CNN, just now, covering the police smothering NYC in their pre-nine-eleven anniversary crackdown, checkpoints everywhere, ensuring that they slow down traffic so that everyone is bothered, doing searches with no probable cause, license-plate scanning entire blocks at once (who knew they'd reveal that capability this way?), etc.

It never hit so hard before what a police state we have. CNN's Allan Chernoff on the NYC streets telling us: "It's just something New Yorkers have gotten used to over the past ten years." [The message: get used to it! No question is raised there.] Then he says, "No one likes it, but they know it's necessary." [The actual message: you have no choice, alleged democracy or not, you cannot stop this -- there is no question of its absolute necessity, despite the admission that it would be virtually impossible to catch a real suspect this way -- same message as with the TSA pat-down issue.] There's just no questioning at all.

It's so true, people will put up with anything as long as the changes are incremental. It seems the only "miscalculation" to be made by the PTB would be going too quickly. It's also true that a police state is built on the pretext that it is to protect the people from furtive invaders, but it is actually built to protect fearful, corrupt governments from their own people. Incrementally, it becomes clear to the people that it's all for them, yet by then they cannot protest openly without reprisal.

Good grief. I muse now only about what the pretext for the next incremental step forward will be.
PopHistorian said:
CNN, just now, covering the police smothering NYC in their pre-nine-eleven anniversary crackdown, checkpoints everywhere, ensuring that they slow down traffic so that everyone is bothered, doing searches with no probable cause, license-plate scanning entire blocks at once (who knew they'd reveal that capability this way?), etc.


Good grief. I muse now only about what the pretext for the next incremental step forward will be.

Yeah, it is a rather crazy environment to be in right now. Went out last night to the movies in Union Square, and they were conducting "random searches" with a whole table set up right by the guy who takes your tickets. There is this shrugging shoulders attitude, like "well, they've gotta do what they gotta do" with seemingly everyone who comes in contact with it.

Well, all I can say is: certainly glad there weren't any terrorists at my screening of Contagion! :O
No-mans-land gave me the courage to write this.

I thought I was free until meeting up with the TSA. As a person with a disability traveling in a wheelchair and multiple metal joints, my freedom of personal space and foreign hands exploring my body without expressed permission humiliated my person in front of hundreds of other travelers rightly concerned with their own ability to avoid being the random search.

This is actually the 1st time writing it out, because just the very thought of how the agent legally assaulted my person brings back the incident as it was yesterday. I thought I was free to say "NO" you may not touch my inner thighs. "NO", you may not touch my genitals through my pants. "NO" you may not touch my breasts with the backs of your hands. "NO" you may not touch my person. It was then I realized I was only FREE in my mind. If I wanted to travel with all the metal in my body, I must either give up freedom to the TSA or keep my freedom by staying on my rock.

I really really now understand why people to not report rapes. How does one survive having to repeat the story without feeling violated again?
I'm sorry to hear that 1peacelover. They have no right to do that to you. Unfortunately this is the sick world we live in, I wish it didn't have to be that way.
I hope that EE can help you cope with such experiences.

Thank you for sharing, as I can understand it must be hard to go through it again.
Take care. :flowers:
Thank you for sharing 1peacelover. :hug2:

What a horrible experience. I am so sorry that you had to go through that.

Sharing your story and doing regularly EE, will help you to heal. :flowers:
I, too, am sorry to hear about your horrible experience, 1peacelover. It's a really crazy world we live in with the pathologicals running wild affecting everything in our lives. Thanks for sharing this painful episode. Take care of yourself -- diet, EE, and this network will go a long way for you to heal from the traumatic experience.
Thank you all for you kind words. I give many thanks to discovering this forum and all those who have assisted in the evolution of "us". I cannot imagine my state of being "if" I knew nothing of Laura, Ark and their group, the C's and those souls involved with teaching us, had this happened. As a matter of fact where would any of us be?

The singing of POTS has given me the greatest solace. Actually, I was doing my EE breathing while this whole process was going on. That was my saving grace, because it restrained my urge to go ballistic. It probably kept me from missing my flight. Thank you again.
I could not agree more with the article presented here! This topic has been on my mind for quite some time now. I realize that this OrwellianSurveillance State (valid for every country on the globe) is kept in place because the majority of people "crave" for leaders not realizing that these leaders are in fact giving humanity kakistocracy combined with protectionism for corpotocracy - the ruling of big corporations.

The word Kakistocracy comes from the Greek words kakistos (κάκιστος; worst) and kratos (κράτος; rule), with a literal meaning of government by the worst people.[3] Despite its Greek roots, the word was first used in English, but has been adapted into other languages. Its Greek equivalent is kakistokratia (κακιστοκρατία), Spanish kakistocracia, French kakistocracie, and Russian kakistokratiya (какистократия).

People do not want to take self-responsibility and engage in critical thinking let alone posing challenging questions in public. They fear that they will be hurt by the brute force of the government. The truth is that we will all be hurt one way or another if we let this enslavement continue. Yet, the masses seem to be determined to let that happen because they are so poisoned with fluoridated water, chemtrails, mind control through TV and cheap enter(tr)ainment. The dumbing down in School is continuing - see common core in US and produces corporate soldiers who do not question anything. Our gigant problem is OBEDIENCE to the slave system. The last election in US has clearly shown that it absolutely doesn't matter who gets elected - the Agenda is being pushed forward anyway. Behind the scenes all parties are the same anyway. All are EVIL!

Excellent material on this you find on Maxwell Igan's Youtube Channel.
Government is the Enemy of the People

Government is Theft, Government is Violence, Government is Slavery
I could not agree more with the article presented here! This topic has been on my mind for quite some time now. I realize that this Orwellian Surveillance State (valid for every country on the globe) is kept in place because the majority of people "crave" for leaders not realizing that these leaders are in fact giving humanity kakistocracy combined with protectionism for corpotocracy - the ruling of big corporations.

The word Kakistocracy comes from the Greek words kakistos (κάκιστος; worst) and kratos (κράτος; rule), with a literal meaning of government by the worst people.[3] Despite its Greek roots, the word was first used in English, but has been adapted into other languages. Its Greek equivalent is kakistokratia (κακιστοκρατία), Spanish kakistocracia, French kakistocracie, and Russian kakistokratiya (какистократия).

Bill Binney: It’s next to impossible communicating safely, NSA know our weaknesses
Erik Sandberg Apr 30, 2018 / 3-Min. Read & Vid's Writer, Editor, Film Producer @eriksandberg
Teaser Snip:
Some of the most vocal critics of the ethics of the U.S. governmental and surveillance agencies have been the ones who worked and built their tracking programs. The problem many of these individuals feel — like Bill Binney, a former technical director at the NSA — is that the spying mechanisms and frameworks have been abused by successive American governments following the travesty that was 9/11.

The sheer amount of data that was being fed in to the National Security Agency in the lead-up to 9/11 is also a moot point in that the event was an entirely avoidable catastrophe. Programs originally designed and implemented to protect U.S. citizens are now being used against its population.

Listen to the full interview / 28:16
Bill Binney: From Director at the NSA to whistleblower
Since this old thread has been revived, I thought I'd share some thoughts on the points the original article brings up. I'm not sure I agree with the basic idea and maybe this is a reflection of things we've learned over the years? Basically, I think we have no choice other than functioning within the system and this kind of black and white criticism isn't always helpful. I do see the points they're making though, it's just that it's a very simplistic way to look at the world IMO. So:



WHEN : Your Earnings are stolen by a "legalized" fraud called income taxes to support the plush tax-consuming life-style of parasitic Career Politicians and many other "Royal Rulers" around the world? And,

This is way too simplistic. Obviously, you need taxes for the government to work. And while there are many "parasitic career politicians", there are also many, many bureaucrats who work very hard. I think salaries of politicians and bureaucrats aren't that big of a problem (they aren't that high anyway), the bigger problem is corruption, revolving door lobbyism and so on. But to call the tax system a "fraud"? Don't think so. Be precise in what you criticize.

WHEN : You cannot enjoy "Free" enterprise without getting an SSN ID Number (like a branded cow) from Your they can snoop into Your private life ?

Well, you need some way to identify people in the various bureaucratic systems, so I don't really see a problem here. Again, you can critizise aspects of the system concretely, precisely, and come up with a better way that is actually practicable. But the SSN ID is just a technicality. It may be symbolic in a way, but it doesn't make you a "slave" as far as I can tell.

WHEN : business taxes are pyramided unseen in the prices of all American products, Grossly Inflating their cost which, forced most of our basic industries out of our country (to be competitive); taking Millions of our WEALTH PRODUCING JOBS with them? And,

Again, way too simplistic. Could we really compete with the Chinese if we dropped VAT or something? Don't think so. This seems to be just a "natural" development - an emerging power coming to the scene with billions of people ready to populate the factories at much lower salaries. Plus, you can complain about hidden taxes of course, but then you need to come up with an idea of how to re-organize the government budget. That probably means cutting a lot of stuff, including social benefits and all that. Again, it's not so simple.

WHEN : " Churches are now incorporated subsidiaries of government, so members can worship "legally"? And,

Yes, I don't like that intertwining of church and state either. But as far as I know, in the US you can still found a religious organization, right?

WHEN : You must "pay" your public-servants for the "legal" permission to get married, even though marriage is a Religious Sacrament? And,

Well, you need to pay for most government services, including the public servants who file your marriage papers and all that. I don't really see a problem here. It's also not that high I think.

WHEN : Folks must read non-mainstream publications to see THE TRUTH, because the national news NET-work reveals only what the "Political Masters" allows "their tax-slaves" to see or hear as "the news"? And,

Fair enough. But you can read alternative news, right? So it's up to you.

WHEN : Your public servants have covertly taken THE TITLE to your car and given you a certificate of title that shows you no-longer own it!? And,

Don't know what that's all about, probably some obscure legal argument? Last time I checked, I owned my car.

WHEN : The word crime has been perverted by your public-servants to mean "any offense" against the government (which is an imaginary entity, and they falsely-claim a crime needs NO REAL VICTIM!?

Don't know what they mean exactly here. But you can't have a system working without a solid legal framework, which of course also contains prohibitions against sabotaging it, going against the legal authorities and so on. Again, be precise if you want to criticize something specific.

WHEN : Your children are "indoctrinated" in government schools into falsely-believing Their Rights are given to them by public servants in Congress, instead of the Almighty Creator of All Nature? And,

Yes, the government schools are a horrible tool of indoctrination. But I don't buy the thing about "rights" - seems that schools nowadays produce entitled kids who think they have every right in the world and constantly demand more rights. But good point about everything religious being banned from education. Then again, if that's your point, please articulate it precisely.

WHEN : The federal government pretends to be waging a "War On Drugs" as an excuse to totally deprive all of US Americans of Our God-given Birth -Rights to Live Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness? And,

That statement doesn't make sense to me at all. Be precise, specific.

WHEN : It's been made "legal" to murder Millions of unborn babies, GENOCIDE against Americans) by deceptively calling aborticide abortion? And,

I think there is a lot to be said about liberal abortion-madness, which is linked to completely unhinged sexual morals. But that statement is way too simplistic and emotional IMO. It's a complicated problem.

WHEN : ALL "dollars" are temporarily-loaned into circulation by banks at compounding-interest because WE Americans no-longer Own Any Money? And,

Yes, there are problems with the Western monetary system. What are you going to do about it? As a non-slave, you'll find a way to deal with it in your own life intelligently :-)

WHEN : You are compelled to "pay" Your debts with notices-of debt called credit and dollar-Bills? And,

Problems of the monetary system aside, you need some kind of money system in today's world, no? If you have any ideas on how to solve the problem better, go ahead and formulate them.

WHEN : You have been shackled with imposed debt because Your Labor and everything You and Your children will ever have is mortgaged to (foreign-bankers who Own all Class A stock of the Federal Reserve Banks? due to Congress ignoring Its Constitutional Duty of issuing Our Nation in a debt-free Money-Supply?

That is shifting the responsibility to the authorities. Instead, find ways to avoid debt if you hate it so much (which may mean scaling down, finding a better job, not buying a lot of things etc.)

WHEN : Your public-servants have concocted millions of Liberty oppressing laws, making it impossible for anyone to avoid violating some of them, and risk of being labeled a criminal, unjustly fined put in prison? And,

Please, be precise! A complex society needs complex laws, and it's not like you are put in jail for no reason at all. If you live in a complex society, be smart and don't panic. Yes, everyone can get into legal difficulties, but unless it's a malicious thing done by the authorities to harm you specifically, it's just the way it is and we need to deal with it.

WHEN : Public-servant judges unlawfully-guide the decisions of Citizen Jurors by lying, telling them they must vote to enforce and alleged law as he gives it (even though it's in violation of Our Constitution)? And,

Don't know what they are referring to precisely here, but again, all of this is very complicated and so the allegation seems too simplistic.

WHEN : The flag of Our Nation has been replaced in all court rooms and public buildings with a deceptive "look a like" but with a gold fringe which indicates we are now under unannounced Martial Law!? And,

What are they talking about? Seems really far-stretched to me.

WHEN : Tax collectors, bureaucrats, career-politicians and their laws & courts are more of a threat to Your Life, Liberty, and Property, than are common criminals

I guess that depends on which neighborhood you live in :-) Again, unless some people in positions of power target you specifically for some reason, there isn't much to be afraid of. At least I don't know any case in my personal surroundings where someone got harassed by authorities for no reason. It does happen of course, but has it actually happened to those complaining the loudest about it?


It's up to you! But if you already think you are a "slave", then you obviously think you have no power. And isn't this exactly what the authorities want you to believe? But it isn't true - it's just that the things we actually can change are often the things we least want to change, IMO.
The Same Military That Guns Down Peaceful Women and Children Is Training Cops In The US
June 10, 2018
U.S. law enforcement officials regularly travel to Israel to receive extensive training from a military that routinely shoots and kills innocent citizens.
As the death toll near the border in Gaza continues to grow, and Israeli military snipers shoot and kill innocent women and children, journalists, and nurses rendering aid to wounded victims, Americans should consider the influence Israeli forces are having on police in the United States, given the extensive training select law enforcement officials receive during seminars in Israel that have been ongoing for years.

It may sound like a “conspiracy theory,” but the close relationship between the U.S. and Israel—which costs American taxpayers nearly $4 billion a year—has extended to the training of law enforcement, and dozens of American officials are sent to Israel to train with Israeli law enforcement each year.

In September 2017, the Jerusalem Post reported that 52 American police officers from 12 states made a special trip to Israel “to train in counterterrorism techniques and attend an annual 9/11 memorial service outside Jerusalem” with the Police Unity Tour, which was established in 1997. During the trip, the delegation of officers was based at the Beit Shemesh police academy where they participated in counterterrorism drills and received training from Israeli military and police before they concluded on Sept. 11 with a 9/11 memorial service.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told the Post that he believes the “ongoing security threats” in Israel present the perfect situation for officers from around the world to receive training that will shape the way they view their jobs at home.

“In terms of counterterrorism tactics that have been used and implemented at numerous scenes across the country, where unfortunately terrorist attacks have taken place, the Israeli police have used those tactics to minimize injuries, as well as find rapid solutions,” Rosenfeld said.

The National Counter-Terrorism Seminar included training on topics such as “leadership in a time of terror” and “balancing the fight against crime and terrorism.” More than 200 law enforcement executives from over 100 departments in the United States—including immigration officials and campus police—have participated in the program since it launched in 2004, according to a report from The Intercept:
“In the aftermath of 9/11, Israel seized on its decades-long experience as an occupying force to brand itself as a world leader in counterterrorism. U.S. law enforcement agencies took the Jewish state upon its expertise by participating in exchange programs sponsored by an array of pro-Israel groups, like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, and the Anti-Defamation League. Over the past decade and a half, scores of top federal, state, and local police officers from dozens of departments from across the U.S. have gone to Israel to learn about its terrorism-focused policing.”

The training sessions began happening regularly after 9/11, and the Jewish Virtual Library noted that they have been presented as a way to show that “American police and law enforcement officials are taking advantage of Israel’s expertise in various facets of counter-terrorism and first response to better protect the American people.” A timeline from the Library highlighted how the program has developed over the years:
  • 2002 – Los Angeles Police Department Detective Ralph Morten visited Israel to receive training and advice on preparing security arrangements for large public gatherings.
  • 2003 – 33 senior U.S. law enforcement officials from cities including Washington, Chicago, Boston, and Philadelphia, traveled to Israel to attend a meeting on “Law Enforcement in the Era of Global Terror.”
  • 2003 – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security established a special Office of International Affairs to institutionalize the relationship between Israeli and American security officials.
  • 2011 – A delegation of American police commanders, security experts and FBI agents, traveled to Israel for a joint training seminar with Israeli counter-terrorism officials, sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League.
  • 2012 – The New York Police Department opened an Israeli branch at the Sharon District Police Headquarters in the Israeli coastal city of Kfar Saba.
  • 2013 – A special team of bomb squad members from cities along the U.S.-Mexico border traveled to Israel to improve techniques and tactics for dealing with illegal immigration.
When David Grosso, a city council member in Washington D.C., learned that D.C. Metropolitan Police Commander Morgan Kane was a member of the 2017 trip, he wrote a letter to the department’s chief of police arguing that no matter where the training was taking place, the last thing the U.S. needs is more militarization among local police when what is actually needed is a community-based approach.

“I am concerned that we are not doing enough to prevent the militarization of law enforcement in the District of Columbia,” Grosso wrote. Learning from military advisors is not what local law enforcement needs.

Given the fact that police in the United States already have easy access to military equipment—in fact, a police department with only eight officers obtained $3 million worth of military vehicles, weapons, and equipment—the idea that departments are receiving extensive military training should raise major red flags.

The training seminars are also incredibly troubling because of the fact that American law enforcement officials are working alongside a military that openly promotes the idea that it is acceptable to shoot and kill both peaceful protesters and innocent women, children, journalists and medics who pose no threat to them whatsoever. Each police officer in the United States who adopts the mentality that such cruel and inhumane killings are justified will start to apply the same mindset to his fellow citizens, and he can no longer claim that his true intent is “to serve and protect.

Tactics used on those who seek to be free from tyranny.

How the CIA Undermined Civil Rights — Forbidden History They Don’t Want You to Know

"Reporters who exposed other CIA targeting of black American communities were singled out for discrediting and character assassination. Gary Webb’s Dark Alliance series published with The Mercury News alleged the involvement of the CIA in trafficking of crack cocaine that was rampantly distributed in black communities and resulted in disproportionate sentencing of black Americans. The high incarceration rates that resulted from these policies further contributed to the fragmentation of the black American family unit. Webb was attacked by almost every mainstream media outlet for his revelations and was ultimately found dead with two gunshots to the head.

The combined effect of legal, biological and sociological attacks on the black community has prevented them from realizing Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of a black American society built on bedrock of stable family units. In 1960, two thirds of black children lived with two parents – today that number has been reduced to one third. Over 73% of black children are born out of wedlock according the data published by the Center for Disease Control in 2012 (a dramatic increase from 11% in 1938). These statistics are part of an overall decrease in fertility and birth rates that have continued uninterrupted to this day. This trend is alarming, given that social scientists have been observing since the 1960’s that the breakdown of the family unit was not due to economic factors. The obstacles created by the intelligence community and new social theories degraded the ability of black families to retain their cohesive structure, exposing generations to the struggles of single parenthood and continuous poverty.

Despite these factors that disrupt family structure and make life more difficult for black women, Gloria Steinem as recently as 2015 told the Huffington Post that she credited black women with “starting the feminist movement” she helped foster and spread in the 1960’s and 70’s. She has remained active in various social justice movements. In January 2017, she was a speaker at the Women’s March protests in Washington DC.

It seems that Operation CHAOS may have lingered on past 1973 in spirit if not in name. Certain members of the Reagan administration would eventually attempt to allow the CIA to resume domestic operations in the 1980’s. The proposal received strong criticism in the New York Times. In 2015, reports began to emerge highlighting claims that an activist crossing the Canadian border was “randomly selected”

The entire article is here.
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