A Course in Knowledge and Being: Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release Part 2

Alright! It sure has been long awaited. :cheer: Guess I'll watch it first thing in the morning with my first smoke. :cool2:
Oxajil said:
I just finished watching. It was fun to watch and very informative! The way it was filmed and Laura's warm personality really made it feel like I was there while watching it :D Thank you and I'm looking forward to see the next part :flowers: :D

I felt exactly the same! There were a couple occasions that I really felt that Laura and the audience could hear me laughing or that I was about to raise my hand to ask something!

It was also really amazing to see just how natural of a conversation a "session" with the C's really is. When they said "Much love to all here today!!!" I had the feeling of "Hey, they're referring to me and other viewers too!". Then again, reflecting on it now, "time and space do not exist!" :lol:
Zadius Sky said:
I just finished watching as well. It's such a prodigious to see the board in action and quite informative.

Would it be possible to have a transcript or subtitle added to this video? I was able to understand Laura as I read her lips and she spoke quite clearly and articulately well. I just couldn't hear anyone else off-camera.

Absolutely. Any volunteers to transcribe it? It can also then be translated. :D
Chu said:
Zadius Sky said:
I just finished watching as well. It's such a prodigious to see the board in action and quite informative.

Would it be possible to have a transcript or subtitle added to this video? I was able to understand Laura as I read her lips and she spoke quite clearly and articulately well. I just couldn't hear anyone else off-camera.

Absolutely. Any volunteers to transcribe it? It can also then be translated. :D

Maybe we can split it up? I can do the first 30 minutes.
Thanks for the video !!! I´ll see it and wait for the other one Its good to see Laura again !!!! :D :D :thup: :thup:
That was really fascinating and informative. Thank you to everyone involved for making it happen!

For folks who are interested in reading up on some of the topics Laura mentioned, I just want to mention a couple books that aren't on the already-existing reading list. First, David Ray Griffin's book "Parapsychology, Philosophy, and Spirituality" has a very good overview of the evidence for life after death, and his conclusions mesh very well with Laura's perspective as stated in the video. Same goes for Stephen Braude's book "Immortal Remains". They both deal with the main lines of evidence in this type of research, from mediumship to possession, OBEs/NDEs, etc. So if you are not familiar with the 150+ years' worth of data, and the possible interpretations and explanations for that data, these two books are some of the best (and most recent, Braude's being published in 2003).

After getting a handle on the history of the phenomena and the conceptual and evidential issues in play, a few things should become crystal clear: how strong the evidence really is, why it makes sense to see the so-called entities' existence as only probable, and how important it is to see how this 'manifestations' may relate to your own subconscious. Basically, it helps to keep a very sharp mind. Also, Griffin's book deals with so-called precognition (i.e., 'predictions'), and gets into terrain that Laura mentioned: why 'real' predictions cannot be made, the probable mechanism for explaining accurate predictions, as well as why accurate predictions should NOT be seen as confirmation of a 'higher source'.

Can't wait for the next installment.
Great to see the video is up and everything came through just fine. Looking forward to the next installment :)

Chu said:
Zadius Sky said:
I just finished watching as well. It's such a prodigious to see the board in action and quite informative.

Would it be possible to have a transcript or subtitle added to this video? I was able to understand Laura as I read her lips and she spoke quite clearly and articulately well. I just couldn't hear anyone else off-camera.

Absolutely. Any volunteers to transcribe it? It can also then be translated. :D

Oxajil said:
Chu said:
Zadius Sky said:
I just finished watching as well. It's such a prodigious to see the board in action and quite informative.

Would it be possible to have a transcript or subtitle added to this video? I was able to understand Laura as I read her lips and she spoke quite clearly and articulately well. I just couldn't hear anyone else off-camera.

Absolutely. Any volunteers to transcribe it? It can also then be translated. :D

Maybe we can split it up? I can do the first 30 minutes.

Cool :) I can do from 30 minutes onwards some time tonight and tomorrow.
Oxajil said:
I just finished watching. It was fun to watch and very informative! The way it was filmed and Laura's warm personality really made it feel like I was there while watching it :D Thank you and I'm looking forward to see the next part :flowers:

I also just finished watching and I felt the same, like I was there. Thank you for taking the time to make this video. Looking forward to see the next one. :)
I've finished watching the whole video, and I wish it never ended. Like always with you Laura, it have been deeply fascinating and insightful experience. First and foremost I have to say that I absolutely love your voice. How clear it sounds, and at the same time how soothing it is, like a balm on my soul.

It was moving to see the communications with C's in work. I think I haven't fully realised how much of a hard work it is until now. It makes me feel even more thankful to you and all of the crew.

Probably my favourite part of the video though, was the part where you explained the techniques that you used on your patients while they were in hypnosis. Right know, I don't think I should be thinking about engaging in the experiment with an ouija board myself. At least to communicate with my higher self, since I know that I can and need to still learn from normal means, like books, but I would definitely like to try to free myself from any spirit attachments if I have them, and I probably have. Can I use the ouija board only for that purpose?

Oxajil said:
I just finished watching. It was fun to watch and very informative! The way it was filmed and Laura's warm personality really made it feel like I was there while watching it :D Thank you and I'm looking forward to see the next part :flowers:

It was like that for me as well. I was laughing with you, and it really felt like I was with all of you there.

Can't wait to see the next instalments!
Approaching Infinity said:
For folks who are interested in reading up on some of the topics Laura mentioned, I just want to mention a couple books that aren't on the already-existing reading list. First, David Ray Griffin's book "Parapsychology, Philosophy, and Spirituality" has a very good overview of the evidence for life after death, and his conclusions mesh very well with Laura's perspective as stated in the video. Same goes for Stephen Braude's book "Immortal Remains". They both deal with the main lines of evidence in this type of research, from mediumship to possession, OBEs/NDEs, etc. So if you are not familiar with the 150+ years' worth of data, and the possible interpretations and explanations for that data, these two books are some of the best (and most recent, Braude's being published in 2003).

Thanks for mentioning those two books, which I have just now put on my reading list. I've already read most of the books in the "Esotericism and Parapsychology" list as mentioned here.

P.S. - Thanks to those taking up with the transcription. You rock!
Thank you Laura and the crew for creating this video and sharing your knowledge. I found it to be very informative and inspirational.

During the first part I observed myself following Laura's words by imagining my own door and what followed. Although when I entered the 'room' it was not a room but opened out into an outdoor area with a tree, a big rock, and a small stream. It was an autumn scene with golden-brown leaves scattered around the ground.

What I also observed while watching the video was how the light seemed to interact with Laura's words. There seemed to be some direct correspondence with what she was teaching and the images the sunlight was revealing through the window. OSIT

I am grateful to The Divine Cosmic Mind for your Presence in this world.
Vulcan59 said:
Downloading now. Thank you chateau team. :thup:

I second this. Thank you very much. I will look it tonight and tomorrow. What a beautiful gift!
zhenqing said:
At least to communicate with my higher self, since I know that I can and need to still learn from normal means, like books, but I would definitely like to try to free myself from any spirit attachments if I have them, and I probably have. Can I use the ouija board only for that purpose?

Hi zhenqing,

From what I understand, getting rid of spirit attachments is one of the natural outcomes of Working on ourselves, and like gaining knowledge and understanding, can also be done through normal means. Take the guy Laura mentioned that had an attachment that made drink whiskey and follow sports for example. If instead of having the entity sent away he practiced self-observation, saw his habits as not something he did not want in his life any longer and then struggled against long and hard enough through discipline, the attachment would simply leave because it no longer would be able to "feed" off of him. In this case, however, not only would he have lost something "bad" but from the struggle and experience would have gained something valuable that he could in use in his everyday life or towards a greater Aim. He would also be stronger for it and less likely to have another attachment come in and just replace it, which I think is what Castenada refers to as the "glowing coat of awareness that makes us unpalatable to the Predator", and could also be one interpretation of what Gurdjieff meant he said that when struggling against one "influence", we must be very careful not to allow ourselves to come under another in it's place.

For me the biggest lesson from this video so far, is that in a similar way to what Laura said about not having to "believe" in discarnate entities for the differential diagnosis method to work, in our struggles against habits and influences that conflict with our Aims, it doesn't matter whether our influences come from ourselves (programs, etc.), a dead dude or an elemental because each influence still takes the same amount of work to be rid of permanently (including replacements).

In more serious cases, or very strong attachments/influences, we may certainly need some breathing room from it before we can deal with it more fully. And for that, the diet and EE, among a few other things, are really good starting points :) I'm sure the C's themselves said that EE is the gentlest and easiest way (or something to that effect) to help cleanse ourselves from these kinds of things.
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