Session 25 February 2023

Unfortunately I work with a very old laptop and many of my files have somehow converted themselves to ODT files so I am unable to open valuable files that could be lifesaving. Does anyone have any advice on whether I can get them back to Word Documents? I have nearly 90k so a technical guy here wold need to know how to find/select them all!

This naturally leads me to asking for advice on best storage media that can last into the future, and not be obsolete due to new versions of Microsoft. Some have recommended that I store all files on PDF to prevent corruption. Is this a way forward? As it will be of concern to all of us.

Oh dear,

your files did not convert themselves! This must be initiated by the user.

What is more likely is that a large part of your 90k files was not written by yourself but imported, already in ODT format.
Alternatively you might have temporarily used OpenOffice or Libreoffice, but you would remember this, wouldn't you?

- as Mark suggested you could download either OpenOffice or LibreOffice for free. It will be abt. 200 MB.
- if space is limited you could download a free ODT viewer(read only) which is tiny from here:

As for files storage, PDF is generally okay but will need some more space than ODT and doc files.
Gurdjieff talked about that only a limited amount of awareness is available to people on Earth. Only a small amount of peeps therefore are able to have high awareness. The rest remain more or less ignorant by law.
There might be an ideal amount of humans representing "psychic charges" recommended for a planet by design, so that the planet can still carry and remain stable? Not go the way of Kantek?
Normal people just want to have their life, do their job and enjoy their free time. Under leadership, there’s nothing to suggest that carrying capacity couldn’t be even higher than Earth’s current population.
Under leadership. I assume you mean good leadership or wise leadership? But that’s not what we have.

I like lillies idea that it’s a numbers game, at a fundamental level and that those numbers are affected by the STS nature of the planet. That we are seeing an inevitable outcome unfold that is part of a series of cycles.

At some point the enlightened ones get drowned out in the sea of noise and say “F it. What’s the point? No one’s listening. The lessons are not being learned. The only logical course forward is to suffer the consequences and let the natural cycles play out.”
My daughter as a similar experience when she was about 8-9 years old. She came to me one day and told me that she was hearing a voice in her head that was telling her to kill her parent. I'm sure I posted this story on the forum at the time but today I searched for it but couldn't find it. Anyway, here is what we remember of this episode.

She came to me one day crying and really in distress, she told me that she needed to tell me something but she wasn't sure how I would react and waited for some time before finding the courage to tell me. I could see by her distress that it was serious but never would have imagined what she was about to tell me. She told me that for some time, a voice in her head was demanding that she kill me and my wife, her parent. Possible case of possession probably came to my mind at the time but how did it (the entity) get to her. I remembered that when younger she had an imaginary friend and I asked her if she remember the name of this imaginary friend and if she was still seeing him. I don't remember if she was still seeing him but she did remember his name, how can I forget. Is name was Haplo or Aplo and made a connection right away. You see Laura book the secret history of the world (vol.1) was fresh on my mind and there was a chapter were she mentioned old demon and devil of the Mesopotamian time and one of them was named Haplo or Aplo. Well I started to laugh then to my daughter disbelief, I started to laugh because I could see and knew right away who we were dealing with. The culprit was identify, a trickster of the old time. I told my daughter that all she need to do now is every time she hear his voice, to laugh at him, to tell him that you know who he is and that she doesn't want to hear from him anymore. Tears still flowing from her eyes but looking at me now with surprise she asked, really that all is needed. I said Gaby he is just a trickster just laugh at him every time he talk in your head, he as no power anymore, you know is name you have identify him. Well it probably gave my daughter the courage she needed and following my advice she dealt with it in a mater of days. Sometime later, a week or 2 I asked her if the voice was still there and she told me no papa, it is gone. I did what you told me to do and it went away. I don't hear it anymore.

Now Gabrielle is 22 and at university and coincidentally she is at home today (spring break) as I write this post so we went trough this episode before writing this post. She remember it as I do and told me that she never heard from it again and that concerning the black men dream that she sometime have, that she still defend as I told her to do many years ago when she started being troubled by them. Still effective today she said, face them head on, do not feel fear and kept them at a distance with bolt of light if need be.

From my experience demon built a slow relation with infant, coming in as imaginary friend ( Gaby was maybe 4 or 5 when she first told my wife about it ) they slowly establish a psychic link with there victim. The more accepted and lengthy the relation may determine the strength of the psychic bond and the power to connect and send message or it could just have been a psychic projection or beaming. What I don't know to this day, is the why they wanted to have me and my wife dead. Was it to ruin my daughter life or was it because we are some treat to them. Will probably never know. All I know, is that we faced many attack me and my daughter since then and some were much more dangerous and subtle and came dangerously close to have tragic consequence. But as I like to say now, bring it on, as I guess a warrior learn more about fighting when on the battle field doing battle.

Maybe my daughter character helped as well, she as a strong will and always determined and disciplined to do her best in everything. At the time she was practicing karate as well (got her black belt at 12) and she trusted her father. What can I say, maybe we were lucky and it was not as severe as it seem. All I can say is, knowledge protect.
After reading your story Laurentien I've recalled an episode that happened around 2008. I remember that on that night i've slept terrible, feeling like under an unexplained heavy pressure that was about to crush me, never in my life I felt that way.

In the morning my brother, one year younger than me, told me that he felt very distressed during that night, feeling a strong impulse to take a knife and kill me. With a distressed voice he was recalling that at some point during the night he was about to wake me up asking me to tie him up because he was worried that he won't be able to resist to the unexplained strange impulse to kill.

That was a pretty bizarre episode that I still recall from time to time. One year later I've found Laura's work and the forum.
It's always a pleasure to read the transcript of the Cs sessions finding Ark scientific questions as a Christmas gift :)

We are then led to reread the sessions and answers for which we thought we had extracted the information, are revealed from another angle with a new awareness: we could be disappointed by an answer because we're expecting a certain answer (a priori 3D) or find the answer incomplete and we realize, after multiple readings, that the answer or even a central clue is a few paragraphs further through the answer to another question but that our frozen 3D mind had made it invisible to us.
It would be nice to see new sessions appear whose central theme would be that of mathematics and physics (like that of May 27, 1995). I am aware that it's work to put this in place because it requires asking questions that we have sweated over for the answer of the Cs to come to nourish and awaken our spirit to go further in exploration.
And that requires asking precise questions in the right way because, as the Cs reminded us, a well-posed question is already partially answered. At my humble level, I will do my best to participate in this impulse and help Arkie to obtain the famous answers to which he also aspires so much.

The questions asked by Arkie are always fine tuned ! Wyler's constant can hide nice treasures about the structure of 3D reality and open on that of 4D with a more fluid mathematical look. This is what I've been working on for a few years by reading, re-reading the Cs sessions again and again to set up a dynamic in my mind that is not the one we all know in 3D. And it's by continuing to welcome this new dynamic, this movement within our minds that what seemed impossible begins to become possible!
So to support Arkie getting answers to his scientific questions or even to set up, from time to time, Cs sessions centered on maths and physics, I share with you some elements of reflection resulting from hours and hours of reflection, of meditation in order to get out of the shackles of 3D and to open up to the reality, first, of 4D. Some live this exploration, this adventure of consciousness, this awakeness, in another way, as for Arkie and me, it's through maths and physics.
Here, you will find a few contributions from the last years. And, the latest one, in a new series to move forward on the journey.

I hope this can help Arkie in his scientific thoughts even if we are looking for the same goal, in the same scientifc way, by different paths. That's what's funny, isn't it? :)

Can't wait the new Cs session!

With Love and Light,
For the past week, I have, like many here, been affected by this session more than any so far. I have wanted to post my thoughts but didn't know exactly what to say. So here is a bit of it. As I posted on another thread, rather than feeling drained, this seemed like a "call to attention" for me. Also, my thoughts immediately wrapped around the C's answer for the question: "what can we do to prepare?" (for the rocky time ahead). I contemplated the answer given: "All instructions given up to present may be reviewed"....thinking, "ok, good! All I need to do is gather it all up and work towards filling in the gaps and integrating it." Well, soon it seemed like my brain had hundreds of 'sticky notes' posted everywhere but they all were randomly falling off and landing in a pile with no chance of gaining any helpful access or organization for my plan to review all I have learned.

So, after several "ADD" kinda days, I picked up the book, "Bringers of the Dawn" again, which because it matches up to much of what the C's have said, but is presented in a fluffier kind of narrative form, often relaxes my mind. I think it is because it speaks my language when my mind goes in too many directions at once. Suggesting that there is a "job" that I signed up for, being a potential keeper of frequency, rising up to a certain place of knowledge and consistently staying there, coded with information, systems buster, transducer of energy, etc. seems to "click in" and resonate, each time I read it. It gives me a boost and a reminder of built in strengths we have that can be accessed and nurtured. Somewhere deep inside it feels like I do know how to do it, have done it before and all I need to do is trust it, open up to be be an impersonal vehicle for the light to work through. In order to do all that in reality, of course, is a task that has been admittedly bumpy and difficult to sustain as a human within an STS frequency fence. I have grand moments and then other times that I get sucked into drama, feel depressed or in fear at the state of things or just forget. However, once the spark is awakened it wants to burn brighter. There definitely is an inner force that continually nudges forward but at the same time it seems my learning goes at a snails pace, especially noticable when it seems we are down to the wire.

Some say that a children's story that made an impact on a person as a child is one to examine as an adult as a symbolic message of self to self. One that stands out for me is about a squirrel who was so busy day dreaming and just having fun he ignored the warnings of the others to gather enough nuts to store for the harsh winter ahead. He had to learn the hard way after not paying attention to advice and reality, not taking the action needed in right timing to survive. I think the other squirrels shared with him in the end so he could survive, so he fared well but had to learn the hard way. I do remember the impact the story had on me as a little kid at the time. So, jumping ahead to present day...I know I have been gathering my nuts but now I am wondering where I put them and can I access them when needed?

And one more thought...I also think the discussion on this thread so far has been one of the most empowering and intelligent conversations yet. It really does seem like growth has happened amongst us as well as cohesiveness and sense of purpose. You all provide so many individual and varied ways of seeing things that I bet it is a beautiful tapestry of many colors and textures when viewed on the inner. Reading all the different ways of expressing thoughts and opinions and awareness from the recent session has been both a fascination and a joy. It gives me faith. Let's stick together and keep it up!
A great session is one that you go back to re-read a dozen times over, this was one of them as I think I’m in the twenties now in reviews. You get pieces and thoughts that follow.

This last time I got stuck on the fact that our government currently has the ability to generate an earthquake but do not because of the problem with further quakes and chain reactions.

I am putting that together with a sequence list of earthquakes to nearby cities that the C’s gave in an early session. I consider this to be a chain reaction, don’t you?

Now I live in California, the US’s second most shaking state. (First is Alaska) And I have a little worry about what is to happen when this chain reaction goes off. I certainly write about it enough.

Now I brought you down this road to ask a simple question. ‘What if our government tests this device on us and it hits Hollister, the trigger of this chain reaction’.

This would be a reason that the C’s gave us this listing in the first place, it was written already and unchanged so far, in our future. I am thinking of one incredibly perfect shot or series of shots.

Hang on, Haiku …
Thanks for the session 🙏

Q: (Ark) Will this be a hybrid: artificial intelligence with human DNA?

A: Humans wish to do that, but that will not be the outcome since the necessary technological infrastructure will collapse.

Just read this a few minutes before and that reminds me a lot of what they once commented that pc's were going to show some sort of "soul print" or something like that. They publicly talk about focusing only on "power consumption", but there sure is a lot more involved in all that. This is not neural network through artificial intelligence, it is already joining human and technology.

Plan unveiled to develop 'biocomputers' that run on human brain cells

"Biocomputing is a huge effort to reduce computing power and increase its efficiency to overcome our current technological limits."
Hartung said that his team can use this lab-grown tissue to do things “you cannot ethically do with human brains.
I’d like to emphasise that whether we survive and Live On is up to us:
Q: (irjO) Are we part of that 6% left?

(L) Oh God, I can see it coming...

A: Up to you!

I notice quite often we can feel somewhat helpless and that we will just do our best and hope to survive but that it is out of our control. I don’t think it is, I used to feel the same…a bit helpless and just needing to accept what ever may come. The Cs response above and in previous sessions have given strong indications that we need to make that decision for ourselves. If we want to live and continue with this incarnated experience of learning at this amazing point in our timeline then we choose that. And when we do we open ourselves to receiving the knowledge in how this can be achieved. In choosing life we must commit to this decision by acting on our knowledge.

We haven’t come this far to fail ourselves now.
As a kid I loved these John Denver lyrics:
I want to live I want to grow
I want to see I want to know
I want to share what I can give
I want to be I want to live
These last couple of days, the phrase "Do not lose heart" has been playing in the back of my mind. When I paid attention to it, I realized that I too felt, not depression, but sadness, after the last session, about all the suffering and pain that I might live to witness happening in the world.

Then I thought that this phrase was something the C's said, and I did a search and found it:

But then I went and read the entire session and the following part stood out. Note that this exchange took place on the 4th of July 2015! It takes a whole new meaning reading it now. For all of you who might need it:

So our participation and sharing here and the projects within our smaller FOTCM community is one way of "do all you can". For ourselves and for each other. Like some of you, sometimes I feel I am not smart enough, don’t know enough, have nothing to add, or I have a hard time finding the words to say something, or all it’s been said already… but perhaps, all we ever have is the uniqueness of our individual perspective and our voice. And when we put it forth together, we create something bigger than ourselves, maybe we get a bit closer to becoming "ourselves in the future who will bridge the gab". Whatever happens later, if it's in us, we will help wherever needed, whether while embodied or from 5D. But here, now, is our best training ground for it, I think, and it's all we have. And this connection we have been creating with each other will make what is to come more bearable. Like when the whole covid thing started, and the whole world was losing its marbles, but we kept quite calm and rational considering the circumstances. We can do it again 💪
I remember that message "do not lose heart" from the day I read it and have reminded myself of it often. I was in a rather dark place at that time in life and I needed to read that at just that time. I've written down this message as well as other inspirational messages from previous sessions in my copy of "Life is Religion" should the day come when this forum isn't accessible.
For the past week, I have, like many here, been affected by this session more than any so far. I have wanted to post my thoughts but didn't know exactly what to say. So here is a bit of it. As I posted on another thread, rather than feeling drained, this seemed like a "call to attention" for me. Also, my thoughts immediately wrapped around the C's answer for the question: "what can we do to prepare?" (for the rocky time ahead). I contemplated the answer given: "All instructions given up to present may be reviewed"....thinking, "ok, good! All I need to do is gather it all up and work towards filling in the gaps and integrating it." Well, soon it seemed like my brain had hundreds of 'sticky notes' posted everywhere but they all were randomly falling off and landing in a pile with no chance of gaining any helpful access or organization for my plan to review all I have learned.

So, after several "ADD" kinda days, I picked up the book, "Bringers of the Dawn" again, which because it matches up to much of what the C's have said, but is presented in a fluffier kind of narrative form, often relaxes my mind. I think it is because it speaks my language when my mind goes in too many directions at once. Suggesting that there is a "job" that I signed up for, being a potential keeper of frequency, rising up to a certain place of knowledge and consistently staying there, coded with information, systems buster, transducer of energy, etc. seems to "click in" and resonate, each time I read it. It gives me a boost and a reminder of built in strengths we have that can be accessed and nurtured. Somewhere deep inside it feels like I do know how to do it, have done it before and all I need to do is trust it, open up to be be an impersonal vehicle for the light to work through. In order to do all that in reality, of course, is a task that has been admittedly bumpy and difficult to sustain as a human within an STS frequency fence. I have grand moments and then other times that I get sucked into drama, feel depressed or in fear at the state of things or just forget. However, once the spark is awakened it wants to burn brighter. There definitely is an inner force that continually nudges forward but at the same time it seems my learning goes at a snails pace, especially noticable when it seems we are down to the wire.

Some say that a children's story that made an impact on a person as a child is one to examine as an adult as a symbolic message of self to self. One that stands out for me is about a squirrel who was so busy day dreaming and just having fun he ignored the warnings of the others to gather enough nuts to store for the harsh winter ahead. He had to learn the hard way after not paying attention to advice and reality, not taking the action needed in right timing to survive. I think the other squirrels shared with him in the end so he could survive, so he fared well but had to learn the hard way. I do remember the impact the story had on me as a little kid at the time. So, jumping ahead to present day...I know I have been gathering my nuts but now I am wondering where I put them and can I access them when needed?

And one more thought...I also think the discussion on this thread so far has been one of the most empowering and intelligent conversations yet. It really does seem like growth has happened amongst us as well as cohesiveness and sense of purpose. You all provide so many individual and varied ways of seeing things that I bet it is a beautiful tapestry of many colors and textures when viewed on the inner. Reading all the different ways of expressing thoughts and opinions and awareness from the recent session has been both a fascination and a joy. It gives me faith. Let's stick together and keep it up!
There's a lot here that I resonate with, thank you for your shares.

You asked, "what can we do to prepare?" For me, I have done everything possible in the physical realm within the means that I have available - for my limited 3D mindset. I have food; I have energy; I have books; I have water and water filters and ways to protect myself etc. I am always researching useful ideas, considering potential scenarios, and picking up items that I think will help get me and others through whatever I have thought about once things get "rocky." I will continue to prepare for whatever comes my way, even knowing that I can never truly be fully prepared for all situations because at our level, all things are "open."

But I do it anyway. It's my nature. And: I have never done this for only myself.

So, now I have all of this "stuff" and have researched ways to deploy it for maximum efficiency for the most people possible, even hoping that those who would most greatly appreciate it are my own family members. Recently I discovered that this not the case. OK, so now I've let go, and let God.

But now as I read your squirrel analogy, it kind of reached me in a different way. Here, I've done the "work" of preparation. I'm ready to help other squirrels when the time comes. And with right timing and luck, I will be able to do so, God willing.

But then, I had this other thought: if this area becomes one under assault by fire or flood or earthquake or whatever and I am forced out with nothing but the clothes on my back...what will I have within myself to help others? Especially if I have nothing left to physically offer?

At that point what truly matters is who I AM in this moment and not what I have. Do I have enough knowledge and ability within myself to make a difference even if I own nothing, and am among others who are in the same boat? Can I do enough just from what I have learned to not only earn my way, but to also help others find and help themselves?

THAT is what I am working on now. Because if things get as bad as we've been told they can get, not one single person alone is going to be able to save the world, let alone their immediate clan. It's going to take a bunch of mentally and spiritually prepared people to get through, as well as the spirit of true cooperation and teamwork.
Thank you all for the session and your amazing questions.
We are all still alive and kicking marching towards what seems to be the most challenging future ahead for mankind. I hope our 5th density brothers and sisters will be able to guide us through the end of this grand cycle. May we pave the way to a brighter future one day at a time.
Over the years I've thought many times about something the C's said which is "we are ALWAYS connected to 5d". That statement significantly changed my understanding of things. The connection to family members, guides and help is already here, right now but one has to ask. The response can be immediate sometimes. :-) This has been very helpful to me.
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Regarding being in 5D and simultaneously incarnating in 3D.
I had an experience about 2 months ago while trying to meditate:
I saw the inside of a castle or palace and there were people dressed like monks, wearing hooded robes and standing around something that looked like a hazy ball of energy and I understood that it was a 3D universe.
While the "monks" were standing around this phenomenon like this, a man was sitting leaning and looked like he was meditating.
And it occurred to me that he was just experiencing life in some other reality and it lasted 10 minutes, while his consciousness was staying there and experiencing for a very long time and , that in this way this being was fixing something inside himself.
I took it as a mere fantasy until I read this session for the umpteenth time.
I found it interesting.
I hesitated to write about it but when I was reminded of it quite clearly today I decided that I would.
I really like fantasy worlds and maybe it's just my imagination.
But now as I read your squirrel analogy, it kind of reached me in a different way. Here, I've done the "work" of preparation. I'm ready to help other squirrels when the time comes. And with right timing and luck, I will be able to do so, God willing.

But then, I had this other thought: if this area becomes one under assault by fire or flood or earthquake or whatever and I am forced out with nothing but the clothes on my back...what will I have within myself to help others? Especially if I have nothing left to physically offer?
A few years ago, I started hoarding food and water with the little financial means at my disposal, in my cellar. (I have little space in my small house). The cellar is not very big and houses the boiler and two fuel tanks.

Shortly after, we suffered the only flood to date at home. There is no river nearby, but intense rains have raised the water table. In addition to the deterioration of the boiler, which was partly reimbursed by the insurance, most of the stocks were destroyed.

Although I thought then maybe it was an attack of another level to deter me from preparing for the worst or to test my resolve, I ultimately took it for a sign of the uselessness of preparing myself from a materialistic point of view. Not that I disapprove of the idea, on the contrary, but only that I find it futile and even harmful to worry about it when you can't afford it.
I therefore concluded that the best preparation had to be done at the psychological level, which was however already obvious. And come what may for the physical side.

That doesn't stop me from having a water filter, a few lighters and candles, and a full freezer most of the time.
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