Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. Chetofloj

    Predictions and Prophecies

    ...(especially Freemasonry) who want to align and create a figure using mechanisms of a consumerist format of videos, magazines and "a lot of propaganda." "to make him "popular", a leader a "messianic character" and all that the New World Order sells, that is, lies and more lies that are...
  2. Puma

    Predictions and Prophecies

    Hi Chetofloj Many in Argentina think that the "Gray man" is the President Milei. I already commented on that prophecy in a previous post. If you like, you can tell us your theory on why you think it has not yet appeared. Hi Heinrich Yes, it is very interesting. I saw a video where they...
  3. T

    Analysis of information, propaganda, and elements of programming

    ...of fact-checkers This is a slight detour, but it is necessary. In the previous post, I quoted excerpts from Fine-Grained Analysis of Propaganda in News Articles. Their article used a selection of articles evaluated by a company Media Bias/Fact Check. On their about page they say: IFCN was...
  4. Chetofloj

    Predictions and Prophecies some "the Nostredamus of America" and there is a figure that has become very popular and in recent times that has caused a lot of propaganda as well as interests of those who want to hang or attribute themselves to that figure that certainly for me has not yet appeared is the psychography...
  5. luc

    2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

    ...You must resent your position quite deeply. Which brings us to the third type: One effect of the Lobby is that Israel sells a whole neat propaganda package that absolves you from all of it, and the 3rd type buys it whole. They choose to believe it, which allows them to ignore reality and not...
  6. T

    Analysis of information, propaganda, and elements of programming

    A little about propaganda techniques A page that calls itself the Propaganda Analysis Project has a copy of this article; Fine-Grained Analysis of Propaganda in News Articles, [but find also a copy here]. written by a team of authors: Giovanni Da San Martino, Seunghak Yu, Alberto Barrón-Cedeño...
  7. Palinurus

    Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Crashes in Ukraine

    They are purposely and actively blinded by continuous propaganda and the withholding of almost all relevant information about the true course of events - despite the appeal to the Government in Parliament. There are only a handful of people who did their own research to reach a different...
  8. ScioAgapeOmnis

    Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

    I don’t think we can assume how anyone may react (or not react) in a tense situation. Outside of dancing Israelis type of thing, people don’t freak out “on cue” like in movies. Some people shut down and do nothing, others whip out their phone because they are so used to whistling past the...
  9. fifty_five

    Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

    ...the problem is identified in a hormonally overweight woman speaks volumes about the short sightedness of those who manipulate for futile propaganda goals. Full of women who do this job very well, which requires absolute clarity, perfect timing and perfect synchronization of the hemispheres...
  10. Thomas

    Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

    I think you're on to something. People are saying if the PTB want Trump dead, then he would be dead. Well, I think they do want him dead but maybe they're bound by some rule and can't have him killed. At least not yet. Perhaps this rogue element got impatient and blinded by wishful thinking...
  11. hlat

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    The Kremlin is calling it fantasy.
  12. Ryan

    Failed Trump Assassination Attempt they are disposed of and 'order is restored'. Which suggests that the attempt was not 'sanctioned' by the full deep state apparatus, so we may see an exponential increase in propaganda reinforcing the narrative that Biden must be urgently persuaded to step down, or 'removed' if necessary.
  13. J

    Failed Trump Assassination Attempt vaccine and he is pro Israel however, no man is just. It's not too far fetched to think that Trump is a mostly normal guy. He grew up with the vaccine propaganda afterall and even Jordan Peterson is pro Israel and pro religion - something that Peterson's decade ago would has seen right...
  14. Metrist

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I was wondering why they would put out this article... but yes, of course it's propaganda. It reminds me of terrorist coverage in the news, where the media claims that the terrorists will target innocent people - it's like they broadcast vulnerabilities in order to deflect the threat against...
  15. T

    Analysis of information, propaganda, and elements of programming

    Recently I saw the word propaganda appearing in the thread =53042&o=date']Yugoslavia - What Really Happened Before I decided to make a thread about the topic, I looked it up the Forum in =1&o=date']title, and everywhere, but everywhere on its own gives a limited overview because there are so...
  16. Ina

    Session 6 July 2024 is very much possible. If that hit is big enough, will achieve a ‘win’ for the west, prop the dollar, and with the help of the media propaganda, the fabricated retaliatory threats will justify the postponement of elections. Imho, what is going on has nothing to do with Russia but with the...
  17. hlat

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    So it's propaganda against Russia?
  18. luc

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    It's tragic, the forces that aligned against him first broke him, then they used him relentlessly for propaganda. Didn't he have this Chinese "dissident" girl on at some point? The list keeps growing. He was always a boomer (boomers gonna boomer), but he used to be a boomer with some warrior...
  19. iamthatis

    Uprising in Sri Lanka

    There's a new film out that claims Vandana Shiva is on board with the depopulation agenda. I haven't seen it yet, but it looks like she's pushing for a 'Sri Lanka everywhere' plan to end industrial agriculture by 2030. Matthew Ehret wrote a review...
  20. Y

    Events in Russia

    I have already apologized here before for publishing news about "independent" Georgia in a thread about Russia, which, in fact, "independent" Georgians may categorically dislike. However, the following news just shows the need for quotation marks to the word independence in relation to Georgia...
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