differences between 3D and 4D aren’t so different, simply because we are gradually climbing upwards through the “sub-densities”, until we “reach the next octave” AKA 4D in its totality? (Whatever that even means.) Do you think this could be, more or less, where we are currently at/going?
Maybe it could also be the case that the higher up on the 3rd octave we are, the more we will start to be able to perceive the 4th. If I'm only on, let's say, the first 2 or 3 sub-densities of 3D, then I won't really be aware at all of 4th, but as I progress and learn to "play more notes" (learning the lessons) within the 3rd octave, reaching the higher sub-densities, maybe 4D will become faintly 'visible', until one day, as if by accident, while "playing the last note" within 3D, I hit the first C-note of 4D which instantly resonates harmonically with the C-note of 3D and my understanding of physicality and linearity morphs and expands in a kind of drawn out aha-moment.

What happens after this hypothetical scenario is anyone's guess. Maybe I would phase back into only-3D existence again, this initial experience remaining as a sort of vivid memory, such as one of those dreams we sometimes have that stays in our minds for days or weeks after. Then perhaps after more time and continued effort to stay the STO-course, another day will come when the soul completely phases into permanent 4D experience (whatever THAT may be).

The idea of G's Law of Seven came to mind as well; that at certain intervals where growth is possible, there has to be a shock or a particular effort made in order to steer the octave towards expansion. So maybe then the sub-densities could correlate to this idea. When we are on the first sub-density of 3D, we will face situations that prompt us to grow. If we don't use free will to choose the path of expansion, our experience will loop back on itself within that sub-density, thus repeating the cycle until we choose to learn the lesson.

This idea then scales down into smaller and smaller micro-sub-densities, where experiences get compounded over time. So we have a choice in how quickly we grow. Maybe one sub-density can play out over a number of years in a persons life, but because of the fractal nature of reality, even one day holds within it the whole pattern, if one has eyes to see and discern it (and possibly act on it).

Just to riff a bit more off of this idea; maybe the sub-densities could correspond to certain chakras as well. So let's say then the first sub-density correlates to the root chakra or moving/instinctive center (if I'm remembering the correspondences correctly) which correlates to material reality, base needs, security, the reptilian brain etc. So, for instance, if someone has a particular trauma that affects their sense of safety/security, a part of them would keep revolving in the first sub-density of 3D, never being able to even start conceptualizing non-material aspects of reality until that trauma is healed (lesson is learned).

Contrarily, many on this forum would then be on the last sub-density of 3D which would correlate to the crown chakra, thus learning lessons that have to do with higher consciousness, metaphysical concepts and our connection to the divine.

Furthermore, maybe the case is that, just as we say 3D minds would do good to not dabble in 4D (astral projection, psychedelics, magick etc.), the same could presumably be said to some extent of the sub-densities. Maybe this is why concepts such as strategic enclosure are given much weight on this forum. If someone is stuck in the first sub-density of 3D, looping around some very dense trauma, time and again, living a life almost indistinguishable from animal life, what good could it possibly bring them to try to share ideas that are 5 or 6 sub-density-classifications over their level of understanding?
So much great insights here. Last few days I'm rereading it all over again and honestly have apsolutely nothing to add.
Everything has been said so wonderful and uplifting actually. We know why we are here.
I'm so deeply thankful for every single one of you here ❤️
Nothing else out there in the world makes sense anymore...
Every day I feel more alienated from the world and Im not sure if its alienation from 3D or Im disintegrate generaly. It takes more effort to do the mundane daily obligations. So on one side I feel Im not ready for 4D but on the other side I dont feel comfortable like I used to do.

To me that sounds like you're at a point where you have an opportunity to choose in what direction you want to go. It might be a good idea to post more about what's going on with you, maybe in the swamp. Just a suggestion.
Nothing else out there in the world makes sense anymore...

Just wait! I reckon things are gonna make increasingly less sense as time passes. It's certainly a really good opportunity for many people to start thinking outside the box, or maybe, in "unlimited terms". I mean, when everything in our reality starts to make no sense whatsoever, when right becomes wrong and good bad etc., those are prefect conditions to open minds en masse.
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