"Project SERPO" story: HOAX
Now, regarding my recent exchanges with Bill Ryan, here are the most recent emails pasted in below. As we left the story, Ryan had written to us on March 2nd. We didn't reply. After a week, an email arrived in which it seemed that Bill Ryan was trying to agitate us to do something vis a vis ATS or to take his side or something. He gives it away in the first paragraph.
We discussed it here and it was suggested that I maybe this information was important and I ought not to reject it out of hand. So I wrote back:
As you can see, this email suggests that this attorney is the one behind the Project SERPO thing and that he and the ATS Amigos are the ones writing all the so-called statements and basically creating the whole story. Notice the smarminess of the alleged Victor Martinez email that the atty includes. It suggests that Victor is ready and waiting to present the "Black Friday" statement with some glee and that the whole operation is just a big game for a bunch of slimeballs. The question is, of course, is this "big expose" of an email even legit?
If it was, it just confirmed my opinion that ATS was behind the whole thing. If it wasn't, it also tended to confirm my opinion that ATS was up to something in this SERPO Tar Baby operation. What I wasn't sure of was whether or not Bill Ryan was part of the hoax from the git-go. I suspected he was, but decided to "test" him. The first part of the test was to just tell him straight out that SERPO was a hoax.
Well, he had a point with that one. Thing is, it just seemed that he wanted ME to do something, to grab hold of the Tar Baby. So, I set up the rest of the "test." I told him there was nothing we could do that it was his problem, that if he was really worried about any of this he ought to just publish the whole backstory, including the image of the email from the alleged ATS atty, and be done with it. I told him that as soon as he published it let me know and I might make a comment on it in my blog.
Then the subject turned to a short discussion of other people. He asked me if I knew anything about Val Hall, supposed to be Mark Allin's wife. He declared that her posts were just EVIL. I've never read any of them but a couple of our researchers have and I received a report (with documentation) that Val Hall works for Halliburton in some capacity. I wasn't surprised. It's all an incestuous.
Finally, there was the discussion about David Icke where I made my position quite clear. He mentioned that ATS had recently "amalgamated" David Icke's discussion board into their COINTELPRO family of websites. I thought that was interesting. And then, of course, a day or two after this conversation, a link to our podcasts appeared on David Icke's discussion board. Coincidence? I think not. For me, it's the smoking gun that Bill Ryan is definitely in kahoots with ATS and gang and the whole thing is a big Tar Baby.
Then, there is a last email from Bill Ryan; another attempt to provoke something:
Now, regarding my recent exchanges with Bill Ryan, here are the most recent emails pasted in below. As we left the story, Ryan had written to us on March 2nd. We didn't reply. After a week, an email arrived in which it seemed that Bill Ryan was trying to agitate us to do something vis a vis ATS or to take his side or something. He gives it away in the first paragraph.
We didn't take the bait. Three days went by and then this next one:Date sent: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 14:14:06 +0000
Subject: More on ATS (continued)
From: Bill Ryan <bill.ryan@virgin.net>
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Copies to: SOTT
Hi, Laura, Ark
A brief update: no need to reply if you are busy. But if I may, I¹d like to
keep you in the loop as the ATS saga rolls on, in case anything occurs which
is of value to your own enquiries.
I¹ve been told on good authority by someone who¹s likely to know what
they¹re talking about, and who wouldn¹t be deceitful (who asked that I¹d
never mention his name in connection with this, but whose name you would
know) that Val Hall set up the projectserpo.org site... and also was the
person who sent the anonymous abusive-threatening fakemail I forwarded to
you earlier.
I¹m now increasingly sure that there is an orchestrated campaign against me
and Serpo which goes beyond the venom of a few individuals. This is
orchestrated and deliberate.
Among the things that dawned on me from my attendance last week at the
Laughlin UFO Congress was that I was greeted with almost universal
appreciation and interest. That quite surprised me, as I¹d been braced for
criticism. But there was none WHATSOEVER. Furthermore, there was barely any
antagonism on the messages from the Serpo.org website contact form, which I
picked up yesterday (ten days¹ worth) all at once. The trashing is only from
a small minority who very badly want to create the perception that ³everyone
thinks Serpo is a hoax² and that ³everyone knows Bill Ryan is a liar² (etc).
This ³general perception² does not exist... but someone¹s certainly working
very hard to create it.
Best wishes to you both, Bill
Fact is, I really wasn't interested. The game was, by now, so transparent that I had no real interest in talking to the guy and I really wasn't interested in "hard information" on ATS. I mean, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck, right? I don't need anymore and it's not my job to go out there and flame ATS or launch some kind of campaign. We considered it to be quite enough to just defend ourselves from them and once that was done, leave it alone.Date sent: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 13:11:59 +0000
Subject: ATS
From: Bill Ryan <bill.ryan@virgin.net>
To: Arkadiusz Jadczyk, Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Hi, Laura, Ark -
I have some hard information on the activities of ATS.
I want to get this out, but do not want to be associated with this myself.
It would cause large waves.
I¹d like to talk with you on the phone (not e-mail) - would this be secure?
When might be a good time? I¹m in the UK now and this week.
Best wishes, Bill
We discussed it here and it was suggested that I maybe this information was important and I ought not to reject it out of hand. So I wrote back:
An email shot back pretty quick from Bill as follows:From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: Bill Ryan <bill.ryan@virgin.net>
Subject: Re: ATS
Copies to: SOTT
Date sent: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 16:35:56 +0100
On 12 Mar 2006, at 13:11, Bill Ryan wrote:
> I have some hard information on the activities of ATS.
Does it come with documentation?
> I want to get this out, but do not want to be associated with this myself. It
> would cause large waves.
Can't do anything if there is no documentation. Otherwise, it is just "he
said/she said." Still, I would be interested in hearing about it.
> I¹d like to talk with you on the phone (not e-mail) - would this be secure?
It's as secure as anyone's phone is I suppose. That's not saying much!
> When might be a good time? I¹m in the UK now and this week.
Evenings are good - between 8 and 9. If that's okay, I'll give you a call
about then.
Attached to this email was the "shocking proof" of the perfidy of ATS and the gang: an email alleged to be from the ATS atty to the ATS "Amigos." Yes, I checked the email of the alleged sender and it IS an attorney in the US in the Washington area, but I am going to remove his name and email address anyway. If he is an innocent party, it would be libelous and defmatory to associate him with ATS without more evidence.Date sent: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 18:52:07 +0000
Subject: Re: ATS
From: Bill Ryan <bill.ryan@virgin.net>
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Hi, Laura many thanks.
> Does it come with documentation?
Yes. 100% Rock solid. An E-mail from Wayne Jaeschke, the ATS lawyer. A
smoking gun forwarded by good friends in Wayne¹s loop who could no longer
tolerate seeing what was happening.
An image is attached. Please DO NOT do anything with this yet until we¹ve
spoken... I¹d like to talk it through with you carefully. Considerable
intelligence and care may be needed. (As you will appreciate from your own
various experiences :) )
Context may also needed, hence the phone call. To do with Serpo... I don¹t
know how much up to date you are. The essentials are these:
1) Victor was contacted by an anonymous DIA source in November and December
and received UFO disclosure information from him, which Victor released.
2) There was then a hiatus and the releases stopped. On 24 January, the
information continued, now being released via me. Victor had been dropped.
3) In February, Victor was re-contacted by his source, who explained that
my source was an impostor and instructed Victor to make a public statement
(a) discrediting me, and (b) that all information ever posted by me was to
be discarded and ignored as false.
4) The statement, written by Wayne and sent to Victor with instructions
that he should post it, was dubbed by Wayne the ³Black Friday statement².
Victor was going to post it but was persuaded not to by a senior source
within the intelligence community whom he respects (who is a good man and an
ally). Nevertheless, Victor still streamed to his list on 10 March an
announcement with the subject ³Project SERPO²: A new posting from Anonymous
came from an IMPOSTER!
5) I am told that Victor now knows the truth of this (as of a couple of
days ago). He has made no announcement and I have not heard from yet.
I have documentation showing incontrovertibly that Victor¹s new source was
Wayne Jaeschke, masquerading as Victor¹s DIA informant. Wayne¹s purpose was
to (a) destroy the release of the Serpo information, and (b) destroy me.
You¹ll be aware that this plan is already well in harness on the various ATS
threads at the moment.
Re a call, can you call my landline *****? Many thanks. My
cellphone may be compromised. Few people know of my landline (I rarely use
it as I¹m rarely here)!
Best to you both, Bill

As you can see, this email suggests that this attorney is the one behind the Project SERPO thing and that he and the ATS Amigos are the ones writing all the so-called statements and basically creating the whole story. Notice the smarminess of the alleged Victor Martinez email that the atty includes. It suggests that Victor is ready and waiting to present the "Black Friday" statement with some glee and that the whole operation is just a big game for a bunch of slimeballs. The question is, of course, is this "big expose" of an email even legit?
If it was, it just confirmed my opinion that ATS was behind the whole thing. If it wasn't, it also tended to confirm my opinion that ATS was up to something in this SERPO Tar Baby operation. What I wasn't sure of was whether or not Bill Ryan was part of the hoax from the git-go. I suspected he was, but decided to "test" him. The first part of the test was to just tell him straight out that SERPO was a hoax.
After this, I called and the conversation I already reported took place in which Bill Ryan just played the part of the innocent UFO dabbler who had read a few books, was on Victor Martinez's political list, and just for no reason at all, Martinez picked him to get involved in the SERPO project. Ryan said that he was some kind of corporate motivational trainer and that raised red flags, but otherwise, there was nothing remarkable about him except is unremarkableness. That raised red flags. I also told him several times - even pressing the issue - that he ought to write a BIG disclaimer for the SERPO site and say that he had no way of confirming any of the material, he was just publishing it because it was fun or interesting to read. He resisted this suggestion repeating over and over again that even if it was a hoax, ATS had no right to try to destroy him over it.From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: Bill Ryan <bill.ryan@virgin.net>
Subject: Re: ATS
Date sent: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 20:08:55 +0100
On 12 Mar 2006, at 18:52, Bill Ryan wrote:
> I have documentation showing incontrovertibly that Victor¹s new source was
> Wayne Jaeschke, masquerading as Victor¹s DIA informant. Wayne¹s purpose was
> to (a) destroy the release of the Serpo information, and (b) destroy me.
> You¹ll be aware that this plan is already well in harness on the various ATS
> threads at the moment.
All I can say about the Project Serpo thing is that, based on 14 years
experience researching and 30 years as a hypnotherapist, the Project Serpo
stuff is disinfo. That is, some truth with a lot of BS. It is designed to
have certain elements that can easily be exposed so that the true parts
(probably unsavory) will also be debunked.
Just think of how Bush's AWOL records from the national guard were handled
by Karl Rove. Exact same process.
If I were you, I'd put a lot of explanations about the process of how you
get the info and distance yourself from it and maybe even put a disclaimer
up saying that you suspect it to be disinfo and why, but here it is anyway
for researchers to analyze.
Will call in a bit.
Well, he had a point with that one. Thing is, it just seemed that he wanted ME to do something, to grab hold of the Tar Baby. So, I set up the rest of the "test." I told him there was nothing we could do that it was his problem, that if he was really worried about any of this he ought to just publish the whole backstory, including the image of the email from the alleged ATS atty, and be done with it. I told him that as soon as he published it let me know and I might make a comment on it in my blog.
Then the subject turned to a short discussion of other people. He asked me if I knew anything about Val Hall, supposed to be Mark Allin's wife. He declared that her posts were just EVIL. I've never read any of them but a couple of our researchers have and I received a report (with documentation) that Val Hall works for Halliburton in some capacity. I wasn't surprised. It's all an incestuous.
Finally, there was the discussion about David Icke where I made my position quite clear. He mentioned that ATS had recently "amalgamated" David Icke's discussion board into their COINTELPRO family of websites. I thought that was interesting. And then, of course, a day or two after this conversation, a link to our podcasts appeared on David Icke's discussion board. Coincidence? I think not. For me, it's the smoking gun that Bill Ryan is definitely in kahoots with ATS and gang and the whole thing is a big Tar Baby.
Then, there is a last email from Bill Ryan; another attempt to provoke something:
It just looks like Ryan wants to associate himself with us; wants us to take up the fight on his behalf or something. For that reason, I'm putting it all on the record here.Date sent: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:38:11 +0000
Subject: The source of the fake mails
From: Bill Ryan <bill.ryan@virgin.net>
To: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Hi, Laura -
Just as an update for you, after a complaint to sharpmail (the fake mail
providers), we¹ve found that the mail was sent by one **** ****, who lives in
New Zealand.
Further research has shown that **** *** posts on ATS as ***** ... and
that (significantly!) he is the second member ever to have registered at ATS
the first being Simon Gray himself. *** is not an admin or moderator, but
clearly he¹s shoulder-to-shoulder with the core team there. That¹s how come
he knew about the debunking serpo.org site (five hours after it was
registered) and it¹s inconceivable that the others at ATS did not know what
he had done.
With best wishes, Bill