About David Icke & James Redfield

Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Argonaut said:
The major subtle message I can think of is: You can wake up on your own - using your current thinking process - by simply believing the ideas in his books and thinking positive. And then you're fully protected from attack, feeding, or vectoring of any kind. Am I close? :)

I think you've got it. In short, the line of force is toward entropy.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Laura said:
Argonaut said:
The major subtle message I can think of is: You can wake up on your own - using your current thinking process - by simply believing the ideas in his books and thinking positive. And then you're fully protected from attack, feeding, or vectoring of any kind. Am I close? :)

I think you've got it. In short, the line of force is toward entropy.

Yeah, for me the biggest thing with Icke is what he doesn't talk about as well. Forgetting for now whether it's on purpose or not (most likely), the result is still the same.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Laura said:
Argonaut said:
The major subtle message I can think of is: You can wake up on your own - using your current thinking process - by simply believing the ideas in his books and thinking positive. And then you're fully protected from attack, feeding, or vectoring of any kind. Am I close? :)

I think you've got it. In short, the line of force is toward entropy.

Ah, that makes total sense based on the things he claims. I'll keep it in mind now whenever I'm reading or hearing him. I bet all kinds of interesting things will pop out. The big thing that pops out at the moment is his claim that everyone on Earth is controlled by Destiny. But when someone acts with Free Will they fall outside of Destiny's influence - so they'd better straighten up and get back in line. A complete reversal. But the concept makes sense if you substitute "4D STS" in place of "Destiny."

E said:
Yeah, for me the biggest thing with Icke is what he doesn't talk about as well.

Yes, this is a big issue. His ideas about astrology and karma bury most of the unsaid stuff very neatly. Then his shape-shifters take care of the political scene. And with those out of the way, his solution looks fairly reasonable. It's insidious.

[quote author=E]

Forgetting for now whether it's on purpose or not (most likely), the result is still the same.


Exactly. And 4D STS must be running the show either way. Because a narcissist or psychopath wouldn't know the truth well enough to twist it this effectively, osit. His stuff seems worlds apart from more "run of the mill" disinfo like Alex Jones. If Helen Blavatsky was meant as a counter for Gurdjieff, it makes sense that Laura would get her own version. And Icke seems to fit the bill better than anyone else I've seen.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

I would like to add a link to a interesting article on Icke. Seems he accepts Rockerfeller money in a rather indirect way, of course I'm sure
Icke would say he never made the connection.
here is a paragraph from the article:

The Company Icke Keeps…
It would of course be unfair to draw any unsavory conclusions about David Icke’s Freedom Foundation merely because the IHC has clearly acted as a conduit for Larry Rockefeller’s generous grants or the considerable largesse of the Tides Foundation or the more modest contributions of the Philanthropic Collaborative (Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers) or even the trifling amounts provided by the Rockefeller Family Fund. It would surely be a case of guilt-by-association to find fault with Icke’s arrangement with the IHC on the basis of this evidence. Nevertheless, one must grapple with three indisputable facts:

1.Icke has stated repeatedly and explicitly in his books and lectures not to trust tax-exempt foundations, especially those connected to the Rockefellers and Bronfmans;
2.In 2005 and 2006 the IHC received on behalf of its member groups almost $1 million from Rockefeller philanthropic sources and $335,000 from the Tides Foundation; and
3.The IHC, until very recently, administered both Icke’s Freedom Foundation and Pamela Icke’s Fly With Me Productions.
This opens the door to other, less palatable explanations for Icke’s recent arrangement with the IHC, ranging from the sinister to the cynical. Is Icke now in the pay of the very forces he now claims to oppose? Has he been co-opted? Or do Icke’s actions indicate that he no longer believes what he says? Has Icke been duped? Or even that the powers-that-be that Icke rails against with such vigor are actually totally ignorant of or just indifferent to his very existence? Given Icke’s record of publicly opposing the “Illuminati” in its innumerable guises (and disguises), and the fact there is no evidence that Icke has received any funding from the Rockefellers or Bronfmans either directly or through his Freedom Foundation – thus far – such suggestions may seem outrageous. But through the act of seeking assistance from the IHC, seemingly without regard to its easily discovered connections, Icke does much to foster such conspiracy theories. The crux of matter, though, is quite simply that according to the very standards and methods that Icke frequently applies to condemn others as participants in a diabolical millennia-long global conspiracy; he leaves himself wide open to the very same charges through his recent association with the IHC.

In 2007 David Icke’s Freedom Foundation received a total of $112,090 in donations; we can safely assume - for the moment - that most, if not all, of those tax-exempt donations came from the same sort of people who eagerly buy his books and DVDs, and who joyfully attend his marathon lectures. However, sometime during 2009, Icke very quietly removed the link to the Freedom Foundation from his website (only subscribers can access it) and disbanded it discontinuing his relationship with the IHC, leaving few traces of its existence, except for those who dig deep enough. Icke may well insist there was nothing sinister in his arrangements, perhaps; but his silence on this issue might suggest otherwise… P

Here is the link
I hope the link works, if not please tell me and I will direct to article.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

I agree! I just scanned it quickly, I'll dedicate more time to it tomorrow.

I have always wondered where he got the money from to do all the travelling, and talking (venue hire) and getting his books in such volumes in bookstores!
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Kimber said:
I would like to add a link to a interesting article on Icke. Seems he accepts Rockerfeller money in a rather indirect way, of course I'm sure
Icke would say he never made the connection.

Thanks Kimber, that article is very informative! It's evidence that Icke is an enormous fool and shouldn't even be called a researcher. These things are now clear, no matter what else is true about him. I can't help but think of Icke's explanation for his mainstream media appearances, from his autobiography:

David Icke said:
The media played a vital role in this [spreading of information] during 1991 without realising it. They thought they were simply crushing another victim when, in fact, they were helping to promote the operation that will eventually remove the system of which they are part! As long as what I said attracted massive publicity and carried the basic theme, then the job was done. The genie was out of the bottle...

Who knows what mental hoops he's jumped through to convince himself that associating with the Rockefellers/Bronfmans is ok for him, even though it's wrong for others? He seems quite good at inventing excuses for what he does. Laura wrote the following (regarding a quote from Lobaczewski) in the thread "Does Lying Damage the Brain?":

Laura said:
One of the reasons this particular point is so interesting to me is because we (myself, members of QFG/QFS) have observed this "turning into half-wits" over and over again. It's the damnedest thing! The instant an individual makes a decision to believe a lie, it's as though their ability to use accurate reasoning about anything else - not just a contentious item - grinds to a halt.

Most often, this sort of dynamic occurs in very emotional situations where the individual is heavily invested in NOT seeing the truth about a person or a situation for any number of reasons. They may be involved in a close relationship with the person, they may be brought up to "believe" a certain way and, in spite of evidence that their faith is misplaced, refuse to accept the facts.

Which, of course, leads to the consideration of Faith itself. Soren Kierkegaard suggested that religion is, of its essence, not persuasion of the truth of a doctrine, but commitment to a position which is inherently absurd. Human beings attain their identity by believing something that deeply offends their minds (or others). To exist, he says, we must believe, and to really believe means to believe something that is dreadfully hard to believe. You can't just believe something plausible because that is easy... So, for some people, it may be that believing lies is some kind of proof that they are in control of their choices, they aren't being pushed around or dominated by irritating things like facts and evidence. (Sounds really rather childish, doesn't it?)

So is this what's happened to Icke? Has he "turned into a half-wit" because he's chosen lies over the truth? Or maybe it's more sinister than that. If Icke did unwittingly hook up with 4D STS back in 1990, could he have degenerated into a mere shell of his former self? Shriveling up inside, like what happens in Star Wars when one aligns with the Dark Side?

It's tough to say. But as the article states, the IFC don't give their money to just anyone. They only give to causes which are co-linear with their own goals. So this is how they see the work of David Icke, whether Icke is smart enough to realize it or not.

[Moderator: Fixed broken link]
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Argonaut, You ask good questions; What has happened to Icke? Is he a half wit, damaged by believing, living lies?
You also bring up a excellent point, the IFC doesn't give their money to just anyone. "The recipient must be co- linear with
their goals." It appears to me that organizations like the IFC don't hand out this kind of money without several strings attached.
Is he aware of this? IMHO I would guess only the half of it. His entire career is very well orchestrated. Now I might
be totally off base but I do suggest that the only 'work' he has done is put together his nifty slide shows with all the
appropriate quotes down the ages from persons in the 'know'. He is not a researcher and has never been one, except
to look up two dollar words to add to the slide shows. Every Author has a style. For instance those whom have read the
body of LKJ material can spot it without her signature or Castaneda or DH Lawrence. His writing style varies. And
this is only speculation on my part. So at this point while still gathering information I speculate that when someone
such as Icke looks a gift horse in the mouth they receive more than money. I think he has been under 'control' for a
very long time, I am willing to admit I am wrong if this is not the case. In this thread it has been evidenced that his
sources are very shaky at best. Now the money trail. If his career has been an orchestrated disinfo show, possibly
complete with a handler, it would be down right interesting and informative to find out, if at all possible with verifiable data.
I am attempting to do this.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Kimber said:
Argonaut, You ask good questions; What has happened to Icke? Is he a half wit, damaged by believing, living lies?

good question. I think it is definitely worth considering what Laura discusses in the Wave, and in Secret History, about how knowledge acts on the brain, about binding and ligands etc, and that false knowledge (acquired maybe through lack of discernment) acts as a kind of 'receptor', and so further degrades the brain's ability to see objectively, and then hastens the path towards entropy.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Kimber said:
Argonaut, You ask good questions; What has happened to Icke? Is he a half wit, damaged by believing, living lies?
You also bring up a excellent point, the IFC doesn't give their money to just anyone. "The recipient must be co- linear with
their goals." It appears to me that organizations like the IFC don't hand out this kind of money without several strings attached.

Is he aware of this? IMHO I would guess only the half of it.

Exactly. It's tough to say how "in the know" Icke is about all of this. Or even if there are levels of people above him who take care of the financial stuff. By the way, I noticed that I said "IFC" when I should've said IHC. My mistake. :-[

Kimber said:
His entire career is very well orchestrated.

Indeed. The biggest trait I've noticed in Icke is his apparent naivete. He started out knowing nothing of the world system, esoteric concepts, hyperdimensional realities, or much of anything, really. He was a sports announcer and former football player. And that was his life. He had no knowledge and no interest in anything deeper. Then he became aware of environmental issues and joined the Green Party. Around that time he started having a feeling that "something" had been guiding him, watching over him somehow. He had a conversation with two GP friends who "confirmed" that yes, spiritual entities DO guide us. And he instantly BELIEVED what he was told. Shortly after this conversation, Icke called out to "whoever," saying that if someone were there guiding him, would they please contact him. After this the events began which turned him into what he is today. Most of his early ideas were spoon-fed to him by various channeled entities and psychics. And he believed every bit of it. David Icke is not a self-made man, by any means. He is a creation, a product. And whoever is responsible knew exactly what they were doing when they chose him. They knew that if they dazzled this sports announcer with a little high strangeness and a few synchronicities, he'd follow them anywhere.

He even admitted it:

David Icke said:
I took some automatic writing which said I was a "Son of the Godhead" which even at that time and in that state, I found astonishing. What exactly was meant by a Son of the Godhead I had no idea, but I accepted it because by now I would have accepted almost anything.

And THAT is the stuff which launched Icke's career. His "research" came later, after the foundation of lies had firmly been laid. Contrast this with the lifetime of work and research Laura engaged in prior to meeting the C's. It's like night and day. Back in 1993 Icke even gave a wise warning to his readers regarding channeling, one which is so ironic it's beyond words:

David Icke said:
Neither should we underestimate the power of negative forces to disrupt and confuse, especially at the opening-up stage when people are most vulnerable to delusion and misunderstanding before they become spiritually "streetwise."

And what stage does Icke think he was in at that time, exactly? His "sources" told him that he was astrologically destined for his career... that he had worked towards it over the course of lifetimes. That he had chosen it prior to birth. So as far as he's concerned, he must have been born spiritually "streetwise." He just didn't know it until they told him. :rolleyes:

Kimber said:
Now I might
be totally off base but I do suggest that the only 'work' he has done is put together his nifty slide shows with all the
appropriate quotes down the ages from persons in the 'know'. He is not a researcher and has never been one, except
to look up two dollar words to add to the slide shows. Every Author has a style. For instance those whom have read the
body of LKJ material can spot it without her signature or Castaneda or DH Lawrence. His writing style varies. And
this is only speculation on my part. So at this point while still gathering information I speculate that when someone
such as Icke looks a gift horse in the mouth they receive more than money. I think he has been under 'control' for a
very long time, I am willing to admit I am wrong if this is not the case.

It's definitely something to consider, but Icke's 1993 book does seem to be the same style as what he writes now. I do notice that the "feel" is different, but it matches Icke's personal style at the time, just like his current stuff matches him now. So in that sense, I don't think the writing has changed so much as Icke himself has. I remember you saying that different parts of Biggest Secret had varying styles. If that's true then maybe someone else writes certain things for him. But at this point, I see no reason to think that Icke doesn't write any of his books. Maybe we'll learn more about this down the road. I do agree that he's no researcher, though. He's essentially just a New Ager with a "conspiracy" spin.

What amazes me is that I didn't know the details of Icke's past, despite being an avid follower. None of that stuff is emphasized by him, ever. And the autobiography is long out of print. No wonder, when it shows how he truly got started. It kind of shatters the illusion of him having been some devoted researcher from day one, which is how he's trying to appear nowadays.

Kimber said:
In this thread it has been evidenced that his
sources are very shaky at best. Now the money trail. If his career has been an orchestrated disinfo show, possibly
complete with a handler, it would be down right interesting and informative to find out, if at all possible with verifiable data.
I am attempting to do this.

Awesome, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Nomad said:
I think it is definitely worth considering what Laura discusses in the Wave, and in Secret History, about how knowledge acts on the brain, about binding and ligands etc, and that false knowledge (acquired maybe through lack of discernment) acts as a kind of 'receptor', and so further degrades the brain's ability to see objectively, and then hastens the path towards entropy.

For sure. This seems to be where Icke has been heading since 1990, which makes total sense. It would explain a lot of odd attitudes and behavior from him in recent years. Since the entire direction of his work is towards entropy, it's only natural that Icke himself would slide the same way. It seems tragic, because he generally seems sincere, and he especially did in his early days (although I realize sincerity can be faked). But sincere or not, Icke apparently made a choice to believe lies, simply because they stroked his ego and he experienced some nifty 4D "magic tricks." And it's been a downward spiral for him ever since. The real tragedy is that he sways the minds of so many others.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Argonaut said:
For sure. This seems to be where Icke has been heading since 1990, which makes total sense.
The real tragedy is that he sways the minds of so many others.

indeed. The conundrum then is, given that many people come across the C's material having already been 'Icked', is there an effective way to 'disengage' the bindings of Icke's various false concepts? Any way to provide an opportunity for individuals to break that programming? I think that once it sticks, it can stick very strongly - it is bound with all the emotional weight of having known that 'something is wrong' and then a kind of relief at having finally found 'an explanation that makes sense', so you get a kind of zealotry about it, the same as with mainstream religious/political programming, the very thing that these people are trying to escape! I think that without the very careful and intense personal application of 4th-way deprogramming practiced here, that it might often simply be a lost cause.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Nomad said:
Argonaut said:
For sure. This seems to be where Icke has been heading since 1990, which makes total sense.
The real tragedy is that he sways the minds of so many others.

indeed. The conundrum then is, given that many people come across the C's material having already been 'Icked', is there an effective way to 'disengage' the bindings of Icke's various false concepts? Any way to provide an opportunity for individuals to break that programming? I think that once it sticks, it can stick very strongly - it is bound with all the emotional weight of having known that 'something is wrong' and then a kind of relief at having finally found 'an explanation that makes sense', so you get a kind of zealotry about it, the same as with mainstream religious/political programming, the very thing that these people are trying to escape! I think that without the very careful and intense personal application of 4th-way deprogramming practiced here, that it might often simply be a lost cause.

Well, speaking as an Icke follower who discovered Laura and the C's... What changed things for me was years of reading articles on the Cass site, Laura's books, Gurdjieff, et al... And even after all that I still liked Icke, although I saw him as severely "off track" with his Reptilian concept. It took the digging in this thread to bring the full implications to light. With that in mind, if an Icke follower comes here sincerely, to learn and work, then this thread (or an article derived from it) might do wonders for them. But if they're coming to push some pro-Icke agenda or to argue, then definitely a lost cause.

So what facts can we emphasize to help an Icke follower break the programming? Maybe we can start with his line of force, and with the fact that it moves toward Entropy. Then we could illustrate this by contrasting Icke's traits, ideas, and life events with those of Laura, and perhaps also Gurdjieff. It could show the difference between a teacher of truth - whose teachings are toward Creation, and a teacher like Icke - who would be clearly shown as moving in the opposite direction. Back when I first came to the forum, something like this would've gotten me off the Icke fence very quickly, osit.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

A little more something to add I guess. In the early days, Icke referred to things as being "holographic" and I took both the "holographic" and "reptilian" themes as metaphor so I could hear the rest of what he was saying. Following along the lines of what argonaut said, I sought this book "The Holographic Universe" (mentioned in many threads here) in an effort to follow up. The used paperback versions were $220!! (Now they are $10) Lucky for me the corner bookstore's price was $3.99. (BONUS: I opened it and illusion toys fell out! RedGreen color blind, keyhole duality, polarizer, six or eight cards that someone had inserted that showed way that our eyes aren't always 100% perfect, I thought it funny, sorry for the noise)

Anyways, the book is a non-technical romp imho, just as Icke's statements about holography. I have not heard him try and systematically lay out a system of hyper-dimensions. Leads here would be useful, as specifics like how many levels there are and how they are stacked can be used to trace pedigree.

[quote author=Argonaut]So what facts can we emphasize to help an Icke follower break the programming?[/quote]
How about another idea? I was proud of Icke for resolving his intestinal issues. The pursuit was in earnest, trying to care of himself, and if you listen to his words about it, it was a lesson for him, by him, and the only thing he related to us is an encouragement for us to do same good things for us. In short, it was an off-pulpit episode. I don't know a lot about how such public figures are duped and manipulated, but the man has shown care - at points. My thoughts will turn now to an epiphany for him. If he self-reflects he might pipe down and commit to research or perhaps write a auto-biographical capitulation of how easily he stepped out on the plank and was made tool of. That could be pretty cool.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

[quote author=potamus]If he self-reflects he might pipe down and commit to research or perhaps write a auto-biographical capitulation of how easily he stepped out on the plank and was made tool of.[/quote]

Not likely, in light of the evidence brought out by the excellent efforts of those who contributed to this thread.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

:P Amen Jerry. I just hope I get another shot as some serious conversation with him, now so many years later.
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