Do you remember the C’s saying that
viruses are information and could cause changes in our physiology and also spiritual development?
from October 11th 2014 Session:
(L) So, liquid DNA... What we have here is a little bit of a confirmation of what the C's were saying way back when, that DNA can turn from a solid to a liquid – the truncated liquid reference in the context of genetic engineering - to infect a cell. But we also know that DNA can also produce beneficial changes. The likelihood is that we have DNA that infected us at some point in time. It truncated the flow of some other DNA that's in our cells already there, but it isn't doing anything because it's been blocked by an infection that inserted introns of blockages. The possibility exists, I am surmising, that at some point in time, this could be changed or reversed possibly - probably - virally. Now, am I on to something here?
A: Oh indeed! The times ahead will be most interesting especially if the network both expands to the full tribal unit strength, and many others take the initiative to move up to the next stair step.
Now, here’s some information about the works done at Hansa Centre on Lyme disease and other ailments:
First allow me to quote some of the Series which present the Hansa Centre philosophy:
Lyme Disease Series - Part I
In most Lyme disease treatment philosophies the focus of every treatment revolves around the killing of bacteria and coinfections.
Whether the treatment is conventional antibiotics, botanical antimicrobial supplements, or antimicrobial rife-frequencies all of these treatment focus on the “bugs” as the ultimate cause of dis-ease, and their annihilation the ultimate cure. Is this treatment focus correct?
Clinical research suggests that in the many of the people who experience long-term recovery from chronic Lyme disease (CLD) the bacteria and coinfections played only a secondary role in their recovery.
The focus of this tip is to propose a bio-centric, instead of microbe-centric focus in the treatment of people suffering from what is generally called CLD.
While many doctors and people can point to remissions in individuals, brought about by antibiotic-type treatments, the ultimate role played by these drugs/supplements is over-glamorized, while the restorative functions of the human body is downplayed or ignored altogether. Health restoration is a function of the body, not a function of a drug.
In an illness where all LD laboratory tests demonstrate a high, false-negative rate, even in profoundly sick LD cases, the extensive antibiotic treatment and subsequent finding of a negative lab test means very little to validate the effectiveness of the treatment.
It turns out we all have Strep bacteria in our respiratory tract, but we may never have "Strep throat." This same Strep bacteria we were told could kill us...and it could in the right body environment.
It is the same with LD. A person may always have the bacteria yet never have the disease as long as they maintain a healthy condition.
Just testing positive to having a certain bacteria or virus does not mean you will come down with a disease from that bug. Nor are you a ticking time bomb.
Treat the bugs and more bugs will follow. Treat the human condition and health will follow.
Lyme Disease Series - Part II
I guarantee that even if you could be irradiated, like a hunk of meat, and kill every single Lyme bacteria instantly, you would still have most if not all of your symptoms for a long time, if that was all you did. Health is not the absence of bacteria. It is the restoration of optimum coherence on every level of human existence.
While bringing down the bacterial population is desirable, the reality is that you will be well when the structural integrity and function integrity of the entire human organism has be restored.
It must be understood that optimum health is the point at which the body, mind, and spirit can adapt instantly and correctly to any changes in their internal and external environment. Loss of this adaptability arises prior to the occurrence of what is known as LD.
Dr. E. Mark Haacke, Ph.D. is the inventor of MRI-angiography, and is the leading expert on measuring the blood flow dynamics of the neurovascular system. He is the founder of International Society of Neurovascular Disease (www.isnvd.org) Dr. Haacke has research data soon to be published that defines findings associated degenerative neurological conditions such as MS, ALS, Alzheimer’s, and other neurodegenerative diseases that are often associated with LD. His research reveals disturbances in vascular flow in the veins of the brain and neck, the ultimate correction of which has restored neurological function in people with previously diagnosed with M.S. symptoms, neurological diseases, autonomic disorders, pain syndromes, and Lyme disease.
Every doctor trained in the healing philosophies of Biological Medicine is accustomed to seeing often rapid, and transformative restorations of health after correcting everything that is interfering with the body’s own restorative abilities.
The point here is to show that once the diagnosis is made of Lyme disease, 99% of doctors focus their primary efforts toward annihilating the bacteria and coinfections, and all of the other treatments revolve around that primary focus.
In chronic Lyme disease especially, it appears that the center of focus must be placed on restoring optimum coherence within the body, with the microbial issues being addressed as a secondary focus.
Lyme Disease Series - Part III
So the medical research and the medical definition of cure show that a “Cure” is not the absence of bacteria. The people experienced a “Restoration of health” without killing all of the bacteria. And yes for those of you who might say the body killed the bacteria via the immune system, this too is not borne out by the medical research that reveals the Strep or whatever bacteria is was is still in the body, only it is now non-pathological.
Lyme Disease Series - Part IV
BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE: A pure, unmixed philosophy of health care that recognizes that all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit must be addressed and brought into optimal integrity before lasting restoration of health can be achieved.
When in remission one is only talking about the suppression of symptoms and therefore the causes remain underneath the medication and the symptoms even if gone for a period of time without medication, has a strong likelihood of returning since the cause was never addressed.
When you take a painkiller for the symptom of chronic headaches, during the period of no pain …you are in remission.
When a person takes antibiotics for a chronic infection, such as Lyme disease, without addressing the underlying systemic issues that lead to the actual "dis-ease", and because the bacterial overgrowth is indeed a only symptom of underlying problems in the body…you are most often only in remission.
Simply having Lyme bacteria and co-infections in a person's body does not mean that person will ever come down with the disease. This means the presence of bacteria is not the ultimate cause of LD. The bacteria might be thought of as the spark, while the weaknesses in the body are the dynamite! No weakness equals no explosion.
When all of the various causes and interferences to the optimum integrity and function of the many systems and tissues of the body are removed and the optimum integrity and function of every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit are restored in any named illness…you are cured…the pain goes away, the paralysis reverses, the bacteria become none pathological, the tumor disappears. The symptoms will not return unless you redo the things that set the problem in motion in the first place.
The primary difference between the remedies of Biological Medicine and drugs of Allopathic Medicine is that every remedy is used with the sole purpose of restoring some aspect of dysfunction of the body, which once corrected the remedy can be discontinued. The majority of drugs seek only to suppress symptoms and therefore these drugs must be taken for the remainder of the person’s life.
One of the most disrespected aspects of natural and conventional medicine’s view of the human body, and its suffering, is that there is little understanding and respect for the wisdom of the body.
It is this understanding and wisdom of what problems the body is attempting to adapt to that differentiates the Doctor using Biological Medicine from that of conventional, allopathic medical doctors who justify their suppressive treatments by the disappearance of the symptoms, in spite of what the body is attempting to overcome, and in spite of the secondary side-effects.
The philosophy of Biological Medicine seeks to provide the body with the building blocks and corrective bio-information and therapeutics to restore the optimum integrity and function of the entire body, mind, and spirit. From this treatment philosophy the causes and the symptoms of “disease” falls away, and “Health is restored” resulting in cure...in spite of the presence of bacteria!
Some videos of Hansa Centre on Lyme disease treatment
1. Assassins of Lyme Bacteria - Dr. David Jernigan, Hansa Center for Optimum Health.
In this informative lecture, Dr. David A. Jernigan discusses his research and possible mechanisms for frequency-matched formulations.
He mentions the importance of stomach acid as a first line of defence when ingesting contaminated food,which will keep you healthy , as long as your body can produce it properly.
He goes then on, presenting a treatment
using encoded bacteriophages (viruses) which go after the targeted bacteria, usually that which does more havoc in the body, still not disturbing the other populations of bacteria. Bacteriophages can regulate the immune reaction of the body.
They developed frequency matched remedies which are encoded viruses that seek out specific bacteria. They use bioresonance scanning to identify the misbehaving bacteria.
He mentions the great versatility of Lyme bacteria which is literally “shape shifting” (from cyst to spirochete, and back) to avoid dying off.
2. Helping the Body Beat Lyme Disease - Dr. David Jernigan, Hansa Center for Optimum Health
Wisdom consists of making the best use of knowledge – so do not treat only the symptoms as the cause will remain.
He said that this medicine is a
“software in a liquid” (
an encoded virus in this case) – what the body needs to correct itself.
The body also has a software which enables an organism that has the potentially harmful bacteria but not the disease. He said that health is a state where body can adapt instantly and and correctly to any challenge in its internal or external environmentwithout losing functional or structural integrity!
So true healthcare ‘s work is to restore what is optimum in every system of the body. You need the building blocks and the bioenergetic information so that the body could restore its functional integrity.
About Lyme
- It is more than one simple infection, there are always more active infections (babesia, erlichia, bartonella, mycoplasma,HHV,…)
- Present a chart with dead borellia eliminated after treatment with his product Borellogen, in comparison with antibiotic treatment
And a summary:
What factors prevent you from getting over illness from microbes?
We have all heard the saying, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” This is so true in every aspect of healthy living. Any area of your life which is out of health rhythm and balance becomes a weak point. Weak links in a person’s life can be often identified by where the focus of infection is located in the body.
For instance, viruses much prefer nerve tissue, while bacteria prefer blood and tissues with high metabolic activity. Nerve tissues can become susceptible to viral infection to mental, emotional, or otherwise sensory overload.
Bacterial challenges may be the result of nutritional deficiencies, toxin overload, weather extremes that weaken tissue resistance, and physical injuries such as cuts and abrasions.
with a list of factors which can upset the body leading to illnesses:
The factors that may lead to microbial illness through upsetting the body’s healthy balance are numerous. The following list is by no means complete:
• Imbalanced body pH (Too acidic or too alkaline)
• Prolonged or acute exposure to weather extremes
• Acute and chronic low core body temperature
• Cross-wiring of the limbic system
• Prolonged mental and emotional suppression
• Prolonged negative emotions
• Inherited predispositions and constitutional weaknesses
• Overuse of antibiotics, steroids
• Imbalances caused by prescription medicines
• Suppression of fevers
• Vaccinations/immunizations
• Prolonged Biomechanical stress
• Infection through auto-suggestion; normally fueled by the news media
• Dietary imbalances
• Tissue toxin overload
• Poor function of the organs of elimination, i.e., colon, urinary tract, lungs, skin
• Geopathic stress
• Overwork
• Under sleeping
• Excessive prolonged stress
• Spiritual distress
• Electromagnetic pollution
• Mental overexertion
• Depression/emotional imbalance
• Poor Hygiene
• Lack of creative stimulation
• Loss of connection to the world around you
• Loss of direction and purpose
• Lost love and affection
• Hate
Basically, any influence that leads to an over or under stimulation of any aspect of life can adversely alter your receptivity to infection.
The type of illness and the areas affected most by the infections are determined by the weaknesses in the person and the number of factors from the above list, that are involved. Sometimes several of the above listed factors are involved in creating the illness, as well as prolonging the time it takes for the illness to resolve. The point is that an effective treatment strategy must include therapies that will correct any and all factors leading to the receptivity to disease.
Most people have taken antibiotics at some point in this day and age. Once the symptoms are gone, most people, and their doctor, don’t give it another thought. Research shows that the antibiotics don’t kill all of the bacteria, and yet you may never need to take another dose if your body and other issues are addressed as well?
When dealing with the primary infectious disease of our day, Lyme disease, and its coinfections, you must, must, balance all aspects of your life and the many issues of the body and mind, before the symptoms will disappear. The bacteria will likely always be detectible on sensitive tests, yet the disease will never to return as long as you stay in balance.
Excuse me for this long post, I just tried to present another point of view which could be of help
Thank you for your patience