6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

It enters from the top right corner at 4:29, right when she says 'starts with the family'. It could be landing on her but it seems to disappear around her neck area. It could be just a piece of dust but whatever it is, it's fast. It looks like it's spinning maybe.

Here's six shots from one second or less.

View attachment 96720
Visually, to me the shape of the object resembles a square or rectangular piece of (brown) paper that has maybe 2 folds in it. FWI. I dunno.
It enters from the top right corner at 4:29, right when she says 'starts with the family'. It could be landing on her but it seems to disappear around her neck area. It could be just a piece of dust but whatever it is, it's fast. It looks like it's spinning maybe.

Here's six shots from one second or less.

View attachment 96720
When I enlarge the image it looks like a small book.

Laura at that moment was accessing information to respond, so the information that reached Laura was physically materialized.

Fun fourth density stuff or any other more mundane explanation of course.
To create your own reality and a children's story.

From min. 5.00 talks about the creation of reality, the reality that each person tries to create.

Laura said:

Min. 17. 46 : You have to do some work, you have to do some research, you have to find out what your belief center is, and, in the esoteric tradition the belief center is like there's
Two bodies your're side by side and each one has three centers and they're represented by a circle, so imagined two boxes side by side with three circles in them, the one is the intellectual center, the emotional center and then the moving center or the sexual center or the physical center whatever, however you want to do it. Describe that one.

And the idea through working on yourself is to be able to merge yourself with the higher centers and the first way that happens is by the connection between the emotional center, your lower emotional center and you higher emotional center.

And when you are in certain states, you know, you can induct the energy of that higher emotional center and to your lower emotional center and you can have energy that then can run things as long as you don't let it run amok and all of these things are very, very, they're understood and they're sometimes rather precise.

Min.20.16: I mean if you really want your reality changed, generally you are going to have to do something very hard and very difficult.
Chaos is going to dream and things are going to be unsettled until they settle down into the new reality.

A Woman personifying the Hard Side of Life.

This reminds me of the story of the three brothers who inherited a house in the country with extensive land. When they went to settle, they sadly discovered that the large piece of land had no water, and that the only well with water was owned by a witch who owned the neighboring piece of land. They agreed to go visit her to find a way to get water and decided that one of them would convince her and make a deal to get it.

When the young man arrived at the witch's house, he was frightened when he saw her unpleasant/terrifying appearance and asked her if she could give him the water they needed.
The horrible woman told him that she would give them the water if he gave her a kiss, the young man recoiled from the repulsive woman, refused and returned home distraught and told his brothers what had happened.

But although it was very hard, another brother offered to visit the woman, but the same thing happened to him and, terrified, he refused to kiss her.

Desperate, not knowing how to resolve such a difficult situation, they convinced the third brother to go and somehow be able to convince the woman and obtain the desired liquid from her.
Upon arriving before her, the woman told him the condition that if they wanted water from her, he had to kiss her and this brother, aware of what he could obtain, answered: YES, I will give you the kiss you ask for, and he kissed her; When he left her he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in her life and she told him: You and your brothers take all the water you need.

A new reality had been created.

Many more things to comment on. It is very nice to see the iconic photo of Laura with her cigarette along with all the comments from YouTubers who talk about the electoral process in Mexico.

Thank you to Laura, Jay and Hunter for making this wonderful series possible.
Just finished watching part 4. Thank you Jay, Hunter and Laura. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

On the topic of OP’s draining energy, I think if you have one in your close family and you can’t get rid of them (I don’t mean knock them off, just that you have to be close to them, may be it’s your mum or kid) it is possible to learn to block them from draining you even when your with them hours upon hours a day. I might be wishful thinking but I definitely do not feel my energy being syphoned like I used to. I engage only at their level with them. Like Laura said, ‘play dumb’. It’s the times where I talk too much or share experiences that they’ll never have or knowledge they don’t want to know, or if I get overly emotional, that I feel a draining. I need to be in control even to the point that they think they are calling the shots. Stalking the stalker. I use my (suspected) OP as a tool to help me grow and because they’ll never be able to read my mind, they have no idea how much they’re helping, their ego would love to know what a good teacher they are though ;) (Sorry about the lack of spaces between my sentences)

Also, I notice that most people seem like automatons, I’m not uncomfortable with them (I don’t trust them so I’m very weary and on high alert) but I suspect they are with me. I get a strange amount of attention when I’m in public. It’s certainly not about looks.
OPs can get quite sophisticated too. They can query your ideas, add a little 'twist' to them, and then convince you they have considerable depth of mind. 4D STS can 'attach' to OPs and derail souled beings. Just remember what happened during the 'plandemic,' when people rushed to get the 'cure.' High vaccination rates would never have been possible without sustained energetic draining. When people are terrified, they make poor decisions.

At school, I realized some kids would only form a 'complete' persona when they were part of a group. When I considered them individually, they would be very shallow and uninteresting. Back then, I desperately wanted to get their attention, to 'reanimate' them, but I failed miserably. Now I understand why.

As soon as we try to 'fix' people and determine what is best for them, negative energy hooks onto us.
Being able to watch these interviews is such an amazing learning opportunity. Listening to Laura answering all these great questions in such a light, humorous and fascinating way, is so empowering. It makes so much order in the head.
Thank you all for all the goodness - under all circumstances - in times like these.
Thank you so much Laura, Jay and Hunter for these fascinating episodes, which feel more like free-flowing conversations than interviews. Each session brings new information even after all these years and extensive reading of Laura's work. The humor that comes through in each episode amidst many dark subjects is a balm for the soul.
Thank you again for this podcast. Listening to you makes me connect dots on my personal board. I see my world and the world at large in different light. I feel different, lighter somehow relieved. But I also feel more physical pain. This session touch something deeply in me. I read the wave series but listening to Laura today strucked my cords in a new way.
@EricLux if you want to translate the second part, it is up to you.

Not yet but the Initial Transaltion is done and the proofreading is on it way. (French)
Dear @Jacques :-)

Here's a french translation of episode 2. I've also done some proof-reading : however, typos and the like require another look.
There were some tricky passages that an expert eye will certainly be able to translate better.

I've created a second tab in @Luis Miguel's initial file to keep the same structure as his basic tab for efficient plugging of subtitles into the body of the video once they've been validated.

I hope you find it useful. Eric​


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Thanks again Jay, Hunter and Laura for another wonderful installment. The 2+ hours flew by! I always learn new stuff, and any stuff I have read about in the past just gets reinforced in another way, which is fantastic. But I won't lie: there are moments when the horror of our reality really gets to me, even though I am already aware of it. Just hearing it being discussed again makes it even more visceral.
Thanks again Jay, Hunter and Laura for another wonderful installment. The 2+ hours flew by! I always learn new stuff, and any stuff I have read about in the past just gets reinforced in another way, which is fantastic. But I won't lie: there are moments when the horror of our reality really gets to me, even though I am already aware of it. Just hearing it being discussed again makes it even more visceral.
Having children, especially little helpless ones, makes that fear of the unknown (as far as what’s coming and how it will affect us) have a fair bit more sting.
My littlest is 9 months. She came without warning, I had no idea she intended to come like I did with my older ones. I think she’s nuts, crazy adventurous soul for wanting to be here for this as a child. Laura, Jay and Hunter agree less than 10 years til the big big changes, I feel like it’s in the late 2030’s even early 2040’s, just a feeling, I have nothing to back it up. I imagine so many different scenarios trying somehow to prepare my mind… The only real comfort is remembering our 5D home🌈
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