2010 Crop Circles

Ljubica said:
Yes, vinyl disc saying: 0101010101010101010101....,... ;)

Well, very old disc, impaired by time..., or rats. Very intelligent rats that know the binary code :lol:
gonzorama said:

this one got some masonic symbolism or I´m wrong?

Yes, with the eye in the middle, and all together it's looking like key hole. :huh:
New CC but this one reported in Germany. There is more information about the CC here and it is in German. Appreciate it if members can translate and post relevant information about this CC here. This crop circle was reported on 14th of May but only updated on the CC site on 23rd May.


Seems to me that over the past few years the CC disinfo artists have been organising themselves. Last year there were quite a number of apparently "fake" CC's. Maybe this year we are really gonna have our work cut out for us...
Perceval said:
Seems to me that over the past few years the CC disinfo artists have been organising themselves. Last year there were quite a number of apparently "fake" CC's. Maybe this year we are really gonna have our work cut out for us...

I think you're right, but hopefully, like last year, the real creators will put increasingly complex 'thatching' or weaving of the downed crop in place. I can't even imagine how the disinfo contingent will fake that - so that might help.
anart said:
Perceval said:
Seems to me that over the past few years the CC disinfo artists have been organising themselves. Last year there were quite a number of apparently "fake" CC's. Maybe this year we are really gonna have our work cut out for us...

I think you're right, but hopefully, like last year, the real creators will put increasingly complex 'thatching' or weaving of the downed crop in place. I can't even imagine how the disinfo contingent will fake that - so that might help.

Indeed! Bring on the complexity I say!
i don't know anymore who said it, whether it was the C's or one of cannon dolores' clients, but it went something along the following lines: that we have to learn to tune into ourselves because that's the only way to discover truth.

so when i apply this to the crop circles, i know that the first one
triggers a sense of wonder, beauty and harmony in me.

this one
triggers sense of a sort of mathematical beauty and simplicity (in a good way) in me. it makes me feel good. i can't help thinking that it means something positive - although i could not say why. i also sense a movement in it, and i'm convinced that to decipher it, one should look at it in 3D.

this one
feels cold and mechanical.
and i'm not 100% convinced it's not man-made. there are too many asymmetries. which would be substantiated by the fact that it's unusually small for a crop circle.

is also more cold and detached. but not as much as the previous one.

also the famous face one with the disk with the message - it just looked scary. but then i read the translated message and i went "hmm, i guess i was wrong to feel scared." but now it seems i was not wrong at all.
then there were the gigantic jelly fish and the dragon fly - they both display a mastery in the craft ( ;) ), but they left me feeling irritated and confused. they seemed empty, without any message, no mystery to discover.
Vulcan59 said:
New CC but this one reported in Germany. There is more information about the CC here and it is in German. Appreciate it if members can translate and post relevant information about this CC here. This crop circle was reported on 14th of May but only updated on the CC site on 23rd May.


So far nothing is said on the webpage of A. Müller ["Kornkreisforschung"], but I found another link: _http://grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.blogspot.com/2010/05/erster-kornkreis-fur-2010-in.html

Translation mine

blog said:
[...] since many years the territory close to Kassel [a German city] is known as a German cropcircle center and also as a place for counterfeiter. [...]
A local cropcircle scientist said: "Two days before the cropcircle was there, at exactly the same place marks could be seen and these marks have not been there before". [The scientist and photographer of the CC] and other observers reported at the day of discovery to spot with binoculars inaccuracies in geometry, but it also could be that the rough terrain is responsible. [...] Only an aerial shot could give accurate information about it.

It's something I posted last year but maybe it is fitting:

Gawan said:

And on the site, I found an information about this crop circle:


Kornkreisforschung said:
to our present knowledge this formation is the result of this years communication-experiment by german researchers around joachim koch, who - together with his sadly passed friend h.-j.. kyborg - started many years ago to create an annual design to "communicate with the real circlemakers", they believe originate in the constellation of orion. in 1994 they created a very similar formation very close to this year's design).

while such an experiment might be reasonable if you follow the argumentation and theory by k&k and o.k. as long as communicated with the field owning farmer, sadly again (as in previous years) mr. koch has missed the opportunity to differ his work from the usual deceiving hoaxes by making it clear to the public that this very formation is what it is meant to be.

as far as we know this fact has been very little communicated with the crop circle community so far (not at his own website, nor in a public note to other researchers, nor has a sign been posted at the field informing people of this formation origin and intention.

andreas müller

I read a book about their communication experiment with cropcircles many, many years back of the two mentioned scientist, Kyborg and Koch.
What I remember, they said that the cropcircles started in their appearance relative simple (design/formation) and over the years got more and more complex. Well, they attempted to develop a language created with symbols mainly with planets (constellations of) and the like, and tried with that in mind to communicate with the "crop circle creators".
So their hypothesis has been, that the first crop circles have been about planet constellations and that the "creators" simply made an effort to communicate with us.
And as Andreas Mueller is stating they came to the conclusion through their experiment, that the "creators" come from Orion.
Thanks Gawan. :) Meanwhile an article in the Independent, UK discusses the "pizza" circle. A quote from them below:

It is unsurprising then, that the appearance of a phenomenally complex 300ft design carved into an expanse of rape seed on a Wiltshire hillside has caused excitement. But it's not just the eye-pleasing shape which has drawn attention to it. The intersected concentric pattern has been decoded by experts as a “tantalising approximation” of a mathematical formula called Euler’s Identity (a?(n)=1), widely thought be the most beautiful and profound mathematical equation in the world.
Vulcan59 said:
Thanks Gawan. :) Meanwhile an article in the Independent, UK discusses the "pizza" circle. A quote from them below:

It is unsurprising then, that the appearance of a phenomenally complex 300ft design carved into an expanse of rape seed on a Wiltshire hillside has caused excitement. But it's not just the eye-pleasing shape which has drawn attention to it. The intersected concentric pattern has been decoded by experts as a “tantalising approximation” of a mathematical formula called Euler’s Identity (a?(n)=1), widely thought be the most beautiful and profound mathematical equation in the world.

So it is ASCII code after all, but showing us beautifully mathematical formula. :cool2:
Vulcan59 said:
Thanks Gawan. :) Meanwhile an article in the Independent, UK discusses the "pizza" circle. A quote from them below:

It is unsurprising then, that the appearance of a phenomenally complex 300ft design carved into an expanse of rape seed on a Wiltshire hillside has caused excitement. But it's not just the eye-pleasing shape which has drawn attention to it. The intersected concentric pattern has been decoded by experts as a “tantalising approximation” of a mathematical formula called Euler’s Identity (a?(n)=1), widely thought be the most beautiful and profound mathematical equation in the world.

Thanks Vulcan!

Now I'm pretty sure that CC is 4D STS. First of all, ASCII code was used (again), and second, the creators misspelled the equation!
So they are revealed by their mistakes again.

Dr John Talbot, a maths research fellow at University College London, for his take on the matter. He said: “Looking at the crop circle, the link with Euler’s most famous theory seems to make perfect sense. However, the way the formula has been executed is partially incorrect. One of the discrepancies is that one part of the formula translates as ‘hi’ rather than ‘i’, which could be somebody’s idea of a joke.”

It's funny how they managed to misspell the imaginary unit "i", and in such an elegant formula...
But, as the C's said, "Wishful thinking will get ya every time!".

Besides, I don't think that 6D beings would use ASCII code to communicate messages.
Real crop circles are universal and they work on many levels at once, perhaps carrying volumes of information within each of them.
This one reminds me of the Buddhist's "Wheel of Life."


gonzorama said:
there is a new one!!
reported today
it seems to be authentic...

gonzorama said:
there is a new one!!
reported today
it seems to be authentic...

Could be, but I see several points where there is a lack of symmetry, so I'm doubtful - not that that proves anything.
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