Thank you for posting that, hlat! You know, a former colleague once told me that she didn't recognize her mother anymore (severe dementia) and already said her goodbyes (even though she was still alive). But if I'm understanding the session correctly, the soul is still there, but "embedded" in the body as Laura said. It is near the passing of the body that the soul has a window to come through. Which means that while the personality (and memories) that we're used to fades in a loved one suffering from dementia, it doesn't mean the person we are familiar with isn't there anymore!
I'd read a book some time ago written by a woman about her father who got dementia, and how there were short moments where he 'returned' to normal, very short moments, and I wonder if that may be an indication that the soul of the person with dementia hasn't left, it's still there.
On the topic of mediums, perhaps the following info will be interesting to some. So, over the years, I'd watch a clip from a medium here and there, and based on what I've seen, two mediums who I think seem legit are John Edward and Matt Fraser. They both say they can communicate with those who passed over. They both say they receive information in the way of symbols, and images (sometimes hearing words or phrases). Matt Fraser appears a bit more receptive (I think) as he claims he can sometimes see those who passed.
Either way, their way of communication with those who've passed sounds very interesting, and it may be a form of telepathic communication. It is also interesting that while John thinks there is reincarnation, Matt thinks the afterlife is heaven. Even though they both have a similar ability, they both see the afterlife a little bit differently. Interesting is that Matt describes the afterlife as a big family gathering. When people are about to pass, they see their family members, sometimes people they've never met (such as a great grandfather). I've never met my grandmother, but my mom told me that when she was dying, she told my mother that she saw a bus arriving with all her relatives in it, who were waving at her and welcoming her. Does sound like a family gathering!
Both mediums also sometimes see/sense animals, such as horses, dogs, and cats (connected to certain people; depending on the strength of their bond).
They say we can still talk to our relatives who have passed away, and that in some cases they can communicate with us via our dreams. Matt once mentioned that the personality of someone who's passed remains the same. If they're very teasy here, they can still be in the afterlife!
On the topic of suicide, which was briefly discussed in this thread, here's what John
said: "After 28 years of doing this, I will tell people all the time, suicide is never the answer, and the reason why suicide is never the answer, is very simple: We end our opportunity of learning and evolving here, and it just gets harder when we're there, so we don't escape anything. So, I tell people: Hang on, and do what you have to do."
Of course, especially John, gets criticism with some people saying he's a fraud, but considering information from the C's regarding 5th density (and reincarnation) and this thread, I'd say he's pretty legit, but I could be wrong of course. Matt is pretty young and he's a fast talker, information just comes out of him, I think it's pretty fascinating. Again, I could be wrong about both of them!
Perhaps also interesting: I had a conversation with a lady who gave me a skin treatment several months ago. We at some point arrived at the topic of spirits, and she said that after her grandfather died, light bulbs in her apartment would go out, they'd break and she kept having to replace them. Someone told her it was likely her grandfather. When she realized that, the light bulb thingy stopped. I wonder if this was an attempt by her grandfather to let her know that he's still around.
Maybe the following is also worth sharing. A story shared by my colleague: Her grandmother loved pinching people, it was her way of showing affection, in a teasy way. The night after her grandmother passed, my colleague told me she felt someone pinching her in her arm and it woke her up. In the morning she told her mom about her experience, and her mom said she experienced the exact same thing! We both thought it was interesting.