2010 Crop Circles

Vulcan59 said:
There seems to be another one reported in the UK for 31st May. - Source. No further details available for the time being.


Could have done that one myself! :wizard: :ninja: :D
Beautiful! Looks like a flower, but also, it seems to signify a movement of the outer disc/sphere/circle around the inner one...
[quote author=Vulcan59]
A new CC reported in the UK on 2nd June. - Source.



My first impression was of a cartoonish picture of a person (raising their arms) with joy radiating from their heart chakra. Maybe the big round 'belly' is from all the EE they've been doing :P

EDIT: Grammar
XPreNN said:
Beautiful! Looks like a flower, but also, it seems to signify a movement of the outer disc/sphere/circle around the inner one...
Yes.. a clock circle! :D

XPreNN said:
Excellent! 12 hours, 12 months, moon cycles?

Yes, a nice one.
It does resemble the movement of Earth around the Sun (the big outer circle around a central dot), and the moon around Earth.
If so, it's interesting that the moon's orbits overlap, and it's emphasized on the crop circle for some reason...
and here comes one in BEANS :D
and next to a long barrow...there is a theory that long barrows were used as comet shelters in their day(--http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/ba45/ba45feat.html)
Take the numerous long barrows associated with Neolithic sites like Stonehenge. Question: what do they look like from the modern world? Answer: air-raid shelters. Thus, hypothesis for debate: they were air-raid shelters.

What I mean is, imagine that every so often the sky lit up with myriad shooting stars, many large enough to cause percussions shaking the ground (this does happen). You would be able to see the comet-related trail of material approaching in the sky. The long barrows were shelters in which to cower, safe from the terrifying spectacle outside, just as some modern humans hide their heads under the pillow during a lightning storm. If that were your need, what else could you build on Salisbury Plain, given the local materials?

The era of these meteor storms would have been temporary, lasting only through to about 2800BC. Thereafter the interest in the sky was transferred to charting the sun and the moon. The long barrows obtained a revised usage as burial sites, and other barrow forms were developed disconnected from the original purpose.

But eventually the meteor showers came back, with another set of intersections with the Earth starting around 500 BC. Are there any similar `air-raid shelters' dating from that time? Well, yes. The Iron Age fogous (elaborate souterrains with built-up walls capped with flat slab roofs) of southern Britain, and in particular western Cornwall, have long been a mystery. The purpose usually ascribed to them - food storage - hardly warrants the extreme care with which they were constructed, compared to other dwellings of the period.

Taking this further, how do you react when a low-flying aircraft shakes your windows? By shaking your fist at the sky? Would not the Iron Age Britons have done the same thing, metaphorically-speaking? If the gods had come back again and again to wreak havoc, one tactic (good for the morale if nothing else) would have been some fist-shaking, trying to scare off the celestial apparition.

It seems that some of the great White Horses cut in chalk hillsides date from this era, and might be interpreted as a hostile gesture towards the sky. Let me hypothesize that when the Cerne Abbas Giant is properly dated, we will find that it originated in the last half millennium BC. The message it was designed to convey to the unwelcome visitors from above seems unmistakable.

Dr Duncan Steel published his ideas about Stonehenge in more detail in Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilizations (BAR 728, 1998). He is the author of Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets (Wiley, 1995), and two books to be published later this year: Eclipse (Headline) on the history and astronomy of eclipses, and Marking Time (Wiley) on the calendar.

...a hint to get building our own shelters?
rrraven said:

Still no decent aerial shot of it yet but there is a diagram reproduced below. This is the same CC that rraven reported above.

Here's the first photo. According to CCC, this is the first time a formation has appeared at this location.

Crop Circle reported in Wamont, Belgium. CC site doesn't have a good aerial photograph yet. This one below is taken from the news article in French. :)

The article in French explains that the crop circles are several meters in size. They are thought to have no significance and the farmer/owner of the field is angry because of the financial loss of the destroyed crops.

Mod's note: As requested.

I'm sorry, I can't edit my posts yet, I forgot to mention three CCs were reported at the location. (please merge my posts)
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