6 Part Podcast Series with Laura Interviewed by Jay Campbell & Hunter Williams

@Jacques, I am working on the proof read of the German translation.
EricLux mentioned a deadline, I did not know about.

Will it still be in time, that it will take me another 1-3 days to finish?

If otherwise, please let me know.
Thank you :)
Hello @Breo :)

I'm sorry if I caused a misunderstanding when I mentioned a deadline : I just wanted to say that I'd done the best I could within the 3 days it took me. As far as I know, there is no deadline, the main thing is that it respects the spirit of the exchange and "translates" the author's thoughts as well as possible...

I'll let @Jacques answer your request.

My apologies again for the misunderstanding, I'll make a note of it and express myself more clearly in future messages. I still need to improve my translation :)​
Thank you for a great talk guys! Already waiting for the next episode.

Are there any plans on making quality subtitles for this interview? Automatic ones are rather bad.

@Yas @Liliea @Breo are working on the spanish and german translation respectively. For my part, I've sent the French version, this afternoon, which still needs to be PR (proofreading) and some passages amended. Patience will soon be rewarded :)

FYI, here are the English subtitles (SRT format) given by @Luis Miguel !​
Ok, I'm watching the second part of this podcast series. I got to minute 20:25 and I would like to ask you, with all due respect, that if you are going to talk about the events in Hispanoamerica, please be diligent enough to examine the history from all angles. I recommend you to read the works of Marcelo Gullo.

Thank you.
Ok, I'm watching the second part of this podcast series. I got to minute 20:25 and I would like to ask you, with all due respect, that if you are going to talk about the events in Hispanoamerica, please be diligent enough to examine the history from all angles. I recommend you to read the works of Marcelo Gullo.

Thank you.
I’m not sure if this is the best way to point out something Bluegazer, instead of saying “diligent enough to examine the history from all angles” isn’t it better to share what that other angles could be or you are referring to so we can also know about it or see those other angles?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not either agreeing or disagreeing with you. You might be correct, but it’s kinda leaving things open in the air without knowing exactly of what you are referring to!
Listening to this. At around 1:10:14, Jay describes 3D but I'm not sure the description is entirely representative of what we know. He says 3D is a fallen realm and we are by default STS. I think this is accurate for us but not necessarily of 3D in general. The Ra describe 3D as the density of choosing whereby this is the density where Beings choose whether to take on the STS or STO path. Elsewhere, I believe the Cs have confirmed that there are Beings existing in 3D (other planets etc) who are STO and are under the stewardship of 4D STO. So, in that sense, 3D isn't a "fallen" realm and STS isn't the default state of all 3D Beings OSIT. It certainly is for us though.

Anyways, good podcast ! Just listening through. 😊
Ok, I'm watching the second part of this podcast series. I got to minute 20:25 and I would like to ask you, with all due respect, that if you are going to talk about the events in Hispanoamerica, please be diligent enough to examine the history from all angles. I recommend you to read the works of Marcelo Gullo.

Thank you.

I presume you're talking about Jay's short comment at the 18.30 minute mark? Note that what Jay said was not followed up on by Laura, in fact she kind of disabused him of the idea. This is an interview of Laura, so I don't see much value in calling out short, off the cuff, comments by the interviewer that are not further discussed, and in this case pushed back against, and are therefore not really a part of the discussion.
I presume you're talking about Jay's short comment at the 18.30 minute mark? Note that what Jay said was not followed up on by Laura, in fact she kind of disabused him of the idea. This is an interview of Laura, so I don't see much value in calling out short, off the cuff, comments by the interviewer that are not further discussed, and in this case pushed back against, and are therefore not really a part of the discussion.

This was not directed towards Laura at all, I realized that. It is as you say. But I had to point it out.

Because there will be others like me, who are from these latitudes and Jay's comment could have an undesired effect on Spanish speakers. You know that despite the good will of people (and I do not exclude myself) certain generalizations when they are mentioned do not do much honor to the truth.

What can I say... it's like if I mention the US civil war and make the inaccuracy of saying that the North was all good and the South was all bad. Do you know what a storm that would raise in the comments, breaking the original intent of the video?

So, I comment it here which is not youtube and allows us to see these things. That's all. And we leave it here.
I’m not sure if this is the best way to point out something Bluegazer

It may not be the best, it is true. I'm not going to lie, I was a little irritated by what he said. Unfortunately as you know things here in the southern hemisphere things are not going well, and many lies have already been told that end up being one more page in the programming that we are all subject to.
I m only part through with this video, and strangely, I had a discussion with a healthcare friend in her store, before I started to view the video, we were discussing christianity. She is what one could call a failed catholic, her background is Italian. If I had presented the first video, I think, I may have lost credibility...Just saying.

But the second part is spot on concerning discussion how our religious beliefs have corrupted and shaped our thought patterns and actions for, at least the the past 2000 years

Regarding evangelical religion and it's so called conversion to truth...Child Abuse?

I am reminded of this documentary...Marjoe, If my memory serves me correctly, it has been previously discussed by Laura in the Wave.

Just thought it was interesting to give context.

So many issues in reality that are sending red flags, during this of only 2 episodes, and I am only 30 min or so into the second episode.
It may not be the best, it is true. I'm not going to lie, I was a little irritated by what he said. Unfortunately as you know things here in the southern hemisphere things are not going well, and many lies have already been told that end up being one more page in the programming that we are all subject to.
For the love of God, what in the world are you even speaking about?

I AM in support of Latin America even much more so than I AM of the USA.

My wife is Mexican and I AM in Playa Del Carmen Mexico right now.

Please communicate what you are attempting to say in clear terms and I will be happy to respond or to reply it.
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