6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

Well, if some people are up for it, and Jay or Hunter can extract the subtitle files from Youtube for us, we could translate them. It IS a lot of work, and, most people nowadays just prefer to watch with English subtitles, so the work is a bit overkill. But there are important interviews, so we can do it.
It's already happening now. :)
YouTube would be a huge source of traffic while it lasts, but its net is not going to let a video with "...The Most Dangerous Idea in the World" in the title slip by I guess. :rolleyes: Not to mention the content, which was flowing with good vibes and very informative as to a lot of objective truth.

Just hope this video series reaches a ton of folks. Panning for gold.

IT IS now and will continue to do so whether is it housed on YT or someplace else.

IT is also on X found here.
Just want to say that I’ve notice the guys putting out YouTube shorts of snippets of the interview. I think it’s brilliant since this format is the ‘in-thing’ with a lot of people nowadays.

It also translates, if I understand it correctly, to how tik tok works? I’ve never used tik tok but it being such a massive social network, getting bite-sized chunks of Laura on there would be awesome.
Here are the English subtitles (SRT format).

The timestamps are better synchronized with the audio, some words from the auto-transcription have been corrected, and I did a quick proofreading. If anyone could take another look, that would be great.

We could use the same system we use to translate the Earth Changes Summaries, what do you think @OrangeScorpion?
I tried it, but the interview is too long. And google complains that you cannot enter more than 50.000 signs in a single cell. With that I needed to split it up in 500 line batches.

Here are the first 1500 lines of the interview (first hour), and I try to pull it together in the next days. Anyway, a translation can be started. But please counter check, in case anything got lost.

We could use the same system we use to translate the Earth Changes Summaries, what do you think @OrangeScorpion?
Perfect, count me in.

I tried it, but the interview is too long. And google complains that you cannot enter more than 50.000 signs in a single cell. With that I needed to split it up in 500 line batches.

Here are the first 1500 lines of the interview (first hour), and I try to pull it together in the next days. Anyway, a translation can be started. But please counter check, in case anything got lost.

Thanks, Gawan.
I tried it, but the interview is too long. And google complains that you cannot enter more than 50.000 signs in a single cell. With that I needed to split it up in 500 line batches.

Here are the first 1500 lines of the interview (first hour), and I try to pull it together in the next days. Anyway, a translation can be started. But please counter check, in case anything got lost.

All subtitles are at least in the table now. But how to create then the srt for other language files, needs to be solved, since the above described problem, but I'm thinking of a workaround.
I tried it, but the interview is too long. And google complains that you cannot enter more than 50.000 signs in a single cell. With that I needed to split it up in 500 line batches.

Here are the first 1500 lines of the interview (first hour), and I try to pull it together in the next days. Anyway, a translation can be started. But please counter check, in case anything got lost.

Hello guys :)

If you wanna, I can take care of the French translation from the first lines (the first part) until the rest is published! With great pleasure :)

Hello guys :)

If you wanna, I can take care of the French translation from the first lines (the first part) until the rest is published! With great pleasure :)


Super @EricLux and thanks so much.

Since you are not probably familiar with the google sheet for translation, you just have to click on the link that @Gawan gave us and you translate directly on that google sheet line by line in respecting that so it will be easier to uplaod the subtiles later on.

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them here.
Super @EricLux and thanks so much.

Since you are not probably familiar with the google sheet for translation, you just have to click on the link that @Gawan gave us and you translate directly on that google sheet line by line in respecting that so it will be easier to uplaod the subtiles later on.

And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them here.
Yes, @Jacques, that's what I plan to do, it seems to me the most optimal. I'll listen to the podcast first, to get a feel for the exchange and then I'll get down to work with entoushiasm. :-)

If I have any questions, don't hesitate to come back to you.
I am going to wait for the transcript before I decide how to best start working on the subtitles.

When it comes to the translation, at this point in time, I think that ChatGPT is better for translation of subtitles than Google. And just today, ChatGPT upgraded me to the new version, but I haven't tried it yet. Supposedly, it should be much better than the 3.5 version.
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