A Course in Knowledge and Being: Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release Part 2

Saieden said:
Hi zhenqing,

From what I understand, getting rid of spirit attachments is one of the natural outcomes of Working on ourselves, and like gaining knowledge and understanding, can also be done through normal means. Take the guy Laura mentioned that had an attachment that made drink whiskey and follow sports for example. If instead of having the entity sent away he practiced self-observation, saw his habits as not something he did not want in his life any longer and then struggled against long and hard enough through discipline, the attachment would simply leave because it no longer would be able to "feed" off of him. In this case, however, not only would he have lost something "bad" but from the struggle and experience would have gained something valuable that he could in use in his everyday life or towards a greater Aim. He would also be stronger for it and less likely to have another attachment come in and just replace it, which I think is what Castenada refers to as the "glowing coat of awareness that makes us unpalatable to the Predator", and could also be one interpretation of what Gurdjieff meant he said that when struggling against one "influence", we must be very careful not to allow ourselves to come under another in it's place.

For me the biggest lesson from this video so far, is that in a similar way to what Laura said about not having to "believe" in discarnate entities for the differential diagnosis method to work, in our struggles against habits and influences that conflict with our Aims, it doesn't matter whether our influences come from ourselves (programs, etc.), a dead dude or an elemental because each influence still takes the same amount of work to be rid of permanently (including replacements).

In more serious cases, or very strong attachments/influences, we may certainly need some breathing room from it before we can deal with it more fully. And for that, the diet and EE, among a few other things, are really good starting points :) I'm sure the C's themselves said that EE is the gentlest and easiest way (or something to that effect) to help cleanse ourselves from these kinds of things.

You are right Saieden. Now when I think about it, I of course do remember Laura covering this issue. I wonder if it just felt somehow safer for me to concentrate on the other part instead. I also might have gotten a bit overly excited with the concept of working with ouija board and hypnosis. But the the main reason was, I think, that lately I'm deadly tired of struggling, and I just wish I could tap into my subconscious mind and free myself of some of my problems, you know? But of course it's not that easy.

Thank you for your reply. I needed to read that :)
I just finished watching the video. It was very warm and educational. Like being in class. :grad:
I felt like I was there with you all. Thank you Team Cassiopaea :D

Thank you Laura and Crew! What a wonderful viewing experience! Great job in covering the foundational basis for using a spirit board or choosing NOT to. I think explaining the process of finding and ridding oneself and the ones close to them of spirit attachments or 'elemental globs' was excellent. What an educational and entertaining piece. Showing visually what it's like to be at the board was a really neat idea.

Many thanks, again, to all who made the presentation possible. :cool:

Also, thinking on it some more, I'm so glad that Laura mentioned that smoking was excellent for psychic hygiene. :cool2:
Thanks for this interesting video!

Can someone please write down the word that Laura is saying on 00:31:40?
You have to use ......... you have to use willpower of the individual

I hear something like «zapers».
I have not had a chance to see the video yet, though I will be watching shortly.
I would be willing to help transcribe, if you still need volunteers.
What is the most important, I think, is to remember, all of that efforts bringing the effects because of participation in the direction of service to others, what is the most powerful determinant in all "dimensions." I think the most important is to be sincere inside and to leave the fear before the unpleasant information and stop to be worry about self while will come to meet face to face with any of threats that arise during the gaining the truth, working on the self and sharing it to others.

I'm also bewitched, because of Laura's manner, who is self-confident, "on a lark" and by derive satisfaction of sharing and communication with others.

Thank you for the video, I'm glad to spend time to watching it.
Toda22 said:
Thanks for this interesting video!

Can someone please write down the word that Laura is saying on 00:31:40?
You have to use ......... you have to use willpower of the individual

I hear something like «zapers».

She says "zappers". You'll have to wait for her to explain exactly what she meant.
The link for the youtube video has changed, in case people are sharing it:


Also, it's up here:

Mr. Scott said:
The link for the youtube video has changed, in case people are sharing it:


Also, it's up here:


Thank you, Mr. Scott!! Greatly looking forward to watching it!
I finally got the chance to watch it! It is very informative and Laura did a terrific job. It was great to see the board in action. :)

Thank you to all who made it happen.
Re: A Course in Knowledge and Being: Differential Diagnosis in Spirit Release Part 1

Very valuable information and enjoyable. Thanks for sharing! And you are looking great Laura! :)
:thup: :cheer:

Great job! Many thanks to all who made it possible.
Very informative to watch. Some of the questions were hard to hear, could be down to volume control on my side.
I watched the video this evening. Thank you all, especially Laura for laying out some valuable information. I have a spirit board.I haven`t used it at all. Bought it some years back in a vintage 2nd hand store and it`s been on the top shelf of a closet since. I really didn`t understand the importance of preparing oneself before using it.( And I`m glad I haven`t used it). I want to use it for the right reasons and after watching the video part 2 and re-watching video part1 I know I need a lot more preparation. I do find it fascinating though. It`s been a blessing for all of us that Laura has connected with the C`s. For me , after watching part 2, it felt like something shifted in me. Can`t really explain it, but something happened. I don`t want to dramatize...Just felt the bigger picture of our FOTCM Family. Thanks for sharing this video and info.
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