Session 25 February 2023

Wonder if part of the triple bad day for 4DSTS and the elites includes the fact that 96% of souls will experience the core experiences of afterlife or NDE's and the reported changes in personality that the experiencers went through and that contributes to foiling their plans.
ODT files are probably files saved using Open Office which is a sort of free replacement for Microsoft Office. So you can probably open those files by using the Open Office, specifically the Writer tool which is similar to MS Word. After opening you should be able to resave them as .doc or docx Word format files. You can't download Writer alone, you have to install the entire Open Office suite. Maybe you already have that on your computer?
Hi Mark thanks for this important advice. I have Microsoft Office 7 suite installed. When in for repairs the engineer may have changed it to Open Office. I will take my laptop in again to the engineer to determine which I have and to show him your suggestion. :-) Very grateful. x
There's a lot here that I resonate with, thank you for your shares.

You asked, "what can we do to prepare?" For me, I have done everything possible in the physical realm within the means that I have available - for my limited 3D mindset. I have food; I have energy; I have books; I have water and water filters and ways to protect myself etc. I am always researching useful ideas, considering potential scenarios, and picking up items that I think will help get me and others through whatever I have thought about once things get "rocky." I will continue to prepare for whatever comes my way, even knowing that I can never truly be fully prepared for all situations because at our level, all things are "open."

But I do it anyway. It's my nature. And: I have never done this for only myself.

So, now I have all of this "stuff" and have researched ways to deploy it for maximum efficiency for the most people possible, even hoping that those who would most greatly appreciate it are my own family members. Recently I discovered that this not the case. OK, so now I've let go, and let God.

But now as I read your squirrel analogy, it kind of reached me in a different way. Here, I've done the "work" of preparation. I'm ready to help other squirrels when the time comes. And with right timing and luck, I will be able to do so, God willing.

But then, I had this other thought: if this area becomes one under assault by fire or flood or earthquake or whatever and I am forced out with nothing but the clothes on my back...what will I have within myself to help others? Especially if I have nothing left to physically offer?

At that point what truly matters is who I AM in this moment and not what I have. Do I have enough knowledge and ability within myself to make a difference even if I own nothing, and am among others who are in the same boat? Can I do enough just from what I have learned to not only earn my way, but to also help others find and help themselves?

THAT is what I am working on now. Because if things get as bad as we've been told they can get, not one single person alone is going to be able to save the world, let alone their immediate clan. It's going to take a bunch of mentally and spiritually prepared people to get through, as well as the spirit of true cooperation and teamwork.
Great thinking Batman! :-) My thoughts exactly. Meantime you are DOING whatever it is that you are ABLE to presently do with an STO intention. You are not just sitting idle staring into your navel. You are actively showing this to the Universe.
We don't know the capabilities of the Universe but I guess it notes your 'port in a storm' activities.

Also this is another reason a local support network is essential.
There is a huge chance we are caught out with nothing. An army survival guy once told me that is how we have to view things as we could be out shopping in town and not by our stocks etc! And how skimming the beach for plastic cannisters and aiming for sources of drinking water should be our priority. If that too is possible.
Caught out with nothing leaves us in the exact position we would be when we pass over to 5th density on dying. Purely with the Knowledge, Being and Experience we have consolidated in this incarnation. So that is what we have to use together with innovation!
Should your home be crushed but rubble is still there at least you know that under there somewhere is stuff you can still use if only there is equipment around that can do that, barring a community of labour for the much needed stocks.

Failing all that then it is just what it is. Either way there will always be a lesson in there somewhere lol. But always better to prepare in every way you can than not to - showing willing/utilizing knowledge given, to the Universe. IMHO.

If, as in the Turkiye earthquake, the majority were asleep in their beds until rudely awakened, but unable to get to safety in time, then preparation/knowledge for transition to 5D is essential. If passing SUDDENLY in such a manner, same with 9/11 towers, many spirits are naturally left in a state of confusion due to the rapidity/shock. (We help such spirits in our Saturday group mediumship practice, among others). Therefore conscious awareness is essential to quickly recover/evaluate your surroundings/conscious reality. The Tibetan Book of the Dead truly propounds the importance of preparation for dying whilst still living.

If you do not encounter loved ones when looking around you etc (very rare), then requesting help / a guiding spirit from DCM always works, and thus does not abridge your free will either.

Those who are still confused receive help/rest, in 'medical' centres, unless they refuse it of course.
Hope this is of some assistance to peepsies. x
A few years ago, I started hoarding food and water with the little financial means at my disposal, in my cellar. (I have little space in my small house). The cellar is not very big and houses the boiler and two fuel tanks.

Shortly after, we suffered the only flood to date at home. There is no river nearby, but intense rains have raised the water table. In addition to the deterioration of the boiler, which was partly reimbursed by the insurance, most of the stocks were destroyed.

Although I thought then maybe it was an attack of another level to deter me from preparing for the worst or to test my resolve, I ultimately took it for a sign of the uselessness of preparing myself from a materialistic point of view. Not that I disapprove of the idea, on the contrary, but only that I find it futile and even harmful to worry about it when you can't afford it.
I therefore concluded that the best preparation had to be done at the psychological level, which was however already obvious. And come what may for the physical side.

That doesn't stop me from having a water filter, a few lighters and candles, and a full freezer most of the time.
@trytofly you gave a good example of what I was going to say:
"If you want to make God laugh, tell him of your plans." 😁

I went thru the big shock decades ago, when I realized I/We/Many could die and that life could be reduced to survival levels. I've learned so many things with that in mind but also because it was the way I wanted to live: Raising goats, rabbits, chickens, gardening, herbology and foraging, primative get the picture. My son, Addam, loved all that and embraced it. I got older and creakier and thought, well, my son is trained, we can get thru anything....And then, he died.

I not only learned those things for the future, but also because my life has been one long adventure of stripping away of the outer and the inner. So, I have a house and storage full of stuff, but I sometimes think that it might very well serve somebody else, because I have the distinct impression that when I'm done here, doing all that I came here for, I'll lay my body down and leave....Just like I came, in spirit.

People ponder on what is their mission. To answer that, it is good to ask, "Who/What am I?" and "Why am I here?" Some have asked me what my mission is. I quietly chuckle because this idea of a mission is mostly centered around the self. And that's ok, there is a need to contribute, and I'm all for lessening suffering in its gross form. But the truth is, all of humanity will give, whether they know it or not....Even those who die in ignorance, the energies of their finer bodies will be absorbed by the cosmos.

When I have been asked of my mission, I reply, "I came here to immerse myself in life (boy did I!) and I'm sending back what has been transformed."

Now, this caused eyebrows to raise, and it is asked, "Sending where?"

"I send it back to Source and Creation, that is what I serve." (Since childhood, I've had what I can only describe as reverence towards God and Creation)

Talk here is on being able to receive higher energies, yes, but
Humanity is the bridge for the exchange of energies between the Earth and higher levels of existence.

"Evolution is a movement of substances in transformation. This is something that must, one way or another, be accomplished. What is important is this inner
circulation. In a sense, life is entrusted to us. Below the initial movement of the Absolute, the Absolute no longer intervenes, which means that responsible
beings must appear. There is a need for beings who become aware of this and have such a love for Creation and the Creator, that no matter what trouble it causes them, they awaken to be the ones through whom this accomplishment
takes place . . . This is the very purpose of evolution: a vast movement of maintenance – the law of reciprocal feeding. Either I am “eaten” by the lower levels, which is the fate of every sleeping man or woman, or I consent to serve as food
for a more conscious level. The whole of life is feeding, exchange, transmission
of substances, transmutation of substances. It is essential that I recognize that I am part of consciousness. Either you give yourself to something more conscious and you partake of that level of consciousness, or you let yourself go and you partake of a lesser consciousness."

---Michel Conge, "Inner Octaves"
A few years ago, I started hoarding food and water with the little financial means at my disposal, in my cellar. (I have little space in my small house). The cellar is not very big and houses the boiler and two fuel tanks.

Shortly after, we suffered the only flood to date at home. There is no river nearby, but intense rains have raised the water table. In addition to the deterioration of the boiler, which was partly reimbursed by the insurance, most of the stocks were destroyed.

Although I thought then maybe it was an attack of another level to deter me from preparing for the worst or to test my resolve, I ultimately took it for a sign of the uselessness of preparing myself from a materialistic point of view. Not that I disapprove of the idea, on the contrary, but only that I find it futile and even harmful to worry about it when you can't afford it.
I therefore concluded that the best preparation had to be done at the psychological level, which was however already obvious. And come what may for the physical side.

That doesn't stop me from having a water filter, a few lighters and candles, and a full freezer most of the time.
Hi Trytofly I hear you. I too had two floods that totally flooded the whole downstairs of my house - the part I live in. This was in December about 4 weeks apart. The first one I was in town and leave the small bathroom window open for the cats. My make kitten had pushed the mixer tap lever opening the tap on full, and the pressure here is as strong as a powerful waterfall. (Needless to say I tie the lever now until I can replace the tap to one without a lever!).

The second flood occurred whilst I was asleep and I was only woken by my neighbour frantically banging on my bedroom window, as both times the water was cascading all the way down the street! I jumped out of bed not knowing why the alarm only to step into a river of water around my bed (under which is the majority of my stocks, including flour!).

This time it was the flexipipe connector under the seek had perished, even though fairly new!
So naturally I remembered ' Expect Attack!'. (a few other attack methods were tried too).
I feel if we can try to stock, even just enough for ourselves, it is being a good Obyvatal as we are not relying on others and using up their stocks, by being as self sufficient as we can. Just my 2 cents x

Yesterday I adopted another street dog, same Cyprus Pointer breed as my Sienna, who is over 13 now. I had planned this last year to keep Sienna young (her last sibling in the litter died 4 years ago, but I keep her healthy),but also Sienna knows the house rules and helped train the kittens (have family of 4 cats/dad still around). So Sienna is totally selfless and accepted the shy/timid female (Suzi) under her wing immediately. So did the cats. Training a street dog is hard work! But as I live alone this is essential extra security/barking alarm/deterrent, in these times, as many scared of dogs. But also great company.
As an beautiful aside, I don't know if many people have seen my favourite film The Incredible Journey about two dogs and a cat? Well I took Suzi down the next street to the farm on lead training this morning with Sienna, on a double lead I had bought a year ago. Well my male and female one year old kittens did not wish to miss out and I spied them following on the road together, close behind! They came the full 1 kilometer to the farm, and would probably have done a longer walk!!
They thoroughly enjoyed themselves, as did we all. It was so magical next time I will take my phone and video the happy times.
I feel so blessed and lucky to live in a house of love with such selfless animals :-)
Caught out with nothing leaves us in the exact position we would be when we pass over to 5th density on dying. Purely with the Knowledge,
That comparison is a bit flawed, osit.
Knowledge applied in a physical machine that needs sustenance looks to me like the greater challenge. To apply knowledge while being thirsty, hungry and without shelter calls for a sufficient anchoring of said knowldege in being.
Thank you @iamthatis for finding that session! I just realized there is another one that discusses the splitting of realities - it's from November of 1994. Anyway, this adds a whole new set of possibilities to that 94% loss of people, i think.

It all reminds me of this cartoon by Bob Moran called 'Not Our Future'. It's a bit more nuts-and-bolts materialist than what we've been talking about, but it's a nice image nonetheless. I like that the family below has been thinking with a hammer - a sledgehammer!

In other words, I have let go of all the "programming" that so many in the outer world still follow. And in that time, I have found many people who see what I see (as on these boards!) and are on paths to self-healing that others burdened by MSM 3D-think never would.

Given that, from what I see given my current understanding - I think that going from "3D" to "4D" may start on the mental level, and progress "downwards" from there before one can see results on the physical level. My supposition, then, is that change on the MENTAL level MUST occur first, to allow "access" to 4D experience; and in order to fully become "4D" one has to LIVE their beliefs IN THE PHYSICAL to reap the benefits - and that can't happen until one is completely living with mental "4D" precepts and understandings that align with universal truths.

In other words: I think that is VERY possible that many of us here on these boards are ALREADY living with a "4D" mindset - and all we have to do to realize it in our lives is to APPLY what we have learned into the PHYSICAL, and work for the results to manifest. My two cents anyway.

Great stuff! This reminded me of the discussion of 4D projection into 3D, the 'triage' of the Men in Black:

Q: (L) Who or what are the individuals called "Men in Black"?

A: Lizard projections.

Q: (T) Does that mean that they are just projecting an image of a being?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) The MIBS are not real, then, in our physical terms?

A: Partly correct. You do not understand technology but we will describe it if you like.

Q: (L) We like. Please describe this.

A: Okay. Get ready. First we must explain further time "travel" because the two concepts are closely related. The first step is to artificially induce an electromagnetic field. This opens the door between dimensions of reality. Next, thoughts must be channelled by participant in order to access reality bonding channel. They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge. The electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave. Then the triage must be sent through realm "curtain" in order to balance perceptions at all density levels.

Q: (L) Information in the event that has to be balanced or taken into consideration as to importance so that the program runs correctly. Is this the correct interpretation of triage as you have used it?

A: Sort of. Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality. That is it folks.

So what we may be doing with developing this conduit is a similar process. Are we creating our own triage? There are three interrelated steps - one being an effort to change our perception of reality on the mental plane, as you said, operating at the level of information and Knowledge. Our changed perception of reality transforms our energy, which also alters the matter in our environment. I get the sense that instead of us actively sending this triage through the realm curtain, our lot in this life is to have the patience necessary for the realm curtain to pass over us, and in the meantime, try to make it the best. triage. ever!
Thank you for allowing us to read this session and I am grateful to everyone for their expansive, thoughtful and touching commentary, thoughts, and ideas. Whether this be called 'networking,' 'marriage of true minds,' 'joint participation in the Good of God,' it is nonetheless a shared interest and mutual engagement in searching, noticing, seeing, contributing, collaborating, building, and ultimately transforming........and these are all such lovely, inviting and beneficial practices to be immersed in -- a blessing.
These last couple of days, the phrase "Do not lose heart" has been playing in the back of my mind.
I remember Clarissa Pinkola Estes saying this also -- there is the article on Sott and various references on this forum. It was noted in a session that Pinkola Estes has worthy content (excerpt below) and some lines from her essay are below that.
In the introduction to Session 30 August 2009, there is an interesting comment:
30 May 2009
Q: (J) Who broke in to ________’s store?
A: In this instance it was just cabin fever craziness. But beware in the future. {The owner} should also be aware of his emotional vulnerability to "break in". He should read Pinkola Estes...
Q: (L) Women Who Run With the Wolves. But that's for women.
A: It also applies to men.
We were made for these times -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes (Sott: 13 Dec 2013)
"My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times.......... For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement.

"We are needed, that is all we can know. And though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great souls who will hail us, love us and guide us, and we will know them when they appear............Didn't you say you pledged to listen to a voice greater? Didn't you ask for grace? Don't you remember that to be in grace means to submit to the voice greater?

"Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach........It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.

"One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul.........Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.

"In my uttermost bones I know something, as do you. It is that there can be no despair when you remember why you came to Earth, who you serve, and who sent you here. The good words we say and the good deeds we do are not ours. They are the words and deeds of the One who brought us here.........When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for."

Sonnet 116, Shakespeare
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments
. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wand'ring bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me prov'd,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.

March 14, 2015
A: Love to all of the group. Do not be fearful! You are armed with much knowledge! You will be amazed how well you can think once you receive the signal that the time is "NOW!".

Nov 7, 2015
A: Give each other love abundantly. Things may appear to be other than they actually turn out in the end.
seem to remember that the C's mentioned Jupiter as a fourth density planet and the electromagnetic power of the planet may be related to that.
Are you thinking about Session 4 March 1995
A: Jupiter is already a star.

Q: (L) Why do we not perceive it as a star?

A: You are still learning. Earth is a star to be.

Q: (F) How the hell can that be? (L) If a planet...

A: Every thing cycles fully.

Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?

A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.

A: Jupiter is level 4 density.

Q: (L) To whom does Jupiter appear as a flaming sun, at what level?

A: 5, 6, and 7.

Q: (T) What does it look like in 4th?

A: Earth.

Q: (T) Jupiter looks like Earth and Earth looks like Jupiter in 4th density?

A: No.

Q: (L) What does Earth look like in 4th density?

A: Invisible.

Q: (J) Huh? (L) What do you mean, invisible?

A: Only visible upon request. Variability of physicality.

Q: (L) Okay, does this mean that to the Lizzies and Orions the earth is invisible?

A: When they are not thinking about it.

Q: (J) You mean when they are not thinking about it it doesn't exist? They have to focus on it for it to become visible?

A: Close.

Q: (T) But, you told us one time that everyone in 4th density was able to see us?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Us, not earth. (T) What do they see us on?

A: Able to see you when they choose to.

Q: (J) In other words, they focus on the frequency to see us. (L) I guess it is like animals in second density. You ride down the road and don't really see what is around you unless you focus in on it. (J) Unless you concentrate on looking for them... (T) Like standing still in a forest and after a time you can see what is there. (J) It is all according to perception.

A: Yes, but 4th level is the first one with true variability.

Q: (L) Georges Gurdjieff proposed the idea that the earth is, in a sense, food for the moon. What he meant was, what he had learned from these ancient teachers was that earth was a food source for some level of being, and that possibly these beings had encampments or bases on the moon, but that earth was eventually to become a star and that then the moon would become an inhabited planet as the earth was, and so on... Is this a fairly...

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is the Moon a second density planet?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And the Moon is used as a base by other beings?

A: On different densities.

Q: (L) Are there 2nd density beings that inhabit the moon in a full time way?

A: No.

Q: (T) Are there 3rd density beings?

A: No.

Q: (T) Are there 4th density beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are they Grays?

A: They don't inhabit the moon, they just use it.

Q: (T) Are there 5th density beings there?

A: 5th uses all.

Q: (T) Are there 6th density beings there?

A: Ditto.

Q: (T) Is the 7th density being there?

A: That is union with the One.
About the other planets, there was also
Session 7 January 1995
Q: (L) Let me ask this: I am kind of drifting into another subject, but we are talking about being in space. We talked at one point, I believe, of the matrices of the various planets and our perceptions of the planets in our solar system, and these matrices being almost like a doorway to another density, and that if we were in the proper dimensional mode that we would see the other planets of our own solar system quite differently from how we see them in our third density mode, and that we would, in fact, be able to look upon Venus, which manifests in 3rd density as a pretty hellish place, with temperatures 900 degrees or thereabouts, and we would find it to be something else altogether with beings inhabiting it, is this correct.

A: Yes. Beings live absolutely everywhere in one realm or another.

Q: (L) Are the beings who live on the planet Venus aware of us on the planet Earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there beings also living on Mars?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are they aware of us?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are the beings on all the other planets in our solar system aware of us here, on planet Earth?

A: Yes, because they are all of higher density.
I thought I read that their population was dying... could the extra energy stealing be for the survival of their race?
From Session 22 October 1994 the part you refer to is in blue, but I included more for context:
Q: (L) Going back to the beings that absorb nutrients through their pores, what kind of beings are they?

A: Both those that you describe as the Lizard Beings and those you describe as the Grays. This is necessary for their survival in each case. Even though the Grays are not natural parts of the short wave cycle, but rather an artificial creation by the Lizard Beings, but nevertheless they mimic the nourishment functions.

Q: (L) Since they are artificially created by the Lizard beings, does this mean they have no souls?

A: That's correct.

Q: (L) How do they function? Are they like robots?

A: They function by interaction with the souls of the Lizard beings. This technology is extremely far in advance of that with which you are familiar, but the Gray beings are not only built and designed artificially, but also function as a projection mentally and psychically of the Lizard beings. They are like four dimensional probes.

Q: (L) As four dimensional probes, what are their capabilities?

A: They have all the same capabilities of the Lizard beings except for the fact that their physical appearance is entirely different and they do not have souls of their own and also their biological structure is internally different. But, their functioning is the same and in order to remain as projection beings they also must absorb nutrients in the same fashion both spiritually and physically as the Lizard beings do. The reason the negative energy is necessary fuel is that the Lizard beings and the Grays are both living in the fourth level of density, which is the highest level of density one can exist in serving only self as these entities do. So, therefore, they must absorb negative energy because the fourth level of density is the highest example of self service which is a negative thought pattern. The fourth level of density is a progression from the third level of density. With each progression upward in density level, the existence for the individual conscious entity becomes less difficult. So, therefore, the fourth level of density is less difficult to exist in that the third, the third is less difficult than the second and so on. It puts less strain on the soul energy. Therefore, beings existing on the fourth level of density can draw from beings existing on the third level of density in terms of absorption of negative soul energy. Likewise, beings on the third level of density can draw from beings on the second level of density, though this type of drawing is not as necessary but is done. This is why human beings existing on the third level frequently cause pain and suffering to those of the animal kingdom who exist on the second level of density because you are drawing negative soul energy as beings who primarily serve self, as you do, from those on the second level, and on the first, and so on. Now, as you advance to the fourth level of density which is coming up for you, you must now make a choice as to whether to progress to service to others or to remain at the level of service to self. This will be the decision which will take quite some time for you to adjust to. This is what is referred to as the "thousand year period." This is the period as measured in your calendar terms that will determine whether or not you will advance to service to others or remain at the level of service to self. And those who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self. And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of expression to that of service to others. And, since they have such, as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and also to recreate their race metabolically.

Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don't they just breed us in pens on their own planet?

A: They do.

Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just move in and take over?

A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species; 2: increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power; 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density. To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail.

Q: (L) How can you be so sure it will fail?

A: Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level. You know how you wishfully think? Well, it isn't quite reality for you because you are on the third level, but if you are on the fourth level and you were to perform the same function, it would indeed be your awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be.
Are you thinking about Session 4 March 1995

About the other planets, there was also
Session 7 January 1995
Oh now I get it, it took me a while 😆.
Earth becomes a hellish place to live—say like Venus or Mars—over a period of a thousand years and for the beings on earth who have aligned themselves with 4th density it is something quite the opposite to hellish. So over time if people have not kept up with the change in frequency they will struggle more and more to survive. Whilst those that have, thrive.
We can see this happening all around us already, people paying attention and acquiring knowledge are those living. The ones dying are doing so due to lack of knowledge, e.g. not paying attention to the harmful effects of mRNA vaccines and then not acting to ameliorate these effects in some way.
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We haven’t come this far to fail ourselves now.
No, we haven't. I have been thinking about my paternal and maternal family who lived through the 4STS trial run which was WWII. They were ignorant and didn't see the dangers they were facing, yet managed to survive and build a new life from scratch. Although they were far from perfect I do think that their trials and tribulations and the chances they gave me paved the way for my eventually finding this forum and FOTCM. And I am indebted to them for their hard work and their willingness to survive instead of their caving in to despair and die. Because we know despondency kills. They didn't cave in and I am here now, and I have the opportunity to go through difficult times with my eyes and ears open, and hopefully to add new information to my family history, if that makes sense.
With the dark prospect of people dying by their millions the human consistence might change, materialism could wane, giving way to some massive and sincere call to accepted spiritual entities (like Jesus, Buddah, Mohamed or Angels).
Probably. Below are some excerpts, mostly from the sessions, that might connect.

In Session 9 June 2009 the Cs comment on the crash of an Air France flight over the Atlantic, saying "They chose the exit at some level. The days will come when the dead seem blessed."
Here is the context
We've got a new session to post but this one is going to require some context in order to understand the questions and answers.
Session Date: June 9th 2009

Laura, Ark, An**, Joe, Allen B, Craig P, P L, Ar***, Chu, Gaby, Scottie

Q: (L) This is where I start to get nervous. What if they don't answer?

A: Cassiopaea will not let you down!!!!

Q: (laughter) (L) And who do we have with us tonight?

A: Fortunaea which reminds us that you might like that from Carmina Burana.

Q: (Discussion of Carmina Burana)

A: Some of those lyrics are truly ancient even if the music is not.

Q: (L) Questions? (J) What caused the destruction of the Air France flight?

A: Cometary explosion of the Tunguska variety though higher and a bit smaller.

Q: (L) Well, that's what we said in the beginning. Around here that's what I was saying, although there were some people who were doubting me, and saying "impossible!" (Ark) No. (L) Yes! (Ark) Improbable. (L) Well you said it was probability zero, and I said it was nonzero. (Ark) Probability that we meet was zero! (An**) Do the authorities know about this and are they trying to cover it up?

A: Some do.

Q: (J) What a way to go... all of a sudden. (L) But I guess if you're going to go out in a blaze of glory, that's the way to do it. (Ar**) It's the quickest way.

A: A ticket to 5D naturally! They chose the exit at some level. The days will come when the dead seem blessed.
There is a certain power transmitted by awareness of ancestors
In such days, "when the dead seem blessed", history shows, it is not unusual for some of those sufferings to appeal to higher powers, or remember those who have passed over already, their ancestors: On the subject of remembering ancestors, there is:
Session 11 August 2018
A: Keep in mind that there is a certain power transmitted by awareness of ancestors.

Q: (L) How can there be power transmitted by awareness of ancestors? They're dead, first of all. Second of all, maybe those that had the potential have reincarnated and would be living other lives in other places. Or they'd be floating around in 5th density or whatever dead ancestors do...

(Artemis) Well, in a roundabout way, it's almost like knowing about your past lives.

(Andromeda) Yeah.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, knowing past lives is helpful. Knowing ancestors is helpful. Well, the ancients believed that if you remembered your ancestors, they helped you. If you didn't take care of them or you forgot about them, they could bring bad luck on you. Can it? [laughter]

A: Something like that. You can help to heal some things and draw strength via your DNA antennae which, you must remember, is also their DNA antennae.

Q: (Andromeda) Makes sense.

(Chu) You inherited their receivers.

(Andromeda) And you can learn things from their experiences thereby.

(Pierre) You were wondering about how you relate to them. They're dead, they're far away. Sharing the same DNA antennae, if we are connected via DNA to an information field, and you have other people with similar DNA connected to a similar part of the field, and time really doesn’t exist on other planes, then you can access these kinds of memories or information shared by ancestors...?

A: Exactly.

Q: (Pierre) Wow.
There is more about ancestors in the comments to the above thread and for that matter other threads. The above statement "there is a certain power transmitted by awareness of ancestors" may also connect to the following from this session, since those recently dead will be more in the minds and hearts of those still living, than those who passed over a long time ago:
"Many are leaving the body at this time. ... To act as support for those who will go through trauma in the coming years."
Q: (seek10) Forum member Boza48 wants to ask about his son's condition: "My son has cancer and I would like to know is it his decision or a consequence of some early trauma? Thank you all, in advance."

A: His decision. Many are leaving the body at this time.

Q: (L) Why are many leaving the body at this time?

A: To act as support for those who will go through trauma in the coming years.

Q: (L) So is that generally the case prior to very traumatic periods?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, naturally you'd think they're checking out because they don't want to go through it.

(Andromeda) Maybe that's the case for some people, for others they'd go ahead of time to blaze a trail.
How those who have passed over might be of assistance to those who will go through trauma in the coming years.
While those who survive the turmoil can benefit from an awareness of ancestors, those who will not may also be helped when they have passed over. In the Descriptions of the "afterlife" thread, in The Afterlife Unveiled What the Dead are Telling Us About Their World by Stafford Betty, one finds a number of chapters, each dedicated to one or two books:
Chapter 1: William Stainton Moses: Spirit Teachings (See also, although only mentioned and not used. More Spirit Teachings)
Chapter 2: The Afterlife of Leslie Stringfellow: A Nineteenth-Century Southern Family's Experiences with Spiritualism (Amazon).
Chapter 3: Elsa Barker: Letters from the Afterlife (Amazon) This version is from recent years but it says the foreword and afterword is copyrighted 1995 while the cover is copyrighted 2004. The cover mentions "Written through the hand of Elsa Barker 1914". The Wiki mentions three books, with similar titles and content and which at the time of posting can be found on Looking closer and comparing the titles of the chapters, it is clear that the above book is a reprinted version of the first of the following titles:

Besides the English, there is also a German version: Vom Leben im Jenseits: Botschaften der Zuversicht (German Edition) by Elsa Barker (Amazon)
Chapter 4: Geraldine Cummins: The Road to Immortality (doc format)
Chapter 5: Anthony Borgia:
Life in the World Unseen (For a Russian version check here)
Chapter 6: Helen Greaves: Testimony of Light
Chapter 7: Ruth Mattson Taylor: Witness from Beyond Mentioned briefly is Evidence from Beyond (Amazon)
Among the above books:
The principle that there is help to those coming into 5D from 3D is well illustrated in Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves:
Our work is to be on hand when those newly arrived entities awake to awareness. Sometimes their friends and loved ones already in these realms have been ‘alerted’. Then we wait in the background until the greetings are over. In other cases ours are the first ‘countenances’ they see; ours are the words of comfort, assurance and welcome.

Our ‘patients’ stay with us until they have adjusted to this new life and are ready to join their dear ones or their special Groups. This may be only a short passing phase or a longer ‘period’ according to their state of development. According to the reactions after the first shock of individual examinations of Blueprints of their earth lives, so is our method of helping them. With understanding, extreme gentleness and certainly no hint of censure, the Sisters explain the Rest Home and its purpose. The newcomers are then introduced to the idea of an expanding progress and are encouraged to right the wrongs they have done in their earth lives by concentrated thoughts of forgiveness and compassion.

I suppose you could call this a hospital, a home of rest upon the Way and a ‘kindergarten’ teaching-centre. All these terms would be correct. The weary souls, the frightened souls, the ignorant and ‘fallen’ souls, together with those who have been ‘rescued’ from the ‘Land of Shadows’ require understanding and explanation of their sore states, and there are some to whom Survival has to be explained, even demonstrated. Many will not accept the fact of death, or prefer to consider that they still dream. You see how wide is our work and how, by teaching, we ourselves learn. By demonstrations of the results of other lives, I myself have learned much and I am still learning.
Some of those who have passed over can be helped by prayers from 3D:
“Prayers and good thoughts” he told me “for those who have left the earth life, by their fellows still in incarnation, are a great aid to our work here. The prayer forms, and the potency of good thoughts, cause a quickened vibration to reach the one prayed for. As he is generally closely connected with his former life by interests and affections and memories, he is able to respond to such vibrations; thus he is much helped. Such petitions and meditations could be likened to a draught of healing water for the newly transmitted soul.” Our Adviser shook his head with what I felt was infinite sadness. “But alas, there is no one on earth to pray ever for the repose of this poor soul. . . .”
@Ursus Minor brought up the names of "accepted spiritual entities" which can lead to the subject of the category of ancestors with important missions we know as Jesus, Buddha etc.: In Session 30 September 1994
Q: (L) The passages attributed to Jesus in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, where Jesus predicts the end of the age and his return, is that fairly accurately rendered?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is Jesus, in fact, in a state of suspension, voluntarily, in another plane of existence, having chosen to give up his life on this plane in order to continuously generate replications of his soul pattern for other people to call upon for assistance?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If one calls upon him more than once, does one get a double dose?

A: Define.

Q: (L) If one repeatedly calls upon Jesus does one get repeated replications or additional strength, power or whatever?

A: No.

Q: (L) In other words, once one has truly made the connection, that's it?

A: That's all that's needed.

Q: (L) Has any other soul volunteered to perform this work?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How many souls are doing this work at the present time?

A: 12.

Q: (L) Can you name any of the others?

A: Buddha. Moses. Shintanhilmoon.14 Nagaillikiga.15 Varying degrees; Jesus is the strongest currently.
The footnote says:
14 I have never come across anything that seems remotely similar to this name, but it strikes me as having an Oriental flavor. Perhaps it is related to the Shinto religion of Japan?

15 Again, the only relationship I can think of to make to this name is that it has the feel of India, with the term "Naga" incorporated into it.
The last two characters are either unknown or hidden, the others are covered in myths as Jesus, Buddha and Moses. To uncover what is real in such cases is not easy. Still, also when it comes to religion, understanding of the truth helps:
Session 12 July 2014
Q: (Atriedes) Do you mind if your memory and image is used in a religion?

A: As long as it is with understanding of the truth. What is religion anyway but that which binds people together as is showed with my army.
The C's said in the session from 1994 that "Jesus is strongest currently". The book Laura published, From Paul to Mark, should have the potential for more people to practice religion with an understanding of the truth.

Writing this, I wondered if similar work to clarify the truth regarding the other volunteers like Buddha etc will be undertaken? Perhaps, but there are indications that Paleochristianity goes deeper than a particular historical figure living in a particular area a couple of thousand years ago.

Definition of Paleochristianity
Session 30 May 2009
Q: (L) What's next?

A: How about "Paleochristianity"?

Q: (laughter) (L) Well since you brought it up... (J) You should respond with, "Now that's an interesting question!" (laughter) (L) What do you mean by Paleochristianity? (laughter) (L) Would you define Paleochristianity for us?

A: The knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall".

Q: (L) Why is it called Christianity? Isn't Christianity strictly related to Christianity as we know it?

A: Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted. For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman.

Q: (L) Okay. Were the Bogomils and the Cathars - as I have surmised - close to understanding this original reality?

A: They had some very close approximations, but they were still influenced by many of the distorted religious ideas of the time.

Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?

A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.

Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?

A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.

Q: (L) So in other words, some of the thoughts and discussions that we've had over the past week or two {about the global situation} are pretty much on the money?

A: Yes. More or less. There has also been some nudging from this side. Time is getting "short" even though there really is no time. Remember what we said about being wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

Q: (L) How many questions do you have left Joe? (J) Given the end of the world scenario, all my other questions pale into insignificance. (laughter) (L) What questions do you have? (Ark) They would not fit this session. (L) They belong to a different sessions with Joe's questions? (laughter) (L) Okay. What is the most essential thing for us to know about Paleochristianity, about what people need to know?

A: People need to know about pathology as you call it. In former times it was often referred to as demonic possession. In some cases, they were right.

Q: (L) But clearly not in all cases, and that needs to made absolutely clear because there are some people who are just sick.

A: Yes. Hyperdimensional influences are often the cause of pathology. This can be due to influences at this level of reality including dietary and nurture.

Q: (L) Okay, what else?

A: Just as detoxing the body can lead to abundant health, so can detoxing the mind and environment lead to abundant life and happiness for all. But as was the "fall", it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed.

Q: (L) In other words, there's no hope for our planet or our species if normal human beings do not come together and get over these varied pathological belief systems and religions and "your truth" and "my truth" and all that sort of thing?

A: Yes. All of that was created and spread by pathological types under the influence of their hyperdimensional masters for the purpose of turning this planet into a "hell on earth" with them as the masters. They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. What is needed is for many people to begin to make direct connections with their higher centers. This has been done via the "work" up to now, but there are other methods to accelerate the process and obtain the needed assistance.

Q: (L) For example?

A: Stay tuned. Next time. Goodbye.
The above session, from May 30, 2009, took place a few weeks before the Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program was launched, a feature of which is the Prayer of the Soul.
The C's have spoken of mass consciousness signaling to itself. Could this be partly why there were so many odd coincidences surrounding the devastating Ohio Train derailment?
Why not?
In this post from 2020, there is a collection of excerpts about mass consciousness and related terms. At the end, I attempted to summarize:
If one selects some expressions, one may with slight editing and some ordering say that:
1) Mass consciousness is aware and driving seeking from many quarters
2) mass unconsciousness perceives something in advance
3) Everything is interactive when it comes to the "collective mind."
4) the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.
5) mass human behavior is a reflection of cosmic conditions
6) its all just lessons for the collective consciousness
7) It is possible to tune into the collective consciousness.
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